My Twin Flame | Scarlett Joha...

By justwords07

151K 4.6K 1.2K

Soulmates are two souls that belong together but Twin Flames they're two parts of a one soul, making a whole... More

1: Charlotte Kloss
2: Anxiety
3: One Step Forward Three Steps Back
4: Vulnerability
5: Princess Anna
6: Never Have I Ever
7: It's Not Your Job
8: First Date
9: Mistakes
10: Stunt Day
11: Nutcracker
12: Situation-Ship
13: Cut Her Some Slack
15: Feelings...
16: London: Day One
17: London: Day Two
18: Welcome To The Farm
19: Eddie's Birthday
20: That's A Wrap
21: Promise Me?
22: You Scared Me
23: Chicago: Day One
24: Chicago: Day Two
25: New Jersey
26: Funeral
27: Distracted
28: Girlfriend
29: Waves
30: Nomination
31: Hangover
32: Hawaii Day One
33: Hawaii Day Two
34: Hawaii: The Twins Birthday
35: House Hunting
36: Meet The Family
37: A New York Christmas
38: A Total Disaster
39: Media
40: The Oscars
41: Date Night
42: Bump In The Road
43: Hilton
44: Sick Day
45: Wrap Party
46: I'm Scared Of The Future
47: The Vows
48: Trivia
49: Slip Up
50: Split
51: I Want You
52: Time
53: Settling In
54: Noa Kloss
55: Mum Life
56: Big Preformance
57: Articles
58: People's Choice Award
59: Car Journeys
60: Twin Flames

14: I Missed This

2.9K 89 32
By justwords07


I was nervous to see her. It's been nearly two months and the last time I saw her she was crying which wasn't nice to witness. I've spoken to her a little but I've been with my family and focusing on Rose. She wants to go to this acting school and I've been looking into it, but she's 7 and I don't want to send her away to boarding school. I want her home with me every night. But she's adamant she wants to go and have you tried talking a sassy 7-year-old out of something? It's hard.

I pulled up and I saw Lottie's car already there. Evan's car was here too. I was happy they were both here. Chris can be my support, I don't know why I was so nervous. Maybe it was the warning from her grandpa? I walked through the halls until I got out to the trailers I dumped my stuff down and went straight to hair and make-up.

Lottie was stood in the mirror with a sword well a larger knife and her hair in hand. She was being taught something... "They're doing her hair scene today." Robert filled me in. "The hair scene?" "She cutting her hair for the take." My eyes went wide. She said she hadn't cut her hair because her dad liked it long. She is so attached to it. Tom was teasing her about cutting off a stand and she chased him around the stages for 30 minutes. She only stopped because she had to go and film.

"With a sword?" "Yeah, the blade is so sharp it can cut through anything." This explains why both Lottie and Carl are being very serious right now.


"Are you sure you want to do this? They can use a wig." I tell her. "It's time." She told me firmly. "It's just hair." "It's beautiful hair," I say touching her braid, they have braided it so they can donate it once it's cut. "I'll still have some of it." She says fiddling with it. "You'll look just as stunning without it." Robert encouraged her. She smiled at him.

"Okay, one take people." The director called. Ray the guy who plays Dreykov came over to her and held her braids using them as a leash in a joking way taking her to set. she was giggling doing that nose scrunch thing that I found so cute. Chris ran in, in his costume clearly coming from shooting a scene elsewhere. "good I haven't missed it." He was out of breath. "No, she's about to do it. Think she's having a photo." Robert says looking at her in his costume too. Florence jogged over. Most of the cast were here.

"I need quiet on set please." The director called being dead serious. We all held our breaths. Lottie was hung from the platform and Ray held her hair like he was holding her from falling.

They did their lines a few times before she pulled out the small sword. It was a large knife really. She took a deep breath and Ray pulled her hair a little more stretching it out so it would be easier to cut. She did it and Ray held her hair as she fell onto the airbag beneath her. Ray finished the scene saying his lines and then the bell rang ending the scene. I let go of the breath I was holding. The team went and helped Lottie off the airbag and checked her over to make sure she didn't catch herself with the knife.

