Rebirth apocalypse: cannon fo...

By gelz212

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NOT MINE!!!! Google Translate Original Title: 重生末世:炮灰要崛起 Author: 秋回 Chapters: 889 The Space Pendant was chea... More



332 7 0
By gelz212

Chapter 331

"Of course it was all handled. We threw the corpses out overnight and repaired all the gaps in the wall." Chen Xiaochen still looked energetic after working all night.

He twisted the cold water towel, wiped his face, and frowned, "However, although the processing is done, all the crystal nuclei have been dug back, but the corpses are still piled outside the base for a long time. , It's not a problem." It's

hard for him to realize this kind of problem.

She rinsed her mouth, and said: "The people above will naturally arrange it.

Why are you worried about it." "Brother Huo said, I want to burn these corpses." Chen Xiaochen said uneasy: "So many zombies, you have to burn them. How long?"

This doesn't seem to be something she should worry about.

She only cares, since all the crystal nuclei have been dug back, when will her share be delivered?

She wondered if she should take the initiative to find Hoping.

Thinking about the two people getting along yesterday, I finally gave up.

That was obviously a difficult man. She used to be afraid that she would only bring more troubles back.

"Are you going there later?" After brushing her teeth, she looked up at Chen Xiaochen.

Chen Xiaochen was washing his face, holding a towel to enter the house, and when he heard her, he turned around, "You want to

go there too?" I will bring my share back together." Lu Nanqi said, got up to the place where he just stood, held the water, splashed water on his face a few times at random, and then said again: "I have to go out in the afternoon. , No time."

She hadn't taken the crystal nucleus in that fire, of course she couldn't let it be there. In the end, she was benefited by others.

Chen Xiaochen handed her a towel to wipe her face, "Where are you going? I should be fine in the afternoon, so why not go with you."

"No, just take care of the tail. You'd better wait for it in the base." Lu Nanqi clearly refused, wiped his face, and handed the towel back.

"Okay, be careful yourself." Chen Xiaochen was slightly lost, took the towel and hung it on his shoulders, and walked in side by side with her, "Little treasure is all right now, would you like to go over and take a look?"

Last night The men were all working outside all night, Lu Nanqi was sleeping in the house, and Chen Xiaobao also stayed directly in Chen Xiaochen's bed to rest.

Now that she is awake, she would naturally take a look.

"Let's go," she said, letting Chen Xiaochen go first.

After one night, Chen Xiaobao's complexion was much better.

I woke up long ago and could easily hear the conversation between Lu Nanqi and Chen Xiaochen outside.

Hearing that Lu Nanqi wanted to see him, he jumped off the bed and happily jumped to the door.

Lu Nanqi looked at her, "

I'm recovering well, your life is saved." "You said you wanted to save my life, and you did it." Chen Xiaobao stared at her with piercing eyes, and he couldn't hide it. Huanxi, "You protected me."

"It was not I who protected you. It was Lu Li's ability that helped you. Don't look at me like that. I will have nightmares." Lu Nanqi stood at the door, not only did not enter the house, Instead, he took two steps back, "Since you are okay, then I will go first."

Chen Xiaobao hurriedly pursued two steps, "Where are you going?"

Lu Nanqi did not answer, and went straight away.

Chen Xiaobao was going to chase, but Chen Xiaochen pulled her collar around and looked at her helplessly and said: "Sister Seven has something to do, what are you doing with her, don't hold her back, let me stay in the house and raise my body."

Chapter 332
"I'm all well, I don't even have a heartache, don't believe me." In order to prove his body, Chen Xiaobao even jumped on the ground a few times.

She looked at it and looked really good.

But just a few jumps can't prove her.

Perhaps it is only because Lu Li's healing energy is still in her body that she is so energetic, who knows what will happen to her after a while.

After all, my hand had just been bitten, and I had just walked through the ghost gate, and finally became sober and couldn't care about anything.


Lu Nanqi casually ate breakfast, so he called Meng Lun and Wu Wenbin to go to the destination of the fire yesterday.

At the gate of the base, countless zombies piled up there.

