𝗛𝗲𝘆 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗗𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗻𝘀

Par twistednoglastia

762K 34.5K 62.8K

"..It's me, ya girl." [ᴄʀᴇᴇᴘʏᴘᴀꜱᴛᴀ / ꜰᴇᴍ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ] Lights flickering on the two stood staring at each oth... Plus

【Who Are You?】
Little Halloween Special!!🎉🎉
Little Holiday Special 🎉🎉🎉
【Forty- O n e】


25.6K 1.1K 2.7K
Par twistednoglastia


» "Jesus said chill." «


   "Did you hear? Another murder happened last night."
   "Seriously? Isn't that the, what, fifth one this month?"
   "Yeah, apparently the latest victim was the husband of Ms. Hallows."
   "Wait for real? My sister's their neighbor!"
   "What if the killer took this course?"
   "Dude! Don't even joke about that!"
   "Seriously man.."
   "I was just joking! Jeez."
   "Even though Mister Hallows was kind of an ass, I heard his death was pretty brutal."
   "I don't know, I think he kinda had it coming."
   "Dude shut up!"

   Ignoring the loud whispers of your fellow classmates you continued to doodle in your notebook. The lesson was pretty much just recap, stuff you already knew like the back of your hand, and besides no one was actually paying attention. Everyone was too freaked out about what had happened last night to care, hell even the professor was a bit unnerved. 

   Drumming the pencil in your hand between your fingers you directed your attention to your upcoming schedule. You had work today after class as usual, you promised an internet friend of yours that you would play a new game that came out—more like you would play it and he would laugh at you failing, then the weekend would come and you would go see Luca. For the most part it was pretty relaxed. Though considering your new friend you may have to make a few adjustments to your non-busy schedule.

"Miss Mycroft!"

You immediately dropped your pencil and looked up alarmed at the professor. Some students behind you stifled laughs at your sudden reaction causing you to roll your eyes. "Yes, Professor Cohan?" Unlike Mister Lennon, this teacher preferred to be referred to by her work title instead. The older woman's eyes darted to her papers before her sharp eyes moved back to yours. "Can you tell me what part of the brain is associated with the feeling of guilt or shame?"

Readjusting the grip on your pencil you nodded timidly, "The frontal lobes of the brain are generally associated with emotions like guilt or embarrassment." The woman nodded, "And can you tell me some physical effects of guilt?" Straightening your posture you cleared your throat, "Of course. Some affects from guilt are insomnia, depression, and a loss of appetite."

Walking around her desk back towards the board the woman clapped her hands twice, "Very good. It appears that at least some of you have been paying attention." Relaxing in your seat once more a breath of relief escaped your lips.

A silent buzz came from your right pant pocket, causing you to nearly jump. Once the professor turned the other way you sneakily pulled it out and kept it under the table before clicking on the notification. Biting the inside of your cheek to keep yourself from smiling after seeing the name of your beloved internet friend.

[Dork has entered the chat.]

- I found a non-pirated version of the game you stupid goody two-shoes
- it would have been so much easier if you just downloaded the pirated version smh

shut up I have anxiety -
can't get them cops after me bc I will cry B) -
besides your the one who chose the game this time so it's technically your fault lol -
but anywayyyy thank yooouuu <3 -

- loser

>:( -

- <3

okay now shut up I have class -

- imagine going to college
- imagine getting a degree
- imagine being a nerd


- kinky

honk -

- dyslexic ass :)

is this your doing roblox child -
did you hack my phone???? -
why do I hang out with you -

- because I'm amazing <3

you wish >:0 -

- what the hell
- admit that I'm cool
- do it nerd
- admit it

hahahaha -
h a -
Sayonara uwu -

- what the heck is an "uwu"
- I don't speak anime
- [y/n] >:(

[ Dork has changed 'untitledgoosegamekinnie''s name to 'Uncultured Swine'. ]
[ Dork has left the chat. ]

'Imagine being uncultured.' You shook your head lightly before pocketing your phone again, ignoring the few buzzes that followed. He shall suffer now without learning. Good. That's what he gets. The story of how you became friends with the jerk was actually pretty funny.

