IzuOcha: Love is the Answer

By KS1024

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Through a series of events, Izuku Midoriya and Ochako Uraraka both realize they have feelings for each other... More

Author's Foreword
Chapter One: Class 1A vs. Class 1B
Chapter Two: The Training Proposal
Chapter Three: Their First Training Session
Chapter Four: A Night Out on the Town
Chapter Five: The Statement Battle
Chapter Six: The Aftermath
TodoMomo Side Story
Chapter Seven: A Night Out on the Town, Take Two
Chapter Eight: Media Training
Chapter Nine: The Christmas Party
Chapter Ten: Time with Family
Chapter Eleven: Deku's Dream
Chapter Twelve: New Training Partners
Chapter Thirteen: More Dreams
Chapter Fourteen: The Prison Break & Ensuing Chaos
Chapter Fifteen: Heroes Vs. Villains
Chapter Seventeen: The Reckoning, Part 1
Chapter Eighteen: The Reckoning Part 2
Chapter Nineteen: The Scavenger Hunt
Chapter Twenty: Epilogue

Chapter Sixteen: The Symbol of Peace

459 10 21
By KS1024

Gigantomachia for the moment was almost out cold from that attack. Izuku and Ochako nearly broke down and cried. It was more than just a sight for sore eyes, it was as if a miracle literally unfolded before them. What's more, they noticed moments later that Lemillion and Eri were about one hundred feet away as well.

"All Might!! I can't believe it's really you!! But how is this possible?! I thought your fight with All For One forced you into retirement!"

"It did young Midoriya! I can hardly believe that I'm able to stand here and fight again myself! The only reason why is that young Eri has trained tirelessly the last several weeks and started to better control her powers. As a result, she helped Lemillion get his powers restored to him, and I to an extent got mine back too! I still have to use the dying flame of One For All like before, but it's better than nothing!"

Suddenly Eri ran over to Midoriya and Uraraka. "Deku! What happened to you!? I need to help you!"

"Eri-chan! I'm glad to see you! But it's dangerous here! You need to evacuate!" "No way! I need to help the people I care about most! I helped Mirio-chan and I helped All Might, now I need to help you get back on your feet with what power I have left! Besides, that's why Mirio-chan is with me!"

Lemillion then walked closer himself. "Hey Deku! You look like you've seen better days! Let's get you patched up buddy!"

"Ochako-chan, please stand back! I still haven't mastered my quirk yet and it might do something to you too!" 

She nods and lets her start healing Deku. Within about five seconds he's back to full strength and she runs away before he's rewound any further. 

"Sorry! I still have to work on controlling it better! But at least you can fight again!" 

"Thanks so much Eri-chan! I'll say it again, your power truly is a blessing!" Eri smiles and a tear starts forming in her eye.

The moment is cut short, however. Gigantomachia starts to get up and is a combination of angry and scared. Deku and Uraraka want to help and were about to offer it but All Might refuses. 

"Young Midoriya, you and young Uraraka have become quite strong, but it's best if you focus on evacuating civilians and our injured allies with Lemillion and young Eri. I've beaten him before and I'll do it again now!"

The four of them nod at his order and they run off to find their classmates to assist them. Meanwhile, Gigantomachia starts talking. 

"All Might!! What are you doing here!? I won't let you get in the way of my master's plans again!!"

"Gigantomachia! We meet again! I see you're up to your same shenanigans as before! You were one of my biggest obstacles to stopping All For One and I'm going to make sure you won't be able to help him with his agenda anymore!"

All Might charges at him and powers up another attack. "TEXAAAASSSS SMAAASSSHH!!" Gigantomachia moves out of the way in the nick of time but All Might counters with another attack.

"Time to take a page from my student! 100% shoot style!!" 

He kicks him in the face and knocks him back, but Gigantomachia returns five seconds later. He takes both of his fists and hits All Might as hard as he can. For nearly a minute, he pummels him and then makes a punch that directly hits his weak spot from years ago. Gigantomachia doesn't give him time to recover and hits him with both fists again in the head to knock him down. 

In his rewound state, All Might could take a lot more hits than the final days of his career, but this didn't bode well for him to keep taking so much damage for this long.

All Might remains conscious, but he knew he had to think fast or he'd be in serious trouble. He holds up his hand quickly to flick a gust of wind in Gigantomachia's face, and the wind goes straight into his remaining good eye. It makes him hold his hands up to his face and All Might capitalizes with another attack.

"DELAWAAARRREEE SMAAASSSHHH!!" The hit lands directly into his stomach and makes him hold his stomach. All Might keeps pummeling him with punches and kicks. Gigantomachia begins feeling overwhelmed from suffering so much damage that when he tries to swing with his fists and legs it gets sloppy and can't connect anything.

All Might knew he had the upper hand but couldn't let his guard down for a second, so he powered one last attack to end it once and for all. "It's time I end this and put you out of your misery! UNITEEEEDDD STAAAAATES OF SMAAAAAASSSSSHHH!!"

