The Marriage Law

By Tanny_Ariel

20.2K 529 52

Hermione | Remus Wilhelmina | Sirius The war is over, hope for happiness and peace now blooms in every healin... More

New Beginnings
Mad Ministry
Letters of Doom
The Partners
Midnight trip
Evil has risen
Words of Seer
Dinner Date
2 weeks for wedding
A Night of Bonding
The code
The Legend Of Cruthachadh
The enchanted forest
Darkest secrets

Dancing With A Boy

534 16 0
By Tanny_Ariel

The next morning, the other girls were refreshed after the peaceful sleep, while Wilhelmina had to gulp multiple espresso shots to function. She wanted to disclose what she had come across yesterday night, but held back; Hermione deserved a trip without problems and that's what she will get.
The next morning they went to the Guinness beer factory, it was a first for all of them and they thoroughly enjoyed it. They drank a little beer, well, Wilhelmina drank a lot and pouted when the other girls stopped her. That made her miss Sirius, he would have definitely enjoyed it with her, she thought.

Later they explored more of Dublin: visited the national cathedral, had fish and chips, visited Trinity College Library which reminded them too much of the Hogwarts, in the evening they found themselves walking across the Ha'Penny Bridge enjoying each others company, later they took a kayak. At night, Wilhelmina had one last surprise up her sleeve, she again dolled them up and took them on Groften street, there was an Irish Dance Party.
The girls enjoyed to their heart's content, the party was truly something. Just as the party was ending, the crowd demanded 'Galway Girl'.

Wilhelmina shrieked with happiness and cheered along with the crowd, while Hermione smiled at the song choice, Ginny and Fleur were clearly eager to listen to the unfamiliar song. Just before the musician started playing the song.
Suddenly a handsome guy walked towards them, all the girls, except Wilhelmina who was still jumping with the crowd, looked at him. He stopped before them and offered a kind smile and turned towards Wilhelmina.

Wilhelmina's attention was grabbed by the boy as he tapped on her shoulder. She turned towards him and looked at the handsome boy, his charming smile was infectious and she couldn't stop herself from smiling back.

"Hey, I am Isaac" he offered his hand.
"Wilhelmina" she took his hand and shook it.
"I was wondering if you would like to dance with me," he asked, scratching his neck.
"Definitely! Let's go" Wilhelmina gave a bright smile and grabbed his hand, pulling him towards the space in front of the musician.

Just then the song started playing.

Wilhelmina and Isaac danced in sync with each other, their moves were smooth and sharp. Everyone was watching the couple in awe, they looked phenomenal dancing together. Hermione was shocked to see her sister's perfect performance, she didn't know that she could dance so well, she was glad that she had carried her video camera. She recorded the entire thing.

Wilhelmina was beyond happy, this was one of her dreams coming true, she always wanted to dance to this song with a guy and here she was, Isaac was such an amazing partner. His dancing skills were crazy and she wanted to dance for the entire night.

And now we've outstayed our welcome and it's closing time
I was holding her hand, her hand was holding mine
Our coats both smell of smoke, whiskey and wine
As we fill up our lungs with cold air of the night
I walked her home then she took me inside
To finish some Doritos and another bottle of wine
I swear I'm gonna put you in a song that I write
About a Galway and a perfect night

Just then Isaac dipped her and planted a gentle kiss on her forehead.
He then lifted her up for the end and spun her.

When the song ended, the crowd clapped loudly and comments like 'amazing', 'perfect couple' were thrown around.

Isaac placed his hand on Wilhelmina's back and guided her towards her friends who were still clapping and cheering.

"That was incredible guys"
"Loved it"

They both thanked the girls, and Isaac took Wilhelmina to talk privately.

"That was by far the best experience I've had," Wilhelmina said with joy.

"I have never met a girl who danced as phenomenally as you". Wilhelmina blushed at that.

They both looked into each other's eyes for a few moments.

"Well I guess this is it then" Wilhelmina spoke in a low voice.

"It doesn't have to be" Isaac offered, as he looked down at the angelic face.

"Yes, it has to be. It's for the best." Wilhelmina spoke with finality, a month ago she would have loved to get involved in this, but now the situation was completely different.

"Alright then, I will pray that we meet someday, somewhere, sometime and that time we will be able to try this out. You are something special Wilhelmina."

Wilhelmina looked up in those beautiful eyes, sensing the sincerity in them.

"I don't know about that, but yeah I think you are special too" She smiled gently.

"I believe in fate so let's see. Besides I am a traveller and if all the travelling has taught me anything then it's that world is a small place, I am definitely sure that we will bump into each other. And then situations will definitely be different, they have to be."

With this he gave Wilhelmina a gentle kiss on her cheek and her forehead and hugged her, offering her one last smile, he walked away into the night.

Wilhelmina just stared at his leaving figure. She didn't know what to think, they just spent a few minutes together and yet he left a mark. She knew one thing, she will never forget Isaac.

The girls surrounded Wilhelmina and started speaking.
"Woah! What was that ?" Fleur asked.
"What?" Wilhelmina asked, confused.
"You guys liked each other so much, I can bet that if you weren't about to marry Sirius then you guys would have definitely ended the night in bed," Ginny said with a smug face.
"Shut up, that's nonsense," Wilhelmina said with a red face.
Hermione was quiet, she just hoped that this doesn't cause any trouble between Wilhelmina and Sirius, she knew her sister and she could tell that Isaac was definitely made an impression.

Author's note - Hey!! Here comes another chapter. I hope that you like it, also I apologise if there is anything wrong written about places or the party. I have never been there (though I definitely want to). Please comment and tell me what you think of it. Bye!!

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