Leaving them outside like this is indeed not a long-term solution.

Attracting flies and giving birth to bugs will only cause more trouble to the base.

If it becomes a disease, it is even more terrifying.

But since Hoping said that these corpses should be incinerated, there shouldn't be much problem.

She glanced at the newly laid brick wall, and then got into the car with them.

The walls were much thicker than before, and the floor that was stained with the stench of zombies yesterday was also washed clean.

This night, the efficiency was pretty good, except for the infirmary she had just passed by, the rest of the base was busy, and other places had returned to normal in an orderly manner.

Although Huo Zhonglin is treacherous and cunning like an old fox, he does have leadership skills.

In the sudden situation yesterday, he also ordered people to take out weapons to fight against the zombies, instead of being like a leader in an ordinary base.

In the past, when I was an officer, there are still many differences from ordinary people.

She was wandering away, and suddenly something smashed from the roof of the car.

Meng Lun was bluffed, and the steering wheel in his hand almost slipped.

Wu Wenbin was even more frightened, "What is it?"

Lu Nanqi returned to his senses, and hurriedly calmed down, "Our companion, don't panic."


Without giving her a chance to explain, the little fairy jumped in from the window and fell into Lu Nanqi's arms.

The two men glanced in her arms, and they suddenly felt stunned.

But she still can't agree with the companion she said.

"You said that the cat is our companion?" Wu Wenbin said amused, and once again looked at the hairless cat in her arms, and made an honest comment, "Why does it have no hair? This is the ugliest I have ever seen since I grew up. One of the cats, no one." The

little demon bleeds silently and meticulously.

It has been rejected since last night.

Anyone who has seen it finds it ugly.

Thinking back to its original snow-white hair, it hated things like fire even more.

When Lu Nanqi played, he grabbed the little fairy's ear again and again, making gentle movements, more like giving it a massage.

She followed with a smile, "This is also the ugliest cat I have ever seen. But I just like its ugliness."

How cute it is.

Ugly, it was no longer embarrassed to tremble proudly in front of her.

The little fairy was unable to vomit blood, turned her hairless body, and took her butt to her.

Lu Nanqi touched its back, playing with it in his heart: With such a personality, do you plan to ignore me for the rest of your life?

The little fairy snorted: Why, if I just ignore you, you can just swallow the crystal nucleus openly? Want to be beautiful!

Lu Nanqi smashed its little head over: If you want a crystal core, then give me a smile first.

The goblin's claws lifted up and scratched at the back of her hand: I'm not a smirk!

Lu Nan dodged dangerously: if he opened his teeth and danced his claws, no one would love him.

Chapter 333

The little fairy pulled his head down again: I don't lack love.

Lu Nanqi: ...I

really don't want to admit defeat at all.

She smiled: I love it, so you have to take care of me who you love.

The little fairy stared at her with a lazy look. After a long silence, he said: "Go!"

Wu Wenbin turned his head from the passenger seat, "This cat is so fierce."

"It's not so fierce, it's ruthless." Lu Nanqi smiled bitterly and bowed his head. Looking at the little fairy in his arms, with a sad look in his eyes.

The little fairy was stared at with goose bumps, fled from her arms, jumped out of the window, and quickly disappeared from their sight.

When it left, Lu Nanqi also closed up a smile.

Wu Wenbin secretly cast his eyes on her many times.

I have had several opportunities to get along with her, but every time I saw her, it was always her unsmiling expression.

This was the first time he saw her smile, and the first time he saw her joking, even though the object was a cat.

But it was enough to make him curious.

I couldn't help it, so I took a few more glances.

His gaze didn't cover him, how could Lu Nanqi know that, he just pretended not to see.

The goblin's departure made their car quiet again.

After yesterday's massacre, there were very few zombies around at this time.

The journey went smoothly in the past.

Meng Lun also directly crushed the zombies that appeared occasionally.

It has been almost two months since the end of the world, and everyone seems to have gradually become accustomed to this kind of life.

No one will feel how cruel it is to crush zombies.

From the beginning to the present, people's first consciousness when seeing zombies is not to be afraid, but to kill.

