Truth Behind Lies (Lauren/You)

By __GooDVibez__

391K 11.1K 7.7K

You are a normal teenage girl when all the sudden Simon Cowell knocked on your door and took you to have anot... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
The End
Truth Behind Lies

Chapter 15

11.7K 342 324
By __GooDVibez__

Hey guys! Sorry if it took me a lot of time to update.... But here it is! I hope you guys enjoy it and I might be a little late but I just want to say that I am so proud of Fifth Harmony for releasing their Album, the tour, winning a KCA and the Worth It music video!! Love you guys all!!


"How comes we've never done this before?" Lauren asks, as we continued on swaying back and forth like we are in a prom slow dancing in a song. Her head resting on the base of my neck while her arms are wrapped around my neck.

"I don't know, maybe beccause right now, we are sure of the feelings that we have and we are just acting up on it." I answered.

"I don't understand Y/N, why did it take us so long to wait? To realise?" She asked as she tilted her head to look at me. I look down at her.

"I don't know either. But hey, at least we are here now." I said and chuckled. Lauren giggled and unlatched herself from mine, she started walking backwards while intertwining her fingers with mine.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Aren't you hungry?" She asked me and smirked. My mouth fell ajar and she laughed.

"You looked at me with a "come with me I'm going to tell you a secret look" and now you're taking me to dinner?" I asked.

"Andres was calling, I didn't know you are not listening." Lauren giggled.

"Wait, he did?" I asked, confused, because I sure have clear hearing and I did not hear Andres called us for dinner. "Are you sure?" I asked again.

"Hundred per cent!" Lauren said and winked.

Gosh, this girl will be the death of me.

As we walked down hand in hand I realized that we did not settle in, Lauren and I. We just kind of prove to each other that we like each other we really did not talk about anything between us just yet, if we are more than friends. But for sure we are on the same page... M.U. (Mutual Understanding)

"Y/N!" Lauren snapped at me when we are at the bottom of the staircase.

"Yes?"i asked as if nothing happened.

"You were zoned out! I asked you something!" She said and giggled.

"Wait, what? No you didn't!" I said.

"Yes I did!"

"Then what did you ask me?" I asked her and she started to play with my fingers, intertwining them with mine, drawing random patterns on the back of my hand. "Well?" I asked again.

"Uummm, I just want to ask if you want to label us? I mean, like anything? Girlfriends?" She started rambling.

"Hey, it's ok if we don't yet, I mean I don't want it to be all the sudden, you know? Because just like Shakespeare said "those who run fast, they stumble and fall" or something like that." I said trying not to sound as if I don't want to, because I do want too but I don't want her to get the message that I'm too eager either.

She giggled and cupped my cheek and caressed it with the pad of her thumb. "That is totally fine with me." she said and smile. "but, now, I think it's safe to say that we are seeing each other? You know dating." Lauren said as she took a step closer to me, and slowly she went on her tippy toes and peck my lips, but as soon as her lips left my lips I bent down and caught it again with mine. I wrapped my arms around her waist and she settled on wrapping hers around my neck.

As we started kissing and I was about to ask for permission to battle her tongue, someone cleared their throat. I unlatched my lips away from Lauren and leaned in to rest my forehead on hers and laughed. Lauren laughed and we looked at the way from the sound.

"We're hungry!" Andres said but smirked.

"It's about time you guys get your guts together and asked each other out!" He said and folded his arms on top of his chest.

"Well, technically.." Lauren started and looked at me.

"We are seeing each other, but hey, Lauren, do you want to go on a date with me?" I asked.

"Do you even have to ask?" Lauren said.

"Alright, then we are going out for dinner tonight." I said

Andres's eyes widened "But I cooked dinner!" He yelled causing everyone to see what is happening.

"What's going- oh" Cara said and stopped mid-sentence.

"What- oh" Camila then soon stop right beside Cara.

And everyone followed and stopped, they were all in line vertically, mouth slightly open, from shock.

"Surprise?" I asked questioningly. they all clapped their hands and came to hug us. It's as if we just told them that I asked Lauren to marry me, I mean I didn't, not just yet.

"Guys, we're not getting married." I said and laughed.

"No, not just yet." Dinah said and chuckled.

