Do-over (A Percy Jackson Fanf...

By Sacai2005

72.3K 1.9K 680

Look, I didn't want to be a half-blood. I didn't want to be thrown straight into a war of powerful deities. I... More

Disclaimers and stuff
1. What?
2. I have a talk with old ladies
3. I hate cows
4. I mess with Clarisse
5. The whole thing starts. Again.
6. The Kindly Ones aren't even kind
7. Animals shouldn't be crossbred
8. Ares sucks
9. We're too young to be in a casino
10. We're off to see the God of the Underworld
11. Hades is now my least favourite god
12. I should stop challenging gods
13. Olympus is apparently a democracy
14. More assassination attempts on my life
15. Betrayal hurts
16. Pinecone Face escapes the pine tree
17. A Military Extraction
18. A Thorn in my side
19. I let Bianca choose
21. I fight the lieutenant of the Hunt
22. Gotta love Bessie
23. I realise I am a threat
24. I have a few talks
25. One is lost in the land without rain
26. Emptiness

20. The wine dude

1.7K 57 22
By Sacai2005

It still amazed me how fast the Hunter's finished packing up their camp. It must have been the enchanted tents because it wasn't long until they were all packed up and were waiting for Apollo. 

I was not eager to meet Apollo for the first time again. Sure, he's a cool guy and an even cooler god, but his haikus make me want to jump off a cliff. I thought he was supposed to be the god of poetry.

We were waiting in the clearing from the fight with Dr Thorn, facing the edge of the cliff. Artemis looked out towards the horizon as if she was waiting for something.

The air was chilly, the wind flowing into my jacket every time it blew in our direction. Thalia and Grover were shivering as they approached me but I didn't find it to be that cold. Must have been a Son of Poseidon thing.

'So,' Thalia said as she rubbed her arms for warmth. 'What did Lady Artemis want with you?'

I simply shrugged, 'She asked me about what Thorn said. Wanted another perspective I guess.' 

I didn't even mention the last part of our conversation. I didn't know why Artemis thought I knew Zoë. She couldn't read minds...could she? It would be really bad if Artemis could read my thoughts. I just hoped that wasn't the case. 

'And Bianca?' Thalia nodded to where she was standing, already donning her Hunters uniform. 'She joined didn't she?'

I sighed and nodded in response.

'It's all Zoë's fault,' Thalia spat out in disgust. 'That stuck-up, no good-'

'Who can blame her?' Grover sighed with a dreamy look on his face. 'Eternity with Artemis?'

I laughed and clapped him in the back. 'I don't think it's a good idea to think about her like that. I know you're half-goat and all, but I'm pretty sure you don't want to a full animal.'

'But she's so...into nature.' Grover continued like he hadn't even heard me.

Thalia rolled her eyes, 'You're nuts.'

'Nuts and berries,' he said with a stupid smile on his face. 'Yeah.'

The sky started to lighten a few minutes later as dawn approached. Apollo will show up at the first crack of dawn, which is very soon.

'About time,' Artemis muttered in slight irritation. 'He's so-o-o lazy during the winter.'

I, along with everyone else, looked over to the first bit of light that lit up the early morning sky. Just as the sun was about to peer over the horizon, there was a bit of light. Suddenly, the cold air rose in temperature and warmed me to my bones.

'Don't look,' the voice of Artemis warned. 'Not until he parks.' 

But I had already looked away. Even with my eyes closed and my back turned, I could tell the light was very bright. The light was slowly getting brighter and the brighter it got, the hotter it became. The heat had gotten so intense, it felt like my clothes were burning off my skin. 

The heat disappeared as quickly as it came. The light faded away. Deeming it safe to look, I turned to see a glowing Maserati Spyder. Even after so long, I still wanted that as my car. Not the sun chariot, but the actual car itself. I don't think I would ever want the sun chariot.

The driver's door swung open and Apollo stepped out, smiling as brightly as ever. Literally having the body of a Greek god, Apollo walked up to our group in his teenage form, still smiling widely despite the annoyed glances aimed towards him from the Hunters. Apollo, in his jeans and loafers and a sleeveless t-shirt, strutted over to greet Artemis.

'Wow,' Thalia muttered. 'Apollo is hot.'

I smirked and looked over to face her, wiggling my eyebrows. I yelped when Thalia lashed out and punched me in the arm.