That's right, kill.

This word that would be frightening as long as it is mentioned, unknowingly, has been printed in everyone's heart.

Killing no longer becomes difficult.

As long as it can survive, this killing is no longer limited to zombies.

People's hearts, as time goes by, are undergoing subtle

changes ... Who knows what it

will eventually become... Just now, they have arrived at the scene in a panic.

The little fairies are faster than them. When Lu Nanqi entered in with a face towel, his small body was dancing with joy in the pile of soot.

Meng Lun looked at the little fairy with a little surprise, "How did it know that we are coming here?"

Lu Nanqi walked in, "By the way, it is also a member of our team."

"Are you really planning to form a team?" Meng Lun was changed by her.

"We are already a team, isn't it?" Lu Nanqi asked back.

Meng Lun smiled and said, "Of course it is." Being

willing to form a team means that she has begun to accept others instead of acting alone as before.

Last time he thought she was just talking casually, it turned out to be true.

That's right, she has always said that she has a unique temperament.

Wu Wenbin was a little bit worried. Last time, she said that only people who act alone should be accepted, not friends and family behind.

He does still have a family, but that family is no different from not having one.

It was a group of "family" who would only insult him.

Yu Qi said that he was a family member, perhaps the enemy is more appropriate.

There is affection between family members, and all he feels is infinite depression and frustration.

However, she did not understand his situation, and she would not necessarily leave him behind because of his explanation.

But she just said that the team, he is here, does it mean that she actually agrees with him.

Wu Wenbin thought back and forth, followed behind her, silently looking for crystal nuclei in the carbon dust.

Chapter 334

The fire burned all night, and Lu Nanqi was standing here at the moment. There was still a little flame on the house next to him, and he could still feel the warmth of the surrounding fire.

The zombies were burned all night, and the flesh and blood on their bodies had already turned to ashes, leaving only the pile of bones on the ground.

With a quick sweep of the carbon dust, you can see the crystal nuclei on the ground.

Meng Lun was practicing those crystal nuclei that were still crystal clear after the fire, and couldn't help but ask her curiously, "The zombies are all burned to death. This crystal nucleus is still fine. It clearly looks harder than diamonds. When we hold it in our hands, it is as smooth as water, disappearing into our body bit by bit,

which is really strange." "This is the charm of the crystal core, which will lead human beings to a higher point." Lu Nanqi Say.

"But ...." Menglun hesitated instant, or to ask the question, "how did you know that this nucleus will not be burned it?"

"This is not simple, base side corner those corpses burned, they Not all the crystal nuclei are left behind." Lu Nanqi knew his doubts by himself.

Along the way, when will they lessen their doubts about her.

As long as the truth does not fall into their hands, everything is just a matter of a few words.

"It seems to be the same." Wu Wenbin looked up at her admiringly. "Sister Qi is so careful. If I want to change to me, I will definitely not notice these problems."

"If you take care of one thing, naturally you will see everything." Lu Nan Qi twitched the corners of his mouth, "Hurry up and deal with it." In

this battle, Liao Sponge had already been attacked and injured when he dealt with the first mental zombie.

Lu Li had also been helping Chen Xiaobao all night, and the healing power consumed a lot of energy and spirit.

So on this trip, Lu Nanqi only took Meng Lun and Wu Wenbin.

The little fairy joined later.

It is really not so easy for three people to be busy with this pile.

There is not only carbon ash in this area, but also many various billboard iron frames that have fallen from the burned houses, and so on.

One is not easy to clean up, and the other is choking.

Even if Lu Nanqi wears a face towel, it can hardly stop the dust from choking his nose.

The little fairy in front of Piansheng was still jumping happily inside, so that the whole sky was flying up in ashes.

Lu Nanqi couldn't stand its mess, and when he picked up a crystal core, he radiated it at it.

With his arm in the palm of his hand, this blow was just a random flick, but it was quick and cruel.

The little fairy jumped up on the spot after being shot, and screamed.

Even Meng Lun and Wu Wenbin, who don't understand cat language, can feel its pain.

