Fallen Broken S01 & S02

By taekook__lover9597

40.2K 1.4K 164

top tae🐯⬆️ bottom kook🐰⬇️ Season 01: Love story of Kim Taehyung, a typical CEO and Jeon Jungkook, a designe... More

︎♥︎ SEASON 01 ♥︎
Episode - 1
Episode - 2
Episode - 3
Episode - 4
Episode - 5
Episode - 6
Episode - 7
Episode - 8
Episode - 9
Episode - 10
Episode - 11
Episode - 12
Episode - 13
Episode - 14
Episode - 15
Episode - 16
Episode - 17
Episode - 18
Episode - 19
Episode - 20
Episode- 21
Episode - 22
Episode - 23
Episode - 25
Episode - 26
Episode - 27
Episode - 28
Episode - 29
Episode - 30
Episode - 31
Epsiode - 32
Episode - 33
︎♥︎ SEASON 02 ♥︎
Episode - 34

Episode - 24

873 32 2
By taekook__lover9597

Namjoon got down the car when they reached in front of Jeon mansion. He carried Jin in bridal style inside the mansion. The guards opened the big door of the mansion for Namjoon and he got in.

Seeing him Mrs.Jeon aka Jeon Suzy who was sitting on the living room rushed towards the door.

Suzy: Joon baby--wait who is this? Don't tell me you kidnapped someone--

She asked looking at Jin who was sleeping in Namjoon's arms. She started to pop up so many questions seeing the unconscious state of the boy.

Namjoon: mom, stop. I'll answer all your questions but first let me tug him in the bed.

Namjoon whispered to his mother who stopped his questioning instantly.

Namjoon: Ji-Hoon follow me.

Ji-Hoon bowed towards Suzy and followed Namjoon to his room. She sat there with a pout.

Namjoon tugged Jin to bed and kissed his forehead lovingly. He said Ji-Hoon to inform Jin's parent's about Jin's whereabouts and went downstairs.

Few minutes later, Mr.Jeon aka Sehun entered the mansion. Suzy looked at her husband confusedly. Because he came home earlier than his usual arrival.

She went towards him and took the coat and suitcase from him.

She ordered the maid to bring a juice and gave it to Sehun, who kissed her forehead loving and drank the juice. Soon Namjoon joined them. All sat on the sofa.

Suzy: bubba is there any problem?

She asked concerned for the boy who looked tensed and hesitant. She sighed and sat closer to him and caressed his hair.

Suzy: you know we support you always, right?

She smiled. Namjoon sighed and hugged her, who patted her son's head. Sehun joined them and assured the boy to open up problem to them.

Sehun: Namjoon-ah what happened? Anything serious?!

Namjoon stood up and walked a little far and sat on the other sofa, sighing. He finally let it out to his parents.

Namjoon: mom dad, I love him.

Sehun: what? Who?

Suzy: you didn't even tell me?

Suzy again started to attack Namjoon with questions, without letting Namjoon answer her questions. But she suddenly stopped her questions and her head including Sehun and Namjoon's head turned towards the stairs.

Jin: joonie!!

He said and ran towards Namjoon not witnessing the presence of Mr and Mrs.Jeon. Both looked at the Namjin couple with wide eyes.

Jin: Joonie, why you left me there?! *sob*

Namjoon: look baby, I'm didn't leave you. Shh... baby calm down.

After a minute of calming him, Jin finally calmed down. He looked up from Namjoon's chest to see him smiling at him. Jin suddenly pecked his lips making Namjoon and his parent's eyes doubled.

Jin: I love you, Joonie.

Namjoon: I-I love you too, B-Babe.

He smiled nervously at his parents, who, looked away shyly. Jin turned around and got startled seeing the mid-aged couple in front of him.

Suzy: hello, there my son's lover.

She waved her hands towards Jin, who widened his eyes seeing them. When he realized who they are he turned towards Namjoon with a embarrassed Smile.

He hid his face in his lover's chest. Suzy and Sehun chuckled at the boy.

Suzy: so he is your lover, right?

Sehun: honey what question is this? Look at them. Are they looking like strangers?

Suzy: you are right.

Sehun: so Joon-ah, aren't you gonna introduce your lover to us?

Namjoon nodded and Jin pulled himself away from Namjoon's chest and turned towards the Jeon couple. Namjoon placed his one hand on Jin's waist side hugging him.

Namjoon: baby, introduce yourself to my parents.

Jin gulped and looked towards the Jeon couple.

Jin: hello, Mr and Mrs.Jeon. I'm Kim Seokjin.

