"What should I do if my husba...

By GraysheildF

224K 8.5K 381

Thank you and credit to/for the author : Wu Shi Yi (MTLNovel) The second story I love the most. ❤ The FL is c... More

1: Engagement
2. Blood awakening
3. Half demon body
Terms and Leveling
4. First meet
5. Reasons of marriage
6. Auction and meeting gift
7 : Wedding discussions
8: Cousin's Visit
9: Wedding day
10 : Wedding night
11 : Meeting in-laws
12 : Lintai Hunting Valley
13 : Set off
14 : Arrival in the Lintai Hunting Valley
15: Into the Lintai Hunting Valley
16 : Abnormality in the Valley
17 : Ice tears frogs
18 : Encounter
19 : Moon bee flowers
20 : Strange Vision
21 : Labyrinth
22 : Died
23 : Demon's body
24 : Mutant Demon Rabbit
25 : Found
26 : Recognized
27 : Rescued
28 : Saint Martial Hall
29 : Out
30 : Punishment
31 : Chosen son
32 : Husband's past
33 : Space
34 : Successfully transformed
35 : Wen Mei's decision
36 : Leave : set off
37 : Arrived at Lintai Mountain
38 : Across: Cangwu Mountain
39 : Shangs' brother and sister
40 : Experience
41 : White-bellied Tarantula
42 : Red Star Flower
43 : Meet the trouble maker
44 : Cangwu Town
45 : Ning Yuzhou Advance
46 : Meet Qin Hongdao
47 : Qingyunzong
48 : Chixiao Sect
49 : Meet again
50 : Fight
51 : Best detoxification pill
52 : Xuan-level Pill
53 : Set Off
54 : Meet the Shang siblings again
55 : Dan League
56 : Pseudo Holy Level Furnace
57 : Pseudo bloodline
58: Wang Qirong
59 : Dan League
60 : Set off to Chixiao Sect
61: Shadow Tower : Arrival at Chixiao Sect
62 : Chixiao Sect
63 : Demon Pill
64 : Successful Advance
65 : Discipleship
66 : Apprenticeship ceremony
67 : Physical cultivation
68 : Solving the poison
69 : Thousand-Year Heart Eating Grass
70 : Secret Realm of Conferred Demons
71 : Into the secret realm
72 : Start of experience
73 : Demon Orbs
74 : Detoxification paste
75 : High-Level Demons
76 : Meet with others
77 : Fighting with the demons
78 : Reunite
79 : Explosive Beads
80 : Refiner
81 : The last 3 days
82 :
83 : End of experience
84 : Back to Sect
85 : Xisui Pill
86 : Ziyangmen
87 : Puppet Aqing
88 : Double cultivation technique
89 : Task
90 : Taize City case
91 : Problematic pills
92 : Tang Tuantuan's
93 : Wang Qirong
94 : Duan Haoyan
95 : Beaten till sober
96 : Start curing
97 : Small Tang Tuan is missing
98 : Magic repairs
99 : Found the lair of the magic repairs
100 : Rescue people
101 : Found
102 : Farce End
103 : Back to the city
104 : Source of the pills
105 : Back to Sect
106 :
107 : Going out
108 : Huangsha City
109 : Citrine Ant Mutation : Caravan
111 : Heiyanxia Bandits
112 : Blue Wing Wolf King
113 : Blue Wing Wolf King Son
114 : Lie Sun Bow
115 : Encounter Heiyan Gorge
116 : The Abandoned Huangsha City
117 : Underground of Huangsha City
118 : Re-Encountered the Blue Wing Wolf King
119 : Found the trace of the wolf cub
120 : Rescued
121 : Black-winged butterfly flower
122 : Saving the Wolf King
123 : Qingyan Gorge: Blue Rock Oasis
124 : Back to Heiyan Gorge
125 : Python
126 : Water Eels
127 : Discovered spirit stones
128 : Heal the Wolf King and its cub
129 : Called out by the Sect
130 : Hu brothers
131 : Qiandao Secret Realm
132 : Set Off
133 : Entering the Secret Realm
134 : Hairballs
135 : Finding her husband : Thunder Mushroom
136 :
137 : Met Tang Tuans
138 : Yuzhou meet the small Dumpling and Water Fairy
139 : Meet Duan Haoyan
140 : Encounter Min Jishu and Inner Sea cultivators
141 : Finally meet
142 : Found the way out
143 : Evil
144 : Bozhi Lantern
145 : Evil Beasts
146 : Evil Palace
147 : Wang Qirong
148 : Spirit Light
149 : Floating islands
150 : Giant Beasts
151 : Little Iron-eater
152 : Look for the White bear
153 : Wen Gungun
154 : Giant Ape
155 : Rescue Sheng Yunshen
156 : Magic Repairs
157 : Fairy Liuyun
158 : Miao Qiu
159 : Beast tide
160 : Burr ball
161 : Harvest
162 : Investigate the source of tide
163 : Out of Secret
164 : Fairy Liuyun's Death
165 : Endless Sea
166 : Qiansi Teng
167 : Living on the sea
168: Venerable Purple Eye
169 : Little Dolphin / Water avoiding pill
170 : Materials for Water Pill
171 : Little sea beasts
172 : High-level demon
173 : Xingyue Gorge
174 : Arrived
175 : Hu Yansheng
176 : Xuanlun
177 : Yin-Yang Spring
178 : Found it
179 : Space connected to the space
180 : Yin and Yang water
181 : Back
182 : Visitors
183 : Practice Hu Yansheng
184 : Hu Yansheng Embarrassed
185 : Inspired to practice hard
186 : Wen Tutu advanced
187 : Roast suckling pig
188 : Leaving
189 : Feixing Continent
190 : Purple thunder
191 : Arrived at Feixing Continent
192 : Qiao Leshui
193 : Qiao family
194 : Yunping City
195 : Robbers
196 : Danfu City
197 : Pill Fuzong & Dan Pagoda
198 : Heaven's Origin
199 : Xiong Yan