In the last life, after two years of the last days, as weapons became less and less, as zombies and various monsters became stronger and stronger.

When she did the self-defense weapon, she used her ability to make the thick and stiff branches of the wood into darts.

Used often, her dart skills can be said to be superb.

When the last dart is thrown out, it will hit the target accurately.

Just now, it was only from the last days of the previous life, but I forgot that the cat in front of it was just a cat. Fortunately, it was not a sharp object.

The little fairy rolled around on the ground, then raised his eyes and glared at her viciously.

However, his eyes are bright and pure, no matter how they stare, they still look a bit innocent. No matter how you look at them, they don't feel imposing.

Lu Nanqi walked forward, stopped in front of it, bent over to lift it from the carbon dust, "It's not that I won't let you play, but don't forget, these carbon dust are all burned from zombies. Although they are dead, who knows if there are any genes in them that can infect organisms in these carbon dusts. You still have to do things just in case, right?"

Chapter 335

The little fairy is waving his paw in the air: Then you can't bully me and hit me like that. "

I just missed, and I didn't really want to hit you." "Lu Nanqidao, took out a bottle of water from the space, poured it on its head, washed it from beginning to end, then held it, and put it in a relatively clean place, "Be good." Here, if you perform well, you will be rewarded with crystal nuclei. "

Meng Lun and Wu Wenbin looked at her talking to herself, they only found it funny.

But this is also rare because of her cute and approachable side.

Naturally, they won't step forward to disturb her mood.

When she comes back, Meng Lun Then he looked at the little fairy standing there and smiled, "How do I feel, it seems to be able to understand you. "The

little goblin rolled his eyes at him over there: It's a small sample, you can understand it.

"Probably, in the last days, zombies can use mental abilities to control humans. If a cat can understand humans, it seems that Nothing strange. "Lu Nan

Qiban joked. Meng Lun took her words directly as a joke.

... The

three of them had been busy for a long time before they found out all the crystal nuclei in the entire fire scene. When the work was over

, it was almost dark.

Driving back to the base, at the gate, I ran into other people who were also returning to the base. It

was the other four teams who had the same mission yesterday, and not all of them went out. Each team sent a few representatives.

They also set fire to them . In the other four districts, it must have been too late to get the crystal core yesterday.

Everyone has the same mind, and they don't want to get something that they have gotten cheaper by others.

Lu Nanqi killed zombies with mental powers yesterday, and she was in this area. There are also the most zombies.

That is not an indirect explanation, her area has more crystal nuclei than others.

After yesterday's battle, more people realized the importance of crystal nuclei.

It is conceivable that how many people are thinking about their crystal nucleus.

The five teams stood together and met each other.

Everyone looked at each other, and the place where their eyes stayed was the bag on everyone's back.

These crystal nuclei belong to each team's private, whoever gets bigger, proves to get more crystal nuclei.

The hearts of each other were tacit, and the other four teams all set their sights on Lu Nanqi's side.

The three of them are carrying bags, but they don't see how bulging their bags are.

Although the brain of a zombie can give birth to a nucleus, not every zombie has a nucleus in the brain.

The area where they fight is so wide, but the crystal nuclei they brought back are so few. It can be seen that their luck is too bad, and all they encounter are zombies without crystal nuclei.

The other four teams were originally jealous. Seeing that Lu Nanqi and their backpacks were no better than them, they instantly became more balanced.


Lu Nanqi glanced at the group of people, frowned slightly, and walked into the base first.

Yesterday, Chen Xiaochen, Tan Lei, Mu He, and Niu Weiyuan each led out. She only saw Mu He and Niu Weiyuan in the crowd, but did not see Chen Xiaochen and Tan Lei.

These two people shouldn't give up the opportunity to get the crystal nucleus, the people in the team are their subordinates.

Could it be that something else happened in the base?

She thought for a moment, and the steps under her feet were faster.

Almost all of the bases have been restored to their original condition, but there are many more patrols on the road, which seem to be renewed.

They took guns or knives, and everyone was awakened, and they had been paying attention to the surrounding movement.

