Somewhere Along the Way...To...

By Lozza0203

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Book two, following on from Somewhere Along the way. Y/N has just been saved from Hydra, but has the dreams... More

In Those Eyes...
Despite It All...
Sounds Like Heaven...
Oohhh That's Good...
Just You Wait...
My Brother...
Change Is Upon Us...
Oh I Had Missed This...
I Love You Darling...
The Warriors Three and Lady Sif...
Make A Wish...
Too Soon...
Asgards in Danger...
What's Got You in a Mood...
Hello Mother...
Is She Your Mate...
For Asgard, I Will Fight...
The Warrior...
I See a King Blossoming...
Light It Up...
Dark Magic...
You Love it. Remember...
I Have A Date...
Laufeyson. Loki Laufeyson...
To Being Free...
What Did We Do Last Night?...
You're Late...
It's Always Been You...
Are Gods Immortal?...
Brutal. I Like It...
Eat The Apples...
May the Gods be with You...
Destroy Them All...
This Will Hurt...
The Kursed...
Let Me Return The Favour...
Paint It Black...
Its Getting Dark...
How About See You Again...

Look at Me...

447 30 3
By Lozza0203

Soon evening came and Loki, Thor and myself where sent to escort the Avengers to Asgard. As we stood at the Bifrost my chest suddenly tightened and I started taking heart palpitations.

I had an strange overwhelming feeling wash over my body which left me a little disoriented. I grabbed onto Loki's hand squeezing it in hopes the tighter I held it, it might make the uneasy feeling go.

"Darling are you ok?" He looked at me worriedly, his words stopping Thor in his tracks as well.

I nodded as I inhaled a deep shaky breath. "I-I just feel a little funny is all."

His hand slipped around my waist as he stepped closer to me, pulling my body in tight to his for support.

"I have you Darling. You are safe," he murmured to me. "We can take a moment before we go back to Midgard."

I leant my head against his shoulder and closed my eyes briefly, hoping to regain my composure. When I closed my eyes everything began to spin and a wave of nausea washed over me.

I felt his cool lips meet my forehead, as he peppered feather like kisses over my skin. I sighed, smiling contently. "Thank you...I really don't feel good Lokes."

"If Little One is not feeling well brother, take her back to the palace. I will go fetch the others." Thor rubbed his hand along my arm gently, "We need you for this're not..." he paused, "you're not with child? Are you?"

I went to protest and tell them I wasn't, but my body went limp in Loki's arms before I could open my mouth.

When I woke I was with the healers.


Muffled voices sounded around me and I sighed loudly attempting to sit up before one very abrupt, loud shout from Loki carried through the hall stopping me in my tracks.


Loki burst through the doors, followed by a few of the ladies who looked rather annoyed by the Prince's ignorance.

He however did not care, as he perched himself on the edge of the bed, smiling down at me gently. "How are you feeling now my Love?"
He asked as he pushed some stray hairs away from my face, before feeling my forehead. "Your temperature has dropped thank goodness. Mother believes it is your body fighting the serum." He paused watching me for a moment, "Perhaps we should see about having Mother remove it?"

I gently eased myself up off the bed to sit upright, "I'm fine Loki. For all we know it could have been that apple."

That made Loki pause for a moment, "No." he shook his head in disagreement, "No. That...that can't be it."

I watched on as he seemed to be having some kind of internal battle with himself, I reached forwards grabbing onto his arm and tugging him towards me. I caught his face in my hands before he fell. Staring at me he seemed shocked.

"It is not your fault Loki. Don't get in your head again." I warned before placing a gentle kiss on his lips, "Now if you don't mind I would rather we got out of here."

A breathy laugh left his lips, "Alright, lets go then." He took hold of both my hands and transported us back to his room.

"I will run you a bath Darling," he informed me as he pushed himself up off the bed we had landed comfortably on.

I whined in protest of him leaving grabbing a hold of his arm, stopping him from walking away any further. I pouted giving him my best puppy dog eyes, "Nooo. Don't leave me."

He looked at me in disbelief then began to laugh. A laugh that was infectious and it made me begin to join along with him, "that was pathetic wasn't it?" I giggled.

"Pathetic? No Darling. Hilarious actually." He stepped towards me grabbing me bridal style off the bed, "However, if my Lady wishes I shall join her?" He wiggled his eyebrows at me as he made his way to the bathroom, placing me down gently on the edge of the bath.

He put the plug in, turning the hot water on. As the water fell from the faucet he conjured up some different herbs and salts before my very eyes, adding them to it. Soon the room was filled with beautiful aromatic smells that I couldn't help but inhale.

While he was lost in preparing the bath I stood up, slipping off my dress and underwear, kicking them to the side. I walked up behind him and slipped my arms around his waist, undoing the buttons on his tunic and sliding my hands along his cool stomach. His muscles flexed under my touch and I couldn't help but smile as I moved my hands to slip it free from his shoulders.

He turned to face me, drinking in the sight of me standing naked before him. I reached forwards and untied his trousers before pushing them gently down off his hips, as they fell to the floor he moved out of them.