Gigantomachia was rendered completely incapacitated but was still breathing and slightly conscious. All Might was breathing heavily but had a look of relief on his face knowing that Gigantomachia will no longer be a threat for them to worry about.

However, his strength was beginning to fade again. He was still in muscle form but felt like he could only maintain it for another ten minutes at best. Meanwhile, a sudden feeling of uneasiness came over him. He could hear someone clapping slowly and the clapping got louder as the person responsible started walking closer.

"Well done All Might! I'm a tad surprised to see you on the battlefield again, but I guess you could say the same for me as well!" He looks over and furrows his brow.

"All For One! Why am I not surprised you'd be nearby?! This time you're going to a far worse prison than Tartarus when I'm done with you! And it will be one you'll be forced to stay in for eternity when I send you to hell!!"

"Oh I'm so scared!" He says while sarcastically shaking his arms in exaggerated dread. "Even with your power slightly back, I can already tell that you're on your last legs just like the last time we fought. And I'm in better shape than that last time!"

Suddenly, Gigantomachia looked over and saw his beloved master and the sight brought a tear to his eye. "Mas...ter! You...came! ...I'm...sorry I...couldn't do more...for you."

All For One broke out a fake sympathetic voice to respond to his pet guardian as he walked over to him. All Might was still trying to hold on to what was left of his strength so he remained still.

"Thank you for everything you've done for me. I will always be thankful for it."

All For One takes his hand and puts it over one of Gigantomachia's open wounds. At first he thinks his master is giving him a small gesture of affection, but he actually was secreting a poison that would seep through his skin and into his bloodstream to kill him in a matter of minutes. His breathing slowed, and he fell into cardiac arrest.

"Wha...t are...you...doing...to...me...master??"

"Saying goodbye." He proclaims with a wicked grin. Gigantomachia had no more strength to say anything else and the pupils of his eyes slowly fade to black.

"You even betray him!? You sick bastard!" All Might sneered.

"Oh come now All Might! I heard you say from your own mouth that you would make sure he won't be able to help me with my agenda anymore! You know full well that you'd have to kill him to do that would you not? I thought heroes didn't like killing anyway!" All Might could just shake his head in frustration.

"Now then All Might, before we begin our duel that you plan to send me to hell for, I'd like to unveil one last surprise."

He looks over from where he walked out and motioned for a certain someone to come out of the shadows. All Might bulged his eyes in a combination of shock and fear. It was the first time he saw him face to face since the USJ incident.

"Shigaraki!" He walked over to All For One and had a look of quiet burning rage in his eyes.

"Time to send you to hell to be with my grandmother!"


Several minutes prior to All Might's encounter withShigaraki, the four heroes in training began to search for Bakugo and Todorokiafter telling Eri about them. 

"Eri-chan, how many people do you think you canstill heal with your rewind quirk right now?" asked Deku. "Umm, I'd say twomore people at best." 

"Then please help us with Kacchan and Todoroki-san. Not only are they our classmates but we desperately need them back!" 

"What about Endeavor-san or Hawks-san?" asked Eri. 

"They're too far away from us at this point, and I heard recovery girl isn't far from them either. Will you help us focus on my friends instead?" 

"Sure! Anything for you and Mirio-chan!" she says with a sincere smile.

At that, the four of them continue their search, when Tsuyu manages to spot them in the midst of the chaos. 

"Midoriya-chan! Come quick! I found Todoroki-chan and the others!" 

A sigh of relief came over each of them and ran over to set Eri up. They were also relieved to see that Yaoyoruzu, Ashido, and Kirishima were in good shape. Eri walks up to the two injured heroes. 

"Everyone, stand back! I'll do what I can for them!" 

With the last of her remaining power, she touches both Todoroki and Bakugo to start rewinding them. Her horn shrinks back down after ten seconds, but it was just enough to mostly heal the two of them so that they could fight again. The two of them started to become conscious again, and not surprisingly, Bakugo was angry. 

"Damn it! Where's that giant ugly bastard?! I'm gonna murder him for hurting me like that!!" Deku then tried to intervene. 

"Calm down Kacchan! We had to take you away from there to keep you safe. You're not gonna believe this, but All Might is fighting him now thanks to Eri-chan!!" 

Todoroki got up and kneeled down toward Eri. "Thanks for healing me. I hope you become a great hero someday." He said with a hint of a smile. "Don't mention it!" replied Eri.

Meanwhile, in a rare moment, Bakugo looked stunned. "All Might?! I'm not about to let him take all the glory! I got a score to settle with that freak of nature anyway!!" 

He powers up his arms with explosions to start flying towards that fight but is stopped. 

"Sorry, but you'll have to get through me first!" says a certain villain. Bakugo becomes filled with rage at seeing him again.

"Dabi?! Get the hell out of here you miserable zombie!! I got more important fish to fry!" 

