SCP Yandere Clef x Bright x OC

By DollyJadaKirkland

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Dr. Bright and Dr. Clef have both fallen for Dr. Lori, the two men agreeing to share her once they get her at... More



135 3 3
By DollyJadaKirkland

Jack leads Ross into the kitchen with his hands over her eyes. "Just one minute then you can rest, okay?"

"Jack.... ugh, fine, just a minute." Ross puts her hands over his and starts trying to make him let go. "Let me see, I want to see this 'surprise'!"

He laughs, looking to Keys who gives him a thumbs up. "Alright, surprise!" He takes his hands off her eyes and watches as her angry expression turns into a happy one.

"Oh my! This is so sweet you two."

"I know you like chocolate strawberries mama, so we made you this!" Keys runs around the table and hugs her mom, snuggling her face into her mother's shoulder.

Ross hugs her daughter back, looping Jack into it. "Thank you, I love it. I can't eat any right now, but how about tomorrow when I'm feeling less nauseous?"

"That sounds fair mama, I hope you feel better soon." She kisses her moms cheek. "I'm gonna go get ready for bed, it's almost midnight."

"That's a good idea, kiddo. I'll take care of your mom, go do your thing." Jack shoos the teen out of the room, taking a look at Ross. "You feeling any better after seeing Cain?"

"I feel more comfortable knowing you two were telling the truth, yes." Ross sits down at the table, admiring their messy work on the cake. "Did you help?"

"Mhm!" Jack hums proudly, taking a seat next to her. "I figured it was a good chance to bond, Keys is a good kid." He grabs a wine bottle from the table and starts to uncork it until Ross grabs his wrist.

"We need to talk, please. No booze until we're done." She takes the bottle from him and sets it back down.

Jack knows where this is going, she wants him to sober up. He folds his hands and looks down at the table. "If this is about my drinking problem.... I know, and I'm gonna change. Thanks for taking the bottle..."

"Don't thank me yet Jack, I want to talk to you about a couple things, the drinking just one of them." Ross grabs his chin and makes him look at her. "Be sober, learn the word no," she brushes some of his hair out of his face, "and talk to me, please. We have similar feelings towards our immortality, I may outlive my daughter, you're not alone anymore Jack."

He doesn't even realize he's crying until Ross starts to wipe away his tears. "I don't want to keep outliving my friends and family Ross, I want them to stay."

Ross pulls him into a hug, putting her chin on top of his head. "I know honey, I know." She squeezes him tighter as he sobs into her shirt, his grip on her growing tighter. Maybe this is why he loves her and Alto? He's scared of being abandoned again. "We aren't gonna leave you, okay? You don't have to be alone anymore."

Jack sniffles, trying to get his words out without crying again. "Promise?"

"I promise."


Alto has learned to expect the unexpected in his 300,000 years of life. If there's a chance its gonna happen, it's gonna happen. What he didn't expect though, was his wife and husband cuddled up in their bed with the TV still playing and soda cans everywhere. He marvels at the scene in front of him for a moment, a small smile on his face. Maybe this time, it really will work out.

"Alto?" Ross mumbles, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. "Come to bed, please?"

"Yeah, I will, just let me take a shower darlin'." He hears an grunt from the pile of limbs and blankets, Jack pulling Ross closer to him. "Aw, jealous Jackie? Don't worry, I'll let you keep holdin' her." He ruffles the gingers hair, pulling open one of his drawers to get some pajamas. "Did you two have a party or something?"

"I got sick again, so Jack got me some soda and we cuddled and watched TV."

"Good, did you two have that talk?" He shuts the drawer, glancing at Ross playing with Jacks hair.

"Mhm, he said he'll stop drinking as much and start saying please." She curls some of Jacks hair around her fingers, feeling him shove his face further into her chest. "He's starting to grow on me."

Alto chuckles. "Yeah, he grew on me too. I'll be out in a minute."


Jack feels the bed dip, telling him that Alto was finally getting into bed with them. Jack opens his eyes and peers up at Alto. "Hey."