'Kelp head,' she murmured under her breath, making me smile.

'Little sister!' Apollo called out with his arms outstretched, smiling so bright it was as if the sun car was still glowing. 'What's up? You never call. You never write. I was getting worried!'

'I'm fine, Apollo,' Artemis rolled her eyes. 'And I am not your little sister.'

'Hey, I was born first.' Apollo shrugged.

I had to keep my laughter in. Artemis and Apollo arguing who was older was one thing that showed that gods aren't always just that: gods, immortal beings that have lived for thousands of years. Whenever I witness things like Artemis' and Apollo's arguments, it shows me that the Gods of Olympus are still human, or at least a part of them are. A very tiny part.

'I need a favour,' Artemis said slowly, making sure that Apollo was listening to what she was about to say. 'I have some hunting to do, alone. I need you to take my companions to Camp Half-Blood.'

'Sure, sis!' Apollo grinned before closing his eyes, raising his hands in the air in a stop everything gesture. 'I feel a haiku coming on.'

Every single Hunter let out a groan, and I let one out with them. I wasn't sure whether Apollo was serious about his haikus or not but either way, they were absolutely terrible.

Clearing his throat, Apollo took a deep breath.

'Green grass breaks through snow.
Artemis pleads for my help.
I am so cool.'

He paused and looked at us expectantly, grinning, like we were supposed to clap or something. All I can say is that whatever that was, it wasn't worth an applause from me. 

'The last line was four syllables,' Artemis stated bluntly.

'Was it?'

'Yes. What about I am so big-headed?'Artemis supplied helpfully.

'No, no, that's six syllables. Hmm.' Apollo's eyebrows scrunched together as he tried thinking of a line with five syllables.

Zoë Nightshade spared us a glance. 'Lord Apollo has been going through this haiku phase ever since he visited Japan. 'Tis not as bad as the time he visited Limerick. If I'd had to hear one more poem that started with, There once was a goddess from Sparta-'

I shuddered involuntarily. Even the starting line of the poem sounded bad. I genuinely felt bad for whoever had to hear Apollo's limericks.

'I've got it!' Apollo suddenly shouted out, startling Grover and Thalia who were not expecting it at all. 'I am so awesome. That's five syllables!'

Artemis rolled her eyes but with a small smile nonetheless. 

'And now, sis. Transportation for the Hunters, you say?' Apollo looked over our group. 'Good timing. I was just about ready to roll.'

'These demigods will also need a ride,' Artemis said gesturing to Thalia and me. 'Some of Chiron's campers.'

'No problem!' Apollo said cheerfully before turning to study us. 'Let's see...Thalia, right? I've heard all about you.'

'Hi, Lord Apollo.' Thalia said blushing. I tried my hardest not to let out a smirk.

'Zeus' girl, yes? Makes you my half-sister. Used to be a tree, didn't you? Glad you're back. I hate it when pretty girls turn into trees. Man, I remember one time-'

'Brother,' Artemis interrupted annoyed. 'You should get going.'

'Oh, right,' Apollo said sheepishly before his eyes landed on me. 'Percy Jackson?'

'Yes, my lord,' I said, playing it extra safe.

I grew nervous as his eyes narrowed, trying to look into my soul. At least that's what it felt like. Apollo stared at me longer than I would have wanted him to. I was starting to get uncomfortable.

'Well!' Apollo said at last, finally tearing his gaze off me. 'We'd better load up, huh? Ride only goes one way - west. And if you miss it, you miss it.'

I grabbed my bag from the ground, waiting for Apollo to turn the glowing car into something that can fit all of us. It shouldn't be too long now.

'Cool car,' Nico said grinning.

'Thanks, kid,' Apollo replied with an identical grin on his face.

'But how will we all fit?'

It was a genuine question but the grin melted off Apollo's face. 'Oh.'

'Well, yeah. I hate to change out of sports-car mode, but I suppose,' Apollo huffed but took out a pair of car keys, pressing a button as he did so. With a chirp, the Maserati glowed brightly again and when the light dimmed, a bus appeared in the spot the car was just a second ago. 'Right, everybody in!'

The Hunters filed into the bus first. One by one, they dumped their bags into the storage compartment. When Zoë went to grab her own bag, Apollo leaned forward and said, 'Here, sweetheart. Let me get that.'