He said and bowed towards them. Suzy stood up and walked towards Jin.

Suzy: joon baby, can you move aside?

Namjoon gulped and nodded his head, moving away. She walked around Jin, Sehun sat there trying to suppress his chuckle seeing his wife making the poor boy scared like hell.

After rounding him, she stood in front of him.

Suzy: rise up your head, my son's lover.

Jin gulped and raised his head. She looked at him with intense eyes, examining his features. She then moved backwards and sat beside her husband.

Namjoon: so mom dad....

Sehun: I'm okay with it son. Honey--

Suzy: when are you gonna get married? I'm excited!!

Jin widened his eyes seeing the woman giggling in excitement. She started to blabber about the wedding.

Namjoon: mom relax.

Suzy: how about the last of this month?

She continued her blabbering. Sehun and Namjoon face-palmed at her blabbering.

Sehun: now I know from whom kookie got that blabbering nature.

Suzy stopped her talking and looked at her husband with a glare who gulped.

Namjoon: Mom we are okay with it. but we have to talk to Jin's parents.

Sehun: don't worry we will talk to them.

Suzy: yes. We will take care of that. Now I'm gonna spend my time with my son-in-law.

She said and dragged Jin to her room. Namjoon tried to stop her but she already dragged him away.

Jin turned back and saw Namjoon's pout, he giggled and let himself dragged towards Mrs.Jeon's room.


Taehyung: okay then. When are you guys, returning?

He asked to Yoongi, who called to inform their boss that they got that place. Taehyung was more than happy hearing the news. It's his long time dream to built a restaurant in Busan in the center of the other's city.

Actually, he don't about that the place he owned now was being occupied earlier by his own cousin. He thought he can get that place by giving money to the man who rented the place.

He was so determined that he didn't asked them who rented the place.

Yoongi: since, it's Jimin's birthplace and he visited it after a long time, he wanted to spent some time here. So we will return day after tomorrow.

Taehyung: ok. Whatever. I'm off work. Bye, take care.

Yoongi: you too.

Taehyung hummed and hanged up the call. He sighed and packed his office case and exited his cabin. Mostly, all the employees were gone. As he was about to go too, he saw light on in one of the cabin in the designing department.

He went towards the cabin and saw his cute lover looking at the monitor screen with a pout. He chuckled and went inside the cabin. Without sensing someone's presence, Jungkook was typing something on the keyboard.

Jungkook got startled by a low gasp. Jungkook turned and his head bumped against the CEO's nose, as Taehyung stood leaned towards the boy looking at the screen. Taehyung groaned and rubbed his nose with his palm.

Jungkook stood up and removed Tae's hand and started to rub the spot softly, time to time blowing it. Taehyung looked at the boy with love eyes. Jungkook looked up and instantly lowered his head seeing the CEO's eyes, which is filled with lots and lots of love.

Taehyung: baby, even in the light of the monitor, you are looking like an angel. My beautiful angel.

Taehyung cupped the other's cheeks, who was blushing and looking at everywhere but not his lover. Taehyung chuckled and captured the younger's lips in a sweet, lovely kiss.

Jungkook fisted Tae's blazer and kissed back with the same passion. Slowly Taehyung's hand travelled towards kook's waist and he held it tightly, pulling his closer. Kook did the same, he wrapped his hands around Tae's neck.

The kiss suddenly turned into a make out and the atmosphere changed from normal to hot. Both pulled away, joining their forehead and panted heavily.

Taehyung: bub, I'm hard.

He whispered in kook's ear and started to kiss the spot down his ear. Jungkook fisted Tae's hair and moaned.

Jungkook: taetae, w-we are in o-office. Ahmmm... a-and I have w-w-work to finish. H-hyungie!!

Taehyung was having none of it. He started to remove Jungkook's shirt. Knowing, Tae didn't even gave a fucking fuck to his words. He sighed and said,

Jungkook: hyung, let's continue it in home

Taehyung nodded and carried the younger in his arms. While walking out of the office, he ordered the security guard to send his and kook's bag from kook's cabin.

Reaching the parking lot, seeing their CEO, the driver opened the car for his boss. Taehyung sat on the back of the car with kook on his lap. The driver started the car and Taehyung started his work.

He started to kiss kook's neck, creating purple marks. Jungkook closed his mouth with his left hand and right hand holding onto Tae's shirt tightly.

As it was night, no one can see them even the driver can only see it if kook make some sound and attracting the driver's concentration.

Finally, they made it home then at bedroom and after one hour of loving each other, both cleaned themselves and went to sleep, cuddling.


How is it?!!

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