Into The Mysterious Force

Per AiswaryaLakshmi5

13.7K 183 84

School year was over and a new summer is here. Phineas and Ferb can't wait to make the best of it. But the ap... Més

Rollercoaster (part-1)
Rollercoaster (part-2)
Lawn Gnome Beach Party of Terror (part-1)
Lawn Gnome Beach Party of Terror (part-2)
One Good Scare Ought to Do It! (part-1)
One Good Scare Ought to Do It! (part-2)
Not a chapter
Across the 2nd Dimension (part-2)
Across the 2nd Dimension (part-3)
Across the 2nd Dimension (part-4)
Across the 2nd Dimension (part-5)
Across the 2nd Dimension (part-6)
Across the 2nd Dimension (part-7)
Across the 2nd Dimension (part-8)
Across the 2nd Dimension (part-9)
Across the 2nd Dimension (part-10)

Across the 2nd Dimension (part-1)

973 11 8
Per AiswaryaLakshmi5

We're going for the big one! Enjoy!


“I think it’s time we watched this, don’t you think?” Linda asked, taking the DVD with her kids in military outfits.

“But Mom, didn’t they say it might be even worse than their usual shenanigans?” Candace asked.

“I’m sure it will be fine. How bad can it be!” Linda said and put the DVD in.

The scene opens to a large pit filled with lava, a cliff right in the middle of it. Walking along the cliff, with lava surrounding them, is a chained-up Phineas and Ferb. At the end of the path is a giant ferocious monster covered with a sheet, growling. A metal hand takes the sheet away to reveal the Goozim in a cage. It roars loudly, blowing their hair back. A wider angle shows that the brothers are not alone, but rather with Candace, Agent P, and a man not revealed yet.

“Oh this is much worse.” Linda lamented.

“Agent P’s there too.” Baljeet said, noticing the fedora. “This must be where you meet Perry’s alternate personality.”

“Not really the place I would like to meet him.” Candace said with a grimace.

“I'll be honest, Ferb. I'm having a hard time putting a positive spin on this.” Phineas said. “But, I guess that's life, huh? One minute you're having the best day ever, the next you're being fed to a monster the size of a two car garage.”

“Yeah? Well, welcome to my life!” the man, revealed to be Dr.Doofenshmirtz, said.


“Well, if Agent P is there, then it’s only natural that Dr. D’s there too.” Gretchen reasoned.

He gasps and hides behind a robot as the Goozim roars.

“Huh. And everything started out so well this morning.” Phineas said as Ferb looks at the camera.


Pan to the Flynn-Flecther house as the sun rises with a newspaper boy passing by. The easter island head inside the boys' bedroom is shown as "The Phineas and Ferb: Across the Second Dimension" logo fades in. Shortly after its tagline, "In Fabulous 2D", pops in.

“Fabulous 2D?” Milly questioned.

“3D is great and all, but nothing beats a good 2D.” Lawrence commented.

The boys are asleep with Phineas’s alarm clock showing the time 6:59. The alarm clock rings 7:00, and a mechanical arm emerges out of it, poking a sleeping Perry. He wakes up and chatters, waking Phineas and Ferb.

“Good morning, Perry! Now that's the way to wake up.”

“You can wake Perry up without getting attacked?” Vanessa questioned. “No one at OWCA can do that.”

“Why would he attack us for waking him up?” Phineas asked.

“Let's just say most people don't have the same experience as you.”

Phineas hugs Perry happily. “This is gonna be the best day ever.”

The song starts as the boys jump up and down on Phineas’s bed with Perry.

♪ We consider every day a plus ♪

♪ To spend it with a platypus ♪

♪ We're always so ecstatic ♪

♪ 'Cause he's semi aquatic ♪

♪ Our Ornithorhynchus anatinus ♪

♪ Brings smiles to the both of us ♪

♪ Life's never fuddie duddy ♪

♪ With our web-footed buddy ♪

“Even your way of getting ready in the morning is exciting, huh.” Holly commented.

“So you guys never question how Perry is smart enough to help you get dressed in the morning?” Jeremy asked.