"Did something happen?" Meng Lun said the doubt in everyone's mind.

Chapter 336

Lu Nanqi pondered for a moment, "It's dark, go back quickly, nothing is wrong, don't just go out and wander around." The

biggest danger has been settled, and the threat placed in the base is now only the infirmary.

Unsurprisingly, something must be wrong over there.

So many people were infected yesterday, even if only half of them became zombies, it would be enough for them.

Not to mention, out of a hundred people who were bitten by a zombie, only about 30 can survive.

Even less than this.

And among these 30 people, there are probably only so few who can be promoted.

Passing by the infirmary, it was pitch black and there was no one.

Meng Lun walked a few steps forward and wandered in front of the infirmary. "It looks like someone had been robbed. Something must have happened."

There were blood stains on the ground that could not be cleaned up in the future.

"Could someone be bitten? But even if someone was bitten, it doesn't make sense for no one to be there." Wu Wenbin said, thinking about yesterday's massacre, thinking of the wounded in the room, his face suddenly changed. White.

Most people who will stay in the infirmary are ordinary people.

When facing zombies, there is definitely no backhand ability.

Those wounded turned into zombies, powerful.

Ordinary people face them, and under their horror, the ending can be imagined...

He exclaimed, "These people will not be..."

He dared not say the following words, afraid that what he said would become real.

Meng Lun continued his words and analyzed, "Wouldn't it be... all dead? There are traces of fights in the room, and there are blood stains everywhere. It can be seen that our guesses are inseparable."

Even if not all are dead, but probably It's almost dead, there won't be many people left.

Lu Nanqi's eyes were on the ground, and he made a cool turn, then retracted, and continued to move forward.

Wu Wenbin rushed to catch up, "Should we ask Brother Huo to find out about the situation?"

"How many people died in the last days?" Lu Nanqi looked back at him, and suddenly said, "Your family is also in this infirmary. Middle?"

Wu Wenbin nodded, and quickly shook his head vigorously, "No, I just want to know the situation, nothing else."

"I remember you have family, right?" Lu Nanqi asked.

Wu Wenbin didn't know why she mentioned this suddenly, and was very nervous, wanting to say no, and fearing that she would find out that she was lying.

When she gets angry, she will drive him away, and then he will have to become someone with nowhere to go.

But he didn't want to tell her the truth.

Fear that this still won't escape her drive.

For a time, Wu Wenbin only watched her pursing her lips, hesitated and did not dare to speak.

"They, they probably died too." After

a while, he said this, his eyes slowly falling to the direction of the infirmary.

"Very good." Lu Nanqi said: "Go back, lock the doors and windows tonight.

"Huh? "Wu Wenbin can't respond a little.

What is good? The

base is dead, will she still feel good?

"Wu Wenbin, remember, in this world, human life is the most worthless, let alone abuse yourself because of one or two. The lackey is struggling because it's not worth it. "Lu Nanqi looked serious," My Lu Nanqi people, no matter how cheap and weak they are, even if they die, they are dignified. I would rather die on the battlefield than be abused by those who bullied him. "

This surprise came as a surprise.

Wu Wenbin was silent for a few moments and was suddenly excited, "Seventh Sister, so I'm also on the team now, right?" "

He is eager to verify.

Meng Lun smiled next to him, "You are not stupid, Seventh Sister said that, it must be true."

"Great." Wu Wenbin was full of blood in his heart, and his eyes were red with excitement.

Chapter 337

When Wu Wenbin returned to his residence first, Meng Lun accompanied Lu Nanqi back to his residence.

He was a little unsure, and asked his doubts, "Didn't you say that you only accept people who act alone, so why let Wu Wenbin join the team?"

Of course, he didn't mean anything else, just couldn't understand her criteria for selecting people.

"Although Wu Wenbin looks weak and has family with him, she is also a stepmother and indifferent father who enjoys bullying him all day long. Such a family will be depressed after a long time. His temper is because the family has contributed to it. , But this does not mean that he is really useless."

