Live Again: A Game of Thrones...

By em_garden

74.6K 1.6K 117

Everyone compares her to her aunt Lyanna. A woman as beautiful as her favorite northern rose. A woman that m... More

Nervous News
Mother Madness
A Royal Arrival
Prefeast Tensions
Carry on with the Journey
The Capitol
A Truly Warm Welcoming
Blooming Gardens
Dining Time
A Light In the Darkness of the City
Sand Dollar for your Thoughts?
Hell Hath No Fury Like A Woman Scorned

Broken Dreams

3.2K 68 5
By em_garden

Lyanna and Robert stayed in the godswood clearing until dawn was peaking over the mountains. Lyanna took out her bow and shot with Robert only he wasn't a great shot. He would miss and Lyanna would laugh until her stomach hurt. He would always try again until she couldn't breathe and he would give her a hurt expression that always turned back into a smile. Lyanna and Robert played at swordfish ting with sticks also. Robert, although being on the heavy side was still quite strong but Lyanna was fast. She would run and spin around him and poke him in the sides and back. When he finally got frustrated she tripped him and he fell to his knees.

"Damn woman!" He said smiling.

"Well you're getting heavy old man, best touch up on your swordplay again or you'll be beat by every girl in the Kingdom." Lyanna laughed.

"It seems you're right." Robert looked down at his growing potbelly.

"I am in most things." Lyanna smirked.

"If I could run after you I'd make you take those words right back." Robert laughed.

"Well you won't hear much after you're gone so best study up now." Lyanna became sad.

"Don't worry dawn I will make sure you come with us." He walked up to Lyanna and touched her cheek affectionately.

"Alright," Lyanna said smiling again,"let's go back people will start waking soon."

Little did either know someone was already up and had been watching the entire seen. She slu back into the shadows as they passed.


Once back to Winterfell things went along normally. The final hunt was being packed and Robert made them pack plenty of wine. That part still made her uneasy about him. Lyanna hated his drinking, it was foul and led to his other hobby, whoring. But Robert was who he was and Lyanna couldn't change that, only bring out his best abilities.

Lyanna walked back to her chambers and saw her mother walking with Cersei talking insistently. Lyanna just laughed in disgust and walked on. Once back to her chambers Lyanna called her friend Pria to draw her a bath. She had been moving around all night and felt filthy everywhere. Once Pria had drawn the bath Lyanna stripped to nothing and slipped into the warm water. Lyanna laid there thinking about her mother and Robert and how much had changed. She felt the water taking the ache out of her bones when Lyanna heard a knock at her door. It was insistent and fast and so Lyanna could only assume it was her mother. She took her time putting on a robe before opening the door. She wasn't quite happy to see her mother again.

"You absolute bitch! How could my daughter be something like you! How are you mine!" Catelyn shouted immediately as the door was opened.

"You always were the one for warm words mother." Lyanna replied sarcastically.

"Well I guess you're going to Kings Landing now, you bastard girl! I have to stay here and 'tend to Winterfell' the King wanted. He thought I would distract Ned. But no you could go because it would be a great experience in court for you." Her mother sighed in disgust. So Robert had done it, released her form her more and let her come with him. It was something Lyanna had doubted but was happy about it now.

"You can't disagree with the King so I guess I should start packing." Lyanna gave a fake smile and pushed her mother out.

Lyanna out in a proper dress but she didn't start packing. Instead she left her chambers to send farewell to the hunt.

Once down to the courtyard Lyanna sought out Robb and Jon. Lyanna was glad Jon was allowed in the hunt even with his status. She could tell he was too.

"Hello boys, or should I say farewell?" Lyanna laughed at her own joke.

"Farewell sister we will bring back an elk skin to make you a cloak with. You can show off the North in the South." It was Robb's turn to laugh.

"If we find the northern rose on our way we'll be sure to bring them back for you. Show them what a northern Queen looks like." Jon smiled at Lyanna.

