The Unexpected Happily Ever A...

De TheNurseNextDoor01

420 13 0

Life happens while you're busy making plans. Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15

Chapter 14

17 1 0
De TheNurseNextDoor01

"Shit!" I cursed as my shopping cart collided with someone else's, "I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention."

"Don't sweat it." The other person replied.

Looking up I came face to face with Dylan, "Hey you. Nice to see you again."

"Is it really?" He countered, his voice strained.

"It's always nice to see an old friend." I stated coolly, "I hate to run, but I'm meeting a friend for dinner shortly and I don't want to be late."

    As I moved to go around him, Dylan grabbed my arm and stopped me.

"Were you going to tell me that you were moving halfway across the world?"

"I didn't know that I needed to Dylan. I've been gone for the last year. Before that we hadn't spoken to each other for nearly a year. Which was your choice not mine. You disappeared on me if you'll recall." I said pissed that he had such audacity, but the anger fled as fast as it had come, "Look, I'm not doing this with you. It was all so long ago. I'm not the same person anymore. Yes, old Arden was hurt, but new Arden has moved on. It took a few months and several thousand miles, but I have finally let you go. I've made my peace, and I'm not going to let myself get sucked back into whatever vortex of Hell that we always seem to end up in. I can't do it anymore. I won't do it. I wish you nothing but happiness, but I won't be there for it Dylan."

    With that I continued on my way out of the grocery store. I didn't hear anything else from Dylan after our run in at the grocery store. Although, if I had to guess, I would credit Matt with some of that. He had gone ballistic when I relayed the story to him and Andrea. He stormed out of the house, and when he returned an hour later, his knuckles were bruised and bloodied. I had tried to ask him about it, but he had just responded with a wicked smile and stated "Plausible deniability." Mom, her husband, Andrea, Matt, and baby Finn all came to the airport to see me off. It was a tearful goodbye, but I promised I would be back soon because I still needed to close on my house.

"About time you came back." Oliver said as he picked me up and spun me around before setting me back on my feet.

"Miss me?" I asked with a giggle.

"Only every minute." He replied as he took my suitcases from me.

"You should come with me next time. I have to go back whenever the house closes." I said as I followed him out of the airport and into his truck.

"I just might. It's about time I met your friends and family." He replied as he laced our hands together and backed out of his parking spot.

"I agree. I didn't tell them about you this time. It just didn't feel like the right time since I had been gone for so long, but I want them to meet you next time." I said as I placed a kiss on his cheek.

"Then I will come along." Oliver replied.

    Two months later I was headed back to Mississippi to sign the contracts and close on the sale of my house. This time I had Oliver in tow. I still hadn't told anyone about him, but I did tell everyone that I had a big surprise. As we exited the terminal, I found my group easily. Mom, her husband John, Andrea, Matt, Finn, and Dylan. I instinctively squeezed Oliver's hand harder when I realized that Dylan was with them. Oliver shot me a questioning gaze, but I just shook my head and forced a smile.

"Oh my goodness! Is he the surprise?" Mom demanded as she wrapped me in a hug.

"Sort of." I replied with a wicked grin before shooting out my left hand to display my engagement ring, "Surprise!"

"Holy shit Ards! That thing is huge. Congratulations! I can't believe it!" Andrea shrieked before jumping on me.

"Will she be okay?" I heard Oliver ask no one in particular.

"Which one?" Matt replied with a laugh.

"Can't breathe." I huffed out dramatically causing Andrea to release me, "Guys, this is Oliver Williams, my fiancé. Oliver this is my mom, Leigh, and her husband John, the very excitable red head is my best friend Andrea, that's her husband Matt and their little boy Finn, and that's Dylan, a friend of mine."

    I had nearly chocked on the word friend when introducing Dylan, but I had refused to let our announcement be ruined by his appearance.

"Congratulations y'all." Matt said.

"Welcome to the family Oliver." Mom said beaming.

"This calls for a celebratory dinner. How about it guys? My treat." John declared.

"Oh y'all don't have to do that." I said blushing.

"Oh yes we do. I want details. We need to discuss wedding plans." Andrea declared as she shuffled everyone outside.

    Twenty minutes later everyone was seated around tables eating free rolls.

"So have you two set a date?" Andrea asked.

"Sort of. We were hoping to tie the knot while we're over here dealing with the sale of the house. We were wanting to do something super small just you guys out at the river camp. I want the guys there for this." I replied as I swiped at a tear.

"I think that would be lovely darling. I know the boys are both smiling ear to ear right now. Give me a date and I'll get Pastor Chris to officiate." Mom said as she wiped at her own tears.

"Not this weekend, but next?" I asked.

"Consider it done. I'll get in touch with the company who handles our company parties. They'll get food and decorations. Oh and a tent and chairs." Andrea announced.

"What about your family?" Matt asked addressing Oliver.

"They're going to fly in next week in time for the wedding. Trust me when I say none of them are going to miss the opportunity to see someone tied me down." Oliver replied with a laugh.

"Ollie has been a career bachelor much to his grandmother's dismay." I supplied.

"What do you do for work Oliver?" Matt asked assuming the role of my dad I suppose.

"I am a surf instructor. That's how we met actually." Oliver replied.

"That's so cool. So can I get free lessons when we come to visit for Christmas?" Andrea asked.

"Of course." Oliver replied shooting her his megawatt smile.

"Oliver is being modest. He's not just a surf instructor. He is a professional surfer. He won the Rip Curl Pro in Victoria last year. He's a pretty big deal." I declared smiling at him with pride.

"Holy shit dude. That's impressive." Matt commented.

"Exactly how old are you?" Dylan asked, speaking for the first time since we had arrived.

"Dylan." Matt warned.

"I'm twenty-five." Oliver replied oblivious to the building tension.

"Robbing the cradle aren't we Arden?" Dylan shot at me.

"Dylan!" Andrea all but snarled.

"What I'm just pointing out the obvious. You can't tell me none of the rest of you were thinking it. She's nearly ten years older than him, which I guess explains the new look." He replied in a cold tone.

"Dylan, I think it's time that you left." My mother spoke up.

"My pleasure." He replied before standing up and tossing twenty dollars down on the table.

"What's his deal?" Oliver asked after Dylan had made his exit.

"He's an asshole." Andrea declared.

"Why was he even here?" I demanded turning my gaze towards Matt.

"Uh, well, I don't think now is the best time to discuss that. We can talk later." He said with a pleading look in his eyes.

"Fine. This discussion is tabled for the moment, but we are not done." I replied.

"Understood. Thank you Arden." Matt said.

    The rest of dinner passed uneventfully. After dinner, I cornered Matt outside of the restrooms.

"Why was he here Matthew?" I ground out.

"He was planning to plead his case." He said on a sigh.

"Huh?" Was all I could say.

"He was finally ready to get his shit together and beg you to stay. With him." Matt explained.

"About two years too late. He chose to leave not me Matt." I argued.

"I know Ards. I told him it was a long shot. I told him that he didn't deserve you, but I couldn't refuse to let him come. He's still my friend, and the dumbass really does love you. He's just not very good at showing it." Matt said sounding defeated.

"So what? You think I should just walk away from Oliver and run into Dylan's arms until he decides to ditch me again?" I grit out.

"No I don't. If you love Oliver, then I think that you should marry him. I love Dylan, but I don't think he's capable of being the kind of man you deserve. He's my best friend, but you're like my sister. You've suffered enough for ten life times. If you can find some happiness, I want you to grab hold of it and never let go. I love you Ards." Matt said before he hugged me.

"I love you too Matty." I whispered into his chest.

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