Lu Nanqi carefully analyzed and told him, "He fought with us several times. Although he was scared to death the first time, when he really fought, it was an ordinary person. , The fighting ability is good, but he lacks experience. After the second and third times, he fought and was already handy.

He is a good hiding person, but his weakness made him ignore this. A super-learning ability, and Those who are determined to make progress will not be too bad.

Also, although his awakening is an earth-type power, but in this huge base, among the people counted in ten thousand units, no matter what power it is, it is worthy of the envy of ordinary people.

Yes . And because of his awakening ability, he did not retaliate immediately against ordinary people, or even those who have bullied him.

I asked him if he has family members, but he shook his head and refused to admit it. In other words, he did not want to admit it. Family members are

hateful . A man who hates his family and leaves his family's life for what? Does he still have feelings for that family?"

"Killing them directly, wouldn't it be too cheap for them." .." Meng Lun followed her words, "He is dormant, and he will slowly return all his past pains to his family, and wait until they have tasted their pain, and wait until they kneel down in front of him and beg for mercy, then he will hands to get rid of them ... he just asked the infirmary of the situation, his family is really on the inside, but not care, but that they died as very unfair ... not because of his hatred newspaper! "

analysis to this, Meng Lun was only shocked.

Such a humble man has so many ideas.

"It's not possible to kill, it's inevitable to want to tortured and go back." Lu Nanqi said: "The massacre will make people cold-blooded.

Over time, he will have such thoughts." After listening to these words, Meng Lun not only did not solve the puzzle, but even more. Confused, "Since he is such a person, why do you want to accept him?"

"A person with a city mansion is not terrible, but what is terrifying is the darkness of the human heart." Lu Nan smiled, "Although he has a city mansion, But he was not an irrational person. Otherwise, he killed his family a hundred a hundred early. That day, I was cleaning the supermarket in the shopping center, but I gave him a piece of food. He has been grateful until now.

No matter how bad the heart is, it won't go bad." Meng Lun finally knew, "You can always observe people so carefully."

"The heart is calm and the eyes are clear." Lu Nanqi sighed with emotion, "A lot of crazy thinking. , It is inevitable to look farther than others."

A person who has a similar experience with her would not notice how she would tell her.

He was dormant, and when the time was right, he broke out in one fell swoop.

It's just that the state of mind is still vague, and it hasn't completely taken root in his heart.

That's why he hesitated so much when it came to deciding things.

If he needs it, then she will give him a push. Why not?

Chapter 338

After returning, Lu Nanqi took the crystal core in the backpack to Liao Sponge and Lu Li.

Before the three of them came back, they had already absorbed the crystal nucleus on the spot, and brought back only Liao Sponge and Lu Li's share.

So in their opinion, there are so few.

Human heart is jealous, it has been there since ancient times, how can she foolishly put everything on the bright side.

"Sister Qi, are these really mine?" Liao Sponge was very excited. He had never seen so many crystal nuclei, let alone those crystal nuclei that belonged to him.

"Everyone deserves it. If you work hard, these are of course yours.}" Lu Nanqi said: "Don't keep it, absorb it all at once to help you break through the power level."

"Seventh sister, you What?" Liao Sponge asked, not seeing other backpacks on her body, nor abilities in her hands, "You didn't give us the remaining crystal cores, right?"

"I'm not such a kind person. "Lu Nanqi is funny, "It's already used up when I'm outside. Don't worry, if you can make yourself cheaper, I will definitely not let others go first."

Liao Sponge hesitated, "Sister Seven, I am too weak. Using so many crystal nuclei is a waste. Why don't you use them all. I think if your Wood Element is promoted again, it will definitely be even better.

" When do I need you as a kid to worry?" Lu Nanqi raised his hand and slapped him on the forehead, a little helpless, "Taking your own crystal nucleus well, don't talk so much nonsense."

Then she said. From the pile of crystal nuclei, specially took out the spiritual nucleus of the spiritual zombie, and specially reminded, "First absorb the other crystal nuclei, and finally absorb this one."

The crystal nucleus is pure and flawless, and there is no trace of impurities in the light.