She was teary-eyed. "Let's get hair in here please." Was called as she took her braids out. She was trying not to cry, her eyes were glazed over and her lip caught between her teeth. She undid her hair and it feel just above her chest. She ran her fingers through it and hair brought a mirror over. She sobbed when she saw herself. And as the stylist fixed her hair making it a decent cut, not a jagged one she had tears rolling down her cheeks. Florence was over there with her. Ray handed her the rest of her hair and she looked at them in disbelief.

"I should go over right?" Robert asked me. "Go for it." Tom encouraged following him. "It's just hair," Robert told her. "It grows back. Stop with the tears." He told her and she listened nodding. The commotion finished and everyone went back to their stages. I was left with her and Ray. "You look amazing," I assured her. I ran my hand through it pushing it off her face. "You have longer hair than me." She smiled. "Mines fake." "Mine will be when this film is wrapped." She said with a chuckle. "I think it suit's you. And you can still get it in a bun." I said pulling her hair up. It wasn't short at all, it was just a lot less hair than she had. But it is a very drastic change from what she had previously.

She had longer hair than most people on set still. "He'd be proud of you," I told her. She nodded chewing her lip, I pulled her lip with my thumb as gently as I could. "Don't do that." "Sorry." She says. "Lottie you ready to go." "Yeah." She called with a smile. She had to film the landing now.

They ran through it a few times and when she got it they went to film it, she rolled and then from her back she kicked up doing a version of my landing pose. She just looked cooler doing it. She took deep breaths and they did it, again and again, adding a cut and some dirt to her face making it look more real, she just fell from a building with a few CGI spots so in editing they can add more to her face.

When she landed I ran into the scene. "Are you okay?" She nodded. "Good." And then I hit her. "Ow." She said dramatically. "Don't do that to me again." And we continued the scene.

When we wrapped Lottie was done for the day. I had a few more scenes. "Want to grab dinner?" She asked walking beside me she had wet hair and was in her robe so I assumed she had just showered. "I'm on set until 6." "I'll wait. Missed you." I smiled at her. "Okay." She Pecked my cheek before skipping over to Flo's trailer. I watched her go off admiring her hair, she still looked amazing.


"You should go view the school." She encouraged. "But it's in London." "I loved it, it was the best thing my grandparents did for me." She tells me. "You make friends for life, it's filled with amazing opportunities and you can go visit her on weekends she comes home for holidays." She kept listing off the positives and I listened. I told her Rose wanted to go to this school and she asked which one. I told her and her face lit up. "That's my school." She said excitedly. "Seriously Scar she was born for the stage."

"I know but she's my baby. My little girl, she'll be a million miles away from me." I pouted. "At least view it? Look around get a feel for the place. It's the biggest family." "I'll think about it." "Let me know if you're going. I'll come, introduce you to people." "You'd come?" I asked surprised. "Yeah as long as it didn't clash with filming." I smiled nodding. "I'll call and see if she can stay for a few days, we can explore, and I can visit my pop's." She suggested, "You're too good to her." "She's my little bestie. And the school is amazing!" She went on to tell me all about it.

It did sound like a good school, it still taught the normal classes like an academic school but it had extra classes for drama, music, they did instrument lessons, singing lessons, stage presence, directing, lighting all of the aspects.

By the end of dinner, I agree to a visit. We were going in the next break we both had a week falling at the same time in three weeks. She called the school whilst we were sitting there to talk to the principal and they agreed right away. "I can't wait to tell Rose," I say as we walked to our cars. "She's going to be so excited!" She smiled unlocking her car. "Pop's is looking forward to having us." "How far away is the farm from the school?" "Like an hour, but we'll get a hotel when we have Rose with us so we can be in the city. And actually do things." I nodded.

"I've missed this," I admitted. "Me too. It's my fault. I just got so wrapped up in Lizzie that I neglected our friendship." "I think me admitting whatever it was had something to do with it," I say not meeting her gaze. "We can share the blame." She chuckled making me feel better I nodded.

"I'm teaching this class next weekend, you should bring Rose along. It's a workshop for musical theatre." "Do I need to book her in?" "Nah, just bring her, I'll take her in with me." She really cares about Rose... It's refreshing. Some of the cast fail to remember I have a kid and pay her no mind. But Lottie does, it was nice. "Thanks." "Anyway, I have a 2 am call time so I'm going to bed." She opened her car door." "Yeah, I'm with you on that one."