"Goodbye boys I will see you tonight at the farewell feast." Lyanna waved them away.

Lyanna's father soon walked up to her. He had a grim expression on his face.

"Hello father." Lyanna greeted.

"Hello Lyanna." His voice was dark.

"Why are you so angry father?" Lyanna was scared now. He was never angry with her, well not like this.

"The Queen has demanded that you are forbidden from this feast and it seems you are since the King is much to drunk to understand." Ned looked over his shoulder and Lyanna's gaze followed. Robert was bellowing drunkenly at nothing oblivious to everyone around him. She looked away in disgust. How could she even trust this man? He would ruin everything.

"Alright father I won't go. Feasting was never high on my list of things to do anyways. Too many people." She gave Ned a smile before walking off.

Lyanna headed to the godswood to think. With everyone but the girls gone she wouldn't be disturbed. Suddenly Sansa ran up to Lyanna to tell her mother wanted them with the septa and princess Myrcella. Lyanna internally groaned, she hated stitching with a fury.

Once she got up to the stitching room everyone else filed in as well. Septa Mordane praised every single little thing Myrcella did but Lyanna didn't hate the princess. She seemed to be annoyed by it too. Lyanna heard Sansa and her friends Jeyne and Sarai giggling about the prince. They talked about how Sansa was going to be the future Queen and she blushed at that saying it was impolite to talk like that in front of the princess. Lyanna rolled her eyes at the silly girls and focused on tuning them out.

A noise started to prick at Lyanna's ears. It was persistent and was slowing growing louder.

"Do any of you hear that?" Lyanna asked the room.

"Oh Lyanna don't be silly it just u-" The septa began but the princess interrupted.

"No, no I hear it too Lyanna." And soon everyone could.

It was a low howl of a wolf, like a moan of grief Lyanna thought. It was Brans dire wolf howling over a lump on the ground. Lyanna ran like crazy to see what it was.

It was Bran himself.

He had fallen from the tower or that was what it seemed. But Bran never falls he never slips Lyanna thought. She looked up to the tower to see where he could have fallen form when she saw a flash of blonde form high up. Lyanna didn't know if it was somebody or if she was seeing things in her grief.

"Someone help me! He needs to see he Maester or he'll die! Please! The stable boys, cooks and guards came to help Lyanna carry Bran to his room. The septa ran to tell Maester Luwin about Bran. Once the servants and Lyanna made it to Brans room she sat down beside his bed where he was out cold.

Maester Luwin burst through the door to see Bran. He ushered Lyanna out so he could do his work and so she paced outside the door. It took awhile for her mother to show up to see her own broken son.

"Took you long enough to show up." Lyanna said in disgust.

"I had matters to attend to!" Her mother shouted.

"More important than your son!"

"Nothing it more important than my son I just couldn't... Couldn't see this!" Catelyn broke into sobs before her daughter. Seeing her mother vulnerable made Lyanna sympathize and so she comforted her and pulled her in to rub her back. "I suppose I should thank you for going to the Capitol instead of me. I can't leave Bran like this."

"Sssshhh mother it is ok just relax and don't think about it. Bran will survive this, he is a Stark and he is strong." Lyanna comforted.

"No. I have to apologize to you. I have called you awful things that I shouldn't. That could have been you and I would have grieved in not apologizing to you. Going to court would be best for you. Maybe we can finally find you a husband that can handle you."

Lyanna laughed, "Not likely mother." She laughed back.

They stood there for awhile clinging to each other until the Maester came out.

"If he makes it through the night then he has a chance of waking but i make no promises. I'm sorry my dears." Luwin gave us a look of pity before taking his leave.

No matter what dream each of us had been so selfishly caught up in was gone now. It was broken and now something was beginning.

And it looked to be a nightmare.


So that is the end of the chapter!
I'm so glad like 90 people read this in like two days!
That is amazing keep it going on give us more reads!
I also urge you to vote and comment I love comments
And I will respond most of the time too!
So yea
Stay faithful my readers

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