Set in Chrome {Chibs Telford}

By MoxxiZombie

203K 4.8K 248

Sonya Teller, Jax's younger sister, comes back to Charming after being away for years and finds herself in th... More

Set in Chrome {Chibs Telford}
[19] Gotta look this life, in the eye...
[20] Fear and Loathing in Charming
[21] These lights don't shine....
[22] Tell me what to say...
[23] Gotta live this life...
[24] On The Road Again
[25] Last night.
[26] The Good, The Crazy, The Broken
[27] Revenge is Sweeter than you ever Were.
[28] Have you ever...?
[29] Getting Close
[31] The Revelator
[32] Leather and Lace
[33] Its in the Blood.
[34] Those words.
[35] Murphys Law.
[36] Smite.
[37] Fall to pieces.
[38] Prison Birds.
[39] XXX Diva.
The Slow Burn [40]
[42] Quality time.
[43] The set.
[43.5] Run.
[44] Say Goodbye.
[45] Never Still
[46] Plans Change.
[47] Killin' me.
[48] Don't live too Fast
[49] Love Company.
[50] Can't take it back now.
[51] Go On.
[52] Relapse.
[53] Mistakes.
[54] June Wedding
[55] Coal War

[30] Upstarts and broken hearts

2.6K 63 2
By MoxxiZombie

The ride back to my house seemed so much longer than I remembered, I wanted some place closer to TM but this was the best I could do on such short notice and it really wasn't bad. I guess after everything I've been through, I'm just...trying to fit back in again. I smiled when I pulled into my driveway again, I do live in a beautiful part of town, I thought as I made my way up the sidewalk to my front door. Inside things were a little different though, the feeling I got from being home again was something all too welcomed. I dropped my helmet at the door as I shut it behind me and slung my cut over the back of my couch. There were spent cigarettes in the ashtrays on the coffee stand, a few dishes left over in the sink, and I hadn't gone back yet but I could almost bet that there was clothing laying around my bedroom on the floor. I laughed to myself and moved to start cleaning a little while I had the chance alone, but it wasn't long before someone was knocking at my door. I tensed a little, not hearing any loud rumbling of a Harley and made my way over, looking through the peephole on the door. I pulled it open and invited my brother's old lady into my home.

I watched Tara come in and look around while I went to empty the ashtray in my hands. "This is a nice place." She said nodding, sitting Abel's bag down on the couch near my cut. It was subtle, but I caught her looking at it a little pensively. I came back into the room and took my nephew up in my arms while we sat down in the living room. "I forget you're a part of the club too sometimes..." she said softly.

I shrugged giving Abel a soft smile. "It doesn't feel like I am sometimes." I told her.

"Well you haven't exactly been around here recently, with everything thats happened. And you don't work at the garage, so you're not there all the time like the other guys." She added, and I nodded again.

"I know," I hugged Abel again before I put him down on the couch. "Look how much bigger this ones' got." I said with a laugh. Tara smiled and shook her head. "Something on your mind doc?" I asked, as she got a few of his little toys out and laying a blanket down on the floor so the grown ups could talk. I Went to the kitchen and brought in a couple of beers for Tara and I, but she still wouldn't talk. "Tara?" I asked.

"Its Wendy." She said shaking her head. I was a little surprised by that actually, I hadn't heard anything about Wendy since I'd been back, I just assumed that Jackson and Tara were together, nothing more. "Shes been around more and more often." She added on, hoping that I would say something one way or another.

"Hows my brother feel about that?" I asked her and she shrugged.

"I don't know, but..."

"What?" I chuckled. "You afraid he'll like leave you or something?" I asked. Her glare was enough to give me her answer. "Well Wendy was with them for a long time, and Abel is her son..."

"This isn't helping me..." She breathed. I nodded, understanding her meaning.

"Have some faith in him Tara." I told her. She looked down at her hands. "He'll come through for you." I said giving her a smile.

