Book 1: Envy (Jotaro x Female...

بواسطة mrs_kkujo

34.8K 899 1.4K

You're a foreign exchange student and things soon take an interesting turn when you unexpectedly become fam... المزيد

- important disclaimer -
envy - author's note
1 : a spare pen
2 : lunchtime
3 : be more careful
5 : go away
[Extra- Chapter 5.5]
6 : Tell me the truth (part 1)
7 : Tell me the truth part 2
8 : a new day
9 : Are you badly hurt ? (TW)
10 : Let's ditch
11-13: The world
14 : Spare key
15 : Date
16 : Suspended
17: Continuation

4 : make your life hell

2.6K 72 199
بواسطة mrs_kkujo

The very next morning , you rolled over on your side as you lay in bed .

"Holy crap , I overslept !"

You launched yourself out of your bed like a rocket and shot into the shower for a quick wash . You pulled on your school uniform , made a sad attempt to fix your hair and shoved your apartment keys into the pocket of your bag before speeding like a wagon down the stairs and out into the neighbourhood .

By the time you'd gotten to the school gate , you were out of breathe , but at least you weren't late . Looking at the huge clock upheld on the large tower above the central building , you saw that classes started in five minutes . You carried yourself up to Japanese literature class and slumped down into an empty seat , burying your face in your arms against the desk .

Your short-lived daydream was interupted by the sound of your teacher caling your name during registration .

"F/n L/n"

"H-here , Sensei" you answered , startled .

You rubbed your eyes with the back of your hand again and took out your notepad and pen , ready to make notes when you felt something small and hard hit the back of your head . Your eyes darted to the ground next to you . An eraser was thrown at you . You snapped around to see the girl you'd bumped into last week scowling at you . You scoffed , turning back in your seat . 'Stupid bitch' you whispered under your breath as you took up a pen in your hand . The lesson was otherwise a drag , but you survived it . Your next lesson was biology . You shared your biology and chemistry classes with Jotaro .

He came into the lesson five minutes late ; the teacher rolled her eyes and told him to sit down quickly . As he walked past you , he discretely dropped a small scrunched-up piece of paper on your desk and quickly took the seat behind you , saying nothing . You heard him put his notebook on the desk and start taking notes with his pencil . Carefully and curiously , you peeled open the paper and read the note in your head . You glanced behind you . He nodded in response and butterflies filled you up . You faced forwards again and did your work , wondering about the mystery behind such a request from Jotaro .


At the end of that class , after you stayed behind to ask your teacher a question on the topic you'd been taught , you took yourself to the school roof . You weren't exactly sure if students were allowed on such premises , you knew you could get in trouble if you got caught without a good reason - and , you knew there wasn't really a good reason for a third-year like yourself to be on the school roof - but you wanted to find out what Jotaro wanted to ask you .

You saw him leaning against the back of the clock tower , his back propped against the wall , folding his arms .

"I'm here " you notified him , holding your bag . He looked at you , his handsome face made him the hottest guy in the entire school . You didn't know why you only just realised how beautiful this man actually is . "You wanted to ask me something ?"

He shrugged , placing his hands in his pockets . "Come here ." he simply ordered you .

You stood next to him , your heart racing . "Why did you ask me to meet you here , Jotaro ?"

He sighed . "I don't really have a reason" he said , turning his head to the other side away from you . "I suppose Kakyoin is still off school , right ?"


"Do you have a crush on him ?" Jotaro asked .

"N-no , it's not like that . We're best friends . "

You felt Jotaro lay a hand on your shoulder . You turned around . His eyes were shaded by his hat as he looked down at you . "I'll walk you home again later" he stated . "Tell me your last lesson of the day "

"Japanese ."

He nodded briefly , removing his hand from you . "Okay , I'll be outside waiting for you ."

"A-alright , thank you ."


As promised , Jotaro Kujo was standing otuside your classroom at the end of the day when you'd finished your last lesson . He started walking ahead of him and you took the cue to catch up with him , follwoing the tall teenager through the neighbourhood .

"Jotaro , I don't mean to be annoying but why do you keep asking to walk me home ?"

He glanced back at you , the teal in his eyes flashing . He looked back ahead . "Young women shouldn't walk home alone in cities like this one ."


Jotaro saw you safely arrive into your apartment before leaving . You smiled after you shut the door , your heart feeling all warm and fuzzy . You didn't know why this was happening , but Jotaro's company now brought you a different kind of hapiness .


The next day at school , you see Jotaro further down the hall , heading to a class . You started to walk faster so you could catch up with your friend and say hi when the same rude girl elbowed you aside . You stumbled backwards , almost loosing your footing .

"What is your problem ?" you hissed , wicning at the throbbing pain in your side .

"Stay the hell out of my way , you scum" she growled at you under her breath , ,looking you up and down . "Or you'll be sorry you ever pushed me that day . I can make your life hell , you know" . After looking you up and down once more , she turned away .

"Good morning Jojooooooo !" you heard her call ,her grumpy man-voice now so high pitched and pathetic that it made you cringe harder than you'd ever done in your life as she ran down the hall to catch up with him .


You couldn't get those words out of your head . "Make your life hell." What was that meant to mean ? You heard a ball of paper hit the back of your seat . You reached down and picked it up , opening the paper .

"If I see you trying to get near Jotaro again , I'll smack your face"

You clenched your fist , the note still inside , and shoved it into your pocket . You looked around , it was the same girl again that had threatened to make your life hell . Now she was dragging Jotaro into her stupid drama .

You put your head on your desk , you were so pissed off . Could things get any more tiring ?

At the end of the school day , you ran out of the gates and straight home .

Little did you know that Jotaro had saw you rushing out of your class , he was on his way to stand outside your classroom .

When you got into your apartment , you sank to the floor , dragging your back down the door . You accidentally found yourself in a situation where you were forced to stay away from Jotaro because one of his loud annoying fangirls now personally hated you , she'd even threatened to hurt you and make your life hell .

As if the timing couldn't be better , you were actually starting to become really fond of Jotaro now . Infact , you loved him . This was all too much . You sat there , quietly sobbing into the sleeves of your cardigan .

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