Things I can't//Larry Stylins...

بواسطة mmmaarrrii000

23.8K 279 227

It's been two years since the band went on hiatus. However now the boys get the opportunity to see each other... المزيد

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 20

860 11 6
بواسطة mmmaarrrii000

***I get so lost inside your eyes. Would you believe it?***

(Can we just appreciate Louis' arm. That biceps is enormous!)


"Hazza. It's time to get up."

I slowly open my eyes and there's Louis sitting on the bed. 

I rub my eyes and yawn. "What's the time?"


"Ew, that's too early Lou," I whine.

"But I made you a breakfast, baby," he pouts his lower lip. His beautiful blue eyes are looking right inside of mine. That's the look I fell in love with. He looks so good, even though it's 10am. 

I notice that there's a tray full of food. There are three pancakes, eggs, sausages, a cup of tea and coffee. 

"You made this? But you hate cooking." 

"For sure I did. But I had to watch a couple of youtube videos to made those pancakes," he admits and blushes. 

I laugh and taste them.

"They're really good." I don't lie, they're actually not that bad. It used to be worse when he cooked. 

I finish my breakfast, he helps me eat it so there are no leftovers. I take the tray and go to the kitchen, to wash the dishes. When I walk to the kitchen counter, I notice something.

"Louis?" I shout.

"Yes," he answers from living room.

"Why are there pancakes in the trash bin?" 

"Ehm, I might have burned them." He enters the kitchen and sits on the counter.

"Of course you did," I chuckle and kiss him on the cheek. He freezes and stares at me. Even I am surprised by my action.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to," I apologize and hide my face in my hands. I am embarrassed. I should have known we're not at that phase again. I can't kiss him whenever I want. Force of habit.

"That's okay."

"Do you remember what we were talking about yesterday?" he says after a while.

"I do."

"I just wanted to say that I mean it. I miss you all and I really want the reunion. What about you?" He's too afraid to look in my eyes, so he's pointing to the ground.

"I- I've been thinking the same. However under one condition. I don't want to do it under the same terms. I don't want to pretend to be someone I'm not. I want to write whatever I want and express myself however I want. And most importantly I don't want to pretend to be in love with someone I'm not."

I can't be a part of the band if I have to pretend and fake everything. I have enough of that. 

"I mean yeah, it's been two years, if we're lucky we'll be able to change those terms."

"Only if we're lucky," I sigh and he slowly nods.

"Maybe we should talk to the other boys and see how they're feeling about this," Louis suggests.

"That's a great idea. Let's invite them for a dinner tonight."


It's 6pm already and we have everything settled. The table is set, we're serving delicious tacos tonight. Me and Louis have cooked and we tried our best. Well more like just me - Louis was sitting on the kitchen counter and joking around. So I was the one who cooked everything. 

Honestly I don't mind. I am glad he was there to keep me entertained. We actually spent a very pleasant day together. Even though it was a normal day, nothing special has happened, but it was awesome. I miss those days when we were all day at hone together, doing nothing and enjoying each other's company.

"They should be here any minute," I say, checking my watch.

As I finish the sentence, the door bell rings. 

We both walk to the door and there are our three band mates.

"Hey guys. So good to see you again." Niall is overexcited as always and hugs both of us.

"Hi Niall. It's good to see you too," I say.

We also greet Liam and Zayn and then all five of us take a seat by the table.

"Wow, that's delicious," Zayn says.

"Thank you, I was cooking it the whole night," Louis remarks with a smirk on his lips.

"Oh come on, Lou. You haven't even touched the frying pan," I disagree.

"I did! You asked me to hand it over to you. So yeah, I touched the frying pan," he protests.

I just roll my eyes and we all laugh.

"Ehm guys, there is a reason why we invited you here tonight," I start.

"Really? I thought you wanted to see us," Liam pouts his lower lip and does the 'puppy eyes face'. 

"Not really," Louis shrugs. "Lou!" I hit his arm and he acts like it hurts like hell.

"Of course we wanted to see you," my eyes are pointing to Liam. "But there's another reason. Me and Louis were talking and we wanted to ask you guys, what you think about 1D reunion."

To be honest I'm nervous. I have no idea what they're going to say. I finally want to reunite our band and I'm afraid that they will have a different opinion.

There is a pregnant pause, it seems like no one wants to answer.

"Ehm honestly I've never thought I'll hear those words. Especially after our boat trip. Louis you were totally against it. What has changed your mind?" Niall starts.

Louis looks at me and with a smile on his lips he says: "He did."

"Aww, you guys are back together?" Liam asks and has a flicker of hope in his eyes.

"So it worked!! I knew that if I lock you together in one room, you'll get back together!" Niall screams.

"You did what Nialler?" Zayn is shocked.

"I locked them in for 2 hours," Niall is smirking.

"Gosh, you're evil Ni," Liam laughs.

"But it worked. Thanks to me those two talk to each other, they will get married and have 2 kids. Thanks to me 1D will get back together and we will run the whole world. I am the reason for a world peace and all I had to do was lock them in one room. Please call me Niall the saviour."

Niall is so proud of himself and he looks serious but we can't hold our laughs in so we all let it out. 

"Shut up leprechaun," Louis states.

Now I laugh so much that it's even hard to breathe. 

It takes us some time to finally stop laughing and then I say. "Guys, even though we're incredibly thankful for Niall and what he did, me and Louis aren't dating. We still need to figure everything out."

I'm not sure how are things between me and Louis, we haven't actually talked about it yet and I don't want to rush into things. Even though Louis' smile fades a bit, it was the best thing I could say. I didn't want to ruin anything.

"I see man, that's alright. But let's get back to the first question. I'm in. I wanna be in a band again. I know I was the first to leave, even though I can't say I regret it, I still miss those times when we were a band. I want it all back and I hope if you agree to do it, you will take me with you," Zayn says.

"Zee, definitely. We weren't One Direction without you. We were just 4 dumbasses trying to hit your high notes," I say.

"Oh come on, your high notes are perfect, you were doing great without me," Zayn is looking on the floor and he's sad.

"But not that great as when we were with you. We love you Zayn and I also wanna get back together and this time with you," Liam grabs his shoulder and that makes Zayn look him into his eyes and they both smile.

There was one time when they have been more than friends but that's a long time ago. They figured out that being best friends is much better for both of them. 

Even though I miss double dates with them, I'm happy that they're happy.

Poor Niall he was always fifth wheeling.

"So we're all in?" Louis asks.

We all nod and then I realise it. 

This is the beginning of something absolutely magnificent.


Hey guys!

Wouldn't it be awesome if they really had a conversation like this.

Anyway hope you liked this chapter :D

Vote and comment <3

Mary x

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