Sunshine (Fred x reader)

By Dobbyscock

22.2K 483 996

"I missed you." "Freddie its only been a week." "That's seven days to long" (Y/n) Black, daughter of Sirius B... More

The Sorting ceremony
Moony and Padfoot
Heart break
Break in
Time Turner
last day
Quidditch world cup part 1.
Quidditch world cup part 2.
The Dark Mark
Trwizard Tournament
Goblet Of Fire
The First Task
dance class
the question
The Yule Ball
The Second Task
do over date
The bet winner
The Final Task
Number twelve Grimauld place
The arrival
The Letter
Bellatrix Lestrange
Mr. Voldy Moldy
The First Meeting
Neville's new wand
Lesson number 2
Dumb ass
Chapter 41
The Attack on Arthur Weasley
Christmas with Bella
You know who
Expecto Patronum
Department of mysteries
Dead Sirius
Dumbledore's plan
The Joke Shop
Lyall Lupin
A Broken Promise
Five more Minutes
Astronomy Tower
The Seven Potters
The Wedding
Malfoy Manor
The Battle Of Hogwarts Part 1
The Battle Of Hogwarts Part 2
After the War
The Proposal
We are gathered here today...

Ferret boy

240 5 13
By Dobbyscock

George Lee Fred and I left dinner all in a very bad mood. All of us had thought that this year might have been a little bit better than the other ones, but no. On top of everything else that was happening we had to add the shittiest teacher ever on top of that.

As we were about to turn another corner Draco popped out of no where. "Y/n, I need to talk to you."


"Just come here." I looked at Fred who had the most disgusted look on his face.

I sighed and followed Draco down a hall. "What do you wa-"

"Show me your arm."


"I said show me your arm." I rolled up the sleeve of my right arm. "No not that one, you know which one I'm talking about."

"Draco why does it matter?"

"Just do it damn it!"

"Draco calm down." I rolled up my left sleeve. His eyes went wide.

"Why did you do it?" His eyes went misty.

"It wasn't my choice."

"What do you mean it wasn't your choice. You wouldn't have gotten disowned."

"What do you mean? Did you have to get it?" He nodded. I sighed. "You didn't want it did you?"

"Of course I didn't want it."

"Listen Draco. If you promise me that you won't tell a soul what I'm about to tell you, I promise you I will get you out of this somehow. No matter what it takes. No matter how long it takes. I will get you out of this." He looked at me.

"I won't tell anyone. I promise."

"Dumbledore is using me as a spy."

''Why you?"

"He told me it was because Bellatrix loves me so much. Did Lucius make you get it?"

"He didn't make me, but he told me he'd hate me if I didn't."

"I'm sorry Draco."

He shrugged. "Well I should be going."

I nodded and watched as he walked down the dark hallway. I heard an annoying high pithced cough come from behind me. I turned around to see Umbitch standing there smiling. "Shouldn't you be in your common room?"

"Sorry Proffesor, I was just heading that way. I love your bow." I was trying my darndest to get on her good side.

"Thank you dear. Now run along.'' I smiled and headed up to the common room.

Seamus and Harry were fighting about Voldy when I got in there. Seamus was always going to be on his mum's side so there was no point in arguing, it was like talking to a brick wall. Dean looked embarrased of his boyfriend. They weren't dating, but they needed to be.

Fred whispered to me, "So what did ferret boy want."

"I'll tell you later this is to interesting."

Fred chuckled. Once Harry had went up stairs I turned to Fred and whispered, "He knows about you know what."


"He's one to."

"Knew it."

Time skip brought to you by my sickness.

"Nauseatiatingly exhausting wizarding tests. N.E.W.Ts or more commonly known as Newts. Study hard and you will be rewarded, fail to do so and the consequiences may be severe." Umbridge flicked her wand and books started passing themselves out.

I flicked through the pages as Umbitch kept talking. There was absolutley nothing in it about using magic. I raised my hand. "Professor there isn't anyhting in here about using deffensive spells."

"Using spells? I couldn't imagine why you would need to use spells in my classroom."

"We're not using magic?" Fred asked.

"You will be learning about spells in a safe secure way."

I looked at Fred. He looked extremely confused.

This was going to be a very long year.

I feel like shit.

Question: Favorite month

Mine: October

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