All of Me (Sebastian Vettel)

By AlwaysSeb

84.8K 3.4K 3.1K

Four time Formula 1 World champion Sebastian Vettel had been just 18 years old when his girlfriend, now ex wi... More

1. A Familiar Face
2. Face to Face
3. Joel's Story
4. Confrontation
5. Setting the Ball Rolling
6. Lost and Found
7. Alyssa's Story
8. Bournemouth
9. A Face From The Past
10. Reconnecting (1)
11. Reconnecting (2)
12. Promises
13. A Bit of Lighthearted Banter
Race Results 🇧🇭🇸🇦🇦🇺🇮🇹
14. Cry For Help
15. Protective Instinct
17. Stronger Together
18. Not His Usual Type
19. The Porsche
20. Barcelona
21. The Morning After The Night Before
22. The Lunch Date
23. One Step At A Time
24. No Time To Talk
25. Sister Time
26. Homecoming
27. The Double Header (1)
Race Results 🇺🇸🇪🇸🇲🇨🇦🇿
28. The Double Header (2)
29. The Trouble With Overthinking
30. Forgiveness
31. Time To Say Goodbye
32. The Argument
33. A Day At The Zoo
34. Easy on Me
35. The Day After
36. Teasing
37. Sneaking Around: Austria
38. Sneaking Around: France(1)
39. Sneaking Around: France(2)
40. Sneaking Around: France(3)
41. Sneaking Around: Hungary
Race Results 🇨🇦🇬🇧🇦🇹🇫🇷🇭🇺
42. Summertime Blues (1)
43. Summertime Blues (2)
44. Summertime Blues: Seb's Version
45. Fury
46. Revenge
47. Just The Two Of Them
48. From Paradise to Reality
49. Whispers
50. In the Spotlight
51. Past and Present
52. Seeing Red (1)
Race Results 🇧🇪🇳🇱🇮🇹
53. Seeing Red (2)
54. An Awkward Encounter
55. Sochi
56. Doubts?
57. Suzukaraoke
Race Results 🇷🇺🇸🇬🇯🇵
58. A Sky Full of Stars
59. Tensions
60. The Costume Party
61. Hospital Dash
62. Falling Apart
Race Results 🇺🇸🇲🇽🇧🇷
63. Slipping Through His Fingers (1)
64. Slipping Through His Fingers (2)
65. Facing His Fate
Race Result 🇦🇪 and Final Standings
66. A Glimmer of Hope
67. Silent Night
The Story Continues...

16. Leap of Faith

1.2K 53 43
By AlwaysSeb

Seb jumped up and ran to the front door.  He pulled it open and ran along the balcony.  He dashed down the stairs, figuring it would be quicker than waiting for the elevator,  and out into the car park.  He looked left, he looked right,  but he couldn't see Alyssa anywhere.  Taking his phone out, he tried to call her.  He was  sent straight to voicemail. 

"Alyssa, this isn't funny.  You can't just walk off alone with him about.  I'm worried sick.  Please ring me when you get this."  He went back up the stairs to the flat.  He found Cherry sat in the lounge.

"How could she do this Cherry? He could take her, he could hurt her.  Why would she put herself in danger like this?" Seb asked.

"Seb, sit down.  You are overreacting. She will be fine.  Now I've thought about it, she's probably safer out there than she is in here.  Out there he doesn't know where she is.  Here he could find her all too easily."

"I'm not overreacting.  She shouldn't be out there alone, not after what he did.  She should be calling the police," Seb exclaimed.

"I agree, but it is Alyssa's decision to make.  We cannot force her to do anything she doesn't want to do.  If we do we are no better than him."

"We're not hurting her!"  How could Cherry compare them to the scumbag that had ruined Aly's life?

"No, we're not, but she has to choose her own path in life. She should not be controlled and told what to do.  We can advise her, but at the end of the day you cannot make her call the police, and you cannot make her go home with you."

"I just can't leave her here," he said.

"Seb, you don't have a choice."

