Words of Seer

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"I need to speak to Dumbledore alone." She stated flatly, indicating Sirius to leave them alone.
The minute Sirius left the room, Wilhelmina staggered towards Dumbledore with a fury blazing in her eyes.
"What the hell are you doing? First you burdened me with this mess, made sure that I couldn't leave, trapped me in this world, made me choose magic over my freedom." She spoke through clenched teeth, her fingers digging into her palm.
She gave out a scary laugh and continued, "Forced me to keep secrets, now took away my right to decide my partner." Tears blurred her vision for a moment ,but she was quick to blink them away.

A stunned Dumbledore stared in shock at the young witch, before he could utter a word of comfort, Wilhelmina spoke again.
"Here, listen very carefully, you are going to find a way to keep Hermione from marrying Mclaggen. And he is not going to be a part of order or army, not anymore."
"And how do you exactly expect me to do it" He asked
"Don't know, don't care. It's not my problem, it's yours. I suggest you find a solution by 9 today, or you will lose me, which you can't afford. Now leave quick, tick-tock, clock's ticking."

With that she leaves a frozen Dumbledore behind. He never expected her to burst out at him like that, hell she didn't know what came over her, she just knew that she was done with him.

At night

Everyone was in the living room, Fred and George were talking about ideas for a new product, Molly was knitting a new sweater, Arthur was examining a rubber duck with great intensity, Ginny and Harry were cuddling on a couch, Remus and Sirius were muttering to each other, Ron and Hermione were playing a muggle game called 'Ludo' and Ron was failing at it miserably. Wilhelmina sat by the fireplace reading Frankenstein.

Everything was quiet and peaceful until Dumbledore entered the house. Everyone looked at him with worry in their eyes, except Wilhelmina who had a tiny smirk.

"My apologies for arriving unannounced" he said.
"You are forgiven" commented Wilhelmina which earned her a elbow in the ribs by Harry.
He ignored her and continued speaking.
"Some crucial information has just come to light and I would like to show it to all of you" he extracted a memory from his head and dropped it into the pensieve which he had brought along.
They all looked like confused duckling but followed the older man and jumped into the memory.

Everyone could tell that it was a recent memory.
Dumbledore stood in a room which had symbols craved all over, the entire room was made of agate, a thin veil of mist separated the part of the room.
"I, the master of the elder wand, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, come to thee, to seek guidance against the rising evil. Oh great seer Pythia, lead me towards the path of illumination."

After a stretching silence, a raspy voice came from behind the veil.

"The legacy has begun, a storm will strike, aftermath no pure shall live.
The star will sacrifice its life.
The possessor of wisdom will unite with the gentle beast,
together they will bring the end of the legacy.
Bonds will break, lives will fall, light will die, and tragic will be the end."

Dumbledore looked shocked. He just stood there for a minute before regaining his senses.

"I shall be in debt to you" he said.
"Defeat it, and it will be paid" said the voice.

The memory was over and everyone was back in the room, they all looked shocked.
Suddenly everyone started talking, creating utter chaos.

"Silence" boomed Dumbledore. Silence spread like fire. Then he started explaining.

Note - Hey so here's the 9th chapter. It's shorter than usual, I hope that you all like it. Vote and comment if you do. Bye !

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