I Need You (a GajEvy fanfic)

By Trix66

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Levy comes across an accident. Her and her mum get in a crash. She makes it out fine but her mum gets stuck i... More

~Chapter 1~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 10~
~Chapter 11~
~Chapter 12~
~Chapter 13~
~Chapter 14~
~Chapter 15~
~Chapter 16~
~Chapter 17~

~Chapter 9~

652 38 79
By Trix66

I waved to him and gave him a grin as I walked over to his truck. "So where are we going to get coffee?"

"Starbucks. That okay with you?" I asked as he opened the passenger door for me and shut it once I sat down.

"Yeah, it's fine," he hopped into the driver's seat and started the car up. We drove to Starbucks with his mix cd playing in the background. We didn't have much music in common if any. He had no My Chemical Romance, Sleeping with Sirens, Gajeel, Paramore, and barely any Fall Out Boy on there. He just had happened to take us to the same Starbucks that Gajeel and I went to when I first met him.

When we arrived, he opened both the car door and the glass door into Starbucks for me. Each time I said a 'thank you' and gave him a smile.

"Oh, hello! And what what would you two like?" A....male?......female?..... asked as we reached the front of the line. I took a quick glance at the name tag. Yep, last time I checked Bob was a boy's name. We both gave him our orders and names before going and sitting down at a small table beside the window.

"Soooo....?" I said just to fill the awkward silence.

"How about we take turns asking each other questions? So we can, I don't know, get to know each other?" He suggested to which I nodded. "Here I'll go first. Lets start with something simple like.... what's your favorite color?"

"Orange, what about you?" I answered with a smile.

"Red," he said which made Gajeel's eyes immediately pop into my head. I slightly shook the image out of my head, which went unnoticed, so that I could focus on our conversation.

"Okay, now my turn. What's your lucky number?" I asked as I looked over to see why our drinks were taking so damn long.

"36," a said simply and looked over to where I did.

"Any specific reason why?" I quirked an eye brow.

"No not really," he shrugged. "What's yours? And so you have a reason?"

"8 is my lucky number," I beamed. "Because it's symmetrical both horizontally and vertically."

"Cool, cool. My turn a-" he got interrupted by Bob calling our names and hold our coffees.

"Here, I'll get them," he smiled as he got up and got our drinks. In the short time that he was up, my phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out and saw that I had a snapchat from Gajeel. Cooling had already sat my drink in front of me and sat down while I was grinning at my screen. Gajeel just sent me a picture of a large crowd, really large.

Well, here goes nothin'

I took a quick snap of my starbucks with Collin's hand around his cup in the background. It showed Collin's shoulders down to where the table stopped at his torso.

You call that nothing?

I slid my phone back into my pocket, knowing that he wasn't going to answer since he was about to perform.

"Sorry, I had a text," I gave a small smile as I apologized and took a sip from my steaming coffee even though it was summer.

"It's fine. It's my turn if you want to continue?" It took me a second to remember what he was talking about but I nodded.

"Dogs or cats?"

"Cats!" I giggled as a certain kiwi-loving fur ball crawled into my thoughts. "You?"

"Cats," he nodded in agreement.

"Umm.... have any siblings?" I asked.

"Nope, I'm an only child," he shrugged.

"Lucky, I have a video game obsessed younger brother," I laughed.

"Not really, I'd like to have a sibling. Anyway, favorite singer or band?" He asked. this question is easy.

"Gajeel," I smiled brightly.

"Who?" I looked at him with wide eyes and my mouth hanging open.

"Gajeel! Gajeel Redfox! Do you not know who he is?" I asked surprised to which he shook his head. "Well, I'm going to fix that," I grinned as I pulled out my phone and earbuds. I gave him one and put the other in my ear then put the end in my phone. I searched through my playlist for a good song to play.

*insert song lyrics that seem like Gajeel would sing*

Once the song ended we both took out the earbuds. I looked at him with expectation. I wanted to find out what he thought about it.

"Eh," he shrugged. "It's good, just not my favorite type of music."

"How could yo-" I just stopped in the middle of my sentence. He could like whatever music he wanted. "Hehe, what about you, then?" You could hear the restraint in my voice so I didn't burst out yelling why Gajeel is better than any other singer.

"I like One Direction," I internally face palmed. (idk what normal people like so I just did my sister's favorite band XD 0.0 he is secretly a white girl •) Starbucks lover •) a directioner)

"Oh," I looked back out the window while asking myself why the hell does he like a group of gay guys? "Well, it's my turn." (sorry if you like one direction. no offense)

"If you were in a zombie Apocalypse, what weapon would you use?" I asked

"A lego. That shit hurts like hell," He said seriously which caused me to laugh.