You had met him through discord after being added to a random Minecraft discord sever. He was pretty chill and the only reason you started talking to him one on one was because he kept insulting the kids in the sever in very clever ways, and well because some of the mods and other members of the sever deemed him as unsettling and creepy. And you being you immediately wanted to befriend the fellow outcast.

Once in an attempt to discourage you from talking to him, he sent you your own address. To which you simply responded with "yoo, you have my address now. Wanna come over and play smash bros?". This somehow made his personality do a whole 180 and now he had been your friend for about two years now. Surprisingly though, you still didn't know his real name nor what he looked like and doubted you ever would. So in response you gave him a bunch of weird nicknames which he was fine with since most of them made him laugh from how dumb they were.

"Class dismissed!"


» After School «


   "Alright have a nice night buddy. Be safe on your way home." Smiling kindly to the younger boy, Kaden, who had just purchased animal crossing you waved goodbye as he walked out of the store. Before the door shut you could hear a faint, "Have a nice night miss [Y/n]!"

   The kid was a regular who frequented the shop enough to the point his parents got to know you. The family knew you so well in fact that the parents occasionally asked you to pick him up from school if they weren't able to. You were a bit nervous letting the sixth grader walk home alone with all the crime that went on in this small town of yours, but then again he did live just a few blocks down from the GameStop.

   Your coworker, Lizzie, walked back up to the counter where you sat dusting off her hands after restocking the shelves. She had slightly tanned skin and short black curly hair with orange highlights. She always changed the color of her highlights depending on the season which never failed to make you smile. Drumming her fingers on the counter she hummed, "I'm gonna go clean up the back. Think you can handle it out here by yourself, chief?" Rolling your eyes you grinned, "You're leaving me to fend for myself? What will I ever do against this crowd of customers?" Sarcastically you gestured to the empty store causing her to giggle.

   Sluggishly pulling off the counter she gave you a two finger salute before walking off to the backroom, "Don't miss me too much!" Shaking your head you pulled out your phone, seeing as no one was in the store, and scrolled through your notifications. After looking through Instagram you leaned back in the spiny chair before opening messages, suddenly getting an amazing idea.

[ Best Friend 🤠 has entered the chat. ]

Best Friend 🤠
hello best friend :D -
remember me? -
Jackie-boy I see you reading this -
you ain't slick -

- It's Jack. Just Jack.
- Why are you contacting me?

Best Friend 🤠
omg -
you actually responded -
I didn't think that would happen -
oh heck -
uhm hold on, I didn't think I'd get this far -
how has your day been -

- Are you serious?

Best Friend 🤠
yeah, I'm bored and wanna talk to you -
besides I ain't getting no customers at my job rn -
so answer the question bc I gotta make sure my bestie is doin alright uwu -

- Goodbye.

Best Friend 🤠
best frienddd!!!! -
:( -
Did you actually leave -
This is so sad -
Screw you I'm gonna go cry now -

- Please don't.
- I can't handle crying.

Best Friend 🤠
oh you came back :D -
I knew it, you do love me <3 -
jk pls don't sell my organs on the black market -
anyway, how are you? :) -

- ...
- I'm fine.
- And you?

Best Friend 🤠
I'm doing great! -
Sorta! -
Kinda! -
Maybe! -
Anyway, when are we gonna continue our show? -

- You were serious about that?
- Never mind. You're weird, of course you were serious about that.
- I don't have an answer to that at the moment.
- But besides that, why is my contact name "Jackie-chan"?
- Please change it.

Best Friend 🤠
Ahshdhdjahahdh -
whoops -
UHm anyway -
Uh -
Wait hold on -
brb I think the store is getting robbed lol B) -

- Pardon?

Best Friend 🤠
if I die tell my mathematics professor I dislike him  - thanks <3 -

- What do you mean you're getting robbed?
- [Y/n].
- Answer me.