When Zoë recoiled and looked at the god with murderous intent, I took an involuntary step back. In that brief moment, she looked almost exactly like her father when I had fought him.

I hate Atlas almost as much as I hate Kronos. He was the reason behind Zoë's death. What type of sick monster would kill their own child? Seeing Zoë here and alive was already messing with me mentally, but seeing that expression on her was nearly enough to break me. 

Honestly, I wouldn't know what I would have done if I didn't have control over my emotions. I would have either curled up and cried or I would have gone ballistic and destroyed everything in the clearing. Either way, it would have been bad for everyone around me as much as it would for me.

When I came back to my senses, Artemis was already gone. I looked towards the woods only to see a silver shape melt into the snow as if it was never there. 

'So,' Apollo's voice boomed cheerfully around the clearing. 'Who wants to drive?'

'Me.' I said way too fast. I had to suppress a shudder at the memory of Thalia's horrible driving. I had never been so scared of being in the air before, ever. I already had a fear of being airborne but being in that Thalia-driven sun chariot so many years ago was just on another level.

Apollo shrugged and handed me the keys. 'You're a bit younger than I would like but whatever.'

We boarded the bus and I hopped right into the driver's seat. Apollo was teaching me how to drive but I wasn't listening. I already knew how to drive. 

'Speed equals heat, so start slowly, and make sure you've got good altitude before you really open her up.' Apollo instructed me. I didn't remember him fussing over Thalia so much but that could be because she was older. And a child of Zeus. The chance of her being struck out of the sky is significantly less than my chances. 

'Yep,' I said nodding. 'Got it.'

Apollo grinned and poked a button on the dashboard and a sign popped up on the dashboard. I already knew what it said so I didn't test my willpower to try and read the sign. 

'Take it away!' Apollo said patting me on the back. 'You're going to be a natural!'

To say the least, my driving was better than Thalia's. Nobody was thrown into windows, no cities froze over or burnt down. I didn't even crash into the lake when we arrived at Camp. 

I did try to keep the bus as steady as possible, mainly for Thalia. I knew she had issues with heights and whenever I looked in the rearview mirror, I could see Thalia gripping the armrest of her seat with her eyes closed shut. 

I was the first person off the bus, followed closely by Thalia. I breathed in the fresh air of camp, relishing the scent of clean winter air. Camp Half-Blood just feels different in the winter, in a good way.

A light layer of snow was allowed to fall all over camp, covering the entirety of Half-Blood Hill in a thin layer of snow. Little balls of fire resembling Christmas lights decorated the buildings, bathing the camp in a festive mood.

'Woah! Is that a climbing wall?' Nico exclaimed excitedly as he clambered off the bus.

'Yep,' I replied.

'Why is there lava pouring out of it?' he asked curiously with a shine in his eyes.

'It gives us a bit of a challenge,' I shrugged. 'Come on, I'll introduce you to Chiron.' I turned to face Zoë. 'Zoë, have you met-'

'I know Chiron,' she interrupted me stiffly. 'Tell him we will be in Cabin Eight. Hunters, follow me.'

I watched sadly as Zoë led her Hunters to the cabin of Artemis. My mood was lifted slightly as I watched Grover try and somehow succeed in leading the Hunters to a place they already knew the way to. 

'Like my old daddy goat used to say! Come on!' Grover said rather cheerfully. Zoë looked like she was about to protest but she must have figured that nothing she could do would get rid of Grover. Reluctantly, she and the rest of the Hunters followed the obsessed satyr.

'Take care, sweethearts!' Apollo called after the Hunters with an annoying grin on his face before turning to face me. 'Watch out for those prophecies, Percy. I'll see you soon.'

I hid my wince behind a smile. 'Bye, Lord Apollo.'

He flashed his trademark grin at me one last time before directing it to Thalia. 'Later, Thalia. And, uh, be good!'

I looked at Nico expecting a look of awe as he stared at the slowly retreating red Maserati but I was met with a sullen expression on his face.

I sighed. That was one thing I was not okay with Bianca joining the Hunters. She should have at least confided with her brother but she accepted without even telling him and left him all alone. 

'Who's Chiron? I don't have his figurine.' Nico asked me as he looked through his cards.

'He's our activities director,' I said as I placed a hand on his shoulder gently. 'Come on, I'll bring you to him.'

