Our journey

By ncisoffice

4.4K 127 48

Gibbs and Jack start their relationship but Jack will decide to stay in Afghanistan...will she go back to Gib... More

Is there something between us?
A month after
Important news
The journey begins
Thank you
Can't wait to see you
Tell me what's going on
Baby Gibbs
Bad news
Help me
Terrible night
So close
Finally free
Talk to me
Ridiculous fight
Parents (part 1)
Parents (part 2)
Little hands
Jump in the past
Family dinner
Stay close

Welcome to life

128 6 2
By ncisoffice

*A month later*

Jack's POV

The nurse comes to me with a look on her face that tells me that something went wrong, I keep looking at her while I understand that she's trying to find the right words to tell me something "I'm sorry but your son didn't make it" she says and my eyes start to fill up with tears "NO! NO! IT CAN'T BE TRUE" I start yelling and then I wake up and see Jethro that's almost above me while looking at me with a concerned looking on his face then I feel the baby kicking and that really reassures me...it was just a nightmare...Jethro caresses my cheek "Nightmare?" he asks and he lays down next to me again "Yeah...really bad nightmare..." I answer and look at him "What was it about?..." he asks as he gently strokes his hand through my hair "The baby...d...d..." I stop when I start to feel that I'm not able to spell that word without feeling bad "Ok...ok...it's ok, it was just a nightmare and it won't be the reality, don't worry" he reassures me and kisses me on the cheek, I'm seriously so lucky to have him by my side, he always makes me feel so safe and loved.

*Some weeks later*

I wake up at 5:45 a.m. because the little cowboy starts kicking and that's not unusual since during the last days he started doing it even more frequently than before and when it happens during the night it's kinda annoying since it's hard for me to fall asleep again but still I know that once he'll be born I'll miss these moments so much. I put my hand on my baby bump and feel the baby kicking and, as I do so, I notice Jethro's hand on my baby bump and his head on my shoulder, he's awake and has a small and sweet smile on his face and it's just the cutest thing, he notices that I'm looking at him and kisses me on the cheek, these are literally the best moments, just the three of us and I really can't wait to meet my little cowboy and when we'll finally meet him, another journey will start.

Jethro gently puts his hand under my chin and makes me turn my head to look at him sonce by that time I was looking at our hands on my belly, I look at him with a questioning look on my face as his face gets closer to mine and then he kisses me, I kiss him back and after a minute or two we end the kiss and I lean my forehead against his as our lips keep being close to each other and we look into each other's eyes and for a moment I kinda get lost in his beautiful icy blue eyes, it's almost like I'm hypnotized by them and it's kinda crazy since the one that usually "gets hypnotized" is Jethro since he always stares at me and he's able to do that for hours and still I can't understand what does he find in me that keeps his attention on me for long periods of time in which, the only thing that seems to exist for him it's me and that's also kinda cute. He slowly puts his arm around my shoulders under my neck and gently pulls me closer to him and keeps looking at me, with that usual look of his that is kinda hypnotic, he movees his hand away from my stomach and moves a lock of hair behind my ear as he smiles at me, that beautiful smile of his, I really love seeing him smiling "I love you so much" I say as I keep looking at him "I love you more" he replies as he caresses my cheek "That's impossible, cowboy" I say and gently poke his nose with my finger "That's so possible" he says a little bit annoyed and rolls his eyes "Yeah sure, we could definitely argue on that" I say a little annoyed too but then we both start chuckling since we know so well that we could really argue on that and continue saying that for a long time since we've done it before and usually at some point he lets me "win" so that we stop and he's always annoyed by that "Love, I should get ready to go to work" he says as he puts his arm around my waist "Then why are you still here, cowboy?" I ask as I smile at him "Because of you" he replies and smiles back at me "Why? What did I do?" I ask curious to know what kind of excuse he will make up this time since I didn't do anything "You're too beautiful and it's so nice to lay in bed with you that I don't want to get up" he says and kisses me on the cheek a few times, how can he be so cute in the morning? He's really so sweet "Ehm...actually that's not my fault, it's my parents fault if I'm beautiful like you say, you can complain to them about this when you'll meet them" I say and chuckle slightly as I caress his cheek "Well still your fault, especially the fact that I want to keep laying here with you and it's only with you that this happened after so long" he says and runs his fingers in circular motions on my side "Ok" I say and try to not smile "Ok?! C'mon seriously?!" he asks annoyed "I'm here all nice trying to say something romantic and you just answer with "ok"? Seriously?" he says annoyed "You're such an idiot" I say and smile at him "You love me so much" he says with his usual know-it-all look on his face "Maybe" I reply with a teasing tone of voice "There’s no maybe" he says with a kinda annoyed tone of voice but then we look at each other and start laughing a little, he holds me tight close to him and we start kissing for some time, I love spending time with him like this, it just feels good, he's just so amazing, I've never loved anyone as much as I love him and honestly I'm kinda scared that when the baby will be born it'll be difficult to find some time just for us..."Ok, now I really have to go, my love" he says and to be honest I don't like that idea because I would stay like this with him all day but unfortunately I can't "Nooo, five more minutes cowboy, pleaseeee" I say almost with a child like tone of voice because I don't want him to go "Sorry, love" he says smiling at me and kisses me on the cheek a few times before getting up. Then he goes to the bathroom to get dressed and after some minutes I hear the door open and close so I know that now I'm home alone with Lucy and honestly I already miss him so much as usual, so I slowly get up and go in the living room with Lucy, I sit on the couch and she lays down next to me with her head on my legs, after a few minutes I start to feel a little hungry so I go in the kitchen and eat something for breakfast, after that I go back in the living room and go back on the couch with Lucy, I look around for some minutes and then start reading my book.

