Christmas Day One Year Later

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Noah's POV

"It's Christmas morning!" as I bellow it down the hall to Elle.  She wanders out of the bedroom, slowly, I have her coffee ready for her, decaf though.  I have made breakfast turned on the tree, set the timer for the turkey to start cooking I was up early dressing that thing.   

I hand Elle the coffee, she has that look, totally annoyed to be up so early, I mean I let her sleep in a bit, but holy she is a grumpy girl in the morning.  But she is all mine.  After breakfast, we open our presents to each other, we didn't spend a lot this year because we have a nursey to buy for so that is where all our extra money is going.  We opened an account for the baby, Elle put her bonus in there this year, which was pretty good, but we didn't need to live off of so put it away.  Plus with me out on my own, I don't have a lot of money coming in, we at this point survive off of Elle's pay, which I hate with a passion, but she keeps reminding me that one day, I will be the breadwinner, but for now, enjoy this.  

Elle got up and went behind the tree, "I have a surprise for you?"  "Shelly!, what did you do?" "Well I know you need a sign at your office, I mean a good one outside on the door.  I went to this company and they helped me design this for you", I opened it and there in black lettering surrounded by brass was my name.  Noah Flynn LLP.  "Omg Elle this is unreal, I love it, but we weren't to be spending a lot on each other this year. "  I rushed over, and planted a big kiss on her, I could feel her smile.  I laughed, I have a surprise for you too. "Noah, I guess we have no idea how to not listen to each other."  I handed her a small box, she opened it and burst into tears, it was a picture of her mom holding her as a baby, then inset of the pic was Elle holding our little baby bump, with the baby due date on it.  Plus there was a necklace taped to it, it again was a simple, sterling silver with a pair of baby booties hanging on it.  She was stunned, this was perfect.  She returned the kiss so hard and so passionately, that well I knew where this was going to go, as Lee had said to us one day "You two are like rabbits."  I laughed at the thought and well need I say more.  There was a few more present under the tree that were family, which are due in a little while.  For now, it is our time.

Elle's POV

At around 3 people starting showing up with all kinds of things, from food to presents to other things.  Once everyone arrived we did our family Christmas present exchange, we had drawn names to see who got who, I loved the idea.  Then I told everyone we had a special present for each one of them, but they could not open them until everyone was ready.  Then Rachel and Lee said the same thing, weird.   Once all the presents were handed out, we all sat there took the paper off, I was confused as to why Noah and I had to do the same thing.  Once everyone was ready, "on the count of three open the lids, it was funny watching the parents trying to do it twice, but oh well, I don't get this.  Then all of a sudden June jumped up and screamed "I am going to be a grandma, but who is pregnant?" Then it dawned on her that Elle was and Rachel???"  We got shirts that matched saying I am with Uncle and Noah got one that said I am with Auntie.  Then my brain registered what is going on.  "Ok, everyone, stop for a minute!"  I turn to Lee and Rachel, "are you guys pregnant?" Lee holds up a picture of the ultrasound, Noah starts laughing, "You have to be kidding me.  We are too."  June giving her head a shake "both of my boys are about to become daddies?"  Noah and Lee go over to their parents and hug them both.  My dad was just sitting stunned, "Dad, you ok?" "Oh my baby girl, you're going to be a mommy?" "ya dad, we are about to become parents.  All of us by the looks of it." I walked over gave him a big hug, he was so happy.  "Noah, get over here and hug grandpa," he said  This whole event was warming my heart.  Lee and Rachel announced their due date, which was the beginning of September and I laughed so hard, "we are due around the middle of August." I turned to Lee, "I guess we are true BFF's for we seem to be doing everything together right down to having a baby."  I hugged Lee so hard, then grabbed Rachel into the mix.  "This is the best Christmas surprise ever for everyone."

After a great dinner and everyone so happy for us, it was time to call it a night.  I was exhausted, and Noah could see it.  Once we had the house to ourselves, we cleaned up a few things, June and Linda had done all the dishes and cleaned the kitchen, so there really wasn't a lot for us to do.  We headed off to bed, I crawled in and cuddled up to Noah, "Can you believe this day. Rachel and I are going to have babies at the same time.  This is going to be great, they are going to be cousins and the best of friends, just like Lee and I."  Noah laughed at the thought "Thank god I am your BFF's brothers, unlike Mom and your mom. Could you imagine history repeating itself that is too creepy? " "Noah, plus we would have had an older sibling than these two to have us happen again." He kissed my head tucked me into him, place his hand on my tummy and we both fell asleep.

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