Sound Your Name (Oh, My Darli...

By EccentricKait

29.2K 906 103

Alina has known since she was young that her soulmate was centuries older than her, had been known by many di... More

1. Memories From Another
2. A Special Kind of Grisha?
3. Reveals at the Fold
4. Journey Through Ice
5. Power & Passion
6. Glow
7. Something to Ponder On
8. Fedyor's Favorite Memory
9. Zvesda
10. Without the Darkness We Can't See the Stars
12. Transparent Armor
13. The Sun Summoner's Sister
14. Lost Plans & New Resolutions
15. Hope & Burnt Schemes
16. Interlude - Ivan
17. Out of Practice

11. Interlude- Genya

1.2K 43 2
By EccentricKait

Light filtered through amethyst curtains falling upon pale rose sheets with crimson curls spread out across them. A soft sigh came from the beauty as she heard the comforting sounds of metal clicking against metal across the room.

"Ivan said she's here."

Genya let out a small giggle, "Yes, dear that was yesterday."

She rose from their bed and strode to her husband's side before kissing the top of his head lightly so as not to disturb his work.

He hummed beneath his breath, and her lips pulled up as she gazed at his dark head as he remained focused on his recent side project he'd taken home to their suite.

Genya sat her palms against his shoulders as she mused aloud, "I wasn't sure what I expected from the Sun Summoner. However, the General had Ivan notify me first that it was his soulmate that was found." Her hands drifted from his shoulders before she went to their komod and pulled her Little Palace kefta from within it. As she began getting ready she couldn't help voicing her thoughts as her mind went over the day before, "She was young and yet..." Genya paused in stringing her stays before continuing, "There was a wisdom in her eyes that you don't often see in those her age."

Her husband hummed once more as he did whenever he was listening but still intent on his work.

"David, she got me to smile and laugh. All in the space of one hour."

Her husband's hands stilled on the device, before his tanned face cocked to the side, his dark eyes wide. Her full lips tilted at his awed expression and she nodded.

"Even Ivan was shocked by her capability. Then her display for the royals! She didn't dispel his darkness, she made it beautiful."

His awed expression transitioned from awe to shock then his hand adjusting brought his attention back to his project.

"She's more than she seems."

His low murmur was answered with her lips upon his forehead before she left to give the topic of their discussion a tour of the Little Palace.

"Indeed she is, moya milyy."


Genya couldn't help but watch with amused eyes as the girl who despite her humorous remarks had kept a poise about her all yesterday dissolved into giggles of absolute delight when she walked through the double doors of the library.

Hands to her mouth and eyes sparkling as she eyed the large globe chandeliers that seemed to almost float high above their heads suspended from the domed ceiling by thin but strong wires.

Genya smiled, "I take it you like reading, moi soverenya."

"Oh please, if I must call you Genya. Then you must call me Alina." The smile thrown over the girl's shoulder was bright and sparkling before she nearly skipped over to the closest aisle of bookshelves. Alina's eyes still wander up at the two stories in wonder. "He was right. I would have never left, if I'd found this place last night."

Genya gazed at the girl swathed in ebony corecloth woven that Fabricator's had worked overnight with the design to incorporate not only the traditional golden sunbursts but echoes of starbursts behind them in silver. It could have been tremendously gaudy if she hadn't been the one to design it originally. After all the original design always had the starbursts; it just needed to be tweaked when the General found out his soulmate was also the Sun Summoner.

"I'll be coming here for some of my lessons, correct?"

The redhead nodded, "History and theory. It never really interested me, but it seems you will be an avid student."

There was that secretive little smile that Genya noticed tilting at the corner of her lips, "Yes well I'm quite knowledgeable of it already."


The General met with them before lunch.

The man who never showed his emotions, and when he did it was always a mask; that man's eyes brightened when he saw Alina.

Alina with her wise eyes. Her quick wit, easy laughter and secret smiles. She gave him one of her maskless ones as well.

Genya found herself in awe for a moment. She never was quite sure she'd see the day where the General, the Darkling, would look so human.


As Fedyor whispered how he heard that the General was no longer going to take his meals in his rooms, instead he was going to sit at his table beside his soulmate. Genya only half listened as she watched from the doorway as the two soulmates in black strode down to the little hut at the edge of the Little Palace grounds.

"I wonder what Baghra will think of Alina Starkova."

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