Wrong Turn, Right Path

Od BrycelynnTaylor

171K 7.4K 715

Life is full of choices and consequences and sometimes we have to go through a series of wrong turns to get b... Více

Chapter 1- Jemma's POV
Chapter 2- Jemma's POV
Chapter 3- Nick's POV
Chapter 4 - Nick's POV
Chapter 5 - Nate's POV
Chapter 6 - Nate's POV
Chapter 7 - Jemma's POV
Chapter 8 - Jemma's POV
Chapter 9 - Nick's POV
Chapter 10 - Nick's POV
Chapter 11- Nate's POV
Chapter 12 - Jemma's POV
Chapter 13 - Nick's POV
Chapter 14 - Nate's POV
Chapter 15 - Jemma's POV
Chapter 16 Nate's POV
Chapter 17 - Jemma's POV
Chapter 18 - Nick's POV
Chapter 19 - Jemma's POV
Chapter 20 - Nate's POV
Chapter 21 - Nick's POV
Chapter 22 - Jemma's POV
Chapter 23 - Nate's POV
Chapter 24 - Jemma's POV
Chapter 25 - Jemma's POV
Chapter 26 - Nick's POV
Chapter 27 - Jemma's POV
Chapter 29 - Jemma's POV
Chapter - 30 - Jemma's POV
Chapter 31 - Jemma POV

Chapter 28 - Nick's POV

4.2K 188 14
Od BrycelynnTaylor

It's the middle of the night. Jemma has been gone for over 24 hours and it feels like I haven't held her in years. Kol is pissed that we didn't immediately run after her as soon as we found out she was gone. We want our mate back, we want our daughter back. We want our family back and the sooner we deal with Layla the sooner we can move on from this.

That's why I'm in the middle of the forest with a dozen other wolves carefully scoping out this cabin. We've already found numerous trip wires and traps the closer we get to the cabin so we are being very cautious. We disarm what we can and link the location of ones we can't. We don't want to leave any trace that we've been here in case Layla isn't at home. IF she is we'll take her tonight, if she isn't, then we'll lay a trap for her either way this ends soon.

As the sliver of moon is reaching its apex we see a structure in the distance. When I hear the word cabin I have a certain image in my mind. Log siding, a covered porch, multiple windows to enjoy the surrounding scenery. What I see nestled in a clearing in the trees was more like a one room shack. There was a chimney coming out of the roof, that's covered in snow, wisps of smoke rising into the night sky. The single window is dark. We creep closer to the shack, I refuse to call it a cabin anymore, listening carefully for any signs of life and watching for more traps.

All clear on the East side, trees for cover but nothing else. One of the warriors links to the group

West side is clear, some low bushes to provide cover I hear another voice come through.

South side all clear, looks like recent activity near the back door where there's a pile of chopped wood that could provide cover. I hear Nate's voice.

I respond to everyone North side has a door that also shows recent activity but nothing other than trees and a single large boulder to provide cover.

I begin to move out of the tree line when I feel a hand on my arm. I look over to the warrior that's by my side I link just him What is it Trevor?

She'll recognize your scent if you get too close. Let me go up and check, please?

I give a nod of approval and he matches his steps to her tracks making sure not to leave any evidence in his wake. Layla was one of our best warriors, skilled in tracking, fighting, and intel gathering. I knew we would eventually win but what would be the final cost? I watch with bated breath as Trevor makes it up to the door, he leans in and we all hold our breath. He places something on the top of the door jam and then carefully turns around. As he makes his way back towards me he pauses by a tree that is right next to the trail and touches the trunk then he finishes walking towards me and finally ducks behind cover.

He links the entire group She's not here but she was earlier. I placed a small indicator on the door so Gamma Brandon will be notified when the door is opened, I also placed a small camera pointed at the door that also has a direct feed back to Gamma Brandon.

I link the group West team you stay and continue on site surveillance everyone else regroup back at the pack-house. Remember she was one of the best we had so leave no trace that we were ever here.

Jemma's POV

After I got off the phone with Katie I felt so much better, so much lighter. I had a firm plan in mind that I was going to go win my men back, to prove I was sorry and that I regretted rejecting them more than anything.

