She's their life

By imaginerkives

856K 16.4K 5.6K

We have seen over protective brothers, there are maybe 6 , 7 or 8 brothers but what if a girl has 18 brothers... More

Characters 2
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9: Part 1
Chapter 9: Part 2
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Incorrect quotes
Incorrect quotes pt 2
Incorrect quotes 3
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Facts about this book
Chapter 34
Bonus chapter 1: When she found them

Chapter 10

26.1K 492 97
By imaginerkives

To all the friends fan, including me.
I'm sorry for writing this type of dream, but I wanted to show this. This might not be funny as the show's Joey. Pls forgive me.


"You know, I love you so much, Mona" Chris Hemsworth says to me.

I blush.

"Me too" I say looking down shyly.

"What about my sandwich" Joey says as we are sitting in his apartment.

"I can eat that too" I say as I was about to eat, Chandler comes along with Chris's wife.

"You heck, he's mine" she says.

"And Joey is mine" Chandler says.

"No, you both just go away, I'm gonna have Chris and Joey's food both" I say.

"Could this be anymore of a dream?" Chandler says.

"Yes, it's my dream so don't you enter" I say flicking my finger due to which he vanishes away.

"Give my husband back to me, you are so small. You are like his daughter" she says.

"Let's just Chris decide" I say.

"Chris baby, whom do you choose" I ask.

He looks at his wife and then at me.

"I choose my Mona" he says and I smile.

Then I turn to his wife with a smug smile.

"Get out" I say and she vanishes.

"My saaaandwicchhh" Joey says.

"Have patience, Joe, your food is not running away" I say. I hug Chris.

"LEAVE MY SISTER" I hear and then I see Leo and Matt.

Oh god.

"Leave my baby" Matt says.

How am I able to recognise them.

Then suddenly all my brothers enter Joey's apartment.

"Whoa, this is not a men's toilet" Joey says.

"You just eat your sandwich" Ethan says.

"Leave our baby" Marco says.

"Wake up, Mona" Joey says.


"Wake up".

I hug Chris and try to take Joey's food but then I hear a voice.

"Wake up"

I open my eyes and see Monday and Samuel is front of me and then I realise that I slept with Marco in his room.

They both are literally on my face.

"Good morning" Sam says kissing my forehead.

"Good morning, twiny"


As I sit. I glance at both of them.

They are having a very big smile on their face.

It's bigger than Marco's height!

"Why are you both smiling like this?" I ask.

"You are going with Marco for your school admission." Monday says and I groan, thinking about school.

"Yeah, in this we all and our cousins also study, so you will have enough protection" Sam says.


"So, what are you waiting for?, Come on, we all are also going with you. You will be with Marco and we will study" Monday says.

And I nod.

Let's go then. Not.

I as I was about to get out of bed.


my bum lands on the floor and I wince.

The idiotic brothers of mine laugh.

My legs were tangled with the duvet, due to which I fall.

Why always me?

I sigh, finally getting up, brushing my pjs.

And then I stay calm, because I know what I have to do right now.

"Are you okay?" Sam asks me his voice laced with concern.

Oh! I'm ok, but you both are not, you meatballs.

"I'll kill you both" I shout

I'll keep my hand in such a way that I showing that I'm going to stab them.

They run and I chase.

"How could you both laugh at me. And you woke me up so early in the morning" I yell while running.

Yep, I'm not a morning person. I'm used to waking up at 6 as I had to go to work by 7, but still I prefer my sleep.

They both run as I chase them and we reach the dinning room.

"Come here" I growl as I was about to reach them, but someone stops me.

"Stop" I hear a authoritative voice say. It was daddy.

"What's all this?" He asks.

"Looks like, Mona isn't a morning person" Sam says.

"Yes, thank you" I say glaring at both of them.

I hear Snickers and chuckles of my lovely family.

"Why did you run behind them, baby" mom asks.

"Because they laughed, when I fell from bed" I say.

Then I hear chorus of laughter.

They all look so happy and carefree. I smile at them.

I let them laugh at me because I always want them to laugh, like this.

But I'm still a bit angry. I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

Ice cream.
Cold drinks.
Ice cream sandwich.
Wet bed.

I think of cold food items, which cools me down.

"Good morning, Everyone" I say.