“We always knew Perry was smart enough to do some things. We just didn’t think that’s because he's a secret agent.” Phineas explained.

♪ When we're brushing our teeth (ooo) ♪

♪ It's better ♪

♪ Tying our shoes, ♪

♪ (Oh yeah!) ♪

♪ It's better ♪

♪ Combing our hair, It's better ♪

♪ Like we're a cheese sandwich and he's the cheddar ♪

“Wait, what do you mean you always knew he was smart? I thought he was just a mindless animal all this time!” Candace exclaimed.

“Candace, all animals are inherently smart in some ways.” Lawrence answered.

“Yeah, we just didn’t know how smart Perry is.” Phineas added.

♪ Blinking our eyes, (oh yeah) It's better ♪

♪ Breathing in and out, It's better (So much better) ♪

♪ Sitting in a chair, It's better ♪

♪ And taking a bath is just a little bit wetter ♪

♪ Every day is such a dream ♪

♪ When you start it with a monotreme ♪

“Wow Ferb. You got some high vocals there.”

♪ He's duck-billed and he's beaver tailed and hairy ♪

Phineas scratched Perry behind his ear and his tail stood up involuntarily.

♪ (You know that he's hairy) ♪

♪ Everything's better with Perry (x3) ♪

♪ (Everything's better with Perry) (x4) ♪

Perry chattered mindlessly while on the bed with the boys, and they imitated him rather impressively.

♪ Everything's better ♪

The boys ate popcorn each, and then they threw some at Perry to catch. Perry just stayed still as the popcorn bounced off of him.

♪ And we just want to tell you Perry♪

♪ Everything's better with you (Better with you) ♪

Phineas, Ferb, and Perry slide down the staircase railing and land in a pile on the floor. Perry chatters while on top of the pile.

“Good morning, boys.” Their dad, Lawrence, greeted them while reading the newspaper.

“Happy anniversary, Perry.” Linda said, carrying a laundry basket.

“This is the forgotten day!” Phineas said suddenly, causing Linda to look at him in confusion.


“We completely forgot what we did that day. We only remember playing with Perry and when the day ended.”

“Oh, that's right! Gosh, I can't believe it's been five years. I remember the day we first got you.” Phineas reminisced.

Flashback to 5 years ago, where Lawrence and Linda take a younger Phineas, Ferb, and Candace to the "O.W.C.A. Animal Rescue Center".

“There it is. OWCA.” Phineas said with a crestfallen look. “He was an agent from the start.”

“Come on, kids. Pick out any pet you want.” Lawrence said as the kids looked around.

“Oh look, Phineas! This one's looking at you!” Linda said, picking up Phineas and showing him a cat.

“Aww. You’re so cute as a kid, Phineas.” Isabella commented without thinking, causing him to blush.

“Uh, thanks?”

“And this one's looking at you, Ferb!” Lawrence said, picking up Ferb and showing him a dog.

“Why won't anything look at me?!” Candace complained as all the fish swim away as she approaches them.

“Probably because you were glaring at them.” Stacy said, and Candace glared at her. “What? It’s true.”

“Ferb! This one's looking at both of us at the same time!” Phineas said as he and Ferb approach a baby Perry, who chatters.

“Awww…” Linda cooed.

“That thing?! You're kidding, right?” Candace said, disgusted.

“That’s why you adopted Perry?” Adyson asked.

“Yeah. What other reason did you think we had?” Phineas asked.

“Because platypuses? Platypi? Anyway, they’re such unique and fascinating creatures. I thought that’s why you guys adopted Perry.”

“Oh no, we didn’t even know what a platypus was back then.”

“Is there something I can do for you?” A female store employee asks, approaching them.

“Ah, yes, we'd like that one, please.”

“You'd like to adopt a platypus?” the employee asked, surprised.

“Oh, is that what it is? Well, yes! May we have him please?”


“Even the employee seem shocked.” Milly said.

“Maybe Perry was never meant to be adopted. There are agents without host families.” Vanessa remarked.