"Hey. She asleep again?" Alto crawls under the covers, putting his arm around Jacks waist.

"Mhm, she's so pretty." He looks back up at Ross, snuggling into her chest. "I love her so much.... I'm gonna get better for you two."

"Thank you, you know I love you and want you happy." Alto kisses the back of Jacks head, happy his husband is taking steps in the right direction. "Did you and Keys have fun hanging out?"

"Yeah, we baked Ross a cake to cheer her up..... Keys wants to start calling you dad, I'm jealous."

Alto pauses, thinking. "Well, we're both her dads now, I'm sure she'll want to call you dad too in a little while."

"I want a kid with Ross, you two already have kids, I want one too."

"Funny, I want another baby too. Maybe in a year or so, when we get everything settled at work and in the house." He squeezes Jacks waist, trying to comfort him. "We're a family, kids will happen eventually."

Jack hums, tracing his fingers over Rosses side. "Things are gonna be better, I love you two."

"We love you too, get some sleep Jack."


Its the wilderness. Our garden. Eden. Adam? Adam where are you? Whats that you have? Eat it? Okay.

I trust you.


Ross jumps awake, sitting straight up to try and suck in a breath easier. "Adam?" She must've said that louder than she thought because Jack and Alto both sit up and look around.

"Eve? Eve whats wrong?" Alto opens his arms and helps Ross pull into his lap, gently rocking her and petting her hair. "Its okay, its okay, I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere."

Jack watches Ross cling to Alto. He wants to help too. He reaches over and starts rubbing her back, trying to comfort her some more.

It takes her a few minutes, but eventually she settles down in between Jack and Alto, Jacks arms around her waist and her head on Altos shoulder. "Please don't leave me."

"Don't worry Ross." Alto mumbles, already drifting off again.

"We aren't going anywhere, I promise." Jack kisses the back of Rosses head, feeling her put her hand over his own.

"I love you guys...."

"We love you too, Ross. Get some sleep."


Ross sits in front of the vanity Jack had put her makeup and jewelry in, a nice light on the top so she can see herself well. She carefully does her eye makeup, green above her blue eye and orange above her red eye.

"Keys definitely gets her looks from you." Alto comes up behind her, settling his hands on her shoulders. "You look beautiful Eve, I'm glad you're feeling better."

Ross smiles up at him, putting one of her hands over his. "Thank you Adam, yeah I'm glad I'm feeling better too. I haven't been sick like that in years, it was awful."

"I could tell, that little light behind your eyes wasn't there." He starts running his fingers through her hair, braiding it. "Jack drank normal coffee and not a screwdriver this morning, whatever you said really got through to him."

"I told him that he won't be alone anymore. Its true and its something that he's never heard before." She grabs a bright red lipstick and puts it on, examining herself in the mirror.

Alto thinks for a minute, tying off Rosses braid. Has he ever told Jack he won't be alone anymore? "Shit.... I've never even thought about that."

"He knows you love him honey, I think he just needed to hear that one little thing." She gets up and turns to Alto, showing him her dress. "How do I look?"

A soft smile creeps onto his features. "You look beautiful." Alto grabs her hand and spins her, making her laugh. When she stops spinning her he pulls her against his chest.

Ross tosses her arms over his shoulders, kissing his nose. "I love you Alto."

He settles his hands on her waist, kissing her forehead. "I love you more Ross. What do you wanna do for our day off? We can't go out, especially with you looking so gorgeous." He teases, moving to her neck and kissing it lightly.

"And what if I do want to go out? What are you gonna do about it, Clef?" She giggles, trying to get him a little mad.

Alto growls, flat out biting her neck.

"Ow! Hey!" She pulls away from him, frowning.

"What? You asked me what I was gonna do, so I did something!" He grins, looking at the red teeth marks on his wife's neck. "I like it, Jack might get jealous."

"And anyone I see until it fades will think you're a pervert."

"And what of it? I am a pervert." He sneaks a quick peck to her lips. "Come on, we can figure out something to do as a family later."

"Yeah, you're right. Asshole."

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