"Yeah," She said shaking her head, finally giving me a smile too. "I guess if anyone knew him best it would be you." She shrugged. I nodded and got down on the floor to play with my nephew for a while, after everything I've been through, things slowed down when I had this kid near me. It was like I felt really happy again, like the first night the guys realized I was back and we partied like there was no tomorrow, or the first night Jackson brought me to his house to meet Abel. "You coming to the party tonight?" Tara asked, getting down on the floor with me and Abel to play as well. I nodded and she smiled when I blew a raspberry on Abel's belly making him laugh like crazy. "I'm glad you'll be there, I'm not sure I could handle it without someone I really trusted." She told me. It made me feel happier than Tara trusted me, especially knowing the ground her and mother stood on as shaky at best. "You eat yet today?" she asked sitting up on her knees.

"Nah, haven't had the chance yet." I told her honestly. "I just got home a little while ago and started cleaning, did the dishes and emptied the trash and shit." I said getting up as well.

"Want me to make something just for us?" She asked and then looked down at Abel. "Wanna have dinner with two lovely ladies Abel?" She asked him tickling his belly and we all laughed.

I nodded. "Just let me run back to change and get the clothes off the floor and I'll come out and watch him if you're cookin' doc." I said heading back to my bedroom while she laughed and played the kid.

I went into my room and sighed shaking my head, I was right. I laughed a little beginning to pick up the jeans and socks and shirts all around the room and put them into the laundry bag in the corner. After that was finished I changed into a pair of light blue jeans and a black tank top with a thin, red flannel over that and went back out into the living room. Once I was sat down with Abel Tara went into the kitchen to start cooking. I lifted Abel into my arms and started off towards the kitchen.

"Lets go watch mama while she cooks for me huh?" I asked with a laugh. "Not everyday Aunt So has a pretty lady cook for her." I said coming into the kitchen and Tara laughed hearing the end of the conversation. I sat down at the table with Abel in my arms still and watched Tara as she asked where certain things were in my kitchen.

"Chibs definitely kept the place stocked while you were away." She said laughing, I laughed and nodded as she continued on. "Hows that going anyway?" she asked me.

I sighed. "Well as good as it can go I guess." I looked down to Abel playing with the ring on my middle finger and shook my head. "Just wondering where all this is gonna go." I said softly. "With what I did with Tig, getting Jax in the middle and keepin' these secrets..."

"Have faith in him Sonya," She said cutting me off, her back still turned to me, preparing lunch.

"Really original doc." I said with a sigh. "Mamma's funny huh Abel." I said to the baby booping his little nose which got a smile from him. After Tara was done cooking she fixed us up a plate each and we made our way to the living room to watch a movie and feed Abel as well. this whole situation feels normal, like if Tara had dated a normal guy and is now getting along with his normal sister, like we aren't part of something like SAMCRO and this was just a normal afternoon. We have dinner, dote on the baby, and then she would go home to Jackson and Chibs would come home to me. Our movie selection was pretty slim too, aside from the movies that Chibs brought here there was nothing too kid friendly so we just through on some television. This was one of those times I was happy to have Netflix.

In the middle of the movie Tara's phone buzzed in her pocket and she chuckled. "Its the other Teller troublemaker." she said answering the text message.

"Teller troublemaker?" I asked wrinkling my nose. I looked down to Abel laying on my left arm while I was laying back on the couch. "Can you believe that Abel? She thinks me and your dad are trouble makers...outrageous." I said rolling my eyes, making Tara laugh and hit my leg with her pillow. I smiled and yawned wide just as Abel was doing now.

"You can catch a nap if you want Sonya." Tara said getting up, grabbing our plates to take the kitchen.

I laughed softly. "I should kick Chibs out and have you move in." I joked. "He can live with Jax, we got this little handsome man to keep us company." I said as my eyes were growing more heavy. All of a sudden Tara leaned over the back of my couch, looking right down to my face from above me. "Not sayin' in a sexual way weirdo, don't kiss me damn." I joked.

"Can you do something for me?" she asked. I nodded. "Can you tell your brother you wanted me to bring Abel over...only if he asks about it...ya know." she told me. I raised an eyebrow at her. "I just don't know how he feels about me taking Abel now and then..."

