Hidden | Draco Malfoy, 18+

By juneekarl

2.7M 71.1K 244K

In which honesty had never been so missed and verity ever so falsified. "Then ruin me, Malfoy." - A Draco M... More

a / n
P r o l o g u e
A c t - t w o
E p i l o g u e
E n d
T h a n k - y o u
F l a s h b a c k


23.9K 635 1.3K
By juneekarl

Navy wasn't able to comprehend what she saw. She couldn't believe it. Didn't want to.

Not because she felt any type of loyalty towards Olivia, she didn't. That girl had proven herself to treat Draco more than badly, which turned her expendable to Navy. She didn't empathize at all with her and her cruel actions, but for Malfoy's sake.

Navy didn't want to believe that what she'd witnessed was true because she cared for him. Even if it was arranged, leaving him with no choice to decide whether he married Olivia or not, she still felt so bad.

So incredibly bad.

She needed to stop it.

Taking rushed steps out of the elevator, adrenaline rushed through her veins. She was furious, mad, heartbroken that someone would do this to him.

Draco Malfoy was a lot of things, she believed, but even if he was, he didn't deserve this.

That blond nightmare was a lot, more than it. She'd know. She did know.

She'd spent most of their time in school hating him, despising him and everything his smug self stood for. She hated herself for cheating on Theodore with him, for going to the Malfoy Manor that night, and for sleeping with him to revenge her boyfriend's actions.

She'd fought him afterwards, cursed him for coming into her life and crawling underneath her skin, for making her so dependent on him, for making her care so much about him, for caring about her, for saving her from the war and for leaving her, for loving him.

Navy hated herself for loving him. She hated him more for making her love him.

She'd spent two and a half years damning him for what he'd done, but she realized at this moment, as she walked up to that door she'd seen his fiancé sneak into with another man — that she never stopped.

She thought she did. She wished she did. She tried to convince herself that she did, but even after years of not seeing each other, not hearing his name being spoken, she indeed still loved him.

Navy loved Draco more than she would ever admit to.

She never stopped, and that was the reason she needed to stop this.

Halting abruptly outside the door, she drew a breath. Deeper than she'd ever inhaled before, and her fist roughly struck the door. Over and over, again and again, until the moans coming from inside it hushed. Voices began to mumble in its place, and steps mirrored behind that door.

The handle twitched, and a man opened, standing with nothing but a sheet covering his waist.

Her eyes narrowed. He looked terrified, shocked that a stranger had pounded on his door at this hour.

"Where is she?" Navy asked harshly. Her skin was red and pale at the same time. It was as if she couldn't decide if she was meant to be angry or sad, so the feelings ripping through her worse than lighting kept battling each other.

He gulped, shaking his head. Dark strands fell over his damp forehead, claw marks and love bites covered his chest, "Who?" He let out quietly. Slightly shoving the door shut. He didn't want her to see more into that room than she needed to, "It's just me here."

Anger took over the sorrow, and she pushed him back, storming into the room.


She blinked tremblingly. Nothing. The sheets were tossed around, the bed stood chaotic, but there wasn't a sign of Olivia.

Thinking that she'd gone mental. That Draco's unexpected return into her life just a few days before, and everything happening between them since, had made her go absolutely crazy, that her mind played wicked tricks on her.

There was no one there.

She looked around, but the room was too small to hide anyone, the bathroom door stood open, and she could clearly see that no one was hiding inside. She stared back on the bed, stains of make-up smeared over one of the pillows, and simply a split second later, the bra spilled in a mess on the nightstand caught her attention.

The man walked up behind her. She heard how the door slammed shut as his hands gripped her waist, pulling her back against him, "There's no one here, but since you are...." He tried to speak temptingly into her ear, rubbing his palms over her hips, ''We might make the best of it.''

Navy forced her elbow back, angling downwards and hitting him right in the crotch as he doubled over, whining at the hit he took. She turned around, muttering, "Bloody idiot." Before her hands pushed at his shoulders, making him fall back.

She rapidly snatched the bra, giving the man a nasty glare, and then she marched out of the room.

Her head was clouded.

She didn't think properly anymore. She didn't know how to at this point. Navy wasn't like this. She was reasonable, kind.

She didn't hurt a soul unless she absolutely had to, but not now. When it came to Draco, her very well-maintained temper caught the better of her otherwise sane mind.

She pressed the elevator button hard. Several times until it reached her floor, and she clicked to land on the floor below hers.

Her hands shook, tensing her fingers around the bra she was holding as she looked up at the ceiling. It was a nice elevator, modern, pretty. Asher always picked such beautiful locations to stay in. Trying to calm herself, she focused on the soft sound of music playing. It was soothing. It made her breathe easier for a minute.