At around 8:45 a.m. I hear someone knocking at the door so I slowly get up and go to open, when I open the door I see Grace standing in front of me which is weird since I wasn't waiting for her to come "Hey Grace" I greet her as I still kinda try to figure out why she's here "Hey Jack" she says and smiles slightly at me "Come on in" I say as I gesture her to come inside and she comes in "So...to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit, Grace?" I ask as we both walk to the living room and sit on the couch, luckily Lucy got used to Grace since she came other times to see how we were doing so she's not barking like she usually does "I just came here for a visit since soon you'll have your baby, how do you feel about it?" she asks and honestly I don't want to answer that question because everyone I know has been bugging me with it and it's so annoying but I'll answer it anyway "Honestly I don't know...I mean I'm so excited and happy to meet my little cowboy finally after nine months but I'm also a bit scared that something could go wrong and that I'll be a terrible mom and stuff, also I think I'll kinda miss all the moving and feeling him in my womb so" I say and look around a bit while petting Lucy "I understand but everything will be alright don't worry, Jack, you'll be a wonderful mom and that baby will be so lucky to have you" she says but I keep looking around "Jack, you'll know what to do when the baby will come and you're not alone in this, you have Gibbs, which isn't the best with feelings but it's still something" she says with a little tone of sarcasm in the last part of what she said "He's getting better at it" I mumble and start petting Lucy who's laying next to me "What?" Grace asks and I assure she didn't understand a word I said so I repeat "He's getting better at the whole sharing feelings and things like that" and Grace looks at me kinda like she doesn't believe what I said "Really?" she asks and that proves that I was right and that she doesn't believe that "Yeah" I affirm and continue petting Lucy "That's good and how does that make you feel?" she asks and yes I expected this question from her "Good, I like when he shares his feelings and emotions with me or when he tells me that our baby is the best gift I could've ever give him or that he hasn't felt this happy for a long time and it's just so great to hear him saying things like that" I reply.

Grace and I keep talking for a while and after about two hours Grace stands up and says "Well...it's been so nice talking with you Jack but I think that now I will let you rest so I should definitely go now" I slowly stand up as well "I'll accompany you to the door" I say and then we walk to the door but befoee we could reach the door my waters broke, Grace and I exchange a look and then a strong pain invades my body and it's so painful that I have to scream "Can you get the bag that is in the baby's room? It's the door with the little painting of the elephant near it" I say as I try to keep calm and tolerate the pain as much as I can "Sure" Grace replies and runs upstairs, after a few seconds she comes back with the bag and we get in the car.

Grace starts the car and takes her phone out after she put her seat belt on then she dials a number and puts the call on speaker so that she can start driving "Who are you calling?" I ask as I try to breath through the pain "Gibbs" she answers, it's good that she was here when this happened and that she's calling Jethro, I really need him now "Doc, what's up?" I hear Jethro saying "Jack is in labor" Grace says as she keeps driving and I moan in pain "What?! The baby wasn't supposed to be born for other two weeks" he says surprised and a little shocked "Is Jack with you?" he asks "No, she's running behind the car, Gibbs it's obvious that she's with me, is that even a question? Anyway the baby had other plans and I'm bringing Jack to the hospital, now can you meet us there or not?" she asks "Yeah of course I can, I'm on my way, at what hospital are you bringing her?" he asks very anxious and worried mostly because he's not with me now "Washington General" Grace replies and continues driving "Ok, see you there in a few minutes, I'll be as fast as I can" he says and hungs up the phone.