"Cause of Wendy." I said flatly. She sighed and nodded. "Yeah, I got your back. Still," I told her. "Gotta have faith doc, or you won't get anywhere with him." I warned her.

She smiled. "Thanks Sonya." she told me. "Now go and take a nap with your nephew, you guys haven't got to spend any real time together like this and..." she paused. "It looks like its really helpin' you." she said nodding. I smiled and agreed getting more comfortable on the couch. I shut my eyes and was finally able to take a deep breath and relax here, no loud family buzzing around, this was wonderful. After a few moments I felt a blanket being put over me and I smiled. Tara really was a sweet heart. You chose pretty good this time Jackson, you really did. That was my last thought before sleep finally set in.

It was around four o clock that Sonya Teller's front door opened again, and Tara made her way out of the kitchen to see Jackson Teller looking over the back of the couch, smiling softly. She moved over quietly to him, brushing her hand against his arm, catching his attention. He turned to her wearing that sweet smile she loved so much.

"Hey." He whispered giving her a sweet small kiss. He turned back to his sister and son asleep on the sofa as Tara leaned against her. "Whats goin' on here?" He asked with a soft laugh, gesturing down to the couch.

Tara laughed too. "We had a fun day with Aunt Sonya, had dinner, watched some tv and then it was nap time." Jackson smiled shaking his head. "I cleaned up for her while she was out, even got some laundry done." she said proud of herself. Jackson pulled her to him close and kissed her lips.

"She needed this." He said nodding. "You did too, you been a little off lately, looks like you had fun." he told her.

Tara sighed and smiled. "I did." She said with a nod. "She even said she should make Chibs go live with you and have me move in." They both laughed and then shushed each other quickly.

"God you guys are gross." Sonya's voice groaned as she sat up carefully not trying to wake the sleeping boy next to her. "Whats up?" She asked as Tara moved around to get Abel while Jackson and Sonya walked to the kitchen. "Anything going on?" She asked her brother. Jackson shook his head.

"Tara told me she was over here with Abel and I don't really get to see you that often outside the garage. Figured this would be my shot." He said and Sonya laughed.

"Yeah, well we got that party tonight and all." She reminded him. "I'm just surprised our mom hasn't been on my ass to come over and slave away for her yet." She rolled her eyes with the comment and Jackson nodded.

She watched her brother peek into the next room and then lean in to her a little. "About the party," he started. "Wendy is coming tonight." He told her, she only nodded. "I wanted to know if you could kind of keep an eye on Tara, make sure shes keepin' her shit together." She gave him a sideways look and Jackson shook his head quickly. "Its nothin' weird, shes just been off when Wendy is brought up, dunno how she'll take it tonight, her bein' there."

"I'm on it." she told her brother. "You see Chibs before you get over here?" she asked him.

"Yeah, he said he would be here soon, before dinner." he told her. "You guys ridin' together?" he asked.

"Nah, why would I even have a bike if I'm not gonna ride it?" She teased her brother and he laughed shoving her shoulder playfully.

"Love you loser." he said going back into the living room. She brushed him off and looked around her kitchen with another yawn. Tara had done the dishes for her while she slept. "We're gonna head back to the house and start helpin' out." he said as the three of them came back into the kitchen, Abel already in his car seat and Sonya nodded.

"Feel free to come over whenever Tara, you're always welcome." I told her with a hug before they left. I waved to them out the door before shutting it and going to fall back onto my couch, turned towards the television but then my phone buzzed in my pocket. I smiled and answered after seeing who was calling me.

"I'm on my way home So." Came his voice through the phone.

"I'm here, had an awesome day so far." I told him. "Spent my day with a handsome little guy." I told him and he laughed.

"I hope you mean Abel." He told me, I could here him getting ready to move soon.

"Of course." I said with a laugh. "Him and Tara stopped by, Tara even made me lunch." I told him shaking my head.