As soon as Lu Nanqi took out the crystal core, he noticed this one.

Placed in the nucleus pile, it is the most dazzling and eye-catching.

"It turns out that this is the spiritual core, it's so beautiful." Liao Sponge probed his hand over, unable to help being attracted by it, just wanting to have it right away.

This is the charm of the same attribute.

Attract the same sex.

When Lu Nanqi first saw the wood crystal nucleus, he was also tempted in this way, and then absorbed the wood crystal nucleus without thinking about it, without letting it play a real role.

However, that's all my life.

She took back the mental core, preventing Liao Sponge from touching it, and said, "Forget it, you should absorb the other crystal core first. I will bring you the other mental core and use it together then.

" Sister, with so many crystal nuclei, how many levels can be promoted?" Lu Li asked curiously.

His last days are so long, and he is still only a first-class, usually consumes a lot of energy, and has a large demand for crystal nuclei.

Those who were promoted later than him have already been promoted to the first level.

But he is still at the first level.

I'm really afraid that when others are promoted to the fifth and sixth levels, he will still be hovering between the second and third levels.

With so many crystal nuclei this time, this problem shouldn't happen anymore.

"How easy is it for you to be promoted? You want to be promoted?" Lu Nanqi couldn't help but roll his eyes.

They are still too naive, whether they have experienced anything before, and always like to think about the good side.

She explained: "The further you go, the more difficult it will be to advance to the power level. Your current powers are still only one level. It is naturally easier to climb up from the lowest level, but the higher the level. The harder it will be later.

Liao Sponge said: "I know, just like the promotion of characters in the game, it is easy to upgrade in the front, and no matter how much effort is spent in the back, it is the same reason that it can't be upgraded. "In

layman's terms, that's it." "

Chapter 339

Leaving the talkative two people in the room, Lu Nanqi left.

She dragged Chen Xiaochen to help her bring the crystal core back. It was so late now, and he hadn't seen him take it back.

Either he was really busy and couldn't get away too busy, or Hoping was detained by him.

Do you want her to pick it up in person?

No matter what, she must leave this trip anyway.

When I came back, the sky was already dim, and I stayed in the house for a while. At this time, I was walking on the road to the base, and it was dark all around, and I couldn't see the surrounding scenery clearly.

There are no street lights, no people, no breath of life.

This feeling is like being trapped in a dead city.

Lu Nanqi took out the flashlight from the space, and then went to Hoping's house.

It's a pity that he is not here at this time, and there is no one in the house.

When she returned, she was stopped by a patrol team on the way.

Seeing that it was her, they didn't dare to do anything to her, and they asked her a few routinely, and they simply let her go.

Lu Nanqi grabbed one of them and asked, "Do you know where Huo Ping is?"

"Are you looking for him? Huo Ge is with the leader." The person replied.

Lu Nanqi thanked him and went straight to Huo Zhonglin's office.

There must be something to stay there so late.

Tibu quickly walked to Huo Zhonglin's office and heard the conversation of the people in the room before he approached completely.

"Since this psychic power can control people, then this psychic nucleus must be able to, as long as we research it out and believe that this result will definitely bring a lot of benefits to our base."

"Science can be slow in the future ." Slowly, as the zombies continue to grow stronger, what we should do now, shouldn't be powerful abilities, to be able to fight against the zombies at any time?" This is Hoping's voice. Obviously, he is opposed to doing it. What scientific research.

"Do you use your own power to deal with that powerful zombie?" The person before said again, "Take these crystal nuclei for research. If successful, if you can transplant this crystal nucleus into the human body, By that time, all humans will become stronger, will you still be afraid of these zombies at that time?"

"When you study the results, humans will no longer exist." Huo Ping was coldly angry.

"I said Hoping, where did I offend you? Why do you always have to face me everywhere?" The tone of that person was also exceptionally unhappy.

"This is not a matter of offending and not guilty. I'm just seeking truth from facts. Don't be naive. You are engaged in scientific research. You do not have a project within two or three years. Can you guarantee that the research results will be produced? After two or three years, the world will be early. It's time to become a world of zombies."

