
By Silverwave8023

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For centuries, the human race has been at the mercy of deep space. While on Earth, scientists discovered the... More

(Before you read...)
Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53

Chapter 36

17 1 22
By Silverwave8023

Maria was upset as could be. When she found out Tim was in the Med Ward, she marched over and spoke loud enough for everyone to hear.

"You didn't tell me you were going anywhere!"

"I'm sorry, sweet pea. I didn't have time."

"You had my number. You could have called!"

"Sara was in trouble. She needed my help. There was no time."

They went back and forth like that for a while. It was giving Sara a headache.

"Can I go now?" She asked the practicioner.

"You were just exposed to space twice in the past twenty-four hours to all kinds of space radiation," he said. "Are you sure that's wise?"

"It's just..."

She lowered her voice to a whisper.

"I could use some quiet. It's been a long day."

"Mr. Barnes," he directed. "Everything checks out. If you're still experiencing some discomfort, come visit me later."


He looked at Sara.

"How ya feeling?"

"Tired," she said.

"We'll let you rest. Come on, Maria. Will you forgive me if we watch Glamour Girls?"

"Mmm maybe."

She relaxed when they left. She had a cold compress over her head. She closed her eyes. She felt the compress move and opened them.

"Howdy," Cassidy said.

She rubbed her eyes.

"How long was I asleep?"

"About thirty seconds."

"That's what I thought. What do you want, Cassidy?"

"Someone wants to talk to you."

She moved back. Sara blinked and sat up. It was Mr. Haas, Cassidy's brother.


He didn't speak. He just leaned in and wrapped his arms tightly around her.

"Thank you," he sniffled. "Thank you for bringing her back."

"Yup. That's Sara, alright," Cassidy interjected. "She did all kinds of heroics today. She defeated an evil man, rescued me from an anomaly, and helped us save an entire ship of people. She did that in one day. She's special, that one."

"You did us a great service," he said.

He let her go. She twirled her hair awkwardly.

"Uh, yeah. No problem."

"She says it like it's nothing! She's a natural-born leader."

"That's enough, Cassie," he said.

Sara's lip quivered.

"It's my fault."


"I should have taken the blame," she said. "Your husband is dead, and it's because of me."

"Hold on, child," he interrupted. "You don't put that blame on yourself, you hear? It's an insult to Fraser. None of this was your fault. That man had us all fooled. We're all responsible for believing his lies. When it comes to truth, ranks mean nothing."

"I could rebuild this entire ship in a week," Cassidy said, "but I'm only an academy student. So what? Being captain doesn't mean shit."

"Being a leader. That's different," he said. "Leaders aren't born. They're created. Mansell was never fit to be in the captain's chair. You... you risk your life, take risks, make mistakes, and fight to protect other people. You're the true leader on this ship."

"I'll deliver some smooth talking to Thelma and give her the boot," Cassidy said.

"No. We'll have a proper ceremony," Haas said.

"But it sounds like fun!"

He gave her a look. She crossed her arms.

"Okay, fine. I'll be good. There. Happy?"

"Satisfied," Sara said.

"It's settled, then," he said. "I'll get the officers together to have you instated. The whole crew will be there."

"No. Not a crowd," Sara said.

"I think you're getting an audience whether you like it or not," Cassidy said. "Consider it punishment for not letting me kick Thelma's ass."

She shook her head.

"Okay. Fine. Do whatever you want."

"I can kick Thelma's ass?"


She shrugged. "Had to ask."

"I know you're tired," he said. "You've got dark bags under your eyes, girl. You need a manicure."

"Oh, god..." She rubbed her face. "I would so go for a manicure right now."

"There's a simulation for that, I think," Cassidy said. "Rest for a while, and we'll go have a spa day."

"That would be amazing."

He patted her lap.

"Come on, Cassie. We've got work to do."

"See ya, Sara."