110 : Dangerous night

761 30 0
By GraysheildF

When the red sunset in the desert reaches the end of the horizon, when darkness falls, the wind blows everywhere, and the sand is raging.

The wind and sand that swept across was like a terrifying monster that chose people and swallowed it, roaring and spreading in this land of yellow sand, swallowing all the creatures in the depths of the wind and sand.

Wen Qiao stood in front of the cave, looking at the world outside the cave through the restriction.

The wind and sand whizzed past, covering the sky and the sun, and the whole world fell into a terrible disaster.

Facing the terrible power from nature, this group of cultivators who are going against the sky are so small that they can only hide in this small cave and listen to the sounds of the outside world.

She could feel the terrible power hidden in the wind and sand, a restriction that even the gods could not touch.

"Aha, come and rest."

Hearing Ning Yuzhou's voice in the cave, Wen Qiao turned her head and walked towards the depths of the cave.

The cave is about three feet deep. Two camel beasts are placed in front of the cave, and they rest in the innermost part of the cave.

The cave, which was originally empty, was now equipped with some tables and chairs.

Ning Yuzhou was sitting on a low stool with a pill furnace in front of him. The talisman fire was burning under the pill furnace, and the air was filled with delicious flavor.

On the next table, Wen Tutu squatted there gnawing the spirit fruit, while gnawing, staring at the topaz ants eating ant-flavored leaves with those ruby-like eyes.

The yellow crystal ant is an omnivorous monster. Although its staple food is ant fragrant leaves, it can also eat anything else. When there is no food to eat, it can eat even sand. It is a very good ant monster to feed. However, the favorite of yellow crystal ants is ant scented leaves. Ant scented leaves not only make their bodies stronger and their outer shells more beautiful, but also allow them to evolve.

Since ant scented leaves are good for them, Wen Qiao is not stingy and feed them with ant scented leaves. Anyway, an ant scented leaf tree has been planted in the space, so they can eat as they please.