I look over at the microwave and see that it is after 2 in the morning, there's no way I'm going right now. With everything that has been going on our sleep schedules had gotten completely screwed up. I peek in on Maddie and see she's playing a game I'd downloaded for her on my phone. I quickly pack up an overnight bag of clothes for her and myself as well as some of our toiletries and set it by the front door. We'll come back for the rest of our stuff later.

It felt good to have a plan again. I curled up on the couch and fell asleep. I wouldn't say it was peaceful or even comfortable but it was a sleep that was born in absolute certainty that this was the right thing to do.

After only a few hours I woke up. Maddie had fallen asleep at some point I decided to let her sleep until she woke up on her own. I took a shower and tried to make myself at least somewhat presentable then I made breakfast of eggs, bacon, toast and coffee for myself. I made Maddie her own plate of food and set it in the microwave for later.

I started organizing the boxes by what to take to the pack house and what we can donate. Things like linens, especially those that I picked up at a thrift store, could be donated. The photo albums and keepsake boxes would go with us. Everything that would end up at the pack house I put in the living room and all the stuff that would be donated I put in what would have been my room.

By the time that Maddie got up I was on my 4th cup of coffee, more than I typically drink, and was a bit wired.

"Mommy are you okay?" her sleepy voice drifts from the hallway as I set another box on the pile in the living room.

"Yup I'm just dandy. I'm sorting things, hold on and I'll get you your breakfast." I say as I trip over a box on my way to the kitchen. I quickly reheat her food before putting it on the table for her.

"Are you sure you're okay?" she gives me a wary glance as she takes her seat and starts to eat the reheated eggs while I pour her some milk. I have to use up as many of the perishables as I can before we leave.

"Absolutely. As soon as you're done with breakfast, you're going to take a bath then we're going to get dressed up and go home." I announce. I want us to look our best.

"WOO HOO!!! I GET TO SEE MY DADDY AND MY PAPA!!!" Maddie yells at the top of her lungs as she bounces in her chair.

"You first have to eat your breakfast then you have to take a bath." I say in hopes to inspire her to focus on the task at hand and it seems to have worked.

She ate so fast I was scared she was going to choke thankfully she didn't. After the world's fastest bath we were ready to go. I grabbed our bag and she grabbed the 2 wolf stuffies that I bought the other night and we went down and hopped in the jeep. I had Maddie buckle in the center of the backseat hoping it was enough to get us home.

"Let's go home My Maddie!" I yell as we pull out of the parking spot.

"HOME!" Maddie returns as we turn onto the street heading back the way we had originally come.

Nick's POV

Everything was just about in place. Jemma was safe in her apartment. Trevor had confirmed that he had delivered the box and that she had grabbed it. I was going to go to the shack and pretend that I wanted Layla back so that I could get close enough to subdue her.

Nate and I decided that Ray would carry out the death penalty after we found out that what she had injected Chelsea with was a near lethal dosage of Ketamine and wolfsbane. If she wasn't a werewolf she would have died. As it is her wolf is still weak from healing her the only way we know she is still there is because Ray's wolf can still feel her. Dr. Whitman says it will just take time and rest to heal Chelsea, unfortunately the pup she was carrying was lost. They didn't even know she was expecting so to find out they had a pup but lost it all in the same breath was devastating to them both. Ray wants justice and we'll let him have it.

We have warriors hidden in trees, hidden in bushes, and anywhere else we could think of. Just in case Layla doesn't fall for my ruse. A part of me hopes she doesn't just so I don't have to get anywhere near her. I can't guarantee that I won't kill her in the process of trying to subdue her.

Alpha Nick, we have a problem I hear the warrior's voice in my head FUCK! Now is not the time for a problem.

What's going on?

Luna and Maddie just got into their car and took off in the direction of the pack-house. Luna had a duffle bag and based on the smiles on their faces I think they're going home.

What would have been the best news in the world at ANY other time brought nothing but dread to my heart. I didn't want her mixed up in the middle of this, she's already been through enough.

I link my Dad: Jemma's on her way to the pack-house, will you and Mom try to intercept them?

Absolutely son. We'll keep them out of harm's way.

I then link Nate Jemma must've had a change of heart because she and Maddie just left and are heading towards the pack-house. Dad and Mom are going to intercept them and keep them safe.

FUCK! Well at least she is coming back to us, we shouldn't have to work so hard to convince her to take back her rejection. That was just like him, looking for the bright side of this shitty situation.