It sounded again, the doors opening, and she jumped off. Her steps shifted aggressively again as she strode up to the room with the number she overheard that they'd stay in.


She needed to inhale again, sharply. Not even knowing if Draco had made it back from when they parted ways, but she didn't bother. She knocked on the door, the tv playing from inside was turned down, and just as she was starting to debate if this truly was the best way to go, the door opened.

''White?'' He snapped, eyeing her down almost immediately. His voice was hard, nearly threatening, as he blocked the whole doorway with his large frame. His eyes, on the other hand, were soft. There wasn't a storm rising in them anymore. They were calm, apologetic. He felt so bad for what he blurted out before she walked away from him, ''What are you—''

''Is she here?'' Navy asked, pushing her lips tight and avoiding looking him in the eyes, ''I need to speak with her.''

''Who?'' He shot a swift look over his shoulder before he took a step out in the hallway, letting the door slide shut behind him, ''Olivia?''

''Who else?'' Navy held the bra behind her back, not wishing for him to see it, ''Do you have more secret fiancés I don't know about?''

''Watch it,'' Draco gritted, dragging a hand over his jaw, ''She's in there, but what do you—''

Navy didn't bother to listen to him. She pushed past him and slammed the door shut in his face. She locked it.

Not wasting a minute, the girl marched right into the hotel suite, identical to the one she was staying in, heading for the bedroom.

''Excuse me—'' Olivia whined, dragging the covers over her body as she laid in their bed, ''What the hell are you doing?''

Navy huffed out a provoked chuckle, looking down at the bra in her hand before she threw it right at the girl, ''You forgot something.''

Olivia gulped, her eyes snapping to the room behind Navy as her eyes widened. Terrified that Draco was there to hear them.

''He's not in here,'' Navy said, crossing her arms as she saw how Olivia's lips parted, ready to spit out a lie. She hewed her off, ''Don't you dare defend yourself right now.''

Olivia bit her own tongue, staring blankly at the brown-haired girl.

''I know what you did, and you know what you did, and you are going to tell him.''


''Yes, you are, or I will.'' Navy clicked her tongue, shaking her head. She still couldn't believe it all. How Olivia even apparated herself down to their hotel room not to get caught. ''You have the most amazing man, ready to marry you, and you cheat on him?''

Olivia swallowed thickly. Throwing the bra to the floor, her spine struck the headboard of their bed, ''You don't know what you're talking about.''

''I don't?'' Navy hissed, growing impatient, ''So what did I just see? A little wrestling match? Some hide and seek? Perhaps you two were playing catch? You cheated on him.''

Olivia stayed silent, not uttering a word as her eyes flickered.

''How could you do that? How could you cheat on him? He's... He's Draco, and he doesn't deserve—''

''Then what am I supposed to do?'' Olivia yelled out, her arms thrown out to land on the bed beside her, ''What do you expect me to do? All he ever talks about is you, or no — not even that. He doesn't even have to talk about you to make me feel worthless.''

Navy frowned, ''What are you—''

''What am I talking about?'' Olivia chuckled out, dryly, ''Well, for starters, he doesn't look at me if he doesn't have to, and when he does — he looks disappointed, like the person he truly wants to have standing in front of him, isn't there. He doesn't touch me. He doesn't kiss me, hug me, or even speak to me if he doesn't have to, and why do you think that is? Let me tell you —I'm not you. That's the problem.''

Navy's shoulders sunk, her arms dropping to her sides.

''Do you think I'm a virgin? No. I'm not, but I lie, and I say I am because he made it perfectly clear that he's not going to sleep with me, ever. He doesn't even sleep in the same bed as me, not in the same room. He never has, and I never understood why. I knew there was someone before me. He told me he loved someone a long time ago, but he couldn't be with her anymore, and it didn't make sense until he left me on that damn stage the other night, just to look at you.''

''It's not like that. I'm engaged to Asher—''

''Yeah, like that bloody matters?'' Olivia was heaving out her words, her face shifting into a troubled grimace, ''You don't think I know that he was at your apartment the other day? Or that he ran up to his room at our engagement party just to comfort you? Or on the plane? You don't think I know? What did he tell you about tonight?''

Navy backed up a little, her fingers tugging at the edges of her dress, ''That you had plans—''

''That I had plans? What plans could I possibly have here? He said that if I don't make myself busy, he'll send me home. He didn't want me to come with you tonight.''

