Evil has risen

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Wilhelmina was sitting on a couch, drinking coffee with a grumpy face on. Her eyes were bloodshot, the result of lack of sleep. Everyone around her were talking, laughing and relaxing; but her mind wandered to recent activities. The killings, people going missing, everything was extremely overwhelming for her. Especially after the news that she had received an hour ago. 7 dead bodies floating in the river, she had secretly gone there to examine it; with an excuse of going for a walk. Everybody believed it. There was nothing that could have resulted in their deaths. She didn't even know why Dumbledore was handling it alone, shouldn't they inform the ministry? Or at least the order and army ?.

Her chain of thoughts was broken by Ginny who stood there with an impatient look.
"Wilhelmina! Why are you so lost ? I called you 5 times."
This brought her back to senses to notice that she and Ginny were alone in the room.
"Sorry, I was just daydreaming."
"You haven't even met Flint, yet you are daydreaming about him! You are so whipped" she said with mischief glinting in her eyes.
"GINEVRA MOLLY WEASLEY, I WILL CUT YOU INTO PIECES AND FEED YOU TO THE SQUIRRELS" She screamed, blood rushed to her face. With everything going on, she had forgotten about the marriage law, but Ginny reminded her. The dreadful feeling made its way back in her stomach.

Ginny's laughter echoed in the room, "Dumbledore is here and wants to talk about something important so let's go", with that she dragged Wilhelmina.
Wilhelmina wondered if he was here to tell them about everything that's happening around.

The entire order and some army were occupying the room, including the professors of Hogwarts.
"I know you all must be wondering why I am here. Much to my displeasure I have grave news to deliver" Everyone's eyes widened at this.
"After the battle of Hogwarts, after the end of Voldemort, we all believed that the danger was over. That peace will remain, that violence and terror was eradicated."
"What we believed was wrong, for peace has been threatened again. A cloud of danger and death looms over us once again. To save this world we must unite."
Everyone's eyes held fear, the atmosphere was tense. No one spoke a word. When silence became too much, Wilhelmina spoke up.

"Rumblerore, as poetic as that speech was, they need to know the specifics." Wilhelmina said.
"Yeah, exactly" Harry spoke with a nervous tone.
"Hold on, they, what do you mean by they ?" Harry asked Wilhelmina.
"Umm...... I mean, I know about it." Hermione gave her a look which said 'we are so gonna talk about this'.
"There have been some murders of muggles and people from our world. Unexplainable deaths,  we have no lead on the person or group that is behind this. Last body that we found had a message carved on its chest, ' Malus de prioribus surrexit'."
"Evil has risen" muttered Wilhelmina, who was unaware of the message up till now.

Gasps filled the room, everyone's eyes displayed worry. McGonagall and Molly looked practically white with worry.
"Albus, what are we going to do?. I believe informing the ministry would be an ideal decision, that is if you haven't done so already." McGonagall spoke with a concerned tone.
"We can't trust the ministry yet, this is just a small piece of a greater plot. The way the actions have been carried out : no clues, witnesses or evidences . I believe that not many can be trusted."
"I think those bloody death eaters that are still out because of their financial power and behind this. Take them and get information out from their disgusting mouth" Sirius said in a booming voice, his eyes filled with anger.
"Mr Black, calm down. I have been keeping an eye over them ever since the battle of Hogwarts. They are not behind this, and in all those who were murdered under suspicious circumstances 2 were former death eaters."
"For now we stay alert and keep an eye on everything and everyone who seems suspicious."

"Ms Granger and Mr Black, I need to speak to you both privately." Dumbledore says, with his eyes on Wilhelmina. Sirius and Wilhelmina share a quick glance at each other, their eyes meeting for a moment before darting back on Dumbledore.
They nod simultaneously and follow him into the library.

"Ms Granger, I believe that you have to go through the marriage law ?" Dumbledore inquires.
The minute he says that, Wilhelmina looks at him with a furious glare. She clenches her fists so tightly that her knuckles are white, her jaw is hardened and her posture is tense. She looked like an offended wild animal ready to pounce.
She nods at him stiffly.
"And you have chosen Mr Flint ?" He questioned.
"Yes" she muttered.
"Have you conveyed your decision to the ministry?"
"No. Day after tomorrow, we will be sending our decisions."
"The times are strange Ms Granger, no one is to be trusted, the darkness is once again spreading its wings, I am afraid that a greater evil is on its way. In amidst of this, it is unwise of you to get married to an unknown person. You will be working with us, and you won't be able to do that if you get married to Mr Flint." He continued.
"Whatever it is that you want to say, say it clearly." Sirius interjected, after seeing a fuming Wilhelmina ready to attack.
"Wilhelmina must choose her other option, she must choose you as her husband. You both must get married." He explained.
All the color drained from Sirius's face.
"NO" Screamed Wilhelmina.
"I will absolutely not change my decision, I will not be your puppet, you already had to much say in my life. I will no longer bend to your wishes." She yelled at him.
"Dumbledore, that's her choice, you can't take it from her." Sirius spoke sternly, though he knew that Dumbledore was right. He had a feeling that no matter what, at the end he and Wilhelmina will be marrying. He knew that it wasn't fair to her. He was 20 years older than her, he knew that she deserved someone of her own age. He didn't want to trap her with him, she was his godson's best friend.

Wilhelmina's hands were itching to get her wand and hex the old man. She was extremely furious with him. She wanted to punch the old right on his face, kick him, pull his beard and pinch him.
"There is no other option, if we want to destroy the unknown evil, then we must make sacrifices, we all must be united, we mustn't let anyone else infiltrate our group. If you marry Flint, then you are as good as useless, you can't be included in anything because Flint will be close to you." He explained with determination.

"Sirius what do you want ?" Wilhelmina asked him.
He looked startled, he didn't expect her to ask him about what he wanted.
"I mean if you like that Flint boy then I will make sure that you get to marry him" he said while looking at Dumbledore with a stern gaze.
"Ewwwwwwwwww, what the hell, I thought you were smart" she cringed. Both the men had amused smiles on their faces.
"Well, I assume that you don't, then I think you shouldn't marry that slimy slytherin troll." He spoke.
"Sirius you shouldn't call names" Dumbledore said. The addressed man just gave him the 'oh please' look before looking back at Wilhelmina.
"Do you have anyone in who you are dating or at least like or have a crush on" she asked, she needed to know if he had anyone in life. If he did then she didn't want him to give it away.
"No to all" He answered honestly. He was surprised by her questions, he never took her as someone who cared about what others want, except her friends of course.

"Okay" she muttered with a slight disappointment. She didn't want to think how others will react to this, specifically Harry. Harry loved his godfather to bits, she was afraid that he would think that she was trapping his godfather, she didn't want to lose her best friend because of this.

Before anyone could say anything she spoke again with a confident voice.
"Hold on.... what about Hermione ?" She asked, hoping that she won't have to marry Mclaggen.
"What about her ?" Dumbledore asked calmly.
"Well she will have to marry someone else right ? Her options are Older Bastard Malfoy or Cormac Mclaggen. So someone else right ?"
"She has informed me about her choice to marry Mclaggen. I don't see any problem with that. Mr Mclaggen is in the army." Dumbledore stated.

Author's note - So here's chapter 8. I hope you enjoy it. If you like it then please comment and vote. Thank you. Au revoir, à bientôt.

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