Joe & Jill: A Miraculous Litt...

By breeoc97

15.1K 465 267

Joe Biden and Jill Biden are on top of the world, they are the President and First Lady of the United States... More

the scariest day of their lives
needing reassurance + comfort
the biggest surprise
telling family!
off home to the white house we go
visiting daddy at work
white house cuddles
meet the kreins
trick or treat!
meeting pope francis
after the gala dinner
a nantucket thanksgiving
jacob has rsv
joe's new voice
cbs sunday morning
1st christmas at the white house
new years day beach day!
babies' first snow!
one year since inauguration day!
jacob's first foods!
instagram pictures
i love how you look, always jilly
the state of the union
easter roll!
a special + sweet mother's day
covid negative + we are grandparents again!
jill's birthday (pt 1)
jill's birthday (pt 2)
off to kiawah island!
the birthday breakfast (pt 1)
the birthday breakfast (pt 2)
ashley's little surprise
new years rockin' eve!
cute morning wake up
at the elysรฉe!

finally seeing jill

679 19 11
By breeoc97

*After a few hours of patiently and anxiously waiting, Joe can finally see Jill and Jill finally meets their baby boy! Thank you to joebidenloving for helping me out with this! Enjoy!*

August 12th, 2021 - 4:30pm

Joe is still in the NICU, bonding with his newborn baby boy that was born almost two hours ago!

Joe still can't believe that he is a father again, making him now a father of five and that Jill was even pregnant! Joe tries to figure out if Jill had any pregnancy symptoms these past nine months like she did with Ashley and Jill had none what so ever!

Joe is still patiently waiting to hear any type of news about Jill, he is getting a little worried since it has been over an hour since her emergency surgery, so he had one of his Secret Service agents check to see what it is going on.

Joe has fed the baby boy his first ever bottle and Joe and the baby were rocking in the rocking chair for a half an hour. Baby boy loves to be held and he loves to be rocked.

Right now, Joe is changing baby boy's diaper, his first ever poopy diaper which are usually very gross but Joe has done this four times before in the past so he knows exactly what to expect. 

"Are you ready to see your Mama? Yes! Yes! Yes! I'm ready to see Mama too. I miss her so so so much." Joe says softly in a babyfied as he changes the baby's diaper and kisses the baby all over.

Baby boy coos and looks around, showing Joe his bright blue eyes.

"You have Mama's bright blue eyes. Yes, you do. Mama is going to adore you and I know you are going to be a Mama's boy I can already tell!" Joe says in a babyfied voice at baby boy.

Just then, baby boy's nurse walks in to check in on him and to give Joe some great news.

"Mr. President! Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Biden! Your wife Jill is now awake, up and doing really well! You and the baby can go be with her now in her room. Baby boy is all healthy and all of his tests came back perfect." The nurse says happily as she brings a mobile crib cart over for the baby to be pushed in.

"She is up now? Oh my goodness! Thank God!" Joe says as he face lights up in so much happiness and he tears up a little.

After several hours of agony, anxiety, tears and fear, Joe and Jill will finally be reunited with each other.

Joe finishes changing baby boy's diaper and the nurse checks his vitals one last time before she places him in his mobile crib.

Just then, two of Joe's Secret Agents walk into the tiny NICU room.

"Mr. President, Jill is now awake and is well. The doctor came in and talked to her. Timothy was with her when the doctor explained everything to her. James had to go home, his child is sick and Michael went down to the cafeteria to get everyone food." The first Secret Service agent says to Joe.

"Timothy told Glen and Anthony to call us but they didn't." The second Secret Service agent says to Joe.

"Damnit, Glen and Anthony! They had one job to do!" Joe says as he gets upset but tries to not to yell around baby boy and scare him.

The nurse tells Joe's two Secret Service agents where Jill's room is so they can take Joe and baby boy down.

Joe wraps baby boy in a white blanket and swaddles him up before giving the baby a kiss.

"You are a pro at this, Mr. Biden!" The nurse says happily to Joe.

"It's been a while since I did this! I'm surprised I remembered how to swaddle a baby." Joe says as he giggles.

"Okay, baby boy. Let's go see Mama! Yay!" Joe says in a babyfied voice as he begins to slowly push the mobile crib cart into the hall.

A soft and sweet baby lullaby begins to play in the hallway, something the hospital does to tell everyone a baby is born!

