Noah and Elle (Then, Now and...

By KarolCa0

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Six years later, they still love each other, will this continue into the future for them. Will they survive... More

The Beginning (six years later)
The Ride
The Next Day after the ride
Our Love
Our Place
The Wedding Date
The Jack and Jill
Lee and Rachel's Big day
The Reality of Love PT1
The Reality of Love PT 2
Our Wedding day
After the wedding
Oh the Honeymoon
The Surprise
Christmas Day One Year Later
Time flying by
Dinner and a surprise visit
Days and counting.
D Day PT 1
D Day PT 2
1 year later and counting

3 months and counting

421 11 0
By KarolCa0

Noah's POV

Three months down and 6 to go.  The first three months went by so easy, the odd day of morning sickness, but Elle was a trooper, and she made it through, though they say it can last up to 6 months if not longer.  I have been reading the book my mom got the girls on pregnancy, I want to help Elle in any way I can. Now Rachel on the other hand, from what Lee has been telling me, is not handling it well.  She is still trying to work, but somedays it is so hard for her, being sick every time she eats something. I felt so bad for him, Elle I guess has had it pretty easy, I mean we didn't even know she was pregnant for the first 7 weeks no sign or symptoms.

Lee and I decided to do a spa day for the girls, I think they need especially poor Rachel, Lee and I would go golfing have some guy time.  We dropped the girls off and headed to the course.  It was a beautiful day, we asked our Dad and Mike to joins us, they both were up to it.  Once we arrived at the course our tee time wasn't for about another hour so we went to the clubhouse for a coffee.  As we started to head up, Mike pulled me aside and asked how Elle was doing?  "From what I can see she seems good.  I think she is happy with everything, I am trying really hard to do things for her and make her feel important too."  "Good to hear.  I was going through the attic looking for things there is a huge trunk up there that has written across it For Elle.  I assume Joni did it again, she said there were things around that she had done for the kids, if you want can you come after to pick it up.  It is quite heavy, I have no idea what is in there."  "Sure I will drop Elle off at home then run over and get it."  We had a great time, golfing, I had a couple of pretty good swings, good distances on some of my drives.  Overall I am satisfied, now to go get the girls to drop them off and go get that trunk.

I arrive at Mike's we go to the attic, I have never been up here, I didn't even know that they had an attic.  Mike points to the trunk, I walk overall big and proud, like I can do this on my own. Ya was I wrong, it was heavy. "Mike, what is in here?"  "It use to be full of Joni's stuff when we got married, they called it a keepsake trunk.  Her family had put things like dishes, and silverware, quilts, towels, bathroom stuff in it.  You know for when she moved on her own." "Oh, ok, so she has filled it with rocks for Elle", laughing.  "I think the two of us can get it to your car."  We did, it was a struggle, as we headed down the stairs, I remember walking by Elles old room, looking in thinking of our time together in there, it brought a nice smile to my face.  

Once home, I go in and check on Elle, she is sound asleep on the couch.  I didn't want to wake her, she looked so beautiful, I went over kissed her cheek, gave the baby a little rub, then head back to the trunk.  How am I going to get you inside?  In the garage I have a dolly maybe I can use it.  With a lot and I mean a lot of struggle I did it.  Brought it in to the house I tried to be quiet, but after bouncing off the door then hitting the closet door I think it was a fail.  I hear Elle "Noah what are you doing, you're making enough noise to wake the dead." "Sorry babe, I have a gift for you, I will be there in a second." "What is it it sounds heavy." "It is, I almost killed myself getting here for you."  "Where did you get it? " as came over to take a look.  "What in lords name is that?"  "You have never seen this trunk." "Nope can't say I have, where did it come from."  "Your dad's place." I wheeled it over to the couch, Elle runs over and climbs over the back of the couch and slid down in front of it. "Wtf is this, and it says my name on it."  "Well open it. It weighs a ton and I would like to know what I dragged all the way here for you "

Elle's POV

I had no idea what this was, I mean it looks familiar but I can't place it.  I struggled to open it when finally did OMG!! There is a note on it. 

My Dearest Elle,

My little girl is all married and expecting her first baby. I wish I was there to guide you, hold your hand or give you another shoulder to cry on that understand what your going through.   

This is a wonderful time for you and your husband, so many new things on your horizon for you guys, new adventures, new feelings and a beautiful blessing. 

I saved some things from when you were little, like my favourite sleeper I brought you home from the hospital in.  I added some other things, things that I wish I was there to get with you.  

Please be happy and enjoy your gifts.

Love Mom

I sat there for a bit tears streaming down my face.  I looked at Noah and he too was crying.  We then looked in the trunk, there were clothes, blankets, toys, soothers, bath bubbles, decorations, and more, and a baby book.  I open the book and the first picture is of mom and me on the day I was born.

We didn't know what to think, there was so much stuff crammed in this trunk.  I turned to Noah, "I guess we better think of setting up baby Flynn's room, what do you think?" "I have to agree, maybe we go out tomorrow and do a little shopping, you know pick out a crib and other things we are going to need. But I better check with my mom first knowing her, she has done all that." He rolls his eyes and laughs.  "Sounds like a good idea, I mean ya your Mom is over the moon about the babies, and she loves to shop."

After the call to June, she had said were to go to see the things she had picked out, but if we didn't like them then we could change them to something we like.  "Noah your mom, god love her.  Pretty smart she did that, that would be awkward if we changed things cause we didn't like her taste, though I can't see that happening.  I texted Rachel to see if she is up to helping me decorate the babies room, I felt bad asking her, knowing she has not been well and she has her own room to do.  She said she love to do it, I just don't want to overdo her, but I offered to help with their room, which Rach was into, mostly because Lee, had been so busy again.

The next day Noah and I got going early, stopped at our favourite little take-out breakfast restaurant and head to the baby store.  There are so many options, colours, decor, it was overwhelming and I am no fashion icon at all.  We asked for assistance, and the Lady was so helpful, we explained the June Flynn had been in already and we need to see what she had picked out.  The sales clerk asked which one we were?  "Which one? I am Elle Flynn(wow that still floors me every time I say it out loud).  "Oh Ok here is your list, would you like me to show you the items?"  Noah is looking so confused, first off he doesn't like to shop, secondly, this is baby stuff and ya I am just spinning at all the options. He puts his arm over my shoulder, pulls me close, not sure why but hey I will go with it.  The sales clerk shows us the crib, I loved the crib, it was perfect, so simple so pretty, it was in light oak, with an inlay of some design in the head of the crib, there was a matching dresser and change table.  "Lord Elle I didn't realize we needed all these things."  "Ya, we do and more." We ended up just getting everything on her list, we had no idea, it was all be delivered next week.  We didn't need anything we had it all, from crib to car seat.  

I have a doc appointment this week, things are quiet at work so I just took the week off.  Noah couldn't, he has taken on a family law case and seems to be enjoying it.  I didn't mind as long as he was happy.  A few days later, I go in for my checkup and all is good, just when I was about to leave the office after setting up my next appointment, I turned and out of the corner of my eye that hair caught my eye.  I shook my head, it was Chloe sitting there reading a magazine, she didn't see me so I just left.  Why I didn't talk to her I don't know maybe because our last encounter was extremely awkward.

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