"So, are you guys in a relationship right now?" Ally said.

"No, we are not." Lauren said.

"Wait what?" They all asked in unison.

"We are dating yes, but we are not in a relationship yet." I explained.

A chorus of "Oh's" was heard. And I nodded my head.

"So are you guys gonna join us?" Shay asked.

"Yeah, because we're kinda hungry." Zac said and right after that his stomach grumbled.

"Are you that hungry?" Ally asked suddenly alerted.

"Yeah." Zac said shyly.

"Are you guys gonna join us?" Dinah then asked.

"No, they're not. They're going to going out for dinner." Andres said, dramatically expressing that he's hurt.

"Oh, Andres, it's ok at least we are here to eat your Special fried rice and baked chicken." Camila cheered.

"Alright then guys, we'll be back." I said.

"Wait, do I need to get change?" Lauren asked.

I smiled lovingly at her. "You don't have to."

Lauren just blushed and intertwined our hands together.

*End Of P.O.V.*

Everyone walked you guys out the front door.

"Also, Y/N bring our Lauren back before the clock hits 10:00 pm." Ally strictly said.

"Will do." You said.

"Yeah, since we have to hit the road again." Camila blurted. She then realized what she just said and looked around, afraid that she ruined the mood.

"I will, I promise that I will bring her back before the clock hits 10:00." you promised. Not like they don't trust you, they just want to act as the sisters that they are to Lauren, because even though she's the most "intimidating" person out of the group, the girls know she's the most fragile one. So, Y/N please take care of her.

As soon as you opened the car door for Lauren she thanked you and you quickly ran to the driver's side.

"Finally." Cara whispered, forgetting that everyone is still around her.

"Yeah, we know."Ally said.

"I honesty feel like crying right now." Andres then said.

"Right? We've been trying so hard to set them both up without really setting them up." Dinah said.

"It's just right that they both took their time, not rushing into things." Normani said.

Then they closed the door and as soon as they did, they hear the T.V. Ringing.

"Simon's calling." Camila said.

Then all of them sat in front of it.

"Hello, guys." Simon said.

"Hello." they all greeted.

"So, Y/N and Lauren are out?" Simon asked as he saw that the members are not complete.

"Yeah, they are." Ally said.

"So, its mission accomplished then?" Simon then asked.

"It is...." Cara said sadly.

"But why are we doing this to her though?" Camila then asked.

"It's an experiment, Camila." Simon said without an expression.

"But why does it have to be the both of them?" Andres asked.

"Lauren agreed to do it, so technically it's just Y/N." Simon said.

Everyone sighed, knowing what they did, they agreed to be a part of this experiment that Simon is talking about. But, Y/N no matter how, please hold on.

"Omg! I like that restaurant!" Lauren excitedly said.

"You mean, fast food chain?" You then asked, laughing.

"Hey! McDonald's is technically a restaurant!" Lauren said.

You two then ordered a two Big Macs, two large fries, two drinks, two cookies and cream ice cream, and 20 pieces nuggets.

"Gosh, do you think we can finish these?" Lauren asked looking through the bags of food.

You nodded while your eyes are still on the road. "I'm pretty sure we can." you said.

"Is this what you eat if you go out for a meal?" Lauren asked.

"Not exactly. but I do order 1 Big Mac, 1 large fries a drink and 10 pieces nuggets." you said.

"And how the heck do you look so fit?" Lauren asked reaching over to poke your tummy.

You giggled, "Hey, stop not there." You said as she accidentally hit your tickle spot.

"Awww! My baby is ticklish!" Lauren cooed poking the same spot again.

"Stoooop" you whined while fidgeting on your seat. "Lauren! I'm driving" you squealed as she continued doing it.

"Fine." Lauren said "but, you're not getting away from this!" She said and playfully glared at you.

"Ooohhhh, I'm trembling with fear." You said making Lauren laugh.

Lauren then began eating fried as you continued driving, she never questioned where you're taking her but she's also feeding you fries.

"We're here." you said, getting off to open Lauren's door.

"We are?" Lauren asked as she carefully held the bag of food. "No offence but what's so special about this place? I mean a side from these almost dried grass." she said as she looks around the place.