“Then why would they have him in the pet store?” Jeremy asked.

“Wrong paperwork? It won’t be the first time.”

“What would you even name a platypus?” Candace demanded.

“Course, Ferb and I knew exactly what to call you.”


“Bartholomew the Platypus.” Vanessa tried out. “Nope, doesn’t work.”

“His middle name is Bartholomew, though.” Candace said.

“Perry has a middle name?” Vanessa asked, surprised.

Baby Perry chatters again.

“Aww. He’s so cute.” All the Fireside girls cooed.

“And then when we got you home, we renamed you Perry.” present Phineas said. “And gave you this locket! Look how young we all were.”

Phineas reaches into Perry's fur and pulls out a webbed foot-shaped locket on a collar. He opens the locket around Perry's neck, revealing three pictures of young Phineas, Ferb, and Perry.

“Why do I feel such a strange sense of déjà vu?” Phineas asked.

“Probably because this all happened already and you don’t remember.” Baljeet answered.

“No, it’s not that. For some reason Perry’s locket seems important.”

The scene changes to Candace, in her room, talking with her cell phone. “Hey, Jeremy. You wanna go to the mall?”

“You know, I'd love to,” Jeremy said, eating his breakfast. “but my dad is taking me to check out his old college today.”

“Boo-ya! Go Polecats! Boo-ya!” Jeremy’s dad, Jack Johnson, said while running around the house in his college mercy. “He's already set up an interview with the academic adviser. Can you believe that?”

“Gee, Jeremy. I forgot you're a whole year older than me. A trip to college? Heh-heh.. That's, that's really great.” Candace said, trying to be cheerful, but the waiver in her voice was clear to anyone. “Okay, well, I'll talk to you later. Bye.”

She hangs up the phone and picks up a stuffed teddy bear with a picture of Jeremy taped to its face.

“You have a stuffed toy with my face taped to it?” Jeremy asked.

“I know. It’s weird.” Candace said with a sigh.

“No, it’s kind of cute.”

"You two are made for each other." Stacy deadpanned.

“Oh, Jeremy! In the blink of an eye, you'll be moving on to the next phase of your life.” She said dramatically to the teddy bear. “You'll be going to college and wearing tweed jackets with patches on the elbows! You'll be so mature!”

“And look at me! I'm a child! Jeremy, you'll see! I can mature! Starting with taking this silly photo off.” She rips off the photo and gasps, hugging the bear. “Oh, Mr. Miggins! Have you been there the whole time?”

“You? Being mature? I’d like to see that.”

“Don't test me, Buford.”

Back in the backyard, Ferb is placing a baseball on Perry's tail.

“All right, looks like the pitcher's ready,” Phineas said, holding a baseball bat and tapping the home plate. “and...batter up!”

Ferb scratches Perry's neck, and Perry's tail snaps forward, flinging the baseball toward Phineas.

“He can do that?” Vanessa asked, surprised.

“Yeah. You didn’t know?” Phineas asked.

“He doesn’t exactly let me or Dad coddle him like you do.”

“Batter batter batter, swing!” Phineas swings at the baseball and hits right on. ”Oh yes, sports fans! That may be the best hit ever in the history of platypult baseball!” Ferb checks the "Platypult Baseball World Record Book" and gives Phineas a thumbs up in agreement.

“And the crowd exhales loudly through their mouths! Haaa! Haaa!” he ran around, imitating a roaring crowd. Meanwhile, Ferb takes out a remote control baseball glove to guide the ball back to them. “And Fletcher snags the pop fly! He's out!”

“Hi, Phineas! What'cha doin'?” Isabella asked as she enters the backyard.

“Turning Perry's involuntary reflex into a sporting event.”

“Hi, Perry! Can I try?” Isabella scratches Perry's neck, and the baseball is catapulted out of the yard.

“Whoa, mama! Nice shot, Isabella!” Phineas compliments.

“Did someone lose a ball?” Baljeet asks as he enters along with Buford.

"How convenient you’re all in the same place during this casual game of Platypus-Ball.” Vanessa said.

