Endbury Academy✔️

By juniperechoes

272 62 346

What happens when the scariest of monsters lurk right in front of you? Jenna Daughtery gets sent to a boardi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 2

37 9 43
By juniperechoes

I starred at myself in the mirror in disgust. I hated this. I hated this so much but couldn't do anything to change it. I probably wouldn't hate it as much if I wasn't forced to wear this uniform.

The only thing that made this better was I was allowed to wear my black choker necklace, but this uniform sucked ass. Although I guess it could be worse. The skirt was just above the knees in a white and blue plaid pattern, a white blouse, and a black blazer to finish off the look. I wasn't allowed to wear much in terms of shoes so I stuck with a nice pair of black ballet flats. I left my blond, shoulder length hair down - making sure to straighten it nicely.

Leia was ready before me, looking nice in her uniform. Her strawberry blond hair glowed and made me slightly jealous that she looked so good in this uniform. While I on the other hand looked like an Oompa Loompa. Life was so unfair.

"Okay!" Leia clapped her hands together as she made her way towards me, grinning ear to ear. Who could be this happy to give someone a tour of the school? Better yet, who could be this happy waking up at this ungodly hour? "Do you have your schedule?" She asked me sweetly, giving me her beaming smile.

I blinked at her incredulously with a frown before fishing for the schedule. Finding it deep within the pockets of my blazer I handed it to her. She snatched it from my hands, glancing down and roaming her eyes around the contents.

"Oh good, we have most of our classes together!" She grinned as she continued to read. "This will be easy for me to show you where to go! The classes we don't have I can ask the teacher to leave early so I can show you where to go afterwards." She nodded her head, sure of herself. She must be a teachers pet if she can just leave early with no repercussions. Must be nice. "The schools not so hard to navigate once you've done it a few times," she assured me, making me want to gag at the thought of being here for the rest of my school career, even though I already knew that was what was going to happen. There was no way my mother would see the error of her ways. She was always right. "You'll also get to meet some of my friends today!" I cringed at that, not looking forward to meeting the other girls of this school.

Leia pulled me out of our shared room, talking a mile a minute about everything the school had to offer. It was a little hard to keep up with, and I wasn't interested enough to get all the details. The only things I did hear was we had a pool here and a tennis team, and some music and art things that I might be interested in.

"Hey Bell!" Both our heads whipped around when we heard someone call out for Leia. A tough looking chick marched up to us, determination on her face. "I heard you got a new roommate, finally becoming unlucky huh?" She teased light-heartedly, making Leia roll her eyes at the girl.

"Jenna, this is Tenley Hennessy. She's a friend of mine," she introduced calmly. Tenley flashed me a grin, showing her dimples. Her auburn colored hair sat in layers - reaching to her chin in a kind of messy way. Almost like she didn't brush it fully, but it was still stylish.

"Leia told me she was getting a roomie and I thought she was lying, she's been roommate-less for ages! You can call me Tenny," Tenley stated, holding out her hand for me to shake. Hesitantly I took it, wincing at the tight grip Hennessy had.

"Jenna Daughtery," I introduced, figuring I should return the gesture.

"So why are you here?" Tenley asked bluntly as she followed us down the hall. She probably had the same class we had with Leia. "It's weird to have someone join three months into the school year." She added as an afterthought. Leia glanced at me at that question, also curious. She didn't get the full explanation as to why I was here, I had just told her my mother sent me here.

I cringed at what I was about to tell them, though I still didn't feel bad. "I punched a girls face and broke her nose. Got suspended, so my mother sent me here to clean up my act," I rolled my eyes at the last thing.

Tenley snorted at that, before full on laughing. "Dude you got sent here because you punched a girl in the face and broke her nose? Sick!" She high-fives me, beaming from ear to ear.

Leia rolled her eyes, but giggled alongside Tenley. "You would be proud of that," she teased her, earning a toothed grin. "Why'd you punch the girl?" Leia asked in curiosity, turning to face me again. Now we've stopped in the middle of the hallway- students were walking by us to get to their classes on time. Apparently learning about why I came to Endbury Academy was super interesting and more important than getting to class on time.

"She was making fun of my friend," I shrugged, unbothered. I didn't care about getting in trouble for a friend, I cared about getting into so much trouble that I was sent here.

"I can dig that," Tenley raised her hand for another high-five, which I did. Maybe being here wouldn't be so bad after all. "I think we'll get along just fine, Daughtery," Tenley grinned with a nod of her head.

The three of us chatted a little more as Leia showed me to where the class room was. "Here it is! Algebra class!" Leia chimed, causing Tenley and I to groan in protest. "You two really will get along great," she rolled her eyes at us before entering the classroom herself.

I followed after her, immediately feeling eyes starring at me as I walked in. I felt self-conscious with the sudden attention, not knowing how to take it. I was no stranger to it - I had gotten a lot of it while I was in my old school for my rambunctious behavior, but this was a different type of attention.

It was new girl attention.

Clearing my throat I tried not to look as nervous as I felt. The teacher was already looking at me with an expectant gaze, beckoning me over to the desk. Tenley gave me a thumbs up before following Leia into the back - taking an empty seat beside her. "I'm Jenna Daughtery, I'm the new girl?" I stated as a question, wincing at how awkward that sounded. Come on Jenna, have some more confidence, I scoffed to myself.

"I know," the teacher chuckled with an amused look on her face. "We were informed of your arrival. I'm Professor Franks, great to have you here." She stated in the most business-like tone. Ducking she rummaged through some stuff before popping back up, handing me a text book and notebook. "You'll need this for the rest of the year," she informed me stoically and I tried not to cringe out-right. I hope all the teachers weren't like this. "Go take a seat next to Miss Wright. Miss Wright, raise your hand please!"

A petite looking blond haired girl raised her hand, giving me a small smile. I glanced over at the teacher who nodded her head. Clutching my textbook to my stomach I walked towards the back where the girl was seated, eyes following me the entire time. It must be really rare to get new people if they were acting like this.

"Hi! I'm Mila Wright," Mila introduced herself with a nod of her head, "looks like we're going to be seat neighbors for this class." She beamed at me and if this were an anime she would have sparkles surrounding her head. Why were all the girls here undeniably gorgeous?

"I guess so..." I murmured, returning her smile. The teacher called for class to attention and we all turned our heads like clockwork. As the teacher started teaching the class a dreadful feeling entered the pit of my stomach. I had a feeling this was going to be a long year at Endbury Academy. 

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