Deep down he knew Cherry was right.  He couldn't force Alyssa to go with him.  He just felt so helpless.  He wanted to keep her safe!   He silently admitted that selfishly he also wanted her to go with him so he could see more of her.

"She'll be back.  She just needs time to think," Cherry continued.

Suddenly Seb jumped up.  "I think I know where she's gone! She told me that day I spent with her that she goes to that beach to think. I bet she's there."

"I know the beach you mean.  You're probably right.  There's a bus that goes there.  It would have left about the time we noticed she was gone."

Seb headed to the bathroom. He had a quick wash, deciding to forego a shower as it would take too long. He sprayed some deodorant on and then changed into his clean clothes, before heading back to the lounge. He grabbed his car keys off of the table.

"I'm going to find her," he told Cherry.

"Seb, please be careful.  She's very fragile.  Please don't try and bully her into anything," the Jamaican woman stressed.

"I won't," he replied. "I just need to talk to her."

He left the flat and made his way back down the stairs.  He got into his car, put his belt on and turned the key in the ignition. Pulling out of the carpark, he turned right and began to head towards the beach where he and Alyssa had gone before.  He parked up, paid for parking and headed to the seafront. 

He breathed a sigh of relief as he spotted Alyssa just thirty metres or so away from him.  She was sat on the sand, her knees up to her chin, staring out to sea.  He approached her, announcing  his presence as he got nearer. 

"I thought I might find you here," he said softly.

She looked at him, then looked back at the water without replying. 

"Mind if I join you?"  he asked.

Alyssa shrugged and he took that as permission.   He sunk to the sand next to her. Reaching out, he took her hand in his and began to trace patterns on her palm with his thumb.  

"I'm sorry Alyssa.  I shouldn't have spoken to you like that.  I was being overbearing.  I just want to help you.  I'm so scared he's going to hurt you.  I just want to keep you safe."

"I'm sorry I swore at you. I'm sorry if I seem ungrateful, I know you mean well. I just don't want to be reliant on anyone again.  I depended on Dean for everything,  and now finally I'm my own person.  I don't want to lose my independence."

"You don't have to. I'm not him. You'll still have your own life.  I just want to be able to know you're safe.  If you don't want to live with me then maybe with Sienna and the girls?  I get you may not want to live with a man."

"Seb, please don't ever think that.  I trust you with my life.  It's not you.  Please tell me you don't think it's you."

"Not me, just men in general," he replied, his anger towards Dean boiling up again.

Alyssa  turned her head to look at him. She put her free hand on his cheek and turned his face so he was looking at her. 

"Never you.  I know we've only been back in each other's lives for a short while but you make me feel safe.  You make me feel better about myself.  You're one of my best friends in the whole world Sebastian Vettel.  I just...I'm scared Seb.   I'm so scared that I'm going to spend the rest of my life running from my past."

"Trust me Alyssa. The best way to stop running is to embrace your future.  Come back with me Aly.  Come back to your family.  Take a leap of faith.  I promise you, you will never regret it."

They continued staring into each other's eyes, still holding hands.

Alyssa didn't know where she got the courage from but she leant forward and pressed her lips gently to his.   She pulled back almost instantly. 

"Thank you."

"You don't have to thank me.  I'd do anything for you, you know that right?"

Seb had to restrain himself.  She'd surprised the hell out of him with her kiss.  He wanted to kiss her properly but he knew now wasn't the right time.  He didn't want to lose all the trust she'd given him.  His lips burned, the feel of her's imprinted on them. 

"Ok," she said

"Ok?" Seb repeated, unsure what she was agreeing to.

"Ok.  I'll come with you, but on my terms."

"Name them."

"You keep a list of what I owe you and I will pay you back.  I will look for a job as soon as I get there.  Next, I don't want you putting your life on hold because of me.  I'm capable of looking after myself.  I'd like to meet Sienna and Joel but I would just like a few days to settle in first.  And promise me Cherry will be ok, I really don't want her to lose the flat."

"You got it.  I promise Cherry will be fine.  And I don't have much of a life outside racing so that's ok."

"What about your...friend with benefits?"