Joe and his two Secret Service Agents walk down the hallway and over to the mother baby ward where Jill is currently recovering.

Glen and Anthony are standing guard by Jill's hospital room door and Joe gives them both a dirty look. Timothy is in the room with Jill keeping her company until Joe arrives.

"Glen, Anthony, you guys had TWO freaking jobs! TWO! One job was to watch over Jill. which you two have done a great job with. But two, TELL me and or my Secret Service agents when she wakes up! I wanted to be with her when the doctor told her about everything that happened!" Joe says to Glen and Anthony.

"S-s-sir!" Anthony says in nervousness, trying to speak but can't due to being nervous.

"Mr. President, we didn't know that the doctor was going to come in this fast!" Glen the Secret Agent says to Joe.

"You two should have known goddamn it! You let the doctor go in her room! You should have known he was going to talk to her about everything!" Joe says to Glen and Anthony being a little loud.

"I'm sorry, Mr. President. We didn't know he was going to tell her. We only thought it was just a check up." Glen says to Joe and Anthony nods in agreement.

"I wanted to be with her! I really wanted to be with her! Jill is probably all upset and a mess right now! Our lives have changed so much! I love her too much to put her through this!" Joe says as he gets upset at Anthony and Glen.

"Who is Joe yelling at out there? It's not the doctor, is it?" Jill asks softly to Timothy, worried that Joe is getting mean with the doctor that just told her how much her world has changed.

"No, Mrs. Jill. He isn't yelling at the doctor. He is yelling at Glen and Anthony. They were supposed to call him when you woke up so he can be here with you when the doctor came in." Timothy explains to Jill.

"Poor guys." Jill says, happy to hear her husband being his self.

"When Joe and the baby comes in the room, I'll being standing outside with Anthony and Glen. James had to go home and Michael might need to leave too." Timothy explains to Jill.

"That's fine. That's totally fine. We have Joe's Secret Service team with us we should be fine for the rest of the day. Thank you so much for everything today." Jill says to Timothy.

"My pleasure, Mrs. Jill. I am glad you are doing well. Congratulations to you and Mr. Joe on a healthy baby." Timothy says to Jill.

"Thank you very much. Do you know the gender of the baby?" Jill asks Timothy and Timothy chuckles. 

"I'll let Mr. Joe tell you." Timothy says with a cheeky smile and Jill giggles.

Just then, Joe and baby boy walk into the hospital room together, causing Jill to smile ear to ear and so does Joe.

"Joey. I'm so happy to finally see you." Jill says softly as she smiles at Joe some more.

"Jilly! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh, I am so freaking happy to see you! I am so glad you are okay, baby." Joe says as he parks baby boys mobile crib before squeezing Jill into a big hug.

"Be easy, honey. Be easy. I'm sore. My stomach is so sore." Jill says softly with Joe quickly getting off of Jill so he doesn't hurt her anymore. 

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I forgot about that." Joe says with a chuckle and Jill smiles.

"It's okay, Joey. I love you." Jill softly says as she rubs Joe's arm.

"I love you too, baby. I love you so much." Joe says as he places his hands on Jill's face and he holds her face as they kiss.

Joe and Jill kiss a few times, happy to be reunited with each other after the crazy events of the day.

"I am really sorry that I wasn't with you when the doctor came in earlier to tell you everything. I told Anthony and Glen to call me when you were awake. I was in the NICU with the baby." Joe says to Jill.

"Joe, it's okay. I don't care about any of that honestly. All I care about is that you are with me now and I'm worried about our baby. Is the baby is okay? Why was the baby in the NICU?" Jill asks Joe softly.

"The nurse told me the baby was having a little trouble breathing when they were first born but the baby is so perfect, baby. The baby is absolutely perfect and healthy, Jilly. The nurse said they had to run a bunch of test on the baby since we didn't know about the baby. Everything came back normal." Joe says as he rubs Jill's cheek and moves her blonde hair out of her face with a big ole smile. 

"I am so glad the baby is okay. God, I'm so glad. The doctors told me I needed surgery right away and they said I needed a c-section but they knocked me out so fast I couldn't process it." Jill says softly.

"I'm sorry I wasn't with you, Jilly. I'm really sorry." Joe says as he tries to not get upset again but Jill holds his hands to help him calm down.

"Joey, it's fine. It's fine. Please stop apologizing, okay? It's all over now." Jill says, wanting another kiss from Joe.