"What are you doing?" I asked amused when she got out of her car. "Cuddles duh." She said taking my keys from my hand and unlocking the house herself. "Make yourself at home." "I intend to." She said causing me to laugh. I missed having her around. I locked the door before following her through the house.

"Excuse the mess." "It's not even that bad." She says back getting a bottle of water for us both out the fridge and then we go up to my room. I get us clothes out to change into. When she was sat on my bed after taking her make-up off I notched the love bite on her neck. I frowned. Was she still sleeping with Lizzie? I mean I heard they had lunch together. And Evans said they were hugging in the parking lot. "What's that?" I pointed to it, learning my lesson from touching like last time. She put her hand right on the mark she had managed to hide all day due to her heavy make-up. She scrunched her face up.

"A Hickie." "A Hickie?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. She normally called them love bites... or is that when she's in a relationship with the person. Hickie sounds gross. "From Lizzie?" I asked opening my water. "No." She says reaching for it help me open it after seeing me struggling. "Who?" "Florence." "Oh... So are you two like?" "No... Just fooling around." I nodded slowly taking my water back.

She's still unavailable. "Don't make it weird." "I haven't said anything." I defended looking at her. "You didn't have to." She laid back on the bed. "You're an adult sleep with who you want," I say flopping down next to her. I looked at her. "Is the sex good?" She burst out laughing her cheeks going rosy. "What we're friends aren't?" I nudged her. "The sex is good." She says looking at me before looking away clearly embarrassed. I found it funny and was still laughing. "Good sounds boring." "Oh, anything but." She said laughing again.

"I missed your laugh." "You seemed to miss me a lot. Do you have other friends Scarlett, I know a few people who might tolerate you." I hit her in her tummy not too hard and she continued to laugh. "No, I don't have friends. I only have Evans but he's so busy with-"With being the hottest man to ever grace the earth." "Ew." I faked vomiting. "I'm kidding."

"Who do you think is the best looking on the set?" "Aside from me?" "You have the biggest head," I tell her. "You know I'm kidding." She said laughing. "Alls I'm thinking about are the two girls I've slept with." "Okay, hottest guy," I suggested making it easier. "Seb?" She offered. I nodded approving. "Hottest girl?" "You of course." I laughed loudly clearly it was Lizzie or Florence. "I mean that's a lie." "Yeah you're right, you're trash." I hit her again. "I'm going to have file a domestic lawsuit against you if you keep doing that." She said grabbing my hand before I could hit her again.

We asked each other stupid questions for a long while neither of us gave serious answers. And then the alarm clock went off. "Shit," I say sitting up to shut it off. "Well, we're going to be tired." She said amused slightly. "Five more minutes." "Shower." She said pushing me with her foot towards the bathroom. "I hate you." "Sure you do. I'm using the other bathroom."


"You two look like shit." Evan's said greeting us. "No sleep," I mumbled pulling my sunglasses over my eyes despite it still being dark out. "What happened?" "We were talking and talking." "And everyone knows I talk a lot." Lottie defends. "So you were gossiping all night." We both nodded. "We came to the conclusion you have the best ass on set. So congrats." Lottie smacked his butt as she walked past going straight to get a coffee.

He was smiling at me. "What?" "You didn't lose her. I told you." "You were right. I just need to be her friend and get over her." He looked surprised. "She's too special to lose and I can keep her as a friend. We work best like that." "How would you know, you've not been anything else?" He pushed as we walked. "I know and I don't want to risk it with her. Besides she's just got out of a relationship." "They weren't even official." He shot back. "To the public they were, they still are actually." I pointed out. "Lizzie's got an interview this weekend I assume it will be addressed then." I nodded.

"Got you coffee," Lottie said coming back out. "They're running behind by an hour so we could get a nap in if you're quick." She said and I nodded. "I'll see you in hair and make-up." I nodded letting her go get some sleep. "You should go to sleep too. You look like crap." "Wait to boost my confidence, Evans. Love having you as a friend." I joked walking through to my trailer.

