𝗛𝗲𝘆 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗗𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗻𝘀

twistednoglastia tarafından

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"..It's me, ya girl." [ᴄʀᴇᴇᴘʏᴘᴀꜱᴛᴀ / ꜰᴇᴍ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ] Lights flickering on the two stood staring at each oth... Daha Fazla

【Who Are You?】
Little Halloween Special!!🎉🎉
Little Holiday Special 🎉🎉🎉
【Forty- O n e】
【Forty-S e v e n】


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twistednoglastia tarafından


» "Is this 911? A demon has entered my home! Send God!" «

┈ ✁✃✁✃✁✃✁✃✁ ┈

   "Miss Mycroft, mind answering this for me?"

   Looking up from your notes you nodded sleepily at your professor, the dull ache in your head pulsated from looking up too fast. He offered a thin smile, as you placed a hand to your head, before gesturing to the blackboard, "Detectives often start with this question when approaching an investigation. What is it I am referring to?" Sitting up straighter your leg bounced under you, in an attempt to wake yourself up more. "Cui bono."

   The dark haired man nodded, "And can you translate what that means?" "Cui bono is a Latin phrase which translates to 'who benefits' in English." Professor Lennox again smiled his infamous thin tired smile, "Very good."

   "Just one more question," As much as you loved this course you almost groaned out loud. Couldn't he let you doze off a little bit? You woke up with a killer headache and concluded you must have forgotten to take your sleeping medication last night. What made it worse was that you had no pain medications that would relieve you of your head splitting pain either. "The identification of a person using lip prints is.." He trailed off, rolling his one hand in a gesture to have you continue.

   "Cheilo-" You stopped mid-sentence to yawn and cover your mouth embarrassed before mumbling the rest, "-scopy.." Brows tilting the man clasped his hands, "Pardon?" "Cheiloscopy." "That's what I thought you said." Your lip twitched in irritation before he turned around and began writing on the board, before calling out a random student.

   "Miss Jacobs, what is a tale-tell sign that a person is deceased?"

   Sinking deeper into your seat your eyes darted to bore into the clock on the wall. Vision becoming hazy, you blinked quickly to regain your sight. Has the clock always had that crack? It ran right from the twelve at top to the five towards the bottom right. Tuning out the words of the teacher, it was things you knew anyway, you instead focused on the ticking of the clock. Tick, tick, tick. Your eyelashes fluttered to your cheeks, but you quickly snapped your eyes open in fear of falling asleep. Just a few more minutes.

   Did you have work today? It was Tuesday..so yes. Yes you did. Chewing on your lip you sighed internally and snuggled deeper into your crimson-colored jacket. Pushing aside the dread of how the day seemed to grow longer you tapped the table quietly. Maybe you would see Kaden or Toby again. Plus Lizzie would be there, and knowing that you wouldn't get many customers the two of you could just watch short-horror stories on YouTube.

   Coincidentally, your phone gave a short muted buzz. Gazing at the professor, you took your phone from your pocket and glanced down at it, allowing the face recognition to unlock the phone. Seeing a text from Lizzie your lips drew thin. A simple text that made you deflate and feel worse than you already did. "I'm not gonna be in today, sorry :(!" Curling your toes you bit back a sigh and proceeded to ask her if anyone would be covering for her, or if it would just be you. You wouldn't mind being alone, you just didn't like being the one closing up shop.

   "Uh I think Kaylee will be there?" It took all your willpower not to slam your face down on the table. Kaylee..was a difficult coworker. From the moment she was hired she despised both you and Lizzie, well maybe not Lizzie so much. She still found her annoying though, which you were absolutely confused by. How could she hate your sweet angel of a friend? "Sorry cherry ónò.." Massaging your temples you typed a quick "it's not your fault" and pocketed the phone, slumping against your seat.

Lethargically you shoved your notebook into your bag as soon as the professor mumbled a begrudgingly "dismissed". Obviously annoyed that barely anyone was listening, not that you cared too much. Once you stood up you wobbled a bit before stabilizing yourself. Maybe you should take a day off..but then again you don't get paid when you take days off, and you really need money. "Don't forget your article analysis are due on Thursday!" Scrunching up your nose in distain you slung the bag around your shoulder and shuffled out of the classroom. You didn't have much to finish for the assignment, but it would still be a pain in the ass.

