Chris Evans' Relationship Sta...

By Caitlin872863

11.8K 281 9

Ashlynn made a bet with herself that she would not get into a relationship with anyone until Chris Evans anno... More

Ashlynn Moore
Eyes on Gina
The Hotel
The Morning
Being Tourists
Secret Bar
The Moment
Like No One Else
Feeling Good
Funfilled Day
The Mother
First Date
The Family
Social Media
Ethan, Miles and Stella
Going Home
Late Night Walks
Jimmy Fallon
Back Together
Familiar Face
Happy New Year
23rd April
Premier Day
Back to boston

The Big Day

227 4 0
By Caitlin872863

Today is the 23rd of December. We are in Boston and we are preparing for the wedding today. I still can't believe I'm getting married today. I haven't seen Chris for over 24hours now as we think it'll then be more exciting when we see each other as I walk down the aisle.

Gina and Andy came three days ago and so did my brother Josh, they all traveled together. I hadn't seen them for a while with work and then with moving out here to Boston. That was a hard conversation with them. But being the loving people they are, they supported me.

Now I'm sat getting the final touches to my make up done and then I'm ready. Ready to marry the man of my dreams. I was just getting my lipstick touched up when Scott ran into the room.

"Sorry ladies but we have an issue, Ashlynn" his eyes darted to me. "Chris has become super anxious and he says he needs to see you, but you're in the dress and he's not allowed to see you until the wedding because of bad luck and..." I interrupted him.

"Scott calm down and slow down, it's okay, I think we've had all the bad luck already, tell him to go to our room and I'll meet him there in a minute" we are getting married in a hotel so we've all got a room each to stay in so no one has to worry about getting home, and then Chris and I are going on our honeymoon tomorrow.

"Are you sure?" Scott asked.

"Yes, of course, now go and I'll be there soon." I reassured him.

My makeup artist just finished up my lipstick to give Chris a bit of time to get to the room and then I made my way up. As I opened the door I saw Chris looking out the window at the snow covered lawn. I walked in slowly not to startle him and then I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him from behind.

"Hey" I spoke.

Chris placed his hands on mine and replied.


"Are you okay?" I said worryingly.

"Not really, I just began feeling so anxious and then I couldn't calm down and the only person who seems to be able to settle me is you, I'm sorry if I worried you, but..."

"Chris you're about to become my husband, don't apologise for worrying me, I'm okay, I just want to make sure that you're okay"

"I'm a bit better now, I think a part of it was that I missed you" He said as he turned around so he was looking down at me.

"I missed you too"

"Ash you look hot, this" I looked up at him and blushed.

A/N - The dress looks like this, I feel like if I tried to explain what the dress looks like it would ruin it, so I've found this picture.

"I can still make you blush" he smirked.

"You'll always be able to make me blush" I replied. "You don't look too bad yourself either" I smirked.

He lent down and placed his lips onto mine.

"I love you Ash"

"I love you"

Chris parted from me then held his hand out.

"Dance with me" he offered.

"But there's no music"

"So, remember the first time we said I love you, it was raining, we danced with no music, it was perfect" he reminisced.

"It was" I placed my hand in his and we swayed side to side matching each other's rhythm. My head was placed on Chris's chest. It was relaxing, it was peaceful.

"Chris love" I spoke with my head still resting on Chris's chest.

"Yes honey" Chris replied as we carried on dancing.

"I've got something to tell you, and I don't want to go into this marriage with any secrets between us so I want to tell you now" I felt Chris's heart beat increase and then I realised I may have worried him a bit.

"Um, okay what is it?"

"Well remember the night where you came home from work about a month ago and we had the most amazing sex because you had been gone for over a week" (I've missed you sex is always the best)

"How could I forget? That was one of the best nights of my life" Chris chuckled.

"Ye same, but I think that was the night that has led to me having a human growing inside me" I still kept me head on his chest and smiled to myself.

"Wait what, you're telling me your pregnant?" Chris said in shock

I then looked up at him as he looked at me.

