Darkest secrets

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Wilhelmina was sitting on the couch of the cabin, her head hung low, she tightly gripped her hair and a few tears leaked from the corner of her eyes. Sirius was standing at a safe distance, unsure if he should break the silence or if he should wait.

Finally, after almost 15 minutes, he couldn't stop himself anymore.

"Wilhelmina, what's wrong?" He asked cautiously.
"Just seeing him there brought back some unpleasant memories," she replied almost with a whisper.
"I gathered that, but from your reaction, I can tell that something seriously wrong happened," he tried to get her to talk.
"Yeah it did," she replied in the same voice.
"Mina, please tell me, it doesn't help to keep it all inside," he sat down in front of her, looking expectantly in her eyes.
Seeing those warm eyes filled with such tender care and pure concern broke the walls she had.
Tears started flowing down her face freely, her body shaking a little.
"I will tell you everything, just promise me you won't tell anyone, swear it," she begged.
"I promise, love, I swear on my life I won't tell anyone, let me get you hot chocolate and then you can tell me," Sirius assured her and left to prepare the drink.

He was definitely worried about what was about to come to light, he hoped that whatever it was he will be able to help Wilhelmina through it.
Wilhelmina tried to make a plan on how she going to reveal her best-kept secret. No one living knew about these deepest secrets, she just hoped that she won't regret this.

In a few minutes, Sirius sat down beside her after handing her the cup filled with warm comforting drink.
"It was year 4, the Yule ball was announced," she began, keeping her eyes on the floor.
"The most important thing then was to have a date or you will end up looking like a loser, I dreaded it, I knew that there was a high possibility that I wasn't going to be asked. I knew I was an unapproachable person, I wasn't famous or anything, what made me even remotely interesting was my friendship with the boy who lived and my blood relation with the brightest witch of the age", she paused for a bit and took a sip of her drink.

"So I wasn't asked, after Hermione told Ron and Harry that she already had a date they assumed that I had one too so didn't bother asking. I decided that I wasn't going to go to the ball, just then Cormac Mclaggen asked me to be his date, and I was so happy Sirius, like on the 9th cloud of happiness," she gave a defeated laugh and shook her head.

"On the day of Yule ball, we laughed, danced, and had a lot of fun. Then he asked if I wanted to go out for a walk, and I loved walking at night in the cold so I agreed. Because I had done the same thing with the Weasley twins, Harry, Ron and even Neville I didn't think it was unsafe. He lead to farther away and I never noticed, I was so high on happiness that I just followed, not asking why he was taking me so far away or why we were going in the forest".

Sirius was terrified, he desperately prayed that it wasn't what he thinking.

Warning - sensitive content ahead. Abuse, molest and rape.

"Once we were in the forest, he hugged me, again my stupid self didn't think much of it. Then things got weird, he started touching me in an uncomfortable manner. I pushed his hands off me and told him that I need to get back to the others. He didn't listen, he just pulled me harshly when I started walking away and pushed me to the ground. I was absolutely terrified as I saw him towering over me, I tried to reach for my wand, only to remember that I left it in the dorm room because I didn't have anything to put it in."

"I tried to fight, I begged for mercy, I fell on his feet crying and praying to let me go but he didn't. He tied my hands with magic and numbed my legs so I couldn't kick him. I tried everything in my power but it was useless, after I exhausted all my energy, I just laid there helplessly, closing my eyes praying for it to get over as he did whatever his heart desired with me."

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