"Good morning" they all say in unison.


Then I glance at Marco who was busy doing something on his phone. Must be work.

Then I smile remembering yesterday night. He held me tight against him. When he woke up today in morning, he was gazing at me, I felt it and then I felt a warm kiss on my forehead. After that, I slept again.

I go toward him and plant a kiss of his cheek.

He glances at me from his phone and gives me a small smile, his gaze was filled with warmth.

I hear gasps.

"Only him Bambina, not us?" Andrew or Anthony asks.

I shake my head. Smiling. Evilly.

"As today I'm going to spend the day with Marco, so he got one" I say and then everyone glares at Marco as if he stole their favourite candy even daddy except for mommy, who is laughing.

"Daddy why are you and mommy not coming with me?" I ask him out of curiosity.

I'm curious as hell when I don't get to know things.

I can be James bond.


He's very old maybe, Nancy drew..

Yes, I'm the next Nancy drew.

"Baby I and your mommy have some work so as your guardian, Marco is going with you" he says.

"And he doesn't have work" I say.

"I have darling, I will do it, after your school work" Marco says.

"No, as I said I'm going to spend time with each and every family member of mine, so now I'm starting with you Marco. Today is our day, so you will take me to office with you." I say.

"No, you will be bored there." Marco says.

"No..pls take me with you, pls"

And I open my last weapon.


I make a cute pout.

Marco immediately looks away.

"D--don't do this." He says.

But I continue with my innocent face.

"Come on Marco, take her." Aiden insists.

Marco sighs.


Then I jump, clapping my hands.

"Thank you" I say hugging him.

"Ok, now eat breakfast and then get ready" mom says and I nod sitting on the table.

My lips form a smile when glance at Marco's tattoo. Then I glance at everyone smiling.

I'm so lucky to have them. Mostly I have seen men having their wives tattoo but they had mine name.

This might sound insane but it's right. For us. Period.

One thing I know that I can't tattoo their name on my body, otherwise I will look like a walking tattoo shop. Everyone names, can't even fit on my body.

Another thing, these brothers of mine have seen me since I was born. There were my forever not my husband or boyfriend. They come at the age like 25, but brothers are there for your whole life.

Although I love Romance. I too want a boyfriend as I have seen people in orphanage, but my family is everything.

"Where are you lost?" Lincoln asks I shake my head.

I have to give them nicknames. I'm definitely very bad in remembering their names.


So, we all are on our way to the school, for my admission. They want to have an interview.

They know that I used to study in orphanage. So they want to know, how much I know.

Truth to be told, I'm kinda nervous. I hope everything will be fine.

The car comes to a halt and I realise that we have reached the school.

I take a deep breath and then I gasp, seeing the school. It's soooooo big.

So, as per my information, this is an all in one school. So all my brothers study here.


All come to this school.

As we exit the car. I hear gasps and murmurs from the students. They either looking at Marco or at my brothers who are behind us.

I feel nervous with all the stares.

I hold Marco's hand. He tightens his grip in assurance.

As we reach the principal office.

"Bye, guys see you later" I say to them.

They come and kiss my forehead.

"Bye, baby girl. Take care" Jason says.
I nod.

Then I take a deep breath, turning my head towards Marco.

"Let's do this." I say.

Marco's pov

I mask my poker face and step inside.

The principal, smiles when he sees us, but still his eyes showed fear.

"Good morning, Mr. Amelio" he says.

I nod.

"Good morning, sir" Mona says, bowing down a little.

He nods smiling.

"Let's start, shall we?" He asks.

Mona nods.

Then two teachers enter to take my baby's interview.

"Mr. Amelio, would you please step outside, we would like to begin"he says and I nod.

I kiss my baby's forehead.

"You'll do great" I say. She gives me her beautiful smile, I step outside.

My phone then rings.
I take it out and see it's Aiden.

I walk away from crowd and step into a silent area.

"Ivanor si è rifiutato di trattare con noi. È stato rompicoglioni. Come autorità superiore, vuole vedere la principessa della mafia." He says.

Ivanor refused to deal with us. He has been pain in the ass.
As a higher authority, he wants to see, Mafia princess.

I massage my temple.

Let's just say we are not in good terms, with Ivanor. He is kind of our enemy, always want to get us caught or want to do something because we have whole Italy in our control.

