The enchanted forest

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The next day Dumbledore arrived in a hurry and informed them about a mission that Sirius,
Wilhelmina and Hermione had to go on. Another person was to join them a few hours later. Usually, Wilhelmina would be cranky about the whole situation, but the fact that they were to go to France for it made it bearable for her.

She was in her room picking up a few things to take along, when her eyes fell on a Poster, a sad smile graced her lips as she kept her eyes on it. It was about the dance competition that she was hoping to take part in, but amidst all the things happening she couldn't. She gave it a last look before throwing it in the dump.
A deep sigh escaped her lips, she really wanted to go away from all this and lead a life travelling the world, experiencing new things and not fighting new evils. It was really tempting to run away from all this, but she shook her head before she could succumb to her temptations.

She reluctantly collected the things and left to join the others.

Rumour was that there were some unexplained activities happening around Chamonix and they were going there to see if they could find anything of importance.

"I am so excited. I finally get to go to France," Wilhelmina spoke with a giddy smile trapped on her face, the entire morning she was bouncing around in happiness.

Sirius watched her with a fond smile, it made him happy to see her so excited and childlike. He would never admit to himself but he was getting attached to her.

"Wil, we are not going on a vacation, we will be back before nightfall," Hermione reminded her twin.

Wilhelmina just gave her a dirty look and proceeded to bounce some more.

Before they left Hermione gave Remus a quick hug and a soft smile. He returned the smile, the air of awkwardness had been cleared long back, and now they were slowly developing a bond. It wasn't noticeable, just tiny fragments happening every day that would make all difference in the end. Wilhelmina could see this and it put her worries to ease.
Before they separated Remus left a tender kiss on Hermione's cheek. Wilhelmina saw this and it warmed her heart to see her sister's relationship with her husband growing stronger with each passing day.

Later that day

"I am pretty sure this is where he was supposed to meet us,"Sirius said with annoyance flickering in his eyes. He was an impatient man and he hated waiting.

Wilhelmina noticed this and tried to distract him, "Well, kind sir, if I may, it has come to my attention that your hair resembles the softest of feathers, the shiniest of ornaments, of quality so fine that noblest of ladies would envy you." She spoke in a fake tone while bowing dramatically.

Sirius' eyes instantly lit up with pride and a cocky smirk graced his face. He ran his hand through his hair as if to give them a pat of approval.

"Why thank you fair maiden, I am flattered by your praise, for your kind words I shall reward you with the secret that is behind my glamorous hair, but I am afraid that I can't do that here, for we have prying company," he said just as dramatically while glancing at Hermione as he said the last sentence.

Hermione chuckled at this before shaking her lightly. Times like this made her think that Sirius and her twin were just perfect for each other, they totally seemed to match on their level of crazy.

Just then the man they had been waiting for arrived.

"Hey, let's go," he said breathlessly, having run for a bit.

Sirius and Hermione turned towards the voice, but Wilhelmina's blood froze in her veins. She didn't have to turn to know who it was. She could recognise the voice anywhere. This was the same voice that haunted her and gave her nightmares every single day for 2 years.

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