Suddenly, Wen Tutu patted a topaz ant with a paw and patted it flying out.

From the corner of Wen Qiao's eyes, he caught a glimpse of something flying over, stretched out her hand, and opened her hand to look, and found that it was a citrine ant, and then looked at the demon rabbit on the table with an innocent face gnawing the spirit fruit, and she understood what happened thing.

Putting the topaz ant back on the table, Wen Qiao educates Wen Tutu with a serious face: "Wen Tutu, you are not allowed to bully the topaz."

Wen Tutu squeaked the Lingguo, as if she didn't know what she was talking about.

After the yellow crystal ant that was slapped flying by the rabbit's paws was sent back to the table by Wen Qiao, it calmly climbed onto an ant scented leaf and gnawed silently, without even noticing what was going on.

The other topaz ant calmly ate the leaves, indifferent to what happened to the other companion.

Of the three mutant monsters they raised, one pretended to be innocent, and the other two didn't even realize what was happening, and the preaching was for nothing.

Wen Qiao sighed and took Wen Tutu into her arms, planning to separate them as much as possible in the future.

After the soup in the furnace was simmered, Ning Yuzhou put a bowl of hot soup in front of her, and then watched her drink the soup with a smile.

Wen Qiao took a few bites, tasted the diluted Wannianling lotion in the soup, and couldn't help looking up at him.

Ning Yuzhou asked: "What's wrong? Does it taste bad?"

"No, very good." Wen Qiao pinched the spoon, "Aren't you drinking?"

"No, this is for your body conditioning, it's useless to me."

"Why is it useless, there is ten thousand years spirit milk in it." Wen Qiao didn't care, handed him the spoon, "You want to drink too. We are half of it."

Seeing her stubborn appearance, Ning Yuzhou couldn't help but curled up the corners of his lips. When she frowned, he said softly, "Well, I'll drink too."

Seeing that he finally took the spoon to drink the soup, Wen Qiao pursed her lips and smiled.

In this three-foot-deep cave, the two of them sat together, using the same spoon, to finish a bowl of steaming and delicious soup.

After drinking the soup, Wen Qiao took out the tent from the storage bag and set up the tent around.

After setting up the tent, she asked Ning Yuzhou to enter the tent to rest, and said: "Tonight is the first night in the desert. There shouldn't be any danger. We can have a good night's sleep, and we will continue to set off tomorrow."

Ning Yuzhou was amused, but agreed with her.

The mobile desert at night is not only dangerous, but the temperature drops rapidly. By midnight, the walls of the cave have been covered with frost, and the two camel beasts at the entrance of the cave huddled together to keep warm.

It was freezing cold, smelling  Tutu couldn't stand it, and quickly got into the tent.

The two topaz ants were not affected. They were monsters in the mobile desert. They had already adapted to the desert climate, so Ning Yuzhou asked them to watch the night.


Sure enough, apart from the wind and sand raging outside, no accident happened one night.

After dawn, the wind and sand receded, and the world returned to tranquility again.

A red sun rises from the horizon, and the desert is a golden color. When the sun rises, the frost recedes, and the temperature of the ground rises rapidly. Soon the yellow sand on the ground becomes hot, like a steamer.

The cry of the camel beast rang, accompanied by the sound of camel bells, breaking the tranquility of the desert early in the morning.

Everyone came out of the cave, led the camel beast, ready to set off.

The daytime desert climate is dry, and the whole world seems to be roasted by fire. Fortunately, the cloak on the cultivator can adjust the temperature, which is not too uncomfortable.

Camel beasts are monsters that can walk in mobile deserts. They are docile and harmless, driven by humans, and don't know what exhaustion is.

During the day, they walked in the desert with camel beasts on their way. The moving sand had little effect on them, until the sun went down, they went to the caves along the way to rest and spend the dangerous night.