"Tanya? That's just on race weekends.  The few times it's happened outside work I've gone to hers.  She's never been to mine."

"So she won't mind you shacking up with another woman?" Alyssa laughed.

"It's none of her business. Plus you're family."

Alyssa felt a lump in her throat. How was that for reminding her of her place? She'd begun to think he did like her in that way, but now he'd made it clear. She was still Alyssa,  Sienna's little sister.

"Come here. I need a hug," Seb said. He let go of her hand and opened his arms. She shimmied closer and he folded them around her.

"We can go tonight if you like. Just pack essentials. We can always come back for the rest."

"I have to work. They're not going to be happy I'm leaving without notice. I can't leave them in the lurch tonight. We'll go tomorrow. If you have stuff to do I can catch the train."

"It's ok. I have no plans. I'll take you to work in the car,  and I'll come and pick you up when you finish, just in case the dickhead tries anything. Quick question. Do you drive?"

"You're the second person to ask me that in about twelve hours. I have a license. I passed when I was seventeen but I've not driven since. I've never been able to afford to buy a car."

"I ask because I've got a car sitting in my garage doing absolutely nothing. I don't need it since I have my two Aston Martins. You're welcome to it if you want it."

"Are you sure? I don't know that I'd feel confident, it's been eleven years!"

"I'll take you out and give you a refresher course."

"Lessons from a four time Formula 1 world champion? Wow.  Are you sure?"

"I wouldn't offer if I wasn't.  It will make it easier for you to go job hunting."

"Oh Seb. How can I ever thank you?"

"By getting published and dedicating your first book to me!"


"You know what?  Cherry made me scrambled egg but I'm still starving. Do you fancy fish and chips?"

"On one condition.  It's my treat.  You paid last time."

"Deal.  Come on."  He jumped up and held his hand out, pulling her to her feet.  "What time are you working?"

"Not until six today."

He picked her hand up again and they walked along hand in hand.  Anyone that saw them would have thought they were a couple. 

Seb knew that if he was recognised rumours could start, but he didn't care.  He loved the feeling of her hand in his.  He needed that connection between them. 

Alyssa kept telling herself that it meant nothing.  It was just a friendly gesture.  He'd already made it clear she was just family.  She knew she should pull her hand away but it felt so natural, like their hands were made to fit in each others.  

They soon reached the cafe, choosing the same table as before. 

"Cod and chips?" she asked him.  He smiled at her and nodded. 

She relayed the order to the young man that had come to serve them.

"So tell me about your house.  Other than it being in Oxfordshire I know nothing about it."

"It's officially a cottage, but it's a large one.  It's about  a hundred years old, well the main part of the building is.  It's had extensions built over the years.  It has five bedrooms. The girls have one each for when they visit.  Obviously I have one, so you have two to choose from.  Both have their own en-suite toilet and shower.  There's a bath in the main bathroom.  The kitchen is huge, with a separate laundry room.  I have a games room if you like pool or darts or table football.   I also have a gym for my training. The back garden is massive.  I like to do stuff out there when I get the chance, but I have a gardener , Mike, who comes in every so often to mow the lawn and take care of the flowers.  I always used to do all of it myself back in Switzerland, but this garden is much bigger.  It's a field more or less.  I'm thinking of having a pool out there but haven't got any further than thinking about it.  There's no front garden as such, just a long gravel driveway and parking for several vehicles.   It borders a farm, the farmer seems a nice chap but I don't know him that well. I bought the place back when I signed on for my second year with Aston.  I'd had enough with the constant flying.  Plus Sienna wanted to move back to the UK."

"How far away does she live?"

"Only about two miles.  It's handy for the girls, but far away enough that we don't get on each other's nerves. "

"What about Joel?"

"He lives about twenty minutes drive away, in Bicester.  So does your Grandad." Alyssa scowled at the mention of her Grandad. 

"Do Joel and Sienna still see him?"

"Sienna has been a few times.  She's forgiven him.  He's a frail, lonely man now.  He knows he did wrong.  He was just so scared of losing you and being left alone.  Joel won't have anything to do with him."