"Tha's great love," he told me. "I'm leaving right now, be there in 20." After that we said our goodbyes and got off the phone. I figured that I would head back to the bedroom and pick out something nice to wear for the party tonight and start getting ready before Chibs would get back. I decided on a black long sleeve shirt with the arms ripped horizontally up to the shoulder, and a pair of light blue jeans. Nothing special cause it was just a family party and I was pretty sure my nephew didn't care what his awesome aunt wore to his little party. I chuckled to myself with the thought. I left my hair down and pulled my pant legs down over my riding boots and went to do my makeup and hair, which I just ended up leaving down anyway. When I came out of the bathroom to the front room Chibs was just coming through the front door and I caught his eyes when he looked up. "Well don't you look beautiful lass." He said with a smile. "you ready?" He asked as I went over to him putting my arms up around his neck. I nodded and he leaned down kissing my lips sweetly, sliding his hands down my back. I grabbed my cut slipping it on over my shirt and we headed out after locking up to leave.

The party at the house was already beginning when Sonya Teller and Chibs showed up at the front door. She smiled when Bobby pulled her into a big tight hug because he hadn't gotten the chance to see her since she'd come back from the cabin. Chibs smiled and went to get himself a beer like everyone else after going over to Gemma, who was holding Abel, and gave the baby a little kiss on the head. The younger sibling Teller went over to her mom and hugged her then Gemma handed Abel off to her daughter and watched as she lifted the baby up and blew a raspberry on his cheek causing Gemma to smile softly. She loved seeing her daughter like this, she was soft and warm, and loving and when she had the baby she didn't care how she looked to her brothers and Gemma was proud.

"Hes gorgeous ain't he?" Gemma asked, petting her hand through Sonya's hair while she held the baby. She nodded with a smile.

"Must take after his momma, cause I know he didn't get it from my brother." She joked making Gemma laugh and hit her arm playfully.

"My babies, were and are the most beautiful babies I ever seen." She said crossing her arms. "This is just another beautiful baby to add to the list." she told her. Sonya nodded laughing but then her smile faded some, making Gemma follow her daughter's line of sight. She dropped her soft nature as soon as she saw, it was Wendy walking over to them looking a little nervous around all the people here. "what do you make of that?" Gemma asked her daughter and watched her shrug.

"Gonna see how it plays out." She said just as Wendy came up to her.

She put her arms around the young girl holding Abe and Sonya let her. "Good ta see ya around here again kid." Wendy said with a smile.

She didn't smile though. "Yeah, good to be back." She said flatly. "Heard you're recoverin'," she through out making Wendy's smile fall and put her eyes down. "Nah, its a good thing for you. Shits gonna kill you one day ya know." she said nudging Wendy with her hip a little making the woman look back up to her and smile again. "Hey," she said suddenly handing the baby off to Wendy, "I'm gonna go see whats good in the kitchen." She said kissing her mother's cheek and making her way through the crowd leaving Wendy standing there with her biological son in her arms next to Gemma who only huffed.

"I made it, so every things good." She said shaking her head.

Wendy smiled looking to her son. "Shes a good girl Gemma." Wendy said nodding in Sonya's direction and Gemma nodded. "Saw the cut on her back, that for real?" she asked.

"Well yeah." Gemma said like it was nothing special. "Look who her dad is, her brother, hell look at me. Was only a matter 'a time before somethin like this happened around here." she said. "Always knew it was gonna be her too." Wendy nodded understanding that Gemma was proud of her kid, but she was more concerned with what she had just done. The whole time Wendy had been at the party, no one handed Abel to her without looking to Gemma, or to Jackson, or to Tara like they all needed to make sure it was ok. Not her though, she handed Abel to her without any kind of hesitation and it made her happy that she did, it was the first time someone had really done that since Jackson had let her hold the baby. Sure the Tellers were known for some bad things, but she could see that not all of them were actually bad, they weren't like Gemma. Sonya didn't make it very far towards the kitchen before Donna had her in a death grip making her laugh.

"I'm ok." She said hugging the woman back. "I'm ok." she repeated again hearing Donna sniffle against her shoulder. Opie's wife pulled away and brushed some hair back from her face shaking her head. "Wheres the kids?" Sonya asked her, trying to lighten her up.