His hand cupped my chin, tipping my head back so he could kiss me feverishly, I couldn't help but take a step closer to him, pressing our bodies together. I just wanted to be close to him. I felt safe with him. I felt at home.

He broke the kiss, looking down at me with gentle eyes, "Come on before it gets cold." He proceeded to step into the sunken bath holding out his hand for me to take, taking it I stepped in with him.

He sat down spreading his legs so I could place myself between them, once seated he pulled me back into his chest and we let the warmth of the bath engulf us both.

We sat there lost in each other's company, as he traced patterns over my thighs.


"Hmm Darling?" He sounded lost in thought.

"Are...are you scared?" I felt my heart begin to hammer in my chest.

He sighed, leaning in to rest his face against the back of my hair. It seemed as if he was mulling over something.

Finally he answered, "Absolutely terrified."

My stomach dropped. Loki was a powerful God. Gods shouldn't be terrified of anything.

I swallowed hard, "Glad I'm not the only one..."

"I'm not terrified of the battle My Love, not at all. I've faced many horrific battles over the years, my scars are proof of that. I'm terrified of losing you...again."

"Lokes..." I turned my body around to face him, nestling myself on my knees between his legs. "No matter what happens..." I placed my hand on his heart, "You will never have lost me. I will always be right here. In your heart."

"Don't talk like that Darling please." His voice began to break as he lifted his head to look at me, "I can't...I can't go through it again. Not when we have our whole lives ahead of us. There's so much I wanted us to do." Tears began to spill from his eyes, his arms snaking around me to pull me close to him. I kissed his cheeks gently, wrapping my arms around his neck and playing with his hair, trying to calm him down.

"Like what?" I asked, curious to hear what he had planned.

He let out a little laugh, "I want us to go home, finish what we started in your kitchen that night for starters." I rolled my eyes, shaking my head at him with a smirk on my face. "Then," he continued. "I wanted us to ride out on the horses together. I want us to go see your Mother again. Then....then I wanted to take you to see each of the Nine Realms. I want...." He paused, looking me in the eyes.

"What?" I searched his face... "What is it?"

He smiled, shaking his head and looking away from me out the window, "I pictured us getting married some day you know...perhaps even starting a family. If you wanted to of course. We could live wherever you wanted. Midgard or here in Asgard. Or we could travel between both. I just...I want to do it all with you Darling. Everything. Like I told you in that letter, I want to share all those experiences and more with you..."

"Loki," I breathed. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. " really want that with me?" I asked in disbelief.

He nodded, "I really do. If you will have me?"

I pushed myself back, creating a space between us as the guilt started to tighten in my chest. The sudden change in my demeanour made Loki look at me worriedly as I dropped my gaze to my hands that were resting now on my thighs.

"I need to tell you something." This made me sick to my stomach, but I couldn't lie to him. I had to tell him.

"Go on Darling..." his voice had a hint of bitterness behind it.

"I....I..." I could feel my chest tighten, "Bucky and I kissed."


"We were drunk. I...I." I tripped over my words as fear overwhelmed me, "We both were. We didn't know what we were doing but we stopped it, came straight home." My voice had broke at this point and tears fell from my eyes.

Silence again and in all honesty I was scared to look up.

"At the beach...He...he told me he loved me, but he knows I love you and that my happiness was all that mattered to him. I swear, Loki. You're who I want to be with, it's you. It's always been will always be you but you had pushed me away, given me the cold shoulder, made me feel shitty...."

"And Bucky made you feel loved." His voice was bitter. "Made you feel wanted. Made you feel important to him. He was there for you...Like I have failed to do numerous times now. I know I did you wrong those weeks following you saving my life...I know that. But it was my monsters taking control...and I should be livid, I should want to rip his head clean off his body. For ever dreaming of trying to take you from me..."

He stopped, which caused me to glance up nervously.

I couldn't read his face as his eyes bored into my soul.

"I...I..." I was stuttering now, "Loki I mean what I say when I tell you it's you. I couldn't go any longer without being honest to you and I understand if you want me to go. But I don't love him the way I love you."

I heard the water move, before I seen it, as my eye glanced down, his hand gripped the back of my neck, making me gasp as he pulled me towards him roughly.


His mouth crashed onto mine. Our teeth clattering together with the force of the movement before he moved to grab my hips.

He lifted me and placed me on his lap, my hands landed on his pecks from the abruptness of his movement to steady myself.

Then I slid one around to fist into his hair and tug on it. He growled into my mouth in response and I could feel the heat between my legs rising. Like a wildfire it began to spread through my body.

Loki was dominating me. I knew he was taking out his anger on Bucky upon my body. He was claiming me. He was showing me I was his, and I was about to let him. And maybe most terrifying of all was the final emotion that rushed through me.

Desire. Want. A blatant and shameless need for him. I needed him to show me just how much I meant to him. Even if I knew he would show no mercy.

He smirked cruelly up at me as he broke the kiss, seeing those emotions flash through my eyes. "I thought you'd like this." He growled before he moved his lips to my neck, like a predator eager to taste its prey.

