The Stolen Bride


17.5K 752 42

"From now on, you are my wife. The sooner you accept that, the easier things will be for you. Provide for my... Еще

1 - Between Predators
2 - Trapped In Skies
3 - Know Your Place
4 - Beneath The Surface
5 - Unspoken
6 - The Five
7 - Life & Death
8 - The Ground We Walk
9 - A Warm Welcome
10 - Home Sweet Home
11 - Sealed Hearts
12 - What Could Be
13 - Intertwined
14 - Too Close To See
16 - After
17 - The Gift Of Time

15 - Gone Hunting

635 33 0

Night after night that week, Kira journeyed to her old village together with Marko, bringing packs of food that she passed off to Lobo.

"Why don't we just feed him right here?" Marko asked one night as they watched Lobo totter off with yet another pack in his mouth.

"He doesn't like eating in front of strangers," she conjured, with a pointed look at him.

"Aw, I'm hurt," he went, making her laugh.

Other than that, Marko hadn't asked too many questions about their arrangement, thankfully. But Kira was getting impatient. She wanted to see Drev, to make sure he was recovering from his fever, to taste his kiss again.

But she'd never be able to do that while Marko was with her. If she could just have one night alone, she could at least explain the situation to Drev so he would understand.

But first, she had to find a way to deal with Marko. So, she went to the one person she believed could help her.

After hearing Kira's story one day, Jemma was astonished. "Drev's in the old village?"

"Yes. He didn't have much of a choice. He can't stay here in Litur Cas and he can't go back to the mounts."

"I never really thought about it that way. I assumed he just found a way to get them to take him back."

"They're not exactly forgiving people in the tribe."

"How will he survive out there on his own, though?"

"That's exactly it, Jemma. He's not doing too well out there. I need to talk to him alone but I can't let Marko find out about him."

"Alright. Tell me how I can help."

"I do have an idea, actually..."

That night, around the time Kira and Marko usually went out together, there was a commotion from Jemma's home. Jemma's father came over and begged for Marko to come over.

"Something's wrong with her - I don't know what - but she insists she wants you there, Marko. Please, will you come and help?"

"Yes, yes, of course."

Kira pretended to follow them out of the house, but as soon as she found her chance, she turned off and left the village instead, silently thanking her good friend for her help.

Afraid that her absence would soon be noticed, Kira sprinted as hard as she could all the way to the old village.

Made it! Thank God. 

She paused for a while to a catch her breath, her hands on her knees. Then, she straightened up again, and was about to head towards the unfinished house on the hill when she spotted something strange. It was at the great oak tree that overlooked her old home, the tree in whose shade she used to play and read in, growing up.

But now, a horrifying sight met her eyes.

Someone had tied both Drev and Lobo and hung them upside-down from the tree's branches, like pigs strung out to be bled.

Kira felt eyes on her, and made out a figure standing by the tree trunk, knife in hand.

"Kira... oh, how I've missed you," that all too familiar voice made her tremble.

"Sylar. What are you doing here?"

He sneered at her. "Just because the rest of the tribe are too cowardly to go all the way to Litur Cas doesn't mean I'm the same. I haven't forgotten about you, or about that useless wife of mine, Ora."

"Derri," she corrected him.

He narrowed his eyes at her, turning sideways and aiming the knife at Drev's throat.

"No! Please don't."

"Ah, but imagine how lucky I was to find this one, plus his devil-dog here, of all places? It was like something heaven-sent."

"Sylar, I'll do anything you want," she blurted quickly, desperately. "Just don't hurt them."

"You're right. You will do anything I want, because now, you've finally learnt respect. I always said I would teach you a lesson, didn't I?" He smiled cruelly before grabbing Drev's hair and getting ready to slit his throat.


At that moment, something sailed right by Kira, clipping her ear with a painful sting.

"Argh!" Sylar cried out, crumpling and dropping the knife all of a sudden.

Kira reached up and touched her ear, her fingers coming away with blood. She snapped her head up, seeing an arrow sticking out of Sylar's arm.

