The Surprise

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Elle's POV

OMG!!!! what the heck.  Noah and I use protection, well most of the time, I mean we are married, but kids were not the plan at this moment, at least not for another year I was hoping.  The nurse said the Doc would be in in a minute, I just sat there staring at the wall.  Shit I better text Noah, OMG, I just holy shit, my mind is everywhere right now.  What if it is true, what if I am I mean Noah has to be here if I am I want us to find out together.  I text him,

"You need to get here now!"

"What are you ok?"

"Just please get here as quick as you can."  

Thank god we only live 5mins from the mall.  I was still waiting for the doc, when the nurse came in gave me a cup to go pee in.  Friggin awesome, this is not happening, is it?  When I got back to my room, Noah was in there, he ran over to me, gave me a hug.  "What is going on?"  he said with total fear in his voice, it quivered as he said it.  I told him to sit down and I will explain. "Elle you are worrying to death." I could see I was, but I was panicking on the inside, you know the heart-pounding, palm-sweating, panting panic.  Well, that was me.  Just as I was going to tell him that my period is really late, the doc walked in.  "Hi, Mrs. Flynn right?"  Wow, that was the first time I have ever heard me referred that way, I sat there, probably looking dumbfounded, Noah stepped stuck out his hand "Hi, I am Mr. Flynn" "Nice to meet, this is your wife I assume?"  "yes" as Noah walked over to me and draped his arm over my shoulder.  "What's wrong with her?"  Then the doctor said the typical statement, "Nothing that nine months won't cure." He did a little chuckle.  I sat there jaw on the floor, white a ghost.  "Mrs. Flynn you ok, you don't look well."  The next thing I knew the doctor and Noah were standing over me on the bed, I think I must have fainted or blacked out I have no idea.  "Elle, babe, you ok?"  "I think so, did he (pointing to the doctor) just say I was pregnant?"  "Yup"  "Well, do you have a family doctor, you will need to set an appointment up and have a blood test and an ultrasound to confirm it.  But according to the test we just did, it definitely showed positive." The doc said, giving Noah some paperwork to take with us.

Once we were home, Noah hadn't said much and neither had I.  I go sit on the couch, drop my head between my legs and just breathed.  "Where is the number to your doctor?"  "In my phone, just look up a doc that is what I have it listed at."  "Ok"  My mind was racing so fast, I just went there to see if I had a little bug or something else.  I was not expecting this.  Noah returned a few minutes later, "Your doctor had a cancellation at 2 so I booked us in ok?"  "Sure, I guess so", I was still so fuzzy on all this information that has just been laid out in front of me.  Noah came sat with me on the couch, rubbed my back, told me to just breathe.  "It's good news Elle, don't panic, we will be fine."  I looked up at him, "I know your right, I need to get out of my head and relax, do some deep breathing and this is all going to be fine."  "Elle we are having a baby, all the best parts of you, and a little of me."

Once we arrived at the doctor's office, I seemed to have calmed down.  Noah knows how to make me relax, all I need to do is hear his voice, it is so reassuring, it has such an undertone that does that for me.  I just worry, I really hope it is a baby, there is a small fear in the back of my mind, that this could be a mistake and what happened to my mom will happen to me.  The nurse takes us into the office, draws blood, ask me all the same question all over again, Noah hands the paperwork the other doctor gave us, and well now what for my doctor to come in.

The doctor comes in and says "well Elle what seems to be the problem,"  Noah hands him the paperwork the other doctor gave us. "Interesting, I think we need to do an ultrasound to see what is going, though the paperwork is pretty clear and the blood work is being analyzed.  Noah is like "do we need to book that and how soon can we get her in?"  "I have one on-site, so the nurse is going to get you set up and I am going to do the scan."  "Really."  Noah sounded so excited.  I am was still freaking on the inside, not as bad as earlier but still there.  They took us to another room, I slipped into the gown and up on the bed, I went.  I looked at Noah, he was smiling from ear to ear, every now and then a small tear rolls down his face.  I can't believe what is going on, this is nuts, why now, why today, why so fast, I just am spinning.

The doctor comes in turns the lights down, tucks the towel in on my stomach, you know the funny thing is as soon as he did that I see a small little bump in my tummy, I have never noticed it before. The cold jell goes and so the pivotal moment is upon us.  Between moves, and clicks and ummm's and more clicks, I was starting to freak out, he still hadn't said anything.  Noah piped up "Well do you see anything?"  "Hang on Mr. Flynn", that just made me nervous.  "Ok, look here" as the doc turns the screen to us and there it is a little blip on the screen, with a heart beating away.  "You are definitely pregnant and about 7 weeks, good strong heartbeat, good measurements, do you want a picture of your baby?" I look at Noah and we both nod yes, I couldn't talk, I was in awe with what I see, there is my little Noah growing away.  "So question when do you figure I conceived, for if you're saying 7 weeks that had to be the end of August beginning of November."  "By the measurements, I would say close to the beginning of November."  All of sudden fear hit me, we were in Europe at that time, been drinking and eating and drinking, "Doc is that going to effect anything?"  "No you will be fine", "What yesterday, is there any concern, "Again probably not, but we will keep on eye on it, but you are very early so not worry."

Noah's POV

Wow this day has been crazy, like WTF, I am so damn happy, but what are the odds of everything happening in one day.  I mean our relationship was fast but not really, and here we are about to be parents.  This is just so surreal.  Elle is still realling on the news.  I don't think she has completely obsorb everything.  I made us dinner, I made her sit down and I would deal with it all.  Elle was sitting on the couch, wrapped in a blanket, just staring into the air.  I was a bit worried, she really had said much we got home.  I hope she is as happy as I am.  I think she is but I think and I know Elle she is just trying to process this news.

After dinner, I clean up and go over to the couch, I slid in behind her, putting her between my legs, she cuddles right into me, I wrap my arms around her, pull the blanket up and whisper in her ear, "Elle I love you."  She turns to face, her bright blue eyes staring at me, almost as those eyes we trying to stare into my soul to search for an answer to a question she is thinking.  She leans in gives me a kiss, then says with such tenderness in her voice "Noah, I love you so much, and I know you are a little worried about me, but I am ok.  I am just thinking of so many things, but mainly how my mom is not here for this news.  I would of called her by now and it probably would of eased my mind.  Not that your not doing it, just by caring for me, but there is the Mother daughter bond."  "I have a thought, why don't you call my mom, she thinks of you as a daughter, I mean you are her daughter law now but before, you have always held a very special place in her heart."  "I have thought of that, but I want to surprise all our family together."  "Elle mom can keep a secret and you know that." "Maybe i should call her, I might tomorrow, right now I want to be with you and our baby."  I almost broke my heart to hear her speak that way.  

Elle is always the biggest voice of reason for me, but I guess, this is a big surprise in so many ways.  "You know Noah, this makes so much sense our whole relationship even back when we were teenagers was always to the point, no beat around the bush, we knew how we felt and we went with it.  Getting back together after 6 years, married with in the year and now 4 months roughly after being married, this little bump is here, I am happy honestly, just surprised, that I didn't figure it out earlier."  I leaned down and kissed her, like I wanted to devour her, we were savoring every kiss, our lips inhaling each other, I was so breathless, this woman lord can get me going with just a blink of eye.  I removed the blanket let it fall to the floor, she turned around stradled my legs, rubbed her breast against my chest, I reached for her hair, wove my fingers in, pulled her head back exposing her neck, let me lips and tongue trace her from her jaw all the way down to her breast, she had arched her back to invite me in to them.  I stood up, with her legs wrapped around my waist, and I carried her our room, I laid her on the bed and made love to her all night.

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