"Part of me wants to see him.  I've missed him so much,  and he's eighty four years old now.  He's not going to be around forever, but another part of me just can't forget what he did."

"Only you can decide what you want to do."

"So how often do you have the girls?" she asked, changing the subject.

"Every weekend that I don't have a race. I'll have them for a week or so in the summer, maybe two, I've got to finalise plans with Sienna.  We spend Christmas together as a family.  They also come over after school for an hour or two a few times a week  when I'm home."  

"I hope I'm not taking you away from them today."

"No, I literally only landed at midnight last night so I'd have spent most of the day relaxing.  They're supposed to be coming over tomorrow but I'm going to delay it to give you time to settle in.  I'll explain to Sienna.  She won't mind, she'll be so happy to know you've agreed to meet her."

"Are you really sure about this? I mean you don't actually know me that well."

"Alyssa of course I'm sure.  I wouldn't ask you if I wasn't.  And I feel I do know you.  You're my sweet little Aly."

"I'm not little any more!  Well I know I'm short, but I'm all grown up."

"I had noticed," he said, staring at her intently. The waiter brought their drinks over. 

"When we've eaten did you want a hand packing  some things?" he asked, finally looking away. 

"Sure, I'd appreciate that.  I hate packing, although I don't really have much to pack.  Just some clothes, a dozen books, my writing stuff, laptop, a few other bits."

"You won't need your duvet or anything. It's all ready to be moved straight into."

"So have you any bad habits I need to know about before I move in?"

"Well I have my own toilet so you don't need to worry about me leaving the seat up. Sienna always used to complain about me leaving dirty teaspoons on the side in the kitchen."

"I leave them on the side too, so that's fine."

"There's something I need to warn you about though. My trainer and my press officer come over quite a bit, especially my trainer Antti. He's great though. I'm sure you'll like him. My press officer, Britta , you'll love her. She's been with me since my Red Bull days. She knows me better than anyone, and I'm sure she'll be delighted to tell you some embarrassing stories."

"Are they German too?"

"Britta is. Antti is from Finland."

"I forgot most of the German I learnt when I lived there. I can only remember bits here and there."

"Say something to me in German," he asked, grinning at her.

"No," she laughed. "My accent is atrocious, you'll laugh at me."

"Go on. I promise I won't."

"Ok but don't say I didn't warn you. Ich hätte gerne ein Eis."

"If you would like an ice cream later you shall have an ice cream later," he replied.

"Hey, I got it right!"

"You did."

"Say something to me."

"Ich möchte dich in mein Bett bringen. Ich will dich so sehr."

"What on earth does that mean?" Alyssa asked, looking confused.

"Ask me again some day," he smiled smugly.

"Are you making fun of me?"

"Far from it meine prinzessin."

"Oh look, the food's coming."

The waiter placed their plates on the table and they tucked in. Seb hadn't been joking when he'd said he was starving. It wasn't strictly a cheat day so he knew he'd have to be careful for the rest of the week.

After they'd finished they headed back to Seb's car.

"You said you had two Astons?"

"Yeah this one, which is a DBX, and my posh one, a DBS Superleggera. She's bright blue and a I'm a little bit in love with her."

"Lucky lady."

Seb blushed a little. Was she flirting with him?

Climbing into the car, he turned to her. "Look Alyssa, I know whatever it is between us is confusing. I just want you to know I do really like you. It's just there's so many obstacles in our way."

"Yeah, I know. I really like you too."

He took her hand again. "I's not the best time. You're just going to meet Sienna again and I have no idea how she'd react to me crushing on her little sister."

"I get it. It's ok. I'm just glad to have you as a friend."

Alyssa couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, even though she knew he was right.   She had to concentrate on her family, on reconciling with Joel and Sienna, on getting to know Naomi and Rebekah.   Maybe in the future she and Seb could have something more, but for now, just friends it was. 

Seb started the car. He pulled out of the car park. He was deep in thought. It was the first time they'd admitted to each other that they liked each other. He just hoped that he'd be able to cope with living with her. She was beginning to be far too tempting.


