Wrong Turn, Right Path

By BrycelynnTaylor

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Life is full of choices and consequences and sometimes we have to go through a series of wrong turns to get b... More

Chapter 1- Jemma's POV
Chapter 2- Jemma's POV
Chapter 3- Nick's POV
Chapter 4 - Nick's POV
Chapter 5 - Nate's POV
Chapter 6 - Nate's POV
Chapter 7 - Jemma's POV
Chapter 8 - Jemma's POV
Chapter 9 - Nick's POV
Chapter 10 - Nick's POV
Chapter 11- Nate's POV
Chapter 12 - Jemma's POV
Chapter 13 - Nick's POV
Chapter 14 - Nate's POV
Chapter 15 - Jemma's POV
Chapter 16 Nate's POV
Chapter 17 - Jemma's POV
Chapter 18 - Nick's POV
Chapter 19 - Jemma's POV
Chapter 20 - Nate's POV
Chapter 21 - Nick's POV
Chapter 22 - Jemma's POV
Chapter 24 - Jemma's POV
Chapter 25 - Jemma's POV
Chapter 26 - Nick's POV
Chapter 27 - Jemma's POV
Chapter 28 - Nick's POV
Chapter 29 - Jemma's POV
Chapter - 30 - Jemma's POV
Chapter 31 - Jemma POV

Chapter 23 - Nate's POV

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By BrycelynnTaylor

After we all officially accepted each other in the tub we were more than happy to seal the deal with another round of mind blowing orgasms. Nick and I still refrained from marking her even though she expressed a desire for it. We knew that she still had concerns and we didn't want her to ever regret taking this step with us.

Once we cleaned up again and got dressed someone started insistently knocking on our door. Nick's low growl was quickly cut off, I turned around and saw Jemma covering his mouth with her hand.

"That's Maddie, if she hears you growling she'll think she's in trouble." Jemma said as she finished pulling her soft pink sweater over her head. "Give me a sec Honey, I'll be right there." She called towards the door.

I looked down and saw that I was only wearing a pair of my boxers. Both Nick and I dove through the doors leading to our respective closets, more like dressing rooms, when we heard Jemma opening the bedroom door. I walked into my closet that was the size of standard bedroom. I looked over all my clothes trying to choose what to wear. Girls weren't the only ones who had trouble with this sometimes. Deciding on my standard outfit of faded blue jeans, black button down with the sleeves rolled up. I finished it off with a pair of comfy shoes and wrist watch. I ran my fingers through my damp hair and called it good.

Just as I opened my door I looked up as Nick was opening his. I just chuckled and shook my head. We'd done it again, put on the exact same outfit.

"I see you're still copying my style little brother." He said as he finished fastening his watch.

"Nope, you're just trying to fit in with the younger crowd." I reply with a smirk.

We both start laughing as we make our way to our room. We stop in our tracks as we see our mate and our daughter having a moment. Maddie was dressed up like one of those movie princesses and was seated at Jemma's vanity. Jemma was standing behind her doing some kind of style in her hair that involved twists and little elastic ties. Maddie was singing You Are My Sunshine and I felt my heart melt into a mushy pile of goo. I look over at Nick and had to do a double take. There were tears in his eyes.

Not wanting to break the moment I decided to link him You okay over there?

He quickly swiped his hand down his face removing any trace of moisture that may have leaked from his eyes. That was the song that Maddie was singing when Mitch found her after the accident. I can't believe how close we got to losing her, losing them.

"Daddy, Papa, Do you like my dress and hair?" Maddie came rushing over to us twirling in a circle to show off to us.

"You truly look like my little Princess now." Nick said as he crouched down in front of her.

"Why'd you have tears?" Maddie asked reaching forward to wipe away a tear that had avoided being swiped away before.

"I'm just so happy that we get to escort the two most beautiful women in the world down to breakfast." He said while standing up and reaching for her hand.

I walked over and put my arm around Jemma's shoulders pulling her into my side where she rested her head against my chest. We both just enjoying watching their interaction. Nick was never the guy kids gravitated to, that was typically me, so it was good to see him be the Daddy that not only Maddie needed but that he needed to be also.

I leaned down and kissed Jemma's head, "What do you say, should we go get some food?"

"After last night and this morning, I don't know about you but I'm absolutely famished." she said with a smirk and a wink.

Just her mentioning what we all did together had my dick jumping to life in my pants. "Then I say we get you refueled because we're nowhere near being done with you." I whisper in her ear.

"I agree" Nick said with a heated look before heading towards the hallway.

Giggling Jemma took my hand and started to follow Nick I pulled her back into my arms and planted a kiss that was full of promises of all the things I plan to do with her. A kiss that she returned wholeheartedly but pulled away all too soon "We should head down before we end up missing breakfast all together."