When they left, she lied back down. She didn't have to hold them back anymore. She cried, but she didn't feel sad. After what felt like a long time, she felt... happy. They were tears of joy. No one bothered her. She cried her happy tears.

The emptiness in her heart didn't feel so empty, anymore.


Mark had another rough night of sleep. Even with his wolves within reach to fight off his nightmares, they still managed to get past their defenses and invade his sleep. He saw faces last night that stayed in his mind throughout the night. He woke up in a cold sweat, grasping at his weapon. He looked down and realized he had Wolfbane summoned. Blaez and Edon were staring at him.

"Sorry," he said.

He let go of Wolfbane and got out of bed. James looked down from his bunk.

"You okay?"

"Yeah. Just bad dreams."


He hopped down, wearing only boxers.

"You always had nightmares."

"Yeah, but this place is like nightmare fuel."

"No shit. Earth doesn't appreciate our welcome, and we're in a ship full of murderers! Welcome to the family! Hope you brought knives!"

"Don't give me ideas," he said. "I might just jump off the dam again."

"Please don't."

There was a knock on the door, followed by it opening. James quickly picked up his uniform off the floor.

"Oh. You're awake," Vera said.

"Privacy, please?"

"Oh, calm down. I've seen men's junk before. They're all the same."

"Not... really..."

"What is it, Vera?" Mark asked.

"I was working on the long-range comms. You'll want to see what I found."

"Alright. Give us a minute. We'll be there."

"Don't forget to put some clothes on. You'll catch girls."

She left without elaborating. Mark looked at James.

"Did she just..."

"Don't," James said. "Girls are weird, man."

"Tell me about it."

They got dressed and met with Vera on the bridge. She had a panel removed from the floor under one of the consoles. She was sitting inside like a cat in a cardboard box.

"Whatcha got?" Mark said.

"I was hoping that the components were just knocked loose from the crash. Short range works like your comms, but long range has a sort of mesh system."

She put her fingers together to help visualize.

"They build off of each other, mirroring frequencies to increase signal. It can't pick up any signal, so I thought the antenna broke off in the crash. Surprise, it wasn't, so I opened it up, and..."

She held up what looked like a mess of wires tied together with a metal frame. The wires were dark.

"They're fried."

"Was this from the crash?" James asked.

"Unlikely. The ship is flexible. It protects everything inside like an exoskeleton. The metal frame isn't even damaged. This wasn't physical. It's a mechanical failure."

"Could this have something to do with the power shutting off?" Mark questioned.

"Hard to tell. If the ship had a power surge big enough, it could have been enough to get through the insulators. I'll have to look at the engine."

Mark put his hands together.

"The biggest question is can it be fixed?"

"Yes. If I have the parts."

"What do you need?"

"Something that the ship doesn't have. Or does, but it's in use. There's no extra. I need fiberoptic cables."

"Great," James said. "There's no cities around here. Where we gonna find that?"

"Wait. James," Mark said. "Do you remember when we were at the village?"

"Yeah. I was there, dummy."

He shook his hands.

"Hear me out. They had wooden spears, right? Remember when we were fighting the Poacher? She had a metal spear."

"Yeah. So?"

"Where'd they get it from?"

"Refined steel like that has to be found near civilization," Vera said. "Fiberoptic communication was widespread before the Freeze. There's got to be some there."

"We don't know where this place is," James said.

"Well, if we can find it, then I can gather what I need," Vera said. "Getting ahold of someone out there could end this."

"If we're not the only ones alive," Aiden chimed in.

Mark looked at the guy.

"You okay?"

"Why does every... Yes! I'm fine!"

"If the Poachers found it, then they know where it is," Vera said. "I think I should have a little talk with one of them."

"That's suicide," James said. "They'll kill you!"

"Got a better way?"

He scuffed his shoe on the floor.


"Then it's settled. I'm going."

"Not by yourself," Mark said.

"And you're not coming with me," Vera said.