''I don't know why he did that—''

''You don't?'' Olivia snarled, rudely, ''Well, I do. He still loves you, and ever since you walked in on that damn party — he's been doing everything he can to get rid of me. Our parents had a deal. We'll get married, and they get to use each other's names, but he doesn't bother for that anymore.''

Navy scowled, folding her arms over her chest. It ached a bit inside, knowing that Draco wanted to do all of this now, and she damned him for not doing it before, ''He doesn't love me. I don't know what he told you, but he left me to be with you and to do what his parents wished for, so don't—''

''He's not planning on that anymore.'' Olivia said, bending forward to stand up, ''I overheard him talking to his father the other day, and he's not going to marry me. He's leaving them.''

Her brows fell, her whole face dropped into worry for the blond, ''What?''

''He wants to be with you, and he's ready to walk away from his family to make that happen.''

Navy shook her head, closing her eyes, ''He's not. I have Asher, and I won't—''

''No, you won't.''

The second Navy opened her eyes, she watched that blond girl raise her wand towards her, ''Do you know how much I need this? How much I need him? My father cut me off because he doesn't think I take life seriously, and Draco is the one thing supporting me right now. I need his name to make my father happy.''

''So this is about money?'' Navy tried to stall, seeing how Olivia was close to losing her temper, ''You want to use him for his money?''

''Yes. It's about money. I didn't want it to be, but it doesn't matter that it's been two years, and it won't matter in ten because he'll never be mine with you still in the picture.'' Olivia took slow steps up to Navy, ''So here's how it's going to be. You'll keep your damn mouth shut about what you saw, and I won't tell your boyfriend about you and Draco.''

Navy didn't have her own wand. She didn't have any way of defending herself if she needed to.

''Because he doesn't know, does he?'' Olivia narrowed her eyes at the brunette. Spite filled the room around them, ''There's no way a guy like Dalton would travel with his fiancé's ex-boyfriend. I've done my homework on him. He's smart, rich, successful, you sure know how to pick them, let me tell you that—''

''Stop,'' Navy was walking back into the living room of their hotel room.

''But I found more...'' She smirked, devilishly, ''He's possessive, mad. His father's little golden boy, right? There's not one thing Asher Dalton can't get away with, but you already know that, don't you? That's why you never told him anything, correct? Because you're scared of him? You're scared of what he'll do to you if he finds out the truth behind it all? That Draco was the boy you cheated with? And as if that's not enough, you fell in love with him.''

Navy was shaking her head, whispering a silent no.

''You think you left this life behind you, that you're so much better than all of this, but let me tell you something, Navy. You're worse. You were out all night with my fiancé. You let him into your apartment late at night. You stole the attention from me on our own damn engagement party.''

She could hear the bangs on the door. Draco wasn't pleased at all to be locked out.

''So from now on — you'll stay away. You'll stay away from him, and you'll cut him out of your life because one word to my father about Draco leaving me — He's done. I'll make up some fake accusation against him, and his fortune goes to me.''


''No!'' She yelled, laughing maniacally in between her gasping pants, ''You'll listen to me and you'll—'' She fired a spell, one of the worst ones, but Navy stepped out of the way just in time, ''You're weren't good enough for him two years ago, and if you think that's changed—''


Another spell was fired, this one came closer, the green light of it struck the wall behind her.

''You're crazy—'' Navy was shaking, trying to look at the door and if she'd be able to make a run for it, ''You can't do this to him—''

''Watch me—'' She aimed her want higher, giving her magic more power, and just as she did, the door broke in.

''What the hell—'' Draco marched right up to Olivia, seeing how she stood with her wand pointed towards Navy, ''Are you out of your bloody mind? Don't you dare touch her.''

Draco snatched the wand right out of her hand before he gripped her by the shoulders and pushed her back into the bedroom. Snapping his fingers, his own wand that laid on the desk, standing against one of the walls, flew to his hand. He fired a spell on the bedroom doors, locking them shut.

Navy was shaking, her hands grasping at her own hair, moving down to claw at her neck. She was trapped in shock, trying to process everything that had just happened. Draco stood so close to her, his hands brushing over hers, his fingers stopping her from hurting herself, ''White...'' He whispered, bringing her closer, so close, ''What happened? What the hell just happened in here?''

''I'm—'' Navy shook her head, yanking her arms away from his, ''I'm sorry, but I can't—''

She ran out. Navy rushed out of that hotel room. Her touch once again landed on that elevator button. She pressed it hard, repeatedly. She just wanted to go home, not to be anywhere near anyone. She wanted Asher. She wanted to see him, to tell him everything.

''White, wait—'' Draco called out for her, running after her and squeezing into the elevator the second the doors were closing shut, ''What the hell is wrong with you?''