I heave a playful sigh "If we must" I kiss her one more time before we walk out of the room hand in hand.

Breakfast was full of laughter and fun. Maddie wanted to sit at the big table so my parents put a chair between them and had her sit there. It wasn't a typical thing for someone to sit between an Alpha and Luna but they're retired and don't care so much about propriety anymore.

Jemma asked, "Maddie, what made you decide to want to sit with the adults this morning?"

Maddie's perpetual smile slipped a little bit before she answered, "Sitting at the kids' table isn't the same without Seth. He would help me the way Daddy and Papa help you. I miss him." she finished with the smile completely gone from her face.

"Can Grandma and I take care of you Princess?" My Dad asked as he reached to fill my Mom's plate.

Maddie nodded while wiping a tear away "Thank you Grandpa Chris."

"Who's Seth?" My Mom asked Maddie.

"He's my best-friend in Mitch's pack." She took a drink of her juice before continuing, "When I first met him my hand tingled when he held it and I heard a little voice in my head say mate. I think that means we'll be best friends forever, am I right?" She asked looking up at my Mom who had a look of absolute shock on her face that I think all of us within hearing also wore.

I now knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that Maddie was part wolf. But there were still so many questions. Who her father was? How is her wolf talking to her already? How does she feel the mate bond at such a young age? Did Seth feel it too? If he doesn't will that hurt Maddie later?

My Dad turned to Mitch, "Who exactly is Seth?"

Mitch took a deep breath, "When we got to Nightshade pack, right after the attack, it was in utter chaos. There was so much clean up to do, so many deaths. Patrols found him wandering in the woods crying for his parents. He was completely naked except for an oversized dirty t-shirt. We don't know how long he was out there all by himself. They brought him to the pack-house. Some of the women recognized him and informed me that his parents had been lost in attack and they didn't know of any other family he had. He has lived with us in the pack-house with the other orphans ever since."

"Seth told me he remembers walking in the woods and he slept under a bush, then the lady in white came and woke him up and said that he had to go back down the path and he'd be okay." Maddie said as she took a bite of her eggs, "I told him how after Mommy stopped talking to me in the car and I was really cold a lady wearing a white dress sat with me in the car asking me to sing for her. When my blanket fell on the floor she picked it up and gave it back to me." She added before turning to my Mom "Grandma Val, can I have some more juice please?"

Maddie had effectively stopped all conversations at the table with what she said. Is it possible she and Seth both saw the Moon Goddess herself? That they had actually conversed with her? That she had been there for them when they needed her most? That she had saved them?

After a few awkward moments Maddie asked "Mommy, when can I take off my cast? I'm tired of wearing it."

Nick answered by saying "How about we go to the Dr after breakfast and see what he says." Then he leaned over to Jemma, "I linked him earlier and he contacted Dr Greene so he has a copy of both your's and Maddie's medical records from the accident. He said he was open all morning so we can stop by anytime."

Breakfast wrapped up and before we went to medical wing Nick and I were informed that there was some urgent pack business that needed our attention. Thankfully Nick offered to take care of it so that I could accompany our ladies to see Dr Whitman.

"Good Morning Alpha Nate. This must be Luna Jemma and little Maddie." He said extending his hand to each of them in turn. "I must say that after reviewing your files I didn't expect to see you so, healed. Now I understand why Alpha Nick was curious how complete your recovery is."

After he showed us into one of the basic exam rooms Jemma asked, "Will you really have to cut off the cast to x-ray our arms again?"

"Not at all Luna, you both have fiberglass casts so I can x-ray right through them, if it shows you and or Maddie are completely healed then we'll remove it." He replied as they both hopped upon the exam table.

"I'm not the Luna, you don't have to call me that." She said much to my dismay. I enjoyed hearing him call her by the title that's due her.

"You might not be yet but it's obvious that you're their mate, they have their scent all over you and one just needs to glance at the three of you together to see that they're absolutely smitten with you. But if it would make you more comfortable I can call you just Jemma until you officially become my Luna." He told her. After that he asked basic questions about their health, how they're feeling, took vitals and whatnot. Typically one of the support staff would do this but he insisted that he be the one to take care of them.

After they each went to have their arms x-rayed we waited in the room for the results. "What's expected of a Luna?" She sounded reserved, almost nervous.