"They're in the yard playing, probably being piggy backed by the guys." She said shaking her head. "My god," she breathed. "I was so scared, Op was a mess when..." She nodded. "But you're back now." she said kissing the young girl's cheek and she laughed.

"Lets go get some grub." Sonya said slinging an arm around her shoulder and leading her into the kitchen with her. In the kitchen was no better, Tara was leaning against the kitchen counter talking a little with Opie, and Juice had the same idea as she did, grabbing food here and there and filling his plate up as he walked around eating. "Whats up doc?" She said as her and Donna came over to where Tara stood with Opie who just looked at her rolling his eyes.

"Bugs bunny?" he asked flatly. "Seriously the best ya got?" he teased her making Donna and Tara laugh.

She slapped his shoulder. "I thought it was funny." She defended. Sonya looked behind her seeing Juice standing right out the doorway eating from the plate in his hands. She smiled and started off to go talk to him but Tara touched her arm getting her attention.

"Talk a minute?" she asked.

Sonya sighed. "In a bit, I'm gonna go bug Juicey." She told her and walked out to where Juice stood. He laughed when she grabbed a little sandwich from his plate and took a bite. "Whats up Juicey?" She asked him.

He shrugged. "Holdin' it down." He told her and she laughed. "How you holdin' up Sweets?" He asked her and she sighed. "Somethin' wrong?" He asked her. She smiled softly, he was a sweet guy, near her age, handsome and right up her alley for sure.

"You remember when we used to hang out in the lot when the guys didn't have you workin your ass off?" she asked him and he smiled nodded. "I fuckin' loved hanging out with you when you were workin' in the garage." she told him and he laughed softly.

"Come on, you were bored." he told her with that award winning smile. "all you did really was sit on the table and watch me work."

"Yeah," she said shrugging. "But you were a prospect." she told him. "Something I could never be, something I could never even fuckin' ask for."

Juice nodded. "but you're in the club now right? So it all worked out." he said and Sonya laughed. "Was fun though, actin' our ages once in a while." he added. While they stood there talking and laughing about times before Chibs was standing in the kitchen drinking a cold beer, watching them closely. Now Sonya wasn't an old lady, so he couldn't just go over and shove between her and Juicey like he wanted to do, she wasn't property, she was inn the club on equal standing. So he couldn't really do anything but watch. She was so vibrant, laughing and touching Juice's arms and shoulders and him doing the same to her.

"You good with that brother?" Came Bobby's gruff voice beside him, snapping him away from the two outside. Chibs sighed and turned back to the two outside. He didn't know how to answer the question. He could say no, but he knew there was nothing that could be done. He could say there was nothin' going on over there for him to worry about but he didn't know that for sure, because he didn't know what they were talking about or what they were saying. "They're almost the same age, young, grew up around the garage before she left..."

"You got sometin' ta say Bobby?" Chibs asked, eyes dark while he took another drink from his beer.

Bobby chuckled. "Guess not." He said shaking his head. Just then the laughing got louder and they looked over to see Juice lifting her up over his head while she laughed like a school girl. "Guess not." Bobby repeated as he went back into the party. Chibs sighed and started back in as well seeing Sonya hug Juice, probably getting ready to come in as well.

When I came back in from talking to Juice I made my way through to Jackson's living room only to stop by the front door. Donna was getting ready to leave with the kids and Opie was going out with her. I gave their kids, El and Kenny a big hug before they left, and then hugged Donna.

"I'm glad you're home again." Donna told me and I laughed giving her a quick kiss on the cheek and kept on going through after Opie patted my shoulder. Sadly I walked into the living room just in time to see Tara lean over the arm of the couch and lay a kiss on Jackson. I grimaced and then noticed that Wendy was sitting next to him on the couch, then it became clear why she attempted such a huge show of affection. I could tell by Jackson's face that he was not happy with what happened, and then he glanced back to me. I nodded and moved forward to grab Tara's arm softly.

"Come on, we gotta talk for a minute." I told her quietly. She nodded and rubbed Jackson's shoulder softly before following me back towards Abel's nursery. Once we went in I peeked down the hall to make sure no one was listening, and then shut it completely. "What the hell was that?" I asked turning to look at her, she had this sour look on her face.