'If those Hunter girls don't like him, that's good enough for me,' he said bitterly as he put his deck of cards back in his pocket. 'Let's go.'

The trip to the Big House consisted of me answering Nico's various questions about Camp and occasionally greeting my friends while Thalia tagged along with a few steps behind. 

The Big House looked nice with the Christmas decorations. The warm light from the flaming balls and the fireplace inside that can be seen through the open door, complementing the blue paint of the Big House wonderfully. The scent of hot chocolate lingered in the air. I walked into the parlour where Chiron and Mr D was playing a game of pinochle.

'Percy! Thalia!' Chiron put down his cards (face down, of course) when he saw us, a huge smile on his face. 'Ah, this must be-'

'Nico di Angelo,' I introduced him, whose eyes were flitting between Chiron and Mr D. 'He and his sister are half-bloods.'

'You succeeded, then.' Chiron looked relieved but that was about to change.

'Well...not exactly,' I started off slowly.

Chiron looked around and seemed to realise that Annabeth wasn't with us for the first time. 'What's wrong? And where is Annabeth?'

Before I could respond, Mr D sighed and flipped through his wine magazine. 'Oh, dear. Not another one lost.'

'What do you mean?' Thalia said with furrowed eyebrows. 'Who else is lost?'

Grover stumbled into the parlour with a grin, which was not the only thing on his face. He had a black eye and a very prominent handprint on his face from where he was, most likely, slapped.

'The Hunters are all moved in!' he said cheerfully despite the injuries on his face. He had a split lip but he was still grinning like he won the lottery. 

'The Hunters, eh?' Chiron raised an eyebrow. 'I see we have much to talk about.'

He turned to face Nico di Angelo, who had been staring at us in silence the whole time. Looking him up and down, Chiron addressed Grover. 'Grover, perhaps you should take our young friend to the den and show him our orientation film.'

'Orientation film?' Nico looked at Grover. 'Is it G or PG? Cause Bianca is kinda strict-'

'It's PG-13,' Grover replied.

'Cool!' Nico exclaimed before following Grover out of the room.

When the two of them were out of sight, Chiron turned to face Thalia and me. 'Now, perhaps you two should sit down and tell us the whole story.'

And so we did. Chiron turned to face Mr D as soon as we finished telling our story. 'We should launch a search for Annabeth immediately.'

'I'll go.' Thalia blurted out and I looked at her sympathetically, knowing what Mr D's answer would be.

'Certainly not!' Mr D said looking at her with a frown.

Thalia opened her mouth to complain but Mr D held up his hand to stop her. He looked like he was about to shoot purple fire out of his eyes and that would not be good for Thalia's health.

'From what you have told me,' Mr D said interrupting Thalia. 'We have broken even on this escapade. We have, ah, regrettably lost Annie Bell-'

I grit my teeth, 'Annabeth.'

'Yes, yes,' he said offhandedly. 'And you procured a small annoying boy to replace her. So I see no point risking further half-bloods on a ridiculous rescue. The possibility is very great that this Annie girl is dead.'

I wanted to speak up, to yell at him that she was still alive. But I knew I couldn't. The Fates had only talked to me once, and that was at the beginning of all this craziness. They never told me how much I can reveal, nor did they tell me who I could confide in regarding this time travel thing. Even though they didn't, I could tell that Mr D wasn't one of those people I should tell.

Sure, yeah, maybe it was because I didn't like the god. Okay, it was definitely because I didn't like the god. Sue me.

'Annabeth may be alive,' Chiron tried to sound hopeful. 'She's very bright. If...if our enemies have her, she will try to play for time. She may even pretend to cooperate.'

'That's right,' Thalia nodded. 'Luke would want her alive.'

'In which case," said Mr D. 'I'm afraid she will have to be smart enough to escape on her own.'

I balled my hands into a fist to stop myself from acting rashly. Mr D was starting to annoy the absolute Hades out of me. I could see that Thalia had the same problem if her slightly sparkling fingers were anything to go by.

Before either one of us could jump the god, Nico burst into the room with Grover right behind him.

'SO COOL!' Nico practically screamed. He held both his shaking hands out to Chiron. 'You''re a centaur?'