“You would be surprised. These five are joined at the hips.” Stacy replied.

“Yeah, we were just playing platypult.”

“Oh, I love Platypus-themed sports!” Baljeet says excitedly next to an annoyed Buford.

“You know, if we had two Perrys, we could put a net between them and play platypult badminton!”

“Who's Annette?” Buford asks, hearing this.

“Ferb, that's it! I know what we're gonna do today!”

“No, seriously. Who's Annette?”

“You do know that they were talking about a net, right?” Gretchen asked.

“Don't ask me, ask him.” Buford said, pointing to the screen.

“You’re both the same person.” Baljeet said, only to cower when Buford glared at him.

Scene flashes to them finishing up two mechanical platypult.

“Okay, everyone. I think the tail is all set.” Phineas said, satisfied. “I'll just go check with the foreman.”

“He's gone!” Isabella said, noticing Perry's absence.

“Hey, where’s Perry?” Phineas checks under the machine to see if he’s there “Did he really slip away? On his anniversary?” Everyone gathered around after not finding monotreme anywhere. “Sometimes it seems like Perry's missed every single cool thing we've done all summer long. I guess he can do whatever he wants. After all, it's HIS day, right?”

“Perry hasn’t been able to see any of your inventions, huh.” Candace said, seeing her brothers looking despondent.

Perry is shown hiding behind the tree with his fedora on, listening to Phineas. He picks up a pebble and throws it to distract the kids.

“Hey, what was the small noise?”

“Let's all go walk over to it!”

“Seriously?” Candace asked in disbelief.

“We’re ten. You can't blame us for being curious about stupid things.” Buford said.

Perry slips into the house while they're gone. He jumps to the couch, and the mirror on the wall behind it pulls back, revealing a hole. He goes in and rides a vacuum tube down to his lair, passing by Pinky the Chihuahua and other agents, as he lands at his seat. Major Monogram is shown on screen.

“Pinky is an agent too?” Isabella asked.

“I wonder how many secret agents pets there are in Danville.” Jeremy mused.

“A whole lot.” Vanessa answered.

“Ah, good morning, Agent P. Uh, quick word. Recently you've been having some close calls, and your host family has nearly caught you sneaking into your lair several times. No need to remind you, but I'll do it anyway, that if your cover's blown, you'll have to be transferred to another city, with another host family.” Perry looks completely unamused at this reminder. “And we both know you wouldn't like that.”

“That's why they didn't want us to know their secret.” Phineas said in realization.

“So we won't see them again if we find their secret? How is that fair!” Isabella exclaimed.

“Wait.” Candace said suddenly. “We all don’t remember anything from that day. You don’t think…”

“… That our memories are altered or removed?” Ferb finished, leaving the group in silence. Only Vanessa and Stacy seem not affected by this knowledge, but the others were too shocked by it to notice them.

Monogram suddenly chuckled on screen. “I remember the day you were first assigned.”

Flashback to when the Flynn-Fletcher family was just walking out of the adoption agency with their new platypus.

“Enjoy your platypus!” the female store employee calls out.

“Thank you! Cheerio!” Lawrence calls back.

The employee takes off her head as soon as they left, revealing it's a mask. Under it is a younger Carl with braces on.

“That was a dude?” Buford asked, bewildered.

“Agent assignment complete, sir.” Carl said into a headset.

“Good job, Carl!” A younger Monogram with black hair said inside a computer-filled room. “If you keep up the great work, you'll make unpaid intern in no time!”

“And I did!” Present Carl said off-screen.

“Who would want to be an unpaid intern?” Ginger asked in disbelief.

“He gets extra credit for college.” Vanessa explained.

Everyone except Vanessa looks at Baljeet, making him uncomfortable. “What?”

“Don't get cocky, Carl!” Monogram warns. “Agent P, as you know, every operative is equipped with an auto-scan replication device, just like the one in your hat.” He said, showing a small camera-like device. “We've been using the information you've gathered to replicate each and every one of Dr. Doofenshmirtz's inators. Our top men have been analyzing them to determine if they've been getting smarter or dumber. And, to be honest, the jury's still out.”