Only he has one benefit. All the Mafia's contry made him higher authority, as he is very old. Although few mafias opposed but the still became a higher authority.

We still don't know why he became a higher authority, when he doesn't deserve to.

"Basta trattare per ora. Le nostre spedizioni sono state inviate in altri paesi?" I ask.

Just deal for now. Has our shipments sent to other countries?

"Yes" he pauses. "I will handle here, you deal with office and enjoy your day with our baby" he says.

I smile a little thinking about spending time with my baby.

"I will" i hang up the phone.

I smile, thinking.

My baby.


"So, Mr. Amelio, we thought that she will not be able to compete with our questions, but she is very smart. Although we think that instead of 7th standard, she should join 6th standard to brush off the basics.
She can start from day after tomorrow" the principle smiles at me.

"Thank you" I say with my poker face, I shake his hand.

I step out and put my hand on her shoulder as we walk.

"Congratulations baby. You did it" I say.

She gives me her beautiful smile.

"I knew I had do it. Thank you" she says.

We sit in our car.

"Where to now?" She asks.

I smile.

"Office" I say, already moving forward.

Mona's pov

I gape at the big building, as I follow its path up to the sky.

What the chocolate is this?

"This is your, are the CEO/owner of this building"I ask pointing toward the building.

"Yes" he says.

No brownie way.

"I'm gonna enter this building?" I say which rather comes as a question.

He chuckles.

"Yes, let's go" he says as we move inside. I see people looking at me and wishing Marco.

Without even glancing, he is moving forward.

"Atleast nod at them" I whisper to him.

He's been rude. I've seen the billionaire's acting cold toward their employees, I don't like it.

I don't know, why they do that.

On behalf of him, I wish people good morning.

I need him to do atleast some good deeds.

As we enter, I gape at the interior.

As we move I gasp and gape.

We enter an elevator, he presses the top floor's button.

Of course he has top floor.

"This looks like heaven" I say.

"It is, there was lots of hard work. Dad made this with everything he had." He says.

I look at him.

"You want to continue this legacy, right? You want to make this more big, make daddy proud." I say smiling.

He looks at me with some unknown emotions in his eyes. His Adam apple bobbing.

"Something like that" he voice comes out a bit gruff.

I link his arm with mine.

"You know, only you know me better than anyone." He says.

I smile.

"Of course, sisters are the best" I say flipping my imaginary hair.

The elevator stops and then we move forward.

There comes another silver door, which has passcode or something.

He puts pin into the thing, the the machine, scans with eyes.

"It's for security, without these two things, no one can enter my office without my permission" he says.

"What about security?" I ask.

"No one can hack this, or enter. If someone has to come, he or she has to knock, then I open the door from inside." He says.

That is....too much security.

The door opens and we enter.

When see his office, the first thing I do is screech.


I jump.

"THIS IS AWESOME" I say, as I look around.

There are two floors in the office.

"Why there are floors, in your office" I ask.

"The first floor has bedroom, whenever I have to work extra, I stay here only. The second floor is for has gym." He says.

I nod.



In an office.

I look at him in confusion.

"The twins like to work with workout" he says.

I shake my head. He then goes toward his desk at sit on his chair. While I inspect the place.

Someone then, knocks on the door. Marco sees the person on his camera and then, presses some button.

The door opens and a lady emerges.

"Good morning, sir" she says.

"What's the schedule today?" He asks ingnoring her good morning.

I try to glare at him, but it's of no use.


The lady, must be his PA.

Then she tells him, his schedule.

My God, how can he work so much.

As she finishes, she looks at me. I smile.

She doesn't give back, so I return my smile to myself.

She doesn't deserve this beautiful smile of mine, when she doesn't smile at me.

"You can go" he says and then she goes away.

"Make yourself comfortable" he says and I lie down of the couch, jumping.

I sigh.

This is truly heaven.


This is hell.

It's been god knows how much time, I've been only lying here, not doing anything.

Marco is doing his wrok, like a machine.

He is such a bore.


I go toward his desk and stand beside him.

He looks up at me,with his raised eyebrow.

"I never thought you will be such a machine, dude, just take a chill pill and relax" I say in a dude like voice.

He again raises his other eyebrow at me.