The caravans that survive in the mobile desert all have a clear map, knowing where there are caves formed by sandstone, when to rest, and the time is right. Many people like to follow the caravan into the mobile desert for this reason.

On the third day after entering the desert, they came to the first human training city in the desert.

Naturally, this training city was built by artificially transformed sandstone caves. The caves here are larger than those they have seen after entering the mobile desert. There are also more caves, forming a complete and rich group of caves, which are then transformed into a training city located in the desert, many cultivators settled here and became residents in the desert.

The first stop of the caravan is here.

They will make some repairs here, and sell a batch of goods brought in from outside to shops in the cultivation city, and purchase some special products in the desert, and then sell them to the outside cultivation city after leaving the mobile desert.

You need to pay twenty spiritual stones to enter the city.

This entry fee is more expensive than the entry fee of the large-scale cultivation cities in the Central Continent, but this is a city in a mobile desert, and their rules are like this, love can't enter.

After entering the cultivation city, first is a huge cave with a width of one hundred feet and a height of ten feet.

There are not many cultivators in the cave. It is divided into two areas. On one side is a place for cultivators to park the camel beasts. There are special people to help guard them, and they are charged according to the number of days they stay.

On one side is a small market, where many cultivators set up stalls and sell some special products of the mobile desert, such as the corpses and fur of various monsters in the mobile desert, flesh and bones, and demon pills, as well as spirit grass. , The number is so large that it is dazzling to see.

After parking the camel beast, Ning Yuzhou and Wen Qiao went to the market to stroll around.

The cultivators greeted them enthusiastically, but after discovering that the two of them belonged to the kind of customers who just couldn't buy, their expressions were pulled down, and they turned their faces very quickly.

Wen Qiao had seen many people in business, and it was the first time that she found such a reality, so she didn't even want to buy it.

If they want these things, they can go hunting on their own and don't waste that money.

After watching, the two went to rent a cave in the city to rest.

After a rest night, the caravan continued to set off the next day.

When setting off, Wen Qiao looked at the cultivators following the caravan, and found that there were a few people missing, and those people should have stayed in the cultivation city. However, those several outrageous practitioners did not leave, and still followed the caravan.

Wen Qiao was not very good to their senses. Although she couldn't see the faces under the cloak, she intuitively felt that they were not kind to the caravan and their group.

Since entering the desert, except when they rest at night, the cloaks on their bodies have not been taken off, with hoods blocking them, and they are not clear about each other's appearance.

On the tenth day after entering the mobile sand city, some time was wasted because of an attack by a group of red crystal ants halfway, and they almost missed their accommodation.

"It's getting dark, go away!"

The practitioner of the caravan roared loudly, urging the camel beast under his seat to speed up.

Others also ran with the caravan.

The camel beast changed its leisurely pace and ran wildly on the yellow sand, raising a cloud of smoke and dust.

However, even if they hurriedly hurried, the night came as expected.

When the sun disappeared from the horizon little by little, a wisp of wind blew the ground, bringing a dangerous breath in the wind, and the heart seemed to be strangled by an invisible hand. Everyone felt that it belonged to the advent of the power of nature, the scalp numbs.

Some cultivators felt that the speed of abandoning the camel beast was too slow, so they gave up the camel beast and ran forward.

The wind was getting stronger and stronger, and a puff of dust blew up on the ground.

The dust is noisy, the wind and sand are blinding, and they soon cover the road in front of them.

In the distance, a shadow standing in the sand is looming, like a guardian beast that has stayed in the sand in the past.

The caravan saw the dark shadow with ecstasy on his face, and shouted: "Hurry up, everyone, there is a safe cave in front of you to rest! Hurry up, hurry up, it's coming."

As if coming from a desperate situation, a group of people showed surprise on their faces and rushed forward.

At this time, the billowing dust from the desert has chased them behind, and humans seem to be racing against time, running wildly in the wind and sand.