   Jack is a doctor right? Well an unofficial one but still, maybe he could bring over meds if you asked? You bit your tongue, nah you didn't want to bother him. You'll just suffer in silence for a while.

After a painfully long walk you finally made it to the small GameStop that was apart of the strip mall and stumbled inside gracefully. Kaylee was already there and immediately rolled her eyes at your sorry state. You in response scowled at her, though you really wanted to flip her off, before heading to the back seeing as you were apparently on stocking duty.

The rest of the day was uneventful for the most part. You occasionally dazed out due to the pain in your head only growing, it actually seemed to double from the slight interactions you had with your unbearable coworker. Kaylee kept asking you to fulfill tasks that were her duty, to which you kept refusing—which would only cause her to whine and complain and occasionally drop in a few threats. The threats didn't bother you since you knew she wouldn't be able to take you on, nor would your employer believe her word over yours, but you finally gave in just so she would shut up.

Finally after painstakingly long hours your shift ended, to which you quickly scampered out of the store to avoid being the one to close up. Kaylee noticed that you had gotten your things together quicker and basically glared holes into your head, causing you to smile a bit sadistically before leaving.

As soon as you stepped outside you shivered from the sheer cold and harsh winds pushing against your face. It causes your eyes to squint as you held up an arm to cover yourself. It didn't help that it had started raining, and by the looks of it—it would become a storm soon. Sighing you flipped up the hood of your thin jacket and clutched your bag tight before running up the street cursing out everything in existence for the horrible day. Of course you forgot your umbrella and weren't wearing something heavy, because why would you? The weather forecast never said anything about rain and it had been relatively warm this morning.

To make matters worse the moment you slowed down for a moment, a car sped by. The tires dug into the slippery paved road kicking up water from a nearby puddle, successfully dousing you. For a full minute you stood there, mind blank, shivering. Your hands trembled before they clenched into fists. Biting harder on the inside of your cheek you sucked in air through clenched teeth and shut your eyes as an attempt to prevent tears of frustration. Breathing out shakily you continued on the long trek home, walking a bit slower than you planned to.

   'Please say I still have ice cream in the freezer..'


» "Dorm" «


   Unable to find your one true love, ice cream, in the freezer, you went with the decision to lay on the kitchen floor in pain instead of going out again. At this point your headache had soothed, but you knew better than to celebrate seeing as it would just appear ten times worse in a few minutes.

Staring up at the ceiling you dug around in your pocket and pulled out your phone, immediately lowering the brightness before scrolling through your messages. Was this a dumb idea? Oh most definitely. But did you care? No. What did you expect? Your brain was currently melting and you were lazy.

roblox child -
this is important -
do you have my address still? -
This is an emergency -
I'm too lazy to get up so send ice cream -
I know you can with your weird hacking skills -
This is a demand -
please -

Uncultured Swine
- "roblox child"
- I'm using that for him now, thank you

the frick frack paddy wack give a dog a bone this old man came rolling home -
is this not roblox child -
am I really that delusional rn -

Uncultured Swine
- this is a great source of entertainment
- but anyway, yes this is his phone
- but I am not roblox child
- I'm much cooler than that leprechaun
- unlike him I don't leave my phone out

that's it, we're friends now -
Anyway new friend -
I'll believe you're cool if you send me ice cream -

Uncultured Swine
- hmm
- what will I get in return?
- I don't usually do anything for free ;)

uhm -
my friendship -
and the ability to laugh at me when I trip over air -

Uncultured Swine
- tempting..
- however, not what I'm looking for
- let's see
- do you have any blackmail on roblox child?

ask you and will receive! -
Y'know that game raft? -
he's scared of the shark lol -

Uncultured Swine
- are you serious

the first time it showed up he screamed so loud he hit an Ariana grande note -

Uncultured Swine
- we are officially best friends
- thank you for this
- alright, I'll send you ur ice cream one sec

Weakly you raised your fist in the air in a celebratory fashion. Whoever this random person who had your friends phone was amazing, and you immediately added them to the list of "people I would sacrifice my left leg for".