Joe bends down and kisses Jill a few times. Joe and Jill then put their foreheads together as they smile.

"Is the baby in the room?" Jill asks Joe and Joe happily nods.

"Mhm! You didn't see me pushing the crib cart thing in your hospital room?" Joe asks Jill with a chuckle.

"I wasn't paying attention!" Jill says as she laughs and so does Joe.

"Jilly, do you want to meet your baby boy?" Joe asks Jill as her face lights up knowing the baby is a boy.

"Absolutely! Oh my gosh, we have a baby boy?" Jill asks Joe with a smile.

"Yes, he right here! He is the sweetest baby I've met." Joe says as he carefully picks baby boy up and holds him so Jill can see him.

Jill admires the sleeping baby boy in Joe's arms and she notices how hot her husband is holding a tiny newborn.

"Hi, baby boy. Hi, sweet boy. Have you been hanging out with Daddy? You are so sweet." Jill says, continuing to admire the baby.

"We have been hanging out! I fed him his first bottle and then we cuddled for a little bit. He loves being rocked in a rocking chair. And then he gave me a gross diaper to change! Everything was filmed don't worry." Joe says making Jill smile that Joe was with the baby and that he wasn't all alone for too long.

"Do you want to hold him, Jilly?" Joe asks as he sits down on Jill's bed.

"Yes, yes! The nurses and doctors said he should lay on my chest while I hold him." Jill says as Joe nods, slowly unwrapping baby boy out of his swaddle.

"He loved playing with my chest hair and it hurt." Joe says as Jill giggles.

"He is a baby, Joe. He doesn't know any better." Jill says with a grin and Joe smiles.

Jill opens her hospital gown so baby boy can lay on her chest, cuddle and bond with each other.

"Mmm, God you look so hot even in a hospital, Jilly." Joe says giving a smirk.

"Oh Joe, stop it!" Jill says playfully to Joe as she blushes at him.

Joe carefully lays baby boy onto Jill's chest. Baby boy curls up onto Jill's chest and relaxes right away. Jill and Joe smile at each other before giving each other a sweet kiss.

Joe then carefully covers baby boy and Jill with a few blankets so they don't get cold. 

"Hi, sweet boy. Hi, baby. I'm Mama. Yeah, I'm your Mama. I love you so much." Jill whispers as she rubs baby boy's head and kisses it a few times.

Joe softly kisses Jill's forehead and smiles at Jill and baby boy together.

"He is going to be a mama's boy." Joe says softly with a smile at Jill.

"Just like Beau and Hunt were." Jill says and Joe happily nods.

Baby boy coos some, causing Jill and Joe to both smile down at him.

"Are you talking to Mama? You love your Mama, don't you?" Joe says softly to baby boy before he kisses his head.

"I wish you would have kicked or moved around in my belly, baby boy. You are such a big surprise to Daddy and I." Jill says to baby boy as he coos again.

"Our biggest surprise." Joe says as he kisses baby boy's head again.

Baby boy begins to grab onto Jill's Beau necklace that she wears in honor of Beau. Jill and Joe both begin to tear up at this little, thinking about much Beau would have loved this little boy.

"Does Hunt, Ashley or Hallie know what's going on?" Jill asks Joe as she kisses baby boy's head.

"I haven't called them yet. I didn't want them panicking. I wanted to make sure I knew what was exactly going on with you before saying anything to them. We can call them later. But I did call Kamala though just for some support." Joe says to Jill as he rubs Jill's forehead some more.

"I am so glad Kamala and Doug were there for you. Where is Major? Is Major is okay?" Jill asks Joe, making sure her fur baby is okay.

"Major is with Kamala and Doug. They are going to keep him until we get out of here." Joe says as Jill smiles.

"I love you, baby boy. Daddy and I need to think of a name for you." Jill says softly to baby boy.

"I think I have a name." Joe says to Jill with a cheeky grin.

"What's that, Joey?" Jill asks Joe as she smiles at her husband.

"Jacob. To honor your father and your maiden name, Jacobs." Joe says as Jill's face lights up.

"I love that. He looks like a Jacob. Jacob Biden." Jill says softly.

"We need to think of a middle name but we have time for that." Joe says kissing Jill and Jill kisses him back.

"Happy birthday, Jacob." Jill softly says to Jacob as she cuddles Jacob close.

"Happy birthday, Jacob." Joe says, kissing Jacob's cheek.

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