"What do you mean?" She asked back with a huff. "I had to let her know..."

"What?!" I hissed, she flinched and put her eyes down. "Well you made your point, you're Jax's new piece. Congratulations." I told her and walked over to walk out of the room, just as I pulled the door open Jackson was coming in and he looked at me for a moment before I just nodded and left them have the room. I turned around to pull the door shut behind me and went back out into the living room, not before grabbing a beer and sat down on Jackson's couch. I watched everyone talking and laughing like they were before I went to talk to Tara and leaned my head back closing my eyes. I knew Tara was feeling a little insecure with Wendy around, but that was a little drastic to do to someone who was a recovering drug addict. I felt someone sit down next to me and put their hand on my knee and I opened my eyes to see Chibs sitting there next to me. "enjoying the party?" I asked him. He shrugged. Usually that would have bothered me, but I could see with all this going on how he would be a Little tired and maybe eve a little irritated so I didn't push it. "This was nice," I told him. "With everything I've had a really fun day." I smiled. Chibs only patted my knee a few more times but still said nothing.

After a few minutes Jackson came rushing out the back and looked right to me. "Come with me, now!" He yelled grabbing his shit so Chibs and I did the same and followed him out in a rush without saying anything to anyone. Jackson, myself, Chibs and Clay met up outside and I started to get a little nervous, I hadn't even known that Clay was here, I hadn't seen him at all inside. I followed though, loyally, soon wishing that I hadn't, that I hadn't even came back to Charming...

I went over with Jax when Opie rushed over to eh scene, Donna Winston was laying dead in the road, Opie leaned over her crying and I put my hand over my mouth. Why would someone do this to Donna? I looked to Jackson and he seemed to be just as lost as I did, then Tig and Juice pulled up to the scene as well. I went to Opie and knelt down next to him, putting my arm around his shoulder while he cried over Donna and kissed her lips again and again. Someone had taken his wife from him and they were gonna pay. I brushed some of her hair back from her face, then pressed a kiss to my hand and gently touched her cheek. Jackson came to kneel beside us and helped me get Opie back to his feet, when he did get up he grabbed me tight and a little off guard. I put my arms around him while he cried against the shoulder of my cut and he squeezed and squeezed and squeezed until I was crying with him. Jackson put his arm on my back after a few moments.

"We gotta get him away from this, they have to..." I nodded understanding and I started walking Opie back behind the crime scene tape with Jackson. I looked around, seeing Chibs standing away looking on with Juice. "I got him," Jackson said softly. "Go." He told me. I nodded and hugged Opie again and kissed his cheek going to where Chibs was standing. When he saw me coming he held his arms open when I got close and folded them around me when I reached him.

"You alrigh' love?" He asked me and I shook my head instantly. Nothing about this was alright. "I'm gonna talk ta Clay, see if we can get home." He told me kissing the top of my head. Juice stepped closer, putting his hand on my shoulder while Chibs went to talk to Clay over beside Unser and deputy Hale. I looked up trying to give him some resemblance of a smile, but I just couldn't. He just nodded and pulled me into a tight hug as well, I hugged him back nodding against his shoulder, trying to let him know that I would be alright as I could be and he let me go, moving towards Jackson. Chibs came back to me and put his arm around my shoulder, leading me towards our bikes.

Jackson came over to us, leaving poor Opie with Juice. "Goin' home?" He asked me pulling me into a hug. I nodded. "Be safe." He told me. "We don't know anything 'bout this shit yet." I understood. He looked to Chibs. "Keep 'er safe." He told him.

"Always brother." He said with a nod and we mounted our bikes, beginning the long ride back to my house after glancing once more back at the grim scene behind us.

(A/N; Sorry for the updates being worse than a snail riding on a turtle, and if you've stuck it out this long then I love you for it! Lol Thanks for staying awesome. Hope you all like this chapter, and if you guys have any ideas or just wanna tell me what you think I'm always open to that. Stay awesome!)

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