Gibbs POV

I put the phone away and rush to the elevator without even grabbing my stuff, this makes me so anxious, I'm not ready for this...I can't even think clearly and that's bad, I need to hurry up and I don't even know why I'm going to take the elevator when maybe it's beeter if I take the stairs. The elevator's doors open and I see Tony, Ziva and Tali coming out from it, I head slap Tony, yeah for that there is always time and I quickly get in the elevator.

Jack's POV

After a few minutes we arrive at the hospital and the doctors immediately bring me in a room, Grace comes in with me because she didn't want me to be alone until Jethro was here "I hope he'll be here soon" I say and then have a contraction "He will be don't worry" Grace replies and holds my hand "Can you go see if he's here?" I ask since I really need Jethro now and well...having Grace here isn't the same and also she's trying to make me calm down but in the conditions in which I am right now I find that really annoying "Sure I can" she says and walks out of the room, after a few minutes Jethro rushes in and comes to me "Hey love, how's it going?" he asks a little concerned a he holds my hand "Not so good since this is painful but for the rest we're fine" I say and the second after I say that I have a really painful contraction and I hold Jethro's hand so tight "Ok love, I'm here for you, everything will be ok" he assures me and then gives me some water and I take a sip of it, it's incredible how he can understand what I need even without me saying a word.
The doctor comes in the room after a little while and says that it's time for me to start pushing and honestly it's the part that I'm most scared of because it's so painful and something could go wrong, what if I don't make it? Anyway I know that probably when I'll look at that little cute creature I'll forget about all the pain...Anyway I start pushing and keep holding Jethro's hand and I feel sorry for him since his hand starts to be very red because of how tight I'm holding it, I'm basically using all my strength so, after some time I stop pushing because I'm so tired, I'm literally on the point of crying from how tired I am, Jethro caresses my cheek and moves a lock of hair behind my ear "I can't do it..." I say as I look at him "Jack, sweetie, you can, you're almost there, just a few more pushes and you're there done, I'm here for you. I know that you'll make it, you're so strong" he says and kisses me on my forehead the forehead and that kinda gives me the strength to start pushing again, having him next to me makes me feel a little better even in this moment, after a few minutes I hear the baby crying and a smile appears on both mine and Jethro's face, we look at each other as the nurses take the baby to clean him "You did it sweetie, I'm so proud of you" he says and kisses me on the cheek "Couldn't have done it without you" I say and he kisses me. A nurse comes to me and gives me the baby, I hold him close to me, he already has a bit of hair and he looks so perfect, he definitely looks a little bit like Jethro, I keep looking at him as Jethro caresses the back of my head "He's so perfect" I say and smile at the baby, I really can't keep my eyes off of him "Perfect like his mommy" Jethro says and smiles after kissing the top of my head "I would say that he looks a lot like his daddy" I say as I look up from the baby and smile at Jethro, he gets a little closer to me and puts his arm around my shoulders "Welcome to the world Jaden Joey Gibbs" I say in a soft tone of voice and it feels so incredible and amazing, Jethro gently kisses the baby on the head and then kisses me on the forehead "I love both of you so much" he says with a soft tone of voice "We love you too" I say and we keep looking at Jaden, Jethro takes a few steps back so that it can be just a mommy and son moment, I keep looking at the cutest and most perfect thing I've ever seenand this is just so amazing "I love you so much much, my little cowboy" I say as I look at Jaden who keeps holding my finger and I kiss him gently and carefully on the forehead after holding him close to my chest.

Gibbs' POV

After a little while Jack looks at me "It's ime for Jaden to spend some time with his amazing daddy" she smiles slightly and I go to her, I gently take the baby and look at him while I gently caress his cheek with my finger...he's so perfect...
This whole thing reminds me of when I first held Kelly and it's kinda painful, I feel the tears sliding down my face but at the same I can't help but smile...the baby holds my finger and I keep smiling, this immediately brings me so much happiness and I decide to try to put away all those thoughts for now and just enjoy this amazing moment.
Jaden starts moving a little, he's wearing a white onesie with a boat on it and he's so cute, I can't take my eyes off of him and a little smile appears on his face and that gives me so much happiness...I can't even describe all that I'm feeling right now...
I look at the window and notice that it started snowing and I start thinking about how to make Lucy meet the baby, I'll probably give her something that smells like him before bringing the baby home so that she get used to it...I really hope that it'll go well also with her.

If you want leave in the comments your thoughts about this chapter, I would really appreciate it.

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