   True to your word, you did actually believe the store was being robbed when a sudden chilling atmosphere fell over the store after someone entered. Since your view of the door was concealed by the racks and shelves of games and game merchandise you couldn't even see who entered.

   The discomfort swirling in your cut dissipated immediately though when a young adult who seemed to be about your age popped up from around one of the shelves. He wore a black and somewhat faded hoodie that had a random band you didn't recognize on it. He also wore an equally black medical mask around his mouth, which you didn't question seeing as many people wore those as a fashion choice. The brunette didn't seem to notice you at first as he scanned the aisles, supposedly looking for something. After watching him fail to find what he was looking for, for about a minute you cleared your throat. He looked up startled and blinked in your direction, a bit of sudden awareness swirled in his hazel colored eyes.

   Grinning you waved, to which he returned automatically. "You looking for anything specific?" Rubbing the back of his neck he chuckled nervously, "Is it that obvious?" Snickering a bit you made a so-so gesture with your hand, "Kinda. What can I help you with?"

   Strolling up to the counter his eyes wandered to the various video game-themed merchandise behind you on the wall. "Uh..I'm looking for a game for a friend of mine." You noticed a little bit of shakiness in his voice, similar to a slight stammer, but you decided not to question it seeing as that would be rude. Nodding you folded your hands and leaned on the counter curiously, "Alrighty. Do you know the name of the game?" "Yeah, I think it's something in the Resident Evil series?" Immediately your eyes lit up, "Oh! Resident Evil Village?" The ends of the boy's eyes scrunched up to signify he was smiling, "Yeah! That's the one."

   Rolling back you stood up out of your chair before crouching to grab one of the boxes under the counter, "I must say your friend has good taste. Village is a personal favorite of mine, and may or may not be slowly becoming my favorite of the series. Though it's a close call with Resident Evil Four." Standing back up with the plastic container in hand you offered a kind smile, while pushing the box back into its cubby with your foot. "I suggest you ask your friend to play it some time, it's one hell of a ride."

   His shoulders shook a bit with a quiet laugh before he nodded, "I'll k-keep that in mind. Thank you.." he paused to look at the name tag that was halfheartedly pinned to your shirt, "[Y/n]." Chuckling a bit you scanned the game's barcode waiting for the price to pop up. Once the price did appear the brunette dug around in his pocket to pull out a worn-out wallet.

   Biting the inside of your cheek part of yourself groaned at the decision you were about to make, suddenly waving him off with a hand you proceeded to put the game in a plastic bag. "Don't worry about it, I'll handle the price." His head snapped up and his eyes were a wide with surprise. "Huh?" Holding the bag out your expression fell into a lopsided grin, "I said don't worry about it. I'll cover it." His brows furrowed and he shook his head, his stammer became a bit more apparent as he was startled, "I-I can't let you do th-that!" You only giggled, "I got it. Now take the damn game before my arm falls off." Jokingly you shook the bag a bit.

   Hesitantly he took it and pocketed his wallet, before speaking quietly, "Thank you." His eyes shifted between the bag and your face nervously, almost if he was asking if it was truly okay. "Won't your boss get mad?" The question made you laugh and lean back. Calming down you wiped your eye, "Nah. With how many people I've tempted into buying games they'd lose business if they fired me." Shrugging you spoke teasingly, "Besides as long as money goes into the cash register I don't think they'd care." The other seemed to grin a bit at that before nodding, "If you say so." He took a step back away from the counter and raised his hand slightly to his you a farewell, "I'll see you around then."

   Dipping your head in a gesture of goodbye you hummed back, "Have a nice night, be safe on your way home." As he disappeared around one of the racks you could hear him chuckle a bit, "Oh don't worry, I will be." The statement made you raise a brow, maybe he had a stun gun—I mean you had one so who were you to judge? You heard the door open which was followed by a chill running down your back, "Be safe on your way back as well [Y/n]." Then it closed.

   With those parting words your skin pricked with goosebumps making you frown. It didn't sound like there was any malicious intent behind his words, so why did you feel so uncomfortable? Brushing it off you took out your phone again.