Chiron smiled nervously, obviously not used to overly-excited new demigods. 'Yes, Mr. di Angelo, if you please. Though, I prefer to stay in human form in this wheelchair for, ah, first encounters.'

Nico turned to face Mr D and his eyes lit up in pure wonder. 'And, woah! You're the wine dude? No way!'

Mr D looked up with furrowed eyebrows and an annoyed look in his eyes. 'The wine dude?'

'Dionysus, right?' Nico said. 'Oh, wow! I've got your figurine!'

'My figurine.' Mr D said slowly.

I couldn't keep the smile in as I watched Nico unleash his entire ten-year-old mind on Mr D. It was very amusing to watch, to say the least.

Chiron met my eye and asked Thalia and me to go down to the cabins and inform everyone about the capture the flag game tomorrow. I saw the hidden message, though. He wanted us to get out of there while Nico had Mr D distracted.

We walked out of the Big House and headed towards the cabins. We walked in silence and I sneaked a glance at Thalia, watching as she seemed to be struggling with her thoughts.

'We'll get Annabeth back,' I reassured her. 'We're getting her back, Thalia. That's a promise.'

'First I found out Luke is lost,' she said dejectedly as she stopped by the armoury. 'Now Annabeth-'

'Don't, Thalia,' I interrupted her. 'Annabeth is alive, alright? We just have to find a way to rescue her.'

'You're right,' Thalia stood straighter. 'We'll find a way.'

I smirked, 'Don't we always?'

A sound drew my attention to the basketball courts. I looked over to see a Hunter and a son of Ares about to get at it with each other. As much as I wanted to see who would win that fight, that wasn't what we needed right now.

'I'll break that up,' Thalia sighed. 'You circulate around the cabins. Tell everyone about capture the flag tomorrow.'

'All right,' I nodded. 'You should be team captain.'

Thalia looked uneasy with the idea, 'No, no. You've been at camp longer. You do it.'

I shook my head smiling, 'Nah, it's fine. You can be team captain. You're an amazing leader.'

Still looking uneasy, Thalia nodded reluctantly. She started walking towards the imminent fight but I grabbed her wrist, stopping her.

'Hey, Thalia,' I started. 'Look, I'm sorry about what happened at Westover. I shouldn't have gone by myself.'

'It's fine, Percy. I would have done the same if I was in your shoes.' With that, she turned around and jogged to where the Ares kid had chosen to pick a fight with a Hunter.

I went from cabin to cabin, letting people know about the game tomorrow evening. When I had told the Hephaestus cabin, they simply nodded and started working on a bunch of traps for the game. I even threw in some suggestions.

I eventually made my way to my own cabin. I looked down at my watch before removing it from my wrist, clicking the button as soon as it was off. The shield managed to open fully but it was damaged, craters caused by Dr Thorn's spikes decorated the metal. The dents were so deep, they almost went through the entire shield near the middle. 

I thought about asking Charles Beckendorf to fix it for me. I knew Tyson would eventually fix it in the summer but the shield could really make a difference in the quest I knew was coming up. 

A gurgling sound made me turn to a corner of the cabin. I smiled when I saw the stone fountain spewing water out of a carved fish head. I watched as a dozen golden drachmas appeared at the bottom of the basin. 

'Thanks, dad.' I said softly.

I thought about calling Tyson, who was still in the forges under the sea but thought better of it. I would only be a distraction and even though I knew Tyson would be more than happy to see me, I didn't think his boss would be pleased that I was interrupting my brother's forging.

And so I returned to my bed as I sat there, embracing the feeling of loneliness as I tried my best not to think about the coming quest, tried to squash down the feeling of dread inside me. I was not looking forward to it at all.

A/N: Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey. It's been a while huh?

Sorry, the workload from school had been absolutely horrible. But I'm here now! Huzzah!

Here's the next chapter. With this, we have reached the Chapter 20 mark. Epic.

Next thing, I can't believe this story has over 14000 reads. And 'Remember', the other story on my profile, has over 52000! Actually insane, guys and gals. This brings me to my next point.

I want to do a QnA, and I have wanted to do one for a while now. I am taking this opportunity right now if you guys wish to participate. Ask anything about me, my stories, literally anything. Anything you can think of that you want to know, ask away!

If you want to, drop your questions here.

You guys are great. I can't wish for better readers. Have a wonderful day and as always, I'll see you in the next chapter.

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