“Well, sometimes true genius is hard to understand.” Baljeet said.

“Now we find out that he's in the process of building an alternate dimension-related inator. Your assignment is to stop him, before he finishes building it. Behind you, rising dramatically from the floor, is Carl with some high-tech devices that you might find useful.”

Agent P turns around as a platform rises with dramatic music. On it is a large container of devices.

“Um, Sir? Hello? I didn't step on in time. Would you mind lowering the platform again?” Carl asks.

Everyone laughed at that.

“Oh, great, let me... cue the music again.” The dramatic music rewinds and plays it again as Carl rises with the platform this time.

“Voilà, monsieur! This first item is our new wrist-communicationizer.” Carl says as he shows a wristwatch. “It has many applications that will help you in the field. For example, a powerful directional electro-magnet. It will draw any metal object to you.” He pushes a button, and his glasses are drawn to it. “See? And these are aluminum!”

“Cool!” Phineas said. “I wonder if we can upgrade any of Perry’s gadgets?”

Vanessa decided that she will keep her mouth shut about how Perry just might report them knowing his agent status to OWCA when he finds out. There's no way he would go against protocol, right?

“His eyes look so weird without glasses.” Katie said inconsequently.

“Quit goofing around, Carl, and show him the hologram.” Monogram orders.

“Yes, sir.” Carl pushes a button on the watch and turns on a hologram of Major Monogram.

“Hehe. Pretty nifty, huh?” Monogram from the screen asks as the hologram turns to face Perry. “With this device, you'll be able to contact me anywhere at anytime, but don't call between 3:30 and 4:00, because...that's when I take a shower. Whoa wee, wait a minute.” The hologram points to Monogram on the big screen as if in a trance. “Is that... me?”

“Oh, no! His holographic projection has become mesmerized by his video image!” Carl said in a panicked voice.

“Wait, so the hologram is sentient?” Stacy asked, directing to the “smart” kids.


“I better shut it off.” He shuts off the hologram, then points to the watch again. “And if you push THIS button, it'll give your adversary an incredible ice cream headache.” He pushes the button and immediately screams and holds his head in pain, then stops. “It's gone. You better watch where you point that.” He hands the watch over to Perry, who looks completely done.

“Wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of that watch.” Adyson said, being the victim of many brain-freezes.

“Hey, girl. Uh, what are you doing?” Stacy asks as she enters Candace’s room. Candace is shown packing her belongings into a cardboard box.

“Stacy, Jeremy's going to college soon, and here I am concerned with busting my brothers to my mommy and living in this NURSERY.” She picks up a ceramic unicorn from her shelf. “A unicorn! A UNICORN, Stacy! "Hi, I'm six!"” She said mockingly in a child-like voice. “You've GOTTA help me get rid of all this junk.”

“Candace, don't rush life.” Linda said.

“Shouldn’t you be telling me to act my age?”

“That doesn’t mean you have to give up the things that you love. Sometimes it’s good to hold on to that child within you.”

“Wow, bold move!” Stacy compliments.

“Yep! Goodbye, childhood folly. Hello, carefree, undemanding, adult life!”

“Yeah, good luck with that.” Linda said from the doorway. “Candace, your father and I are off to the movies. While we're gone, you're in charge, okay?”

“Okay, Mom!” Candace yells out as Linda leaves. “And you know , I'm even thinking of giving up on busting my brothers.” She said, looking at her brothers working in the backyard.

“The irony is, that as a grown up, you don't NEED to tell your mom. You can just bust them yourself.” Stacy comments.

“Oh dear. You just had to say that.” Lawrence said with a chuckle.

Candace suddenly gasps in realization. “That's it! Stacy, I'm old enough to bust them myself!”

“That's what I just said.”

“That happens more often than I like.” Stacy said.


I've almost finished writing this movie so I will post the whole thing. I'm just not sure about when I will post because of my job schedule. I'll try to post every Friday or Saturday but sometimes I might miss a day.

Bye! Till next time!

Continua llegint

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