''Me?'' She snapped her head, looking at him. She didn't push the button to her floor. They weren't going anywhere, ''What is wrong with you? Are you leaving her?''

Draco looked away, his spine pressed against the wall behind him.

''Are you? Because that's insane, Draco. I don't want you to mess up your life just because I happened to be at your engagement party. I don't want that for you, and trust me — you don't want that.''

''You don't know what the hell I want.'' He gritted his jaws, staring her down, ''If you did, you wouldn't stand here saying all that shit.''

''You're engaged,'' Navy hated herself for speaking in the ways she did, but she couldn't risk that Olivia would send him away. She'd rather lose him than see him lose himself, ''You have a fiancé—''

''That tried to fucking hurt you,'' Draco pushed off the wall, neither of them realizing that the elevator started moving, ''What the hell was that about? Why did you lock me out—''

''I'm—'' Navy looked down at the floor, her eyes falling shut. ''I can't—''

''You want to know what I want?'' He said, his hands finding the length of her arms, and he pulled her in, ''Do you?''


She didn't have the chance to speak until his lips crashed to hers. Bending down over her, he took her jaw in one hand, the other wrapped around her waist. Draco kissed her, slowly, intimately. He had never kissed her like that.

She'd never been kissed in the way she was now. One time was close to being compared to this one — the night he left her. That kiss stayed with her for over two years, marked and bruised on her lips, but this one took over.

He smiled against her mouth, feeling how she kissed him back, how her fingers gripped his shirt and how she pushed up on her toes to meet him, ''This,'' He whispered lowly. He pulled away, looking at her closely, ''I want this. You, Navy. I never stopped wanting you. I never stopped, not when you were with Nott, not when you were on your own, not now, and I won't. I won't stop wanting you.''

She let out a shaky breath, her knees trembling as his forehead dropped to hers, ''I want you. I don't care about my family, her family — fucking Dalton. I don't care about any of it. I need you.''

''Draco, please—''

''I thought I didn't, and it nearly killed me. I haven't been alive, Navy. I have been walking around like a God damn ghost without you, but the second I saw you again, even from a distance... Something snapped, and I can't let you go again.'' He still held her, one hand on her chin, the other one pressed her against him, ''I refuse—''

Navy lengthened herself onto her toes again, tilting her head back as she kissed him. She kissed him hard, longingly. He kissed her back, open mouths, wet, hot, and for seconds — until he felt what this was.

She kissed him in the way he kissed her the night he left. This wasn't her accepting the fact that he wanted her back. This wasn't her wanting him back. She did. He could feel that she did. Navy wanted him back more than anything, but this was more than that. This was her letting go of him.

''Don't—'' He mumbled, holding her tighter, ''Don't do this. Don't do this to me.''

Navy placed another soft kiss upon his slightly parted lips until her heel struck the floor again, ''I'm sorry.'' She whispered, wanting to back away, but he didn't let her. He held her there, ''I can't let you throw your life away for me.''

''Navy—'' His fingers dug into her dress, his skin shivering, ''Don't—''

''You left me for a reason, and this....'' Her hand slowly moved from his chest up to his jaw. She brushed her thumb over his cheekbone, over the bun in his hair, ''This doesn't change that. I wish it could, but it doesn't. It's too late, Draco.''

She couldn't risk him. She refused to. She couldn't let Olivia hurt him.


''I love you,'' She said, and it had him gawking. She had never said it before, never spoken the words, not directly, not to him. His eyes grew wide, his lips parting, ''I think I always will. You... You ruined me for everyone else too, but we can't do this, not without ruining each other.''

Draco wanted to say something. He wanted to say it back, to say that he loved her more than anything. That he was already ruined, that nothing but her could mend him, but he didn't.


The ringing sound of the doors opening made him silent, and she jumped back from him, recognizing the voice immediately.

''Asher—'' She nervously breathed, faintly smiling at her fiancé as he stood with a bouquet of flowers in his hand, smiling right back at her, ''You're back already?''

''I am,'' He gave Draco a quick tip of his head before stepping into the elevator with them. His arm snaked around her waist, and he pulled her into a kiss, ''I'm sorry I'm late.''

Navy ripped their kiss in two, folding her arms around him, tensely not to hurt Draco more. Her eyes found the silver ones as her chin placed onto Asher's shoulder. He was in pain, so much pain.

She could see how he was dying, having to stand in the same small space as them. Her lower lip began to quiver, her eyes filled with tears. Draco looked away, locking his jaws in anger. So did she.

The blond didn't speak a word until the elevator stopped on his floor, and he marched out.

Leaving her behind, and it was all her fault.

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