"You are obviously upset, so you are here to argue with me! What I said is correct, you think about the people in the infirmary today who have no hands to bind chickens, if Everyone can have supernatural powers, and they can live a stable life forever."

"Don't be naive, okay!" Hoping was impatient.

Lu Nanqi pushed the door in, and what caught his eye was the scene of the man pulling Huo Ping's chest.

The man even raised his fist, looking like he was going to beat Hoping.

Hoping looked at the man without dodge or panic at all.

"What are you doing here?" Huo Zhonglin stood up from the chair quickly, looking embarrassed.

"So unwelcome?" Lu Nanqi smiled and walked over, "What are you doing for what I do."

Huo Zhonglin immediately put away the spiritual crystal core, "This thing is still useful now, I can't give it to you."

"Chief Huo . , You want it, it's okay, you go off the court to play, then you can get any crystal nucleus you want, but should you give me this one?"

Chapter 340
As he spoke, Lu Nanqi had already stood in front of him, and his voice was cold, "This is the crystal nucleus I hit!"

"But if you don't have Huo Ping come to save you, you can't stand here safely now, right? In that case, How can you say that this crystal nucleus belongs to you." Huo Zhonglin argued.

"Even if you don't have your son, you can be sure that I will die inside?" Lu Nanqi smiled coldly, "Don't forget, what is the result of my desperation. For someone who doesn't speak much, let me down When something happens again, do you think we can still cooperate?"

Huo Zhonglin discussed, "Will it be okay if I, Huo Zhonglin owe you first."

"No!" Lu Nanqi refused coldly , "I am here, probably. No credit."

"They just want the crystal nucleus to do an experiment." Huo Zhonglin said: "I will return it to you when it's used up."

"When they use it up, the energy in the crystal nucleus can still be there?" Lu Nanqi The sneer is even worse, "Huo Zhonglin, you think I'm stupid, that's why you fool me like a fool? Do you know what this spiritual crystal nucleus represents? Do you know that its preciousness is that the lives of your group of people are better than nothing? Are you on it? Do you know how rare it is? More importantly, what does it represent if the psychic power is promoted to one level?"

She kept a few questions in a row, and a group of people said silently.

"You only think about the experiment, but have you thought about the status quo?" She slowly turned her gaze to the person who was opposed to Hoping and found that he was the man she saw in the infirmary yesterday.

The man glared at her.

She stared back unceremoniously, and sternly said: "The first-level mental power can control half of you, and the second-level mental power can control no less than twice as many of you. Have you ever thought about how much combat power a psychic person can replace?" The

man argued with her, "Since you know this thing is so powerful, why stop us from researching it? As long as the results come out, we no longer have to worry about zombies. 'S attacked."

"What kind of research do you use? Just do it in your dilapidated infirmary? Or go to a hospital or some research institute to do research? If you dare to disregard your life, then I won't talk any more!

" You..." The man is anxious, "You are just

trying to be a strong man, so there are so many zombies outside, how can I get out!" Lu Nanqi has a sharp aura, "Then why are you in a strong man's hardship, without research equipment, you still insist on You must do research, knowing that it is a failure, you still have to do it, not deliberately aiming at what it is!" The

man rushed over to her two steps, "What am I doing, I want you, an irrelevant person to interrupt here, this is Internal meetings, why did you come in randomly!"

Huo Ping stood in front of him and guarded Lu Nanqi, "She is also one of our internal members. Selfish people like you are eligible to participate, even more so.

" Heh..." The man laughed loudly, "Hoping, you are so nervous about her and speaking for her. Is it true that the rumors are true that you are really in love with her? I said you are worthless, use your own identity to help Your own woman, you are embarrassed to stand here."

Huo Ping's deep eyebrows, following his words, let out an inch of coldness, "I will not say whether I am qualified to stand here, but I only know that a selfishness is for satisfaction. A doctor who studies desire on his own is not qualified to stand here and question others."

"Today's crystal nucleus, I really have to take it!" The man angered, suddenly turned around, and snatched the spiritual nucleus from Huo Zhonglin's hand.

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