What the...? No, I don't have time to figure out what's going on! I need to cut them down!

Kira ran up, grabbing the knife from where it lay. But Sylar wasn't about to give up so easily. With a snarl, he lunged at her, grabbing her ankle with his good hand.

"Let her go!" a voice boomed, just as someone kicked out, getting him right on the jaw.


Kira scrambled away, leaving them to deal with one another. She hurried over to Drev, using the knife to cut the bonds around his hands first. Then, they worked together to untie his ankles, and he dropped hard, half-landing on top of her.

Drev yanked the gag from his mouth, checking to make sure Sylar was still occupied before cutting down his dog.

"Stay out of this!" Sylar yelled. He broke off the arrow's shaft, using it to pierce Marko's right eye.

Both Drev and Kira froze at his howl of pain. "No! Marko!" She started forward but Drev grabbed her waist, pulling her back.


The dog lunged, moving to clamp down on Sylar's leg. But he was quicker, breaking off a tree limb and shoving it into the dog's mouth. He kicked out at Lobo, sending him rolling into the tree and leaving him dazed.

Drev stepped in front of Lobo, knife in hand. "You've gone too far, Sylar," Drev whispered, eyes wide, shoulders tense.

"Hmph. You're the one who turned his back on his own people and family. You were always a disgrace to the tribe, Drev. You could never find a good woman for a wife, you had that filthy dog causing trouble for people and oh, let's not forget the business with Hesel and his woman."

Drev said nothing, his jaw clenching.

Sylar eyed Kira as she went over and clung to Marko, trying to calm him down and help stop the bleeding. "Say what you want about me, Kira. But I would've made sure to appreciate you fully had you been my wife. I certainly wouldn't have gone sniffing around after other men's wives."

"I've forgiven him for it," she shot back. "Not that it's any of your business."

Sylar scoffed at her words. His eyes that night were even wilder than usual, filled with hate and adrenalin. She'd never seen him fight this fiercely before either, and she was sure Drev had noticed the change in him too.

"Come on, then," Sylar taunted him. "You have the knife, so what are you afraid of?"

"I've never been afraid of you, Sylar."

"But are you afraid of what you'll lose?" he wondered, glancing towards Kira. "Or... have you lost her already to this yellowhead?"

Drev looked him over carefully, like he was trying to figure out the best way to attack him.

"You're testing my patience, Drev," Sylar growled, moving towards her and Marko.

"No!" Drev rushed at Sylar, who turned at the last minute, revealing his bluff. He caught Drev on the jaw with a surprise punch, smacking the knife out of his hand. Then, he shoved him down, freely raining punches on him.

"Drev!" Kira cried, leaping to her feet. She had to do something!

She looked around, seeing Marko's bow lying on the ground. She grabbed it, running up and looping it around Sylar's neck, choking him as she yanked backwards.

Enraged, Marko twisted his body, making a grab for her. He managed to get a hold of her skirt and pulled hard, causing her to lose her balance and hit the ground. The world swam, stars dancing overhead while warm blood continued to trickle down her ear. No...

She wanted to pass out, she felt so dizzy and sick right then. But then, she was surprised to feel something cold against her fingers.

The knife.

Fighting against nausea, she wrapped her fingers around the grip and forced herself to sit up. A few feet away, Sylar kneeled over a bloody-faced Drev, one hand gripping his hair as he whispered something in his ear. "... finally know who is the better fighter..."

With all the strength and energy she had left, Kira darted forward, aiming the blade at Sylar's throat. She felt the tip pierce flesh, blood shooting everywhere.

She backed away, watching as Sylar staggered, clutching at his own neck. His lungs and his throat filled up, that he couldn't speak but merely gurgled. His gaze went everywhere in those moments, from a semi-conscious Drev to her in her terrified state to Marko, watching grimly with his left eye.

At last, Sylar collapsed upon the steps of her old home, where he stopped moving, his eyes looking up forever in unseeing sleep.

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