"Yes love, I'm pregnant, we're having a baby" I felt the tears brew in my eyes and Chris's eyes began filling up with tears. "You're gonna be a Daddy"

"And you're gonna be a Mommy, wait sorry, Mummy" Chris joked.

"Well corrected" I chuckled.

Chris pulled me in tight and hugged me and then kissed me passionately.

As we parted from the kiss, Chris asked me a question.

"When did you find out?"

"Last night, I wanted to know, so I took 3 tests and they all came out positive" I smiled. "I know we didn't plan to have children so soon but everything happens for a reason."

"Everything does happen for a reason, I'm so happy, this is the best day of my life, I love you Ash" he then crouched down and kissed my stomach, "and I love you too munchkin"

Chris then kissed me again, "I'm so excited to marry you"

"I can't wait, are you ready? Are you okay?"

"Yes and yes, let's do it" Chris said again and kissed me again.

I went back to into the getting ready room where everyone was waiting for me and we went to the area where Chris and I were getting married. The main hall area.

My brother was walking me down the isle.

We were waiting for everyone to get seated and then waiting for the music to start.

"You're all grown up" Josh spoke.

I faced him and then fixed up his tie.

"I guess so, I just want to say thank you"

"Why's that?" He questioned.

"You have been the best brother anyone could ask for, I love you and I have no idea where I would be if you didn't exist, you were there for me through everything, so thank you" a tear rolled down my face.

I wiped away the tear quickly, so it wouldn't ruin my freshly fixed make up.

"Well I better say thank you for letting me stay at yours whenever I want, it has really helped me over the years, I love you too." The music then started to play. "Right the musics just started so let's go get you married"

"Let's do it"

I linked my arm around my brothers arm and then we began walking down the aisle.

The music was the traditional march music mixed with the avengers theme tune. Which I didn't know about, obviously Chris knows my love for Marvel so he may have set this up.

I walked down the aisle and saw Chris waiting for me.

I made it to the front and Chris and I were both blubbering messes.

I got to him and held his hands and whispered to him.

"Did you chose the music?"

"Yup, thought you would like it" he smirked.

"I loved it"

The officiate began speaking so the marriage began.

We were now at the vows. We decided before hand that Chris was do his vows first.

"Ashlynn, never in my life did I think I would find anyone as loving as you. I love you so much. I love the way you will get me up at 3am to just go for a walk, and just talk for hours, I love the way you shout at me when I forget to put the toilet seat down, I love the way you tell me no and put me in my place, I just love you. Your smile, your passion, your heart. You are the woman that everyone needs in their life. No one could ever compete with you as you would instantly win, you are the one and only person for me. Now I'm going to make a couple promises to you, I promise to always comfort you when you start crying at a film, I promise to always watch a film that has me in it if you so badly want to watch it, and I promise to give you a kiss when we wake up and before we go to sleep and I promise to always support you and I promise to love you no matter what always and forever"

I was now crying my eyes out and so was Chris.

"Now I regret agreeing that you go first, I don't know how I'm going to get through mine" I joked and everyone laughed.

"You've got this" Chris supported me.

"Okay, okay I've got this, Chris, my Captain, the man of my dreams. Never in a million years did I think I would be marrying Chris Evans, you were this man that I made a bet about with myself. The day I met you changed my life forever. I love you and I will always love you no matter what. You allowed me into your life and I will be forever grateful about that, you gave me a family to me a part of, and now you've given me our own family." I held my stomach and Chris placed his hand on mine. And everyone gasped. Ignoring everyone else I carried on. "You make me smile everyday and you do this by being you, being the goofy person you are. Whenever you play with our beautiful dogs or when you cry at TV adverts and when you make me feel so special, you make me realise how lucky I am to have you. I love you Captain America."

"I love you Captain Britain"

We carried on with the reset of the wedding.

The officiate "and now you may kiss the bride"

And Chris did as said. He wrapped his arms around me and he dipped me and kissed me deeply.

Chris picked me up bridal style and walked down the aisle starting our beautiful married life together as Mr and Mrs Evans.

This is my life because of a bet.

The End.

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