Best Friend 🤠
Aww were you worried? -
that's so cute omg <333 -
for legal reasons that was a joke -
please don't stab me -
Anyway -
fear not for I'm alive~~ -
Turns out I wasn't being robbed -
It was just some nervous guy -
I felt kinda bad for thinking he was a robber so I gave him the game for free lmao -

- Jesus Christ you finally respond.
- You're have no backbone, do you?

Best Friend 🤠
I'm soFT OkaY?? -
besides he was adorable in a weird kinda nerdy way 😔 -

- You're going to end up dead if you keep this up.

Best Friend 🤠
are you jealous lolol? -
don't worry you'll always be my favorite creep <3 -

- I just have to ask,
- What is wrong with you?

Best Friend 🤠
a lot of things lololol -
want the list? -
number fifty three will shock you -

- Go back to work.

[ Jack-Chan has left the chat. ]

   Sticking your tongue out at the screen your brows furrowed. And just when you were about to send him a cat meme too! "Rude.."


» Dorm «


   Hand hovering over the mouse you bit your lip as you made your character move forward towards the door on the screen. The music emitting from the computer suddenly became ominous. You started to regret turning off your lights to play the stupid horror game.

   Your hesitance was cut short by the sound of your online friend's voice cutting through from discord, "Dude, just go through the door." Currently you were sharing your screen after your friend had practically begged you to play the horror game he sent. To be honest you figured you'd be able to handle it at first, but an hour and forty minutes in you found out that you could not. "I know! I know! Give me a minute." Silently you cussed him out while gnawing on your chapped lips.

   "..Pussy." "I will come through your computer screen and make you eat those words you little sadist." You hissed back, a tremor laced your words as you tried to hold back a laugh. The person on the other line snorted and wheezed for a moment before coming back to his mic, "If only you knew how ironic that sentence was." Before you could even question what he meant a sudden jump scare flashed on your screen, causing you to jump back and scream, loudly. Your headset falling of your head as you fell off your seat. Though you could hear hysterical laughter coming from the headphones.

   "Shut up!" You laughed embarrassed into the mic while getting back up. "It wasn't even that funny! Shush!" He still laughed as you fixed your headset. "I'm not playing this anymore, let's play dead by daylight." You could hear his laughter die down, "Aww, come on! You were so close to the end." Rolling your eyes you huffed before exiting the game and bringing up discord. "Come on I'll set up a lobby." He hummed amused while you stopped the screen share, "Fine."

   Once the game was set up the two of you proceeded to harass kids in random lobbies and take turns being the killer in your own games. After a while you were about to press ready to a new game before a noise caught you off guard.

   Head snapping to the side your face lit up at the sight of a person half way through the window. You waved at him before holding up a finger and mouthed "one second". Jack simply nodded in response before coming through the window fully.

   "Hey buddy I think I'm gonna turn in for now, alright? We'll play later, my best friend just dropped by—so byeeeee~." You elongated the e in the last word before closing the game and moving to end the call. "Hey wai-" And it ended.

   You didn't feel bad since your internet friend had left abruptly a few times before, and well you knew it would be better to get off now since the two of you would end up playing all night. Spinning in your chair you jumped up and immediately bee-lined for the television while grabbing the remote. Jack sat beside you and stared at the screen expectantly causing you to giggle before turning it on.

   What an interesting day.


» ? ? ? «


   "What are you sulking about?"

   The blond proceeded to ignore the question in favor for glaring at the television screen that was playing a random adult swim show.

   "He's mad because his gamer girlfriend left him for someone else." A new voice snickered teasingly, only to be smacked in the face with a pillow. "She's not my girlfriend you idiot! That's disgusting!" The other hissed from his spot on the couch feverishly. The raven haired man just laughed loudly.

   The person from before raised a brow, "So you admit that's the reason, though?"

   "Mind your own business, would you?!"


» "That's why I'm in such exquisite agony!" «


Continuer la Lecture

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