"We almost got killed when you were gone. Someone needs to keep these lunatics under control. Someone with leverage. That's you, wonder boy."

"Gr," Mark muttered. "I'll stay here."

"You've had enough adventure for the boys," she said. "Give the girls a turn already."

"Girls? Plural?"

"Shut up. You know what I mean."

"Then I'll go with you," James said. "I know where the Poachers live."

"And I don't want to stay here," Aiden said. "I'm with Vera. Give the girls a turn. I'll put on lipstick and paint my nails. Whatever it takes to get out of this hellhole."

"Does that satisfy you, Captain?" Vera asked.

"Why do you say it like that?"

"That's what you are, right? That's why everyone listens to you. You were trained for this."

"Trained, yes. Qualified? That's another story."

"More than any of us here," James said. "I'd put my life on your word. You'll be fine."

"Be careful," Mark said. "Take some food and water. You might be gone a few days."

"It's just the wilderness. What could happen?" Aiden asked.

"Don't say that," James said. "Something always goes wrong when someone says that."

"Okay. I take it back. Absolutely nothing bad will happen."

"No, you... that's not... never mind."

Mark laughed.

"What's so funny?" Vera asked.

"Nothing, I just... for a second there, it felt like everything was normal."

"Yeah..." James said. "It did, didn't it?"

"Okay..." Aiden interrupted. "Before we start patting each other's backs and having a reminiscent, we should get going."

"Got a lot of ground to cover," Mark said. "Pack only what you need."


When they were off packing supplies, Vera went to her room. Rocco was lying in the bed. His fever broke last night, and he was regaining some of his energy.

"What's going on?" He broke from his sleep.

"Gotta get some parts for the ship," she said. "There's a city somewhere, and it has everything I need."

"Whoa whoa whoa, you're leaving?"

"Yes. We need to fix our comms. We won't last long down here without some help."

"Baby, it's dangerous. Those Poachers are out there, and now those green goons are running all over the place. You could get hurt."

"Relax. I'm taking an escort."


"James and Aiden. James knows how to fight, and Aiden saved our lives. I trust them."

"Aiden? I heard rumors about that guy. I don't know. He gives me bad vibes."

"Don't worry. If he gets out of control..."

She snapped a belt with her hands.

"I know how to tame men. After all, you''re my prize kitten."

"Grrr," Rocco growled. "Bad kitty."


She put her canteen in the bag. Rocco wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Be careful," he whispered. "Come back safe."

"I'll be fine."

He turned her around.

"Seriously. If you need to leave one of them behind to get back to me, do it. I need you alive."

She nodded quickly.


He tilted her head up by her chin and kissed her.

"We were in the middle of something the last time we were this close," he said. "Do you want to--"

He didn't need to say more. She pushed him onto the bed.

"I thought you would never ask," she said.

She grabbed the belt. They would need it.


James sat by his father's side.

"I'm gonna be gone a while," he said. "A few days, maybe."

His father didn't respond. He was resting. He had a new dressing on with fresh moss from outside.

"I've gotta help," he continued. "Mark is staying here. He'll watch you and make sure you're okay. I've got Juno and some friends helping out. I'm just worried that... you might not be here when I come back."

He rubbed his fingers together nervously.

"I know I shouldn't doubt, but... Just don't die, okay? I lost mom. I can't lose you, too. I... love you, Dad."

He wiped his hands on his uniform and quickly left. He couldn't stand seeing his father so weak.


"Everything ready?" Mark asked.

They all had backpacks on. Their canteens were full of fresh water.

"We're ready," James said.

"I packed an extra spile when we need more water," Vera said.

"I've got my brains and charming looks," Aiden said with a wink. "Unlike gorilla over here."

"Wow," James said. "Racist and offensive."

"Two-for-one special today only. Get 'em while they're hot."

"Stay safe," Mark said. "Come back alive."

"Wouldn't have it any other way," Vera said.

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