Uncultured Swine
- I'm having a bit of an issue
- the leprechaun brat did something so I can't track your location, even from his phone
- which is even worse since now I can't even access your phone camera and see how pretty you are
- this is so sad

Snorting at the comment you didn't even react to the fact that they were trying to track your location.

my new friend wants to see what I look like eh? -
well -
just imagine your dream girl ;)) -

Uncultured Swine
- ;))

;)) -

Uncultured Swine
- ;))
- moving on
- give me your address if you want the food you are oh so desperate to have

aight bet -
but be warned if you do try anything -
I have a very intimidating guard dog who likes grey's anatomy and will probably rip open your insides -
here :D -
[Dork has their location.]

Uncultured Swine
- lovely
- Alright it should be there in one to two business days
- pleasure doing business with you [Y/n]

ignoring the fact you somehow know my name.. -
tHANKS <3 -
Tis always a pleasure -
uh..whatever your name is.. -

Uncultured Swine
- Dark is fine

like darkipl -

Uncultured Swine
- no <3

How did you interrupt my te -

Uncultured Swine
- farewell [y/n], until we meet again
- I'm also erasing any evidence of us speaking
- but we will speak again soon
- :)

Clicking your tongue you rolled over to finally get up and take a shower. A few curses left your lips as soon as you stood up and pain shot through your head like an arrow from Artemis.

'That emo child better get me my ice cream..'



   Slipping through the window had become a rather easy task from how frequent he had to do it. He shook off the rain from his figure, internally laughing about how the dots of rain on the carpet would now be your problem. Lifting his head his ear twitched in surprise, it was surprising when he was able to hear a sudden increased heartbeat. He had gotten used to the sound of your (oddly) comforting heartbeat, but it made him raise a brow at how it had increased from its usual rhythmic beat. Instead of going with the immediate thought that it increased due to fear, he went with the more logical reasoning being either stress or sickness. Seeing as you had an odd fear of things like spiders but not murderers he doubted it was due to the fickle emotion.

   Taking long strides over to the couch he peered over it, placing his hands on the top of it, only to be met with the sight of you laying face down. Your head buried into a pillow that resembled a dragon while the visible side of your face was flushed. Brows knit together the stress was evident on your expression despite your closed eyes and shallow uneven breaths passed through parted lips. From behind the mask his eyes narrowed in disappointment.

   Gesturing at the dragon themed pillow he muttered, "What's with that?" You didn't reply right away, but he heard you mumble sleepily about how the pillow protected you from demons and mentioning a "Luca" person. With that you took the dragon pillow and swat at Jack with it, before failing and putting it back down. Fighting the urge to rub his temple in exasperation his head tilted to the side.

"What's wrong?"

Your brows scrunched up and you turned to bury your face in the pillow, mumbling something else in response. He huffed and walked to be beside you. Crouching beside the couch he spoke monotonously, "What happened?" Shifting, your head turned to the side and you squinted to look back at him. "..oh hey Jackie." Your words were a bit slurred with sleep and possibly delusion. "It's Jack." Removing his one glove he pressed the back of his hand to your forehead. Immediately you shivered from the cold touch and your eyes snapped open. As soon as it happened he pulled his hand away and put his glove back on. Meanwhile you stared at him somewhat in a daze and a bit of confusion of what just happened.

"Your hands are cold." Ignoring your mumbling he stood back up and walked out of your view, "You have a fever. Where do you keep your medicine?" Struggling for a moment you willed yourself to sit upward, vaguely gesturing down the hall towards the bathroom. Once he disappeared you shut your eyes again before weakly snapping your fingers, "No wait..I forgot to buy medicine."

Jack's head popped out from the bathroom, the black holes of his mask tore into your soul with disappointment and disbelief. Resting your chin on the top of the couch you smiled meekly, "Sorry." Scowling at your carelessness he dipped back inside and grabbed a small hand towel before running it under cold water. He opened the mirror cabinet just in case you actually did have some sort of medicine that you forgot about. Luckily, you did! He found an almost empty box of Tylenol pills, way in the back. Fighting the urge to smack you on the head and lecture you about not having the basic essentials when it comes to meds, he begrudgingly took the two items and wandered back into the hallway.

Watching him through half-lidded eyes you barely comprehended anything that was going on, so you opted to just grin stupidly at him. Unable to decipher the situation your sleep and sick driven brain was just happen to see your friend. Although you stopped when a sharp stinging pain ripped through your temple. It was enough to make your vision go blurry for a moment. Sucking in a sharp breath your eyes snapped shut and your fingers instinctively clutched at your head before laying back onto the couch.