As his lips moved back up along my neck and jaw he found my mouth again. He kissed me slowly, passionately. The kind of rough brutality that left me wanting more. I moved my hips to grind against him, letting him know just that. He captured my hips in his large hands, shifting me so his tip was at my entrance.

My head fell back as he thrust inside me. Slow at first, but slow did not mean gentle. The hand still resting on his peck curled against his skin and I felt my body beginning to tremble beneath him with each of his thrusts.

He began to move faster and rougher, his hands still gripping on tightly to my waist. Using them to pull me down to the base of him with every move.

I didn't know if my body would be able to take this, my sight and sound began blurring together under the sudden intensity of it all. I forgot everything else around me.

The only thing certain was that Loki's lips had never left mine the whole time. I hadn't wanted them to. Until now.

"Loki." I managed to moan, as I broke free from his lips to gasp for air.

He shook his head, his emerald eyes now almost crimson as he looked at me. He was in no mood for bargaining. "No. You will tell me you fucking love me and when I make you come you will scream my name." He muttered.


That shouldn't have had the effect on me that it did.

My head rolled back in pleasure as moans began to fall from my chest that I couldn't control now my lips were freed.

Loki's head fell to between my breasts and I felt his voice vibrate against my skin, "Mine." He growled gruffly before proceeding to bite down on my skin, clearly marking me.

"Loki," I hissed, digging my nails into his skin at the painful sensation. He growled again as my nails dragged along his shoulder.

Suddenly he stood from the bath carrying me out of the bathroom, to the bed. He laid me down onto the cool sheets and I sucked in a breath.

There was a stark contrast in how cold they were against my skin compared to the warmth of the water. He slipped between my legs and thrust straight back into me, I cried out as he hit my g spot.

"Look how fucking beautiful you are while I am buried inside you Darling, you are mine."

My hands wandered over the cool sheets, begging for something to grip onto. The way he thrust up into my core sent me almost over the edge. My mouth fell open as I went to call out his name. Instead he pulled out of me, making me gasp in shock.

"Pet..." he growled as he hovered at my hips impatiently.

"Look at me."

I was a panting mess lying tangled beneath him. My eyes shot open at the sternness in his voice.

"Tell me and I will let you come." He mumbled, his muscles stiffening as he slipped back into me painstakingly slowly. Taking his time, gripping my thighs and pulling my legs up.

"Loki...I'm yours." I whimpered, aching for him to give me my release. He let my legs drop to his sides before he crawled up my body, quickly he immersed himself inside me once more, his fingers slipping to play with my clit, working faster along with his thrusts. His mouth wrapped around my nipple and I arched my back in response.

I was so close,"I'm yours....Loki I'm...I am yours!" I was a desperate begging mess for him. "Please...oh God...please." I felt tears beginning to brim in my eyes as I begged mercilessly for my release.

He moved all the way out of me, before slamming back into me, "Yes you are and another man will never touch you. In any way, as long as I'm living and breathing Pet."
He moved to clamp my nipple between his teeth again before sucking on it.

The sensation sent me over the edge and I screamed out his name as I orgasmed hard. "Fuck! Oh God! Loki!"

I heard him moan out as I pulsed around him, my soul seemed to unravel along with me as my body was wracked with pleasure. It was hammering through me, sinful and relentless. My head was swimming as I panted for air. Not because I needed to breathe, but because I needed more of him. Only him.

"I love you Loki." My voice was small and it sounded distant. So much so I called the words out again and again to make sure he heard them. "I love you...I love you." The tears spilled from my eyes as I recited it over and over.

I'm the midst of my rambling, Loki's lips found mine again. He mumbled against them, "I love you too Darling."

I felt him tense above me as he reached his release. His body shaking along with my own, "Marry me?" He whispered into my ear.

I blinked, had I heard that right?

"Darling? Marry me. Please. Be my wife."

I snapped my head up, my forehead almost colliding with his nose, "What?" I felt the room spin slightly with the lack of blood in my head and the abrupt movement as the world snapped back into place.

Loki looked down at me, "I asked you to marry me Darling." His raven curls dangled down around my face as he stared down at me. We were both covered in sweat. Both panting and both exhausted.

I stared at him, my mouth agape, finally realising what he had just asked of me.

"Yes! Yes!" I breathed out, smiling I grabbed his face and pulled him to meet my lips. I continued to mumble yes against his lips as we kissed.

He pulled back, laughing with delight. Looking down at my right hand he took the ring off my finger. "Thank you Darling. For making me the happiest man in all nine realms My Love." He murmured as he slipped the ring onto my ring finger. "I promise once all this is over I will get you the finest ring on Asgard."

I shook my head, "You don't need to...this is perfect." I smiled down looking at my hand.

We were engaged.

I smiled up at him again, butterflies forming in my stomach. He slipped free from me and I winced at the sensation. When he freed himself completely, he lay behind me and pulled my body into his.

Wrapping me safely in his arms.

Where I belonged.

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