I quickly snatch the file from him.

"If you want this file, you have to catch me." I say.

And try to run away, but his arms held me and makes me sit on his lap.

He takes the file and keeps it on the desk.

"You wanna play, with me?" He asks.

"Of course." I say.

Then I take out his phone and run away from hsi lap.

"Ooohhhhh, a girl has send a naughty pic to you, let me send this to mom. She will love it, you know" I say manking a fake picture, while fake typing on the phone.

"Give my phone back" he says and tries to catch me, but I run away.

"Catch me" I say, running here and there, he is running behind me.

Soon I'm giggling and he is laughing.

I suddenly feel tired, so I fell on the couch. He takes me onto his lap.


"After a long time, I'm laughing like this" he says. I smile.

"I'm the best" I sing.

He laughs.

"Come on, it's lunch time. Let's give your tummy some food" he says and I nod in agreement.



"Seriously, you don't live F.R.I.E.N.D.S" I ask him in disbelief.

"Nope, and you are also too young to watch that" he says.

I internally roll my eyes.

"Too bad, I've already watched it and I love Joey" I say with a dreamy look on my face.

We are eating lunch and are also doing 21 questions.

He likes black, obviously.

He likes only 80s songs. Italian.

His favourite book is about something on psychology.

His favourite actress, Julia Roberts.

Favourite movie, The father of the bride.

I love that movie too.

"So, any funny incident, that happened, with you?" I ask.

He then, first thinks and then nods.

"What?" I ask.

"When I was your age, I used to think that boys also do make up, so one day. I went into mom's room, took out her makeup box and did some makeup.

At that time, there was some guest in out house. I greeted them, with make up on my face. Everyone after, seeing me cracked up and I was hell embarrassed" he says.

I laugh so hard that my stomach started to hurt.

I go to him and pull his cheeks.

"You are soooo cute" I say.

"What is your funny moment?" He asks.

"I think the name, Mr.Penis, I don't because whenever he and I meet people, they laugh. So yeah, I think it's Mr. Penis, and also, there are many funny stories, that happened with me" I say shruggung at the end.

"Ahh, tell me one" he says.

I then start to think.

"I was nine, when I decided to make pudding for the first time. As I was reading the recipe from a cookbook, I didn't know that the pages between them were stuck, so there was written to fry the batter.

Once I made the batter, I decided to fry. All my batter, blasted and got stuck and the celling, I was like 'voila, only this was left' . I tried to take it out, but it was of no use.

A boy of my age came into the kitchen and the batter, suddenly detachted itself from the celling and fell onto that boy's head.

Hen then took his hand, onto hsi hair, he licked his finger and muttered 'tasty' then went away.

I was standing there numb and shocked. I was like, what in the ice cream happened?" I say and he starts to laugh a strong belly laugh.

Seeing him laugh, made my heart flutter with joy.

"You should keep smiling and laughing, you look amazing when you laugh" I say and he smiles at me.

"It's because of you, baby. Because of you now I laugh often" he says, kissing my forehead.

I blush.

"Go to heaven" I say.


"Where you people are angry, you say to other person,'go to hell', so I decided to make a new term. Whenever a person makes me smile or laugh, in short keeps me happy, I say, 'go to heaven'.

So you go to heaven" I say.

He laughs again.

I hope he stays like this.


"Wake up, Bambina, we reached" he says and I look up to see that we are home. It's almost night.

I look at him.

"Thank you, Marco, I enjoyed this day" I say.

"This day, was the best day of my life baby. Never go away from me. Where ever you will go, I'll follow you" he says.

I hug him.

"I love you" I say, snuggling onto his chest.

"I love you too" he says.

My big baby brother.


I tried to make this funny, TRIED!!

Thank you for giving this books so much love.

Please ignore my mistakes.

Als I have to ask you something. I just came across a OP book story, which is kind of  similar to my plot of obsessed brothers, which I told you all. No, it isn't copied from me, the author stopped writing it a long time ago. In that story, a girl is with her baby brother, who recently lost her parents. Her neighbours were kings, ig. They are all men and become obsessed with her. It's not a complete story, it's kind of smiliar to my plot.

So my question is:

Should I write a book on my plot, as there can be copyright issues too.

I love you all.

Do comment.

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