   The sudden act seemed to alarm him for whatever reason as he stood over you holding his one hand out in hesitation. Once the pain seemed to subside for a bit he crouched back down and pried your hands away from your face by grabbing your wrists and moving them to rest on your stomach, which you didn't even notice. He placed the cold towel on your head, successfully waking you up again, before taking your one hand and dropping the Tylenol pill in your palm. Shoving the pill in your mouth you swallowed it dry before cringing on how it didn't go down without hurting your throat. "Y'know sometimes I forget you're an unofficial doctor."

"And sometimes I forget you have no idea on how to care for yourself." Was his grumpy reply. The comment made you frown but you didn't argue, instead you eyed him tiredly. "Are you going to tell me what kind of dumass action you took to get sick?" His arms were crossed and his voice was flat with boredom. Humming in reply you held your one hand out, making a grabby motion towards him. "I didn't know it was gonna rain. The headache is just because I forgot to take my sleeping stuff." Instead of pointing out the holes in your statement about how the rain itself wouldn't have given you a fever he instead dropped his arms.

His head was titled downward, seemingly staring at your hand, "What?" "Your hand dummy," you waved your own hand lazily, "gimme." His brow twitched in annoyance, before he walked over to the other side of the couch picking up your legs so he could sit. You pouted and placed your legs back down, having them draped over his legs. He surprisingly didn't shove you off the couch but instead grabbed the remote on the arm of the couch and turned it on before scrolling around to find Netflix. Blinking in surprise, you sat up a bit and narrowed your eyes at him, "So you'll let me do this but won't allow me to hold your hand?"

   "I'm not holding your hand." "Why?" Clicking on the last episode you two had only finished half way he shook his head not answering. "..Is it possible for you to get sick?" Focusing on the television he only half-shrugged, "It's complicated." Biting your lip your head flopped back down on the pillow, "Well can I get you sick?" "No." "So then germs can't be the reason."

   His head lolled to the side so he could look at you, not that you could see what expression he had on. "I'm sick Jack, and possibly dying." You shut your eyes still waving your one hand at him weakly, "Give me my dying wish."

   "You aren't dying."
   "..It is in my rights."
   He scoff-laughed, "Nowhere in the constitution does it say I have to hold your hand."
   "Yes it does, you just haven't seen it cause it's written really small on the back."

   There was silence between the two of you, the episode of Grey's Anatomy playing quietly in the background. Suddenly he brought a gloved hand to the forehead of his mask and seemed to be making a noise of disagreement towards himself. "You're weird, y'know that?" Dragging the gloved hand away he stubbornly took it off before offering his gray skinned hand to you, "And I'm starting to think I'm weirder for indulging your requests."

Giggling you rocked your hands back and forth, enjoying the coldness that eased the hot flashes attacking you. "This is why we're best friends."

For a small moment he just stared at you, probably thinking about how strange you were. However due to the staring you couldn't focus on the show, and awkwardly furrowed your brows before looking back at him with a sarcastic smile. "Damn, I know I'm hot but like.."

"Yes. You are." Cue you choking on your salvia and falling off the couch while coughing hysterically. Putting his now free hand down on the free space he raised a brow at your baffled form, "Literally, you have a fever."

   Grumbling you got back up and plopped beside Jack on the couch. "You're bruising my ego." "You have an ego? Surprising." Taking back his hand before he could glove it again you pointlessly played with his fingers, "Yeah, it's just very..very..very small." If he had eyes, he would have rolled them. Instead he went back to watching the show that for some reason caught his interest.

   "Your hands are cool."


Pressing your one hand against his you smiled lazily at the difference. Your [s/c] skinned hand was small compared to his larger gray-skinned one. "Heheh.." He watched you with a bit of fondness, not that he would say it out loud, from your tired and delusional state.

   "Have I told you how weird you are?"
   "Several times."

You pouted and sent him a weak glare, "So rude.." His shoulders moved a bit but no sound came from him. Deciding it would be best to be quiet now, seeing how captivated he was by the show, you leaned back on the couch and let your thoughts turn to fuzz as sleepiness started to take hold of you.

'I better get my dang ice cream.'

┈ ✁✃✁✃✁✃✁✃✁ ┈

» "I can't help the devil likes to make my heart a double bed." «


Okumaya devam et

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