D Day PT 1

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A/N   I am really close to how I want this story to end.  I thank everyone that read my version

Elle's POV

I was so uncomfortable and so over being pregnant.  I was a week overdue, and I have to hope my last doctor appointment is today, cause I am done. Throughout my whole pregnancy, I have been talking to June about how I was feeling, she has been so helpful.  I have heard all about how my mom was when she was pregnant with me, it felt like she was right there giving me advice.  Rachel and I have been checking in with each other every day, she has been getting a lot of Braxton Hicks, and her back is really sore.  She had her OB appointment yesterday and they told her the baby was in position, and it could happen and day. As I look at the clock and think Noah should be home soon, he has still been going into the office every day, I told him to go, he is only a phone call away, and it won't happen in 5mins so we are good.  If I am anything like my mom, 18hours is what I am looking at.  Though as the doctor tells me every woman is different.

Noah arrived to pick me up, I was all ready to go.  Once we arrived at the doctor's office,  I turned to Noah, "I don't feel right, something feels off." He helped me out of the car, "Honey we are here let's go see what the doc has to say."  I would take two steps, and then I would get so much pressure, I would grab Noah's hand so hard.  "Elle you going to make it?" "I think so, this is probably Braxton Hickes like Rachel has been having, I will make it."

I enter the office, and they whisk us into a room right away, I guess the nurse seen me walking like the Hunch back of Notrodame.  I get up on the table, the nurse hands me a gown, "you know the drill."  I know and change with Noah's assistants, I have a hard time doing certain things.  Once our OB comes in I am ready, "Ok, let's see what this baby is doing"  He checks my cervix, measures the baby, does my blood pressure and then turns to me and says "you can sit up now."  I sit up and Noah is sitting in the chair behind the doc, the doc gestures him to come to sit by me.  "So you are not quite as close as I was hoping you would be, your cervix has softened but I just don't think this baby is going to come on its own, so being you are a week overdue, and the size of this baby, we are going to schedule you in for a c-section tomorrow."  I want you at the hospital at 6 am and get ready to become parents.  Noah grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze, I just sat there realizing this is about to all become so real.

That evening we called June and my Dad and told them what was going on, they wished us luck.  Then I phone Rachel and Lee explained to them what was going on.  They were so happy, Lee was like "I am becoming an uncle tomorrow."  Then he pauses and says "wouldn't it be funny if Rachel went into labour tomorrow and you guys have your babies on the same day." Then I hear a smack sounds and Lee yells out "ouch", I am assuming Rachel just hit him.  Anyhow after all the calls, I am tried, keep getting little twinges but think nothing about them.  The only thing that I know is right the baby is in position just in no rush.  Noah helps me to bed, and then climbs in behind me and snuggles right up to me, in his usual position arm wrapped around me and hand on the belly.  We both doze out until about 1 in the morning when I got woken by a sharp pain in my groin.  I think I must have to go pee, so I roll out of bed without waking Noah, go to the washroom, then as I am walking back to the bed I get hit again with pain, what the hell that one hurt.  I go back to the bathroom decide maybe a shower will stop the spasms I am having, that is what it feels like.  I think because the baby is so big, it is putting a lot of unneeded pressure on my groin.  I guess I woke Noah, for the next thing I knew he came into the bathroom, "What are you doing Shelly?"  "Sorry I was having these like groin spasm for about a half-hour so I thought a shower might ease it." "Oh ok, your ok though right?" "Ya. I think so."  Just as a spasm hit and I double over, I yell for Noah "Babe get in here, help me please."  He rushes in gets me out of the shower wraps a towel around me and walks me to the bed.  He helps me put on my jammies, "I want to lay down." I say.  He helps me lay back I feel better already.  As I strength out, Noah returns to his post.  "Elle, why is your tummy so hard?"  "Probably because it is all baby."  "No, this is different, I think I can actually feel it getting harder than softer, is this normal?" "I don't feel anything, just go to sleep, maybe the baby is just shifting a bit."  "Ya, maybe your right."  About an hour later I got woken by that damn pain again, holy you got to be kidding me, this is so uncomfortable.  I look over to Noah and he is not in the bed, I call for him, "Noah, where are you."  He comes into the room rather quickly, sorry I went to get something to drink, I couldn't sleep, your tummy hasn't stopped, and I was just worried, but you had fallen asleep so I thought it was in my head so got up to clear it.

We both laid there and the spasms kept happening to the point that Noah started timing them, "do you realize they are 5mins apart."  I look at Noah, "No shit, really, I couldn't tell."  I said very sarcastically.  "I think it is time, to call the doc and let him know what is going on."  After the phone call, the doc instructed us to head to the hospital now, and hurry.  "Well that didn't sound good did it?" says Noah. It is 3 in the morning, and Noah is running around making sure we have everything, he helps me get dressed and off we go.  On the drive, the spasms are getting tenser, "shit, this hurts."  Noah tries to rub my leg and drive at the same time. "Focus on the road would you, don't worry about me."  Three minutes later and another wave comes and holy it felt like someone just ripped me in half.  As we pull into the parking lot, I sit in the car wait for Noah to return with a wheelchair because there is no way I am walking in there.  We reach the nurse's station and they give us instructions, and paperwork, the nurse tells Noah to fill this out and they would take me to the room and organize me.  Noah took this time to texted June and my dad to let them know what was going on.

Once in the room, I have nurses everywhere, hooking me up to the baby monitors(you know the ones that listen to the heartbeat and record the contractions), putting an IV in my arm.  I am actually starting to get nervous, this is one moment where I wish my mom was here.  I am laying in the bed all hooked up and Noah walks in complaining about the amount of paperwork he had to do.  I look at him with that like are you frigging kidding me look, he felt the look and shut up immediately.  He was at my side, just as another contraction came.  I was squeezing his hand so hard.  The weirdest part was I wasn't getting any pain in my back or stomach it was all just tremendous pressure in my groin.  "The doctor will be in soon to check me to see how things are going? I thought we were coming later for a c-section, what is this all about."  I say through tears and pain.  "Shelly it's ok, the doctor will fill us in, I am so sorry for the pain you are in please just hurt me somehow if it will help."  I smile at him, I know what he was trying to say, though nothing was going to dissipate this pain.  He leans down kisses my forehead, offers to go get some ice chips, which I gladly accepted. After he returns, he is so supportive, I couldn't be happier at this moment.  To look back at Noah, from High School to now, you would not believe this is the same guy. I love him so much.

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