"No can do, especially because I came to put an end to my little brother!" Bakugo and the rest of them look confused. 

"Who are you talking about?" asked Yaoyorozu. 

"Shouldn't it be obvious by now?? I'm talking about Shoto of course!" Todoroki walks forward in disbelief. "No way, you're kidding! You arean't saying?..." 

"I am saying little brother. It's me, Toya!"

Todoroki bulged his eyes in disbelief. Toya starts talking again. "I was hoping to reveal my grand secret to our dear 'father' in front of all the world, but he disappointed me again and is already out of commission! Such a shame, guess I'll settle for ending your life to make him suffer for using us to achieve his ambition!" 

Bakugo rolls his eyes. "You cocky bastard! You don't have a chance in hell of beating all of us on your own!" 

"Who said I was?" Several lower tier nomu then appear to serve as his backup.

Toya starts to lunge forward at each of them and create as large of a flame as he can to engulf the area. The various heroes scatter to avoid the inferno and Shoto counters with the largest ice wall he can muster for some separation. Toya then breaks through it easily with a flash-fire fist to begin attacking again. 

But this created an opening for the others. Yaoyorozu created a flash grenade and told everyone to look away and shield their eyes. The explosion of light blinds Toya and Deku then capitalizes to launch an attack. 


The blow lands right into his abdomen and sends him flying back. Mina follows up with throwing a scattered shot of acid at him to further weaken him. But a Nomu then moves in to shield Toya and other nomu move in to fight the others. Each of the class 1A members present have their hands full now, and only Todoroki and Deku are able to fight Toya.

Several minutes pass. The others began to overpower the nomus and the fighting back and forth between the three of them continues without either side gaining much ground, with one exception. 

Deku and Shoto noticed that Dabi's skin was slowly deteriorating from burns the more he attacked with flames, especially his super moves. He began to pant harder with each breath and looked as though he was at his limit.

"Please, stop this!" Deku begs. "You're going to kill yourself if you fight any longer!" 

"Why would you care about that?? I'm trying to kill YOU, you idiot!" replied Toya. 

"Because if you're my brother as you say, it would make Mom, Natsuo and Fuyumi even sadder if one of us died here." Said Shoto. 

Toya looked as if he hadn't thought of either of them in a long time yet he looked conflicted. "But...father still deserves to suffer!!" 

"You're right he does. I haven't forgiven him yet, and I'm not sure I can. But the last several months have been some of the best times we've had together as siblings. Even Mom seems to be getting better too. I...don't want to see all that be ruined."

The other class 1A members present walk up to him with their guard up after finishing off the Nomus. Toya's facial expression is one of defeat and resignation. 

"Stand down Toya. This isn't a fight you can win anymore. It's not too late to walk a path other than revenge. Everybody makes mistakes, but the important thing is to own them and do what you can to fix them. Even Endeavor is trying to do that too!" Said Deku. 

Toya, in his weakened state puts his head down in resignation and holds out his hands. Momo creates handcuffs strong enough to hold him and she and the others lead him away to a prisoner truck. 

Meanwhile, Ochako internalized what Midoriya just said. Perhaps Toga was right about one thing, I should forgive Deku-kun. First things first though. Time to restore order and stop Shigaraki.

With this fight wrapped up, Bakugo starts ranting again. "I've got some unfinished business with that ugly giant bastard! I don't care if All Might told you extras to focus on other things, I'm going to go knock that monster into next week!" 

He starts flying away to the scene. Midoriya and the others just shake their heads. "You guys go on ahead!" Said Mina to Todoroki, Deku, and Ochako. 

"We are best suited for search and rescue with our quirks, and we'll be fine." The three of them nod and start tailing Bakugo.

As the three of them race back towards All Might, Deku hoped that his idol and mentor wasn't in any major trouble. Since he, Todoroki, and Ochako could travel to the scene faster if he carried them while using float and black whip, he picked them both up with whips and began speeding to the All Might's aid with full cowling.

Even though they needed to concentrate on other things, Ochako couldn't help but speak what was on her mind. "Look Deku-kun, I know there's a lot happening now, and I just want to keep this brief, but as soon as this is over, we need to talk." She says solemnly. 

"Sure." He says with a hint of a smile.

Just then, they could see Aizawa up ahead about to intercept their course, so they stopped to see what they had to say. 

"I can tell what you're up to, and I wish I could stop you, but it's pointless." He says sighing. "I'm coming with you to fight Shigaraki. As strong as you guys have become, you have no chance against him without my help." 

"Thanks Sensei! We're glad to have it! Let's move out!" Deku then let's out another black whip to carry Eraserhead to the scene faster as well.

Elsewhere, at a nearby location, a certain troubled young man that escaped a local jail earlier thanks to all the chaos and who'd had recent dealings with Deku looked on at the whole ordeal that went down between him and Toya and started following him. There was something about Deku's Ideals that made him feel a change inside and want to help, but for now decided to keep his distance. 

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