You then continued setting up the back of your truck with 3 comforters for you two to sit on. "Well, you just have to sit back and wait." You said as you finished setting up. You helped Lauren get on and as soon as she did you got off.

"Hey! Y/N! Don't leave me here." Lauren said as you walked towards the front to turn the headlights of your car off.

"Just look forward and you'll see what's so special about this place." you confidently said, knowing you, you go to places when you're bored, you just wander around and that's what takes you to this kind of special place that rare people find. You brought Lauren to an unfinished highway and beside it is just a field of plain almost dead leaves.

"Y/N, what exactly is the spec-" Lauren was cut off her sentence once you turned your headlights off. She was amazed at how bright she can see the fireflies freely flying around.

"Wow," Lauren whispered.

You then bring out your telescope for you to be able to set up on top of the trunk.

"What's that for?" Lauren asked when you claimed up the back of the truck, setting the telescope on the roof of the truck.

"Not many buildings, cars or streetlights are build around this area, so, if you look up right now, you'll be able to see billions of what you are currently admiring." you said as you stopped to look down at Lauren.

Lauren is still amazed at how pretty the fireflies around her. So, when she looked up, she was almost in tears.

"Y/N" she whispered as she stood beside you, slowly, still looking up, admiring billions of stars up in the sky.

"So, how was it?" You asked.

"This is amazing," Lauren whispered, looking around, looking up. You just love the scenery in front of you right now, to watch Lauren happy, you can see the reflection of Galaxy in her eyes, they sparkle twice as much as the stars above.

"Y/N, this-" Lauren said, not able to continue.

"I know it's not much-" you said scratching the back of your neck but was cut off when Lauren cupped your chin for you to look at her.

You lifted your head up slightly to look back in her eyes and you saw tears. That's when you snapped out of it. "Hey, are you ok?" You asked wrapping your arms around her waist to bring her close to you.

Lauren giggled and wrapped her arms loosely around your neck. "I'm more than ok." she said.

"In fact, Y/N, this is amazing. It was just in my dreams for me to see thousands of fireflies up close and to see billions of stars at night." She started, she kept her eyes glued to yours and you just can't help but look back with the same intensity.

"You Meade my dream come true, Y/N," Lauren said as she leaned close, your lips are barely touching, "thank you." She said and sealed your mouth together in a chased and living kiss.

You two then settled on eating first, admiring the view of fireflies floating around, enjoying the food, joking around, until....

"You know, Y/N, I've had the dream of seeing the fireflies and the stars, but that's not all of it." Lauren started as you two ate.

You stayed quiet, to let her continue. "In my dream, I was a child, a free soul, and I have a play mate, not really sure who it was but I clearly remembered that they made me happy, my playmate was the one that brought me to that place, thousands of fireflies, and she let me see billions of stars, we just played around, we were happy. Then I didn't have that dream for a long while not until I was 13, I was in the same place, the happy land of my friend and I. But then that was the last of it, in my dream my playmate said she'll be gone but not for a little while. That's when she said good bye, and since then I never had that dream again." Lauren said as she remembered everything. Vivid images invaded her memories of that dream. "Not until now, but now it's reality, it's real, I'm glad to have this, to know it exist." Lauren said and smiled at you.

"Wow, I wish I can remember awesome dreams as you can." You said. Lauren laughed and snuggled more into you.

"Also, Y/N what's the telescope for?" Lauren asked you and you can't help but to feel exited.

"I just checked the calendar and checked the Internet and the website of the astronomy, that we are able to see Saturn today." You said as you motions Lauren to stand up and so did you. You then looked through the eyepiece to find it and your jaw fell in amazement.

"I found it! Gosh it's amazing!" You said and Lauren just lovingly stared at you. "Take a look, Lo" you said as you step aside for her to look.

Lauren did and she too was amazed. "OMG! The rings are so beautiful." she said.

"I know right!?" You excitedly said.

Lauren laughed at your cuteness and she took a picture of you take a look through the eyepiece.

Little do you know that in Lauren's dream, her playmate promised her that if she came back she will show her a planet amongst the stars.

"Is this really you?" Lauren asked herself. As she looks at you and realize how lucky she is to be with you, to even have you in her life.

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