More and more people abandon the camel beast and run wild, Wen Qiao also thinks that the speed of the camel beast is really slow, and immediately jumped off the back of the camel beast, and smoothly dragged Ning Yuzhou off the back of the other camel beast, and carried it with one hand. Holding him, carrying a camel beast in one hand, she ran with the people in front of her.

Ning Yuzhou: "..."

The wind and sand whizzed from behind them and swallowed the abandoned camel beasts.

The painful cry of the camel beasts came from the wind, and the smell of blood could be faintly smelled in the air.

Wen Qiao's face was tightly taut, and she buried her head and ran with the others, feeling the danger brought by the wind and sand behind her, and her scalp was numb. At this time, there was only one thought in her mind: Run!

At the last moment when the wind and sand swallowed them, they finally managed to enter the cave standing in the dark desert.

The wind and sand blew through the cave entrance like a death sickle swung down by the hell of underworld.

Those slow cultivators were swallowed by the roaring wind and sand, and there was a screaming scream in the wind and sand, and a few blood foam splashed on the cave entrance, and was soon taken away by the wind and sand.

The people who entered the cave gasped for breath, and stared at the wind and sand roaring outside the cave in horror.

Even an experienced desert traveler, at this time, is still in shock and fear.

In the face of the majesty of nature, no one can remain calm.

Wen Qiao was also terrified. She took a deep breath and silently put down the husband and the camel beast that was tightly strangled by her with all four feet upside down.

Ning Yuzhou, who was put down by her, silently took care of the cloak on her body.

The camel beast, which had been forced to turn its legs upside down, graciously poked its head and rubbed her, as if thanking her for her life-saving grace.

So camel beasts are really good companions to humans, no matter how they are treated, they will never be angry with humans, or even actively attack them.

After a while, everyone was relieved.

The cave here is relatively small, and there is only one cave. The cave is about ten feet deep and twenty feet wide, and it can accommodate more than one hundred people.

The caravan began to count the number of people, and found that this time because of the delay in arriving at the cave where they rested, they had lost a total of nearly 20 people, and the caravan lost eight people.

After counting the losses, the caravan found a place to rest and do what they should do.

Wen Qiao pulled Ning Yuzhou to find a corner to rest, and the camel beast followed them meekly.

After spreading a monster animal skin on the ground as a cushion, Wen Qiao took her husband to sit down, while secretly looking at the people in the cave.

Tonight everyone is going to rest in a cave, causing the atmosphere in the air to be somewhat subtle.

Wen Qiao noticed that all of the cultivators who made her feel uncomfortable entered the cave.

Because they came to a safe place, most people pulled down the hood of the cloak, revealing their true faces.

Everyone knows the appearance of the caravan people, but those who are not in the caravan always wear hoods, and others rarely see their looks.

When Wen Qiao pulled the hood down, she keenly felt a few presumptuous gazes. She turned her head and looked over and found that it was the cultivators who made her uncomfortable.

This group of cultivators also pulled down their hoods, revealing their true faces.

They are a group of male cultivators. They are tall and strong. They have an aura from the mobile desert. Although they cover up very well, Wen Qiao is naturally sensitive to people's emotions and breaths. After entering the mobile desert for a few days, she probably touched them and know some things about the mobile desert.

These people are very dangerous.

Wen Qiao put the mark of "dangerous people" on them, and they need to be guarded. If necessary, don't mind violently beating them.

Others are also looking at the people in the cave secretly, looking at each other and being vigilant.

Ning Yuzhou pulled down his hood, revealing a graceful face with a moonlike temperament. He was particularly outstanding among thousands of people. If the eyes around him fell on him, especially some female cultivators, they almost forgot to look away.

Wen Qiao frowned.

Ning Yuzhou squeezed her hand under the cloak and smiled at her.

So Wen Qiao quickly ignored the gazes around her, but didn't know that more gazes fell on her.

Ning Yuzhou's eyes were dark.

Wen Tutu grabbed the edge of Wen Qiao's hood and looked out. Two topaz ants also crawled out of their purse and hid in the cloak, the two tentacles on their heads trembling in the air.

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