I collapse on the bed and sleep until someone woke me up by brushing my hair off my face. "Rise and shine," Lottie said in full costume. "Huh?" "You slept through our phone calls, they sent me in to get you." She said looking at me with a soft smile. "5 more minutes," I mumbled. "Scar you're an hour late to hair and make-up." "No." I moaned sitting up. "Come on." "Am I in trouble?" "I told them you weren't feeling well, so no. But if you don't hurry up you will be." "You're the best." I smiled getting off the bed and taking my jacket off and following her to hair and make-up.

"I like your hair like that... You never have it down on set." "Well, it's not a safety hazard anymore." She notes touching her curls. "You look pretty." "Thanks, Scar." I knew she was insecure without her hair. She hides behind it all the time. In most Pap photos you can't see her face because she lets her hair fall in front of it. When she was nervous she would play with the ends which out even realising it. She would always fix her hair before a photo even if it looked perfect so I just wanted to boost her confidence about not having it.


We wrapped at 4 pm. I was exhausted. Lottie had another hour on set and I felt bad for her, she had been doing combat with Seb and her punches were looking weak which meant she had to redo it but her body was just tired. Probably not the best idea to stay up all night when we have such a physically demanding job.

By the time I got out of costume and showered Lottie was walking back to her trailer. "Dinner?" "I'm going home to bed." She said with a chuckle. "Eat something," I called to her as I continued to my car. She spent her lunch break sleeping so she hadn't eaten.

"Florence." I caught up with her in the parking lot. "Take Lottie dinner... She's planning on going to bed but she hasn't eaten today." She nodded. "Already got it ready for her. Here to drive her car home." "Oh, good." I smiled. She nodded. "Do you know where she parked?" She asked looking around. "Besides me." I nudge my head in the direction of our cars and we walked together.

"Here you go," I say gesturing to the car beside mine. "Thanks." She smiled unlocking it and getting in the driver's side. I got in my car and settled before leaving.

I grab some leftovers from the fridge heating them up whilst I was on facetime with Rose. She was telling me about her day at school. "And I got the part in the school play." "I'm so proud of you baby girl." I praised her smiling at my excited daughter. "I can't wait for it! You'll have to bring Uncle Chris. He'll want to watch me." "Of course he will. He will be so proud when I tell him." She blushed. "And Lottie... She should come. She dances pretty." "Yeah, she does. You have a musical theatre class with her this weekend. She's going to take you with her." "NO WAY!" She shouted. "Daddy! I'm going to do a musical class." "That's good honey." He said forcing a smile.

"Did you think more about the school Scarlett?" He asked me. "Rose put daddy on." She did and she went away and he nodded when it was okay for us to talk because she went out of the room. "I've booked a trip to London to view it." "When? I'll come." "It's okay." "I want to see the school she'll be going to Scarlett. It's not like we're moving her to another school in-state." "It's in a few weeks... Charlotte got her a taster day, well a few days. So she can see if she likes staying there before we commit." "Charlotte?" He raised his eyebrows. "She went to the school Rose wants to go to. I asked her, her opinion on it. She was a little older than Rose when she joined." "Well, we don't need input from other people. She's our daughter." "I know that. I was just trying to get a feel for the school." I defend myself. "Well send me your flight details. I'm going to come." I nodded. "She'll be there too." "Of course she will." He snarled. "We're friends." "Oh really. Just Friends. The way she got involved in our business makes me think otherwise." "She's my friend Colin. She was protecting me." "She was there to rescue you just two weeks after meeting? Admit it Scarlett you're fucking her." "No, I'm not!" I frowned. "We're friends." "Whatever, send me the flight details." "I will." We hang up before I could say bye to Rose.

I eat my food and as I'm eating Lottie sends me a photo of her dinner.

You don't have to worry about me... But proof I ate before bed. x

I just want to make sure you're looking after yourself x

One night without dinner wouldn't have killed me Scar, but I'm flattered you care x

Get some sleep, Lots. x

You too, Scar x

It was nice she updated me. I finished up dinner cleaned the house before making my way to my bed. Lottie's hoodie was laid on the edge of my bed so I pulled it on. She wouldn't mind. And Climbed in bed letting the tiredness take over me.

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