"A Luna is like the mother to the pack. She works with the Alpha, or in our case Alphas, to help make sure all the needs of the pack members are met. The Luna helps calm and balance the Alpha. I have heard that just the scent of the Luna can calm an Alpha from a blind rage, although I hope we never have to test that particular theory. Also the Luna is typically in charge of the household staff but the exact duties are as individual to the Luna as the woman herself. Your exact duties when you become Luna will be whatever you want them to be. We would never ask you to do anything that you are not comfortable with. My Mom has been fulfilling the role of Luna until we found our mate and I'm sure she would be more than happy to mentor you in that role. No one expects you to just jump in and do it all. When you're ready you'll have plenty of help. I'm sure Selene will be more than happy to give you tips as well as Amber." I hope that this answers her question and addresses her concerns.

"Who's Amber again? I'm sorry there have been so many new names lately." She says with a smile.

"Amber is our cousin Jackson's mate. They're the Alpha and Luna of the Crater pack. You'll meet them later today. I think you'll really like her, she was there for Jackson when his father died and really helped him not only deal with his grief but also with taking over the pack. I used to think he was the luckiest guy in the world but now that I found you, I know that Nick and I are the luckiest guys in the world." I can't help but kiss her.

There was a knock on the door before Dr. Whitman opened it and walked in holding large films in his hands. "Well I have good news and better news." He put 2 of the films over the frosted glass panel on the wall then flipped a switch lighting them from behind. "On the left we have Maddie's arm when she first got to the Nightshade pack and you can clearly see the break here" He pointed out where it was obviously broken, "On the right you see the x-ray that we had done today, not only is she completely healed but there's no evidence that she ever broke it in the first place, but that is to be expected with a werewolf pup." He pulled down those films and put up two more.

Before he could explain the new films Jemma said "Maddie, isn't part wolf. I'm not a werewolf and as far as I know neither was the man who fathered her."

"Well I don't know what to tell you Lu.. er Jemma, her x-rays and healing rate certainly lead one to think that she's part wolf. As for you not being a wolf let me show you this. On the left you see your before shot your break was more severe and I'm surprised Ava, I mean Dr. Greene didn't have it surgically fixed. However it seems she knew what she was doing because as you can clearly see on this next film you too are completely healed and show no signs of ever being injured add that to your remarkable healing of your other injuries I would think that perhaps you have a dormant wolf." He sat down like he was expecting her to explain that she really was a wolf but I think I knew what really happened.

"I think I may shed some light on this." I was concerned that Jemma might be mad that we were in her room while she was sleeping. Oh Well, here goes nothing. I explain about Nick praying over her after he brought in the stuff he grabbed from her car and how she woke up the next morning significantly healed but still injured. How he tried a few more times but it didn't seem to work anymore. Then when I got there and she was still unconscious from hitting her head I too said the same prayer offering to exchange some of my life force to help heal her. "The next morning she woke up and seemed to have no residual effects from her fall. Not only that but she also appeared to be completely healed. I have never heard of anything like this but whatever it was healed her and for that I'm grateful." I finished what I was saying while looking into Jemma's eyes, willing her to understand that I would do anything, give everything to take away her pain.

"You exchanged your life force to heal me? But you didn't even know me." She said in a small voice.

"I knew you were my Mate and you were hurt. That's all I needed to know in that moment." I kissed the back of the hand that I'd been holding.

"Very interesting. I've never heard of anything like this before but that doesn't mean it isn't possible, obviously. One thing is for certain, it seems like the Moon Goddess has moved heaven and earth to ensure you found each other. That in and of itself is a miracle." Dr. Whitman stated. "Now why don't we take off those casts seen as how they're no longer needed." He smiled as he poked his head out of the room to call for a nurse to bring the necessary tools to free their arms.

I must admit it was a bit nerve wracking watching a power saw so close to Maddie's and Jemma's arms but thankfully it was only for the fiberglass layer the inner padded was cut away with those blunt tip scissors doctors use.

As soon as Dr Whitman and the nurse bid us farewell and left the room Maddie announced that she wanted to go try out her rock wall now that she could use both hands. Then she ran out of the room towards the stairs.

"I want to go quickly wash my arm and put on some lotion, my skin feels gross." Jemma says while rubbing and flexing her wrist and fingers.

Before she could walk out of the room I grabbed hold of her left hand and kissed her hand her wrist and all the way up to her elbow. All the places that I couldn't before because of the cast. "I like the way your skin feels especially under my lips."

"Keep doing that and we may have to shut and lock that door." she grinned while leaning into me.

Just as I was about to reply when Nick links me Aunt Charlie, Jackson, and Amber are here. Meet us in the sitting room when your done with the Dr.

No problem, I'll be right down and Jemma will join us after she washes her arm.

I smile as I look at Jemma, "When you're done come down to the sitting room. I'm excited to introduce you to our cousin, who's more like a brother."

"I'll hurry. From all the stories that I've heard I'm excited to meet him and his mate." Her smile is the most beautiful sight I've ever seen.

 We kissed at the stairs as she headed up to our room and I headed down to see my family.

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