"Serious?" I asked while still trying to hold in my giggles.

"Dead serious,"

"Well then.... I would use a gun. Be able to kill them from a distance would be nice. Your turn," I finally stopped my laughing.

"What's your sexuality?" Well, um, I wasn't exactly expecting that question.

"I'm straight....." I paused and I could feel the awkward tension in the air.

"I'm gay," Yeah, there was definitely an awkward tension in the air. It was hard not to notice. Wait.....

"Why did you give me your number then?" I asked out of curiosity.

"What, you thought that I was trying to get in your pants?" He laughed and just left me there, watching him awkwardly. "You just seemed like a cool person when I saw and thought we could be friends," He shrugged.

"Oh," I gave a small nervous laugh before looking down at my phone and checking the time. " Do you think you could drive me back to the library. I have some errends to do today."

"Yeah, sure thing," He smiled as he got up and we went back to his car. We rode back to the library in silence.

"Thanks for the coffee," I grinned before getting out of the car.

"No problem," he shrugged and gave me a smile that I returned. "Maybe we can hang out again sometime?"

"Yeah, sure. Text me whenever you feel like it and maybe we can set something up." I said as I was going to my car. He nodded before driving off again. I hopped in my car and started driving towards the hospital.


Mum was still asleep. They told me that before they told me the room number. I speed walked to the room but the moment I saw her my pace could barely be called walking. I knew she was still asleep but, I don't know, I still wanted her to be awake. She hasn't been gone for too long so far compared to some other people that you hear about, but I was missing her like crazy. I slowly sat down in the seat next to her and held her hand tightly.

"Hey, Mum, Wake up soon, will ya?" I made a small hallow laugh that meant nothing as tears started slowly making their was down my cheeks. I leaned toward her and pulled her into a hug as I cried and mumbled how she needed to come back and how I was sorry for distracting her.

After a few minutes I decided I needed to go. I took a tissue from the box beside the bed and wiped away the tears and my nose. "I'll see you later, Mum." I gave another small smile before closing the door and walking down the hallway that had nurses and doctors going from one room to another.

I reached my car and put some Paramore on for the short ride to the grocery store. I had already made a sort of short list on my phone of things that we needed. I got a decent parking space that wasn't really close but wwasn't too far either. I was greeted by air conditioning immediately when I walked through the automatic opening doors. I grabbed a cart and started roaming through the isles and searching through the shelves and fridges. I got things that you would expect teens like us to consume: soda, frozen pizza, popcorn, ramen noodles, stuff for sandwiches, pizza rolls, chips, and other things of the sort. I got us enough that should last us a while mostly because I asked Gajeel if I could use some of his money and he told me where he kept some money in the house. It's not everyday you search through Gajeel Redfox's socks and underwear droor. Yeaaahh it was kinda weird.

I payed and brought the cart to the car and unloaded everything into it before returning the cart. I listened to the rest of my Paramore playlist on the way back to Gajeel's. I unloaded all of the groceries and put them up when I got back. TV sounded nice. I popped some popcorn and changed into short pj shorts and one of Gajeel's shirts. Shhhhhhhhhhh!!!! He doesn't need to know that! I'll wash it before he comes back. Anyway, his shirt was huge on me so it looked like I wasn't wearing pants. Oh well. I went on Netflix and watched some scary movies while curled up in a blanket with the popcorn bowl. Unlike some people, I enjoyed scary movies.

Half way through the movie there was a loud booming sound and a flash came from the dark outside. I never noticed the sound of rain on the windows until just then. Lily came darting into the living room from the hallway and jumped up onto my lap before I could even register what the black fur ball in the room was. I ran my fingers through his fur in hopes of calming him down as I continued to watch Annabelle. Everyone in a while there would be another boom of thunder and another flash of lightning and every time Lily jumped or flinched. Some time near the end of I-forgot-what-movie-I-was-watching-by-then I fell asleep with one hand resting on Lily and the other in the empty popcorn bowl.

Yeah I'm really sorry for taking soooo long to update. I'm Going to try and update more often but idk. We'll see how it turns out. Florida has been fun so far *happy dance* except I'm sunburnt :/ oh well. You guys should read my book called random shit where me and Happy-sama put our convos in there and maybe rant or just crazy shit that may not make any sense at all. Idk just check it out maybe?

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