The Family

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All three of us just decided to spend the morning together and then go to Lisa's around 1pm.

We got to the house and I was nervous but I tried not to show it. I felt like we were going to get lots of questions.

"You ready?" Chris pondered.

"I think so" I chuckled.

Scott went in first then Chris followed and I followed behind.

"Chris your back!"

"I am hi guys"

Then 3 kids came running in.

"UNCLE CHRIS!" They all chimed together.

Chris crouched down and hugged them all together.

"How are my favourite niece and nephews?"


"I missed you too kiddos"

Chris then stood back up.

"You didn't tell me you were an uncle, that was adorable"

"They are my favourite people on earth!"

"Hey!" Everyone shouted.

"You guys are all a close second" Chris reasoned with a chuckle.

Then Shanna, Carly and the kids realised that I was someone they had never met before.

"Who's that's Uncle Chris?" One of his nephews asked.

"That is Ashlynn."

"Is she your girlfriend?" The other nephew asked.

That made me smile.

"No, no, well not yet anyway, she's just a very good friend."

Now that made me smile even more.

"Hey, it's nice to meet you" I crouched down so I was eye level with the child.

The children just smiled at me.

"So you're the mystery girl from the pictures?" Shanna asked.

"Ah yes, that is me"

"Well it's lovely to finally meet you, why have we never met you before?" Shanna asked.

"Well that may be because we only met 8 days ago" I said awkwardly.

"8 days" Carly said with a surprised look.

"Yep" Chris chimed in.

"So how did it happen then?" Lisa wanted to know.

Chris then explained to them how we met, the same story that we told Josh.

"It's like out of a movie!" Carly spoke.

"My brother said that aswell!" We laughed.

"So you've met Ashlynns family already aswell?" Lisa wondered.

"Well yes her brother."

"Don't forget about the horrible mother" I chimed in.

Everyone looked confused.

"How could I forget" Chris sighed.

I could tell that he felt sorry for me, and I could feel his family wanting to ask more questions.

"Let me explain" I spoke.

Chris looked at me with worry.

"You don't have to, if you don't want to"

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