Fix Me Foster[Book 1] Complet...

By denkissibling

20.2K 206 225

This is a Sokeefe story. Sophie and Keefe emerge themselves in a human au and face many hardships. Will they... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Q and A
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Final A/N

Chapter 18

407 7 4
By denkissibling

a/n: I got my chapter posted when I said I would try to get it done. And I'm really proud about that.


I sit up quickly to hear the beeps of the heart monitor. "Where am I?" I try to say but my throat is too dry to say anything. A nurse then comes in to check on something and sees me awake, she then shouts, "Someone get Doctor Elwin into room 206e. Keefe Sencen is awake."

Sophie's POV:

I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing. I open my eyes to see the pitch dark world around me. The silence of the early morning drabs me into it. I then snap out of my trance by the ringing of my phone. I turn on my bedside lamp, grab my phone, and see that it's the hospital calling me. I immediately start panicking and pick up.

"Hello?" I answer unsurely the worry seeping through into the tone of my voice. One of the nurses then answers in a tone that worries me. "Are you Sophie Foster?" "Yes?" "Could you please hurry over to the hospital? We have something major we need to tell you." "Okay. I'll be on my way shortly." "See you then."

Once the call ends, I look at the time and see it's 3:42 in the morning. What could be so important to call me at 3:42 in the morning? I pull off my covers and pull on sweatpants and one of Keefe's hoodies. I grab my phone, my keys, and my wallet. Then head downstairs to put on shoes. I then take the elevator down to the garage and find where my car is parked and get to head to the hospital.

Around 25 minutes later, I arrive at the hospital. I get out of my car, lock it, and head towards the entrance. Once I get inside I start heading to Keefe's room. Along the way, Doctor Elwin comes out to talk to me. "Please come with me to my office," he says as he leads the way.  

Once we are inside his office, he sits down in his chair, and I sit down in one of the chairs in front of his desk. "I'm sorry that we had to call you out here so early, Ms. Foster." "It's fine, but what is the news that you have to share with me?" I can hear the worry and concern in my voice. "There's no reason to worry, Ms. Foster." I let out a sigh of relief. "But we did call you out here because we wanted to tell you that Keefe Sencen is finally awake." "Your joking right. You've got to be kidding me. There's no way," I say in disbelief. "We're not joking Ms. Foster. Keefe Sencen has finally wake up around an hour ago. We called you as soon as we realized that he wouldn't go back into a coma." "No way. No way." I'm still in shock. "Right now he is kind of confused about what's going on, but you can go see him if you want to." "Really?" "Yup."

I head to Keefe's room and open the door. I don't expect to see Keefe sitting upright staring off into space. I walk over to the side of his bed. "Keefe?" His head darts in my direction as soon as he hears my voice. "Sophie?" he rasps. "Yeah. It's me," I say as I reach out and take his hand as tears of happiness stream down my face. He pulls me into his arms and holds me tight as I cry my eyes out. All the emotions I had bottled up inside of me come pouring out like a faucet left on.

After a while, I finally stop crying and he releases me from his grasp. He pulled back to take a good look at me. "I've missed you so much, Keefe," I say leaning my cheek into the palm of his hand that was resting on my cheek. He uses the pads of his thumbs to wipe the tear streaks off my face. 

"How long was I out for?" he asks. I turn away from him so I don't have to look him in the eyes. I reach my hand up to pluck a loose, itchy eyelash. "Sophie?" I hear the concern in his voice. "Sophie?" I pull one of the loose, itchy eyelashes. I feel a hand under my chin turning my face in his direction. He takes both of my hands into his. He has a serious look on his face when he says, "Sophie, how long was I out for?" I have only seen Keefe's face this serious only once or twice.

"Almost a year," I mumble. "What did you say?" I take a deep breath, pull my hands out of his,  turn around in Keefe's lap so I'm no longer facing him, and stare off into space before I finally get up the courage to say, "Almost a year." A single tear slides down my cheek. I wipe it away right away. I look down at my lap with my hands resting there. More tears start pouring and fall into my laps. My shoulders start shaking. I just can't stop them from coming.

We sit in silence except for Keefe's heart monitor and my crying for a good 10 minutes. The quietness of the room is eerie. I decide that I should turn around to see how Keefe is doing. I turn in his lap to face him and see him staring off in the distance, occasionally blinking. "Keefe?" . . .  No response. "Keefe."  . . .  Still no reply. "Keefe!" I say starting to freak out.

a/n: cliffhanger🤭

As of right now I have gotten 4.3k views on both ao3 and wattpad. Or to be more exact I have 4,335 views. That means that I only have 665 more views to go before I do my q and a session and a possible face reveal. I'm really asking if you guys have any questions, any questions at all. Please start writing them down.🥺🥺🥺  It doesn't matter if someone would classify them as "stupid" questions. 

I'm thinking that I will try to get my next update out by next Friday cause I don't have school that day. If not I will try for it to be out by the beginning of the week after.

Well See ya for now✋👋


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