"These are sexy," Seb said , holding up a pair of neon pink lace panties.

"Seb, stop rooting through my underwear drawer!" Alyssa shrieked, snatching them off of him, her face bright red.

"I hope you're not going to strut around in them tempting me!" he teased.

"I might if you don't stop it right now!"

"Do you have the bra to match?" he said, returning to his exploration of her underwear drawer.

"Seb!" He burst out laughing.

"Found it!" he teased, holding the bra in the air.

"You're impossible!" She carried on packing her clothes into a suitcase. "Make yourself useful and start putting those books into that box."

Seb did as she asked. His curiosity was stirred when he saw an orange hardback notebook. He opened it and began browsing through it. There were dozens of pages of Alyssa's neat handwriting, and beautiful illustrations of fairies and unicorns. "Hey, is this your book?"

"Seb, please, leave it. I don't like people seeing it."

He closed the book and handed it to her. "Those drawings are beautiful. What's it about?"

"It's just an idea at the moment. It's about twin brother and sister Jacob and Leona. Their parents die, then they find out that their grandfather is King in a fantasy land and his enemy, an evil witch, is trying to capture them."

"That sounds amazing. Naomi loves anything like that. She's obsessed with The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe at the moment."

"Not Harry Potter?" she laughed.

"No, but I bet her Aunt Alyssa could get her into it."

"I'm just going to go and get changed for work. I think we're just about done in here."

"Alyssa, I was thinking. Did you want to leave straight after work? We'd avoid the traffic, and then you'll have the whole day to settle in tomorrow."

"It's up to you. As long as you won't be too tired driving at that time. I won't finish till gone midnight."

"I'd rather do that. I just want to get you away from here. I won't feel comfortable until I do."

"Ok that's fine." She headed to the bathroom to change.

After she was ready she joined Cherry in the lounge. She told the older woman about the change in plan.

"I am going to miss you cherie, but I think you made the right decision. You'll be safe and you'll have your family."

"I'll keep in touch Cherry. I can never repay you for what you've done for me. You are a true friend."

"It's been a pleasure Alyssa. You're the daughter I never had. And a word of advice from a wise old lady... don't let him get away. He's a keeper."

Alyssa blushed. She knew that there was a high probability that there was no future for her and Seb, but she'd let Cherry have her dream.

"Are you ready to leave now?" Seb said, entering the room. "I'll drop you off and then come back to load the car up."

"Of course." The women stood and embraced, both getting a little tearful.

"You take care of my girl Seb," Cherry warned him. "I wouldn't want to have to hunt you down."

"I'll treasure her. You have my word."

They made their way down to the car. Alyssa took one last look back at the apartment block. It was time to move on, time for a fresh start, but first she had one last shift to get through.


Seb arrived at the bar just in time for last orders. He ordered a Diet Coke and sat at the bar watching Alyssa do her job. She'd smiled at him as he'd walked in.

"How did they take your resignation?" he asked as she passed him.

"They were disappointed but they always have people asking about jobs so they'll soon replace me."

"Good. I loaded the car. We're good to go."

"Fantastic. They said if we're not too busy I should be able to leave at 11.30."

In the end she finished at 11.45. She gave her colleagues a hug goodbye and promised to stay in touch. She and Seb left the bar and headed for the car park.

They reached the DBX and got in. "I guess this is it. Goodbye Bournemouth."

"Next stop, Oxfordshire. La Maison Vettel."

He started the engine and they began their journey. Ten minutes into it Alyssa fell asleep. Seb kept sneaking glances at her. She really was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen.

She slept the rest of the way. Seb gently shook her awake as he stopped the car outside the house.

"Alyssa, baby. We're here. We're home."

She opened her eyes and looked at him sleepily. "Come on Sleeping Beauty. Let's get you inside."

She climbed out of the car and pulled her case off of the back seat. "Just bring what you need for tonight, the rest can wait till morning," Seb said, pulling his own case out of the boot where it still was, having not been home since returning from Miami. They walked up to the front door.

"Welcome home baby," Seb said. He unlocked the door and they headed inside.

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