Minutes that felt like hours crept by as I sat on the steps of the shack waiting for Layla to show up. She hadn't returned the night before and the smoke from the chimney slowly faded to nothing. We figured we had been made and somehow she had the shack under surveillance as well, which wasn't all that surprising to be honest. That's why I'm sitting here. If she's watching she'll see me and hopefully will show herself.

Jemma's POV

I was practically vibrating in anticipation of seeing my mates again, I was still wearing the shirt they'd given me. As I turned off the highway onto the road that would lead me up the mountain. I came around a corner and felt something slam into the driver's side of the jeep pushing it off the opposite side of the road. As the passenger side of the car slams into a tree I look back at Maddie who although looks terrified she seems unharmed by the broken glass that was covering the seats on either side of her. I look to my left and see a huge boulder had hit the car door behind me. If it had hit my door it likely would've killed me. The tree we hit with the other side of the car dented in those doors. Between the tree and the boulder we couldn't open any of the doors.

"Hey Maddie, sweetie, how ya doing?" I ask as I fight to unbuckle my seatbelt. Oddly enough none of the airbags deployed.

"I'm okay Mommy." She said.

"We're going to have to climb out the back so can you please unbuckle sweetie?" Finally I got my buckle to release and I turned around to start climbing in the back seat with Maddie. Thankfully she had no troubles getting her buckle undone.

We climbed over the seat and into the back where I fumble around looking for a release handle until I finally find one off in the corner. I pull it and the back pops open. I help her climb down and carefully brush off stray pieces of glass from her clothes.

I stand up and brush myself off as well just as I turn to grab my purse and our bag Maddie screams and my world goes black.

Nate's POV

I hate waiting. 

As I sit in a cramped position watching Nick sit on those steps. We're both waiting for Layla to make her next move. I can feel the restless energy of the warriors that are hidden around the cabin. Wolves aren't known to be the most patient creatures but for the sake of our mate, their Luna, we'll be whatever we have to be.

Nick picks up yet another small pebble that he has uncovered with his toe and threw it at a tree, the same tree he has been throwing pebbles at this whole time. He hits the same spot every time as well.

I don't think she is going to take the bait. His voice sounds frustrated as he links me

What else do you want to do than? I fire back

His response is to throw another pebble.

Nick, Nate, we have a huge problem My Dad's voice says and it feels like a Mack Truck has parked on my chest. He doesn't wait for us to respond though We found the jeep but it looks like a crushed soda can at this point. Good news, there's no blood, bad news Jemma and Maddie aren't here. It looks like they climbed out the back but their bags are still here, there's tracks leading into the trees but we lost the trail in the underbrush.

That makes no sense, why would they walk off into the trees instead of following the road? Nick questions.

And why would they leave their stuff? I add

I don't think it was their choice, there are sets of footprints, 1 adult, 1 child's but there's drag marks that look like they were left by someone's feet being pulled through the snow.. My Dad responds.

Nick stands up and growls so loud it shakes the snow from the surrounding trees. I start to get up but movement behind him catches my eye.

The large rock next to the tree that Nick was throwing pebbles at appears to split in two before it opens up and out steps Layla half carrying half dragging an unconscious Jemma holding a syringe in her hand that is already pushed into Jemma's neck. As she steps out into the open Maddie comes out next, her hands are tied together in front of her and the end of the rope is tied around Layla's waist. There is barely a foot between them. With Jemma on her front with who knows what about to be injected into her body and Maddie right behind her she effectively is shielded from attack.

"Nick, Baby, so nice of you to finally visit me but right now isn't a good time, we're about to have a girls' night. No boys allowed so if you can gather all your warriors that I know are hiding around my home and get the fuck off MY land I would appreciate it. Oh and you have 3 seconds before I start filling your Precious Mate with some Special K.... 1.... 2...." I didn't wait to hear 3 I knew she wasn't bluffing all of us did.

What I did hear though damn near broke me "Daddy, please don't leave me" Maddie's plea almost stops me in my tracks but I couldn't risk Jemma being killed. We got back far enough that she could no longer see us and slowed our pace.

"Before I forget, If you get within 100 feet of my cabin I'll know and start removing body parts from one of them." Layla's shrill voice yelled.

Brandon linked us She took them into the cabin.

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