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A/N I apologize this is a long chapter, I just couldn't stop writing and wanted this to be their whole experience.

Elle's POV

Noah and I found the perfect little house, not too far from where I just live, a little pricey but perfect. It has three bedrooms, one which we made into an office. Open concept living room, dining room and kitchen. There is an island in the kitchen, cupboards that are only on the bottom, and open shelves on the top. The dining room is so lite up with a big bay window in it. Mrs. Flynn gave Noah his grandmother's dining room set that she had been saving for him. Lee got the bedroom set, they both are beautiful, simple white oak, seats 8, a pretty little hutch, and she included a China set, a little too flowery for Noah but so gorgeous. The living room turned out perfect, between Noah's and my furniture the living room match, so strange our furniture did that. Had a big bifold door out onto the deck, you know the ones where you can have the outdoor part of your indoors. The yard was a good size not too big or not small just perfect, to put in a little playground for kids one day, and still have room for anything else we might want.

Noah had two weeks off until he started his new job, and I was so busy with the launch, it went off like gangbusters, everyone seem to want it and the sales were going through the roof. There we still little glitches to work out, but all in all the game was a success and my boss couldn't be happier with the team I put together to develop this. He gave all of us a substantial bonus, so much I didn't know what to do.

It was 5 days until Christmas and Noah and I were out trying to get the last-minute stuff done. While we were at the mall, I heard a familiar voice, "hey Elle, where is your tiny little skirt?" I shot around and it was Tuppin. Even Noah was shocked, last we heard he was living in Dallas, coaching some football team for a school or something. I ran over and gave him a big hug. "How have you been?' "Good just in town to do the Christmas thing with the fam" as he points over to two little girls about 2 or 3 twins I suspect sitting in the strollers, cute as could be, they had his hair, all full of curls, and blonde as could be. "Oh, they are adorable", "Thanks Sally just stepped into a story here somewhere I kind of lost her, which usually happens. I'd like for you to meet her if I can find her." He chuckles. "So, I heard the grapevine you two are back together." Noah steps in "ya we are, and we couldn't be happier" Noah has always had a sore spot when it came to Tuppin, which I do get but we are all past that now. "So, last I heard you were working for some law firm in Boston, what are you doing here, just here for the holidays?" Tuppin tries to ease the tension emulating Noah. "I was, but I got a better job offer, reconnected with Elle fell back in love and now we are living together." Noah sounded a little less annoyed with Tuppin, "Well the kiddies are getting restless, and I better find mom. Hey, next time in town we should all hook up together and go for dinner." As I step in front of Noah and pipe in before he says the wrong thing, "Sounds like a plan, good to see you and have yourselves a Merry Christmas."

Noah said he had to go off and do some last-minute private shopping I would need to go away. I laughed at how he was being, I gave him a kiss on the cheek, "Meet you back here in about an hour, should be enough time for me to finish my last-minute things." "Sure, sounds like a plan", he leans down kisses me back, "I love you" and off he goes.

I looked at my list of things I have left to do, the one that was driving me nuts was trying to find a gift for Linda. We have become pretty close over the years, she helped me through my breakup with Noah, helped me find my place, and even decorate it. So, I just can't figure this out, I have never had problems before, but this year I don't know. I walk into this sweet little knick-knack kind of story, I wander around looking at all the little things I want, but as I do I walk by this display, and there it is the perfect gift for her. It is a mini utilize set, she is always complaining that the standard ones are just too big, this is so cute, in a little pot, there is a whisk and a spatula and some on things, I know it sounds cheesy to get but Linda would love this.

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