Loving A God - LokixReader

Por book-imaginative

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Y/N decides with her powers she wants to become an avenger but how is she going to get the Avenger's attentio... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Authors Note

Chapter 37

271 9 0
Por book-imaginative

1st Person POV. (Y/N)

After dinner, we've had a few drinks and are chatting and laughing, I and Loki keep catching each other starting at the other socially when our eyes are on one another I nod in the direction of our room and he nods agreeing. I stand up and walk away from the group Loki following me into our room.
I open the door waiting for Loki to get in and then I close it. Loki sits down on the bed and I stand for a while in silence before remembering about the gift I got him.
I walk over to the corner I have dedicated to me and get the shopping bag and then I give it to him as if it's a gift bag holding stuff inside it.
"What is this?" Loki asks me as he looks down on the bag.
"I uhm- got you a gift, at the market today and you know when I saw it it reminded me of you," I explain.
"Oh, well thank you," Loki said before opening the don't and pulling out the emerald green book and dagger magnet that have green handles. He smiles and reads the title of the book, "Traveling Light, by Max Lucado?" He quirks an eyebrow at me.
"So honestly it was just the color that sparked a memory of you so maybe don't read that book, unless you want to." I smile.
He smiles back before flipping through the book and smelling it I stifle a chuckle at the sight and then he takes up the magnet to look at it more closely.
"I honestly love it. Where did you find this?" Loki questions and I shrug repeating at the market again.
Loki continues to look down at his gift so we sit in silence, me wondering how to get talking about us. And you know what I decide, I decide to just jump into the deep end and spurt it out.
"Loki I'm not sure whether or not you do actually want to have children but I do want to believe you do so I hope you feel the same but, I think we should give us another go." I stare at Loki's face while I talk and he keeps his eyes on the book he has in his hand while I talk but slowly looks up and meets my eyes when I'm done speaking.
He smiles before throwing the book on the bed beside him and cupping my face in his big and rough but smooth hands, pulling me closer and pressing our lips together.
It surprises me but I do kiss him back and soon I've pulled myself on top of him and now we're laying and I'm not sure how we ended up here where he is grazing my bareback with his fingertips, but I do not mind and I'm not really sure where this is going but I'll gladly do whatever we decide to do.
Loki starts sliding my top to my neck, breaking away to see if I'm okay where this is going.
I nod and he helps me take off my shirt, me taking off his shirt a couple of minutes later. Our bodies reminisce and remember how to do everything for each other. Loki's muffled groans get me wetter than I think I've ever been and so finally when he's in my pants for the first time in a while he looks at me while his fingers swim in the liquid he contributed to the making.
He pumps his fingers slowly in and out of me while I arch my back and he continues to kiss my neck and collarbone. His fingers give me more pleasure than they've ever given me before and I pull his hand up, sucking on his finger tasting the sour flavor of my juice before we move on and I release his bulge out of his pants.
I tease him with my tongue but don't want to give him anything else than my body close and sweaty with his so I get on top of him and... Shit, we don't have anything.
"Loki," I whisper my eyes wide.
"Have you got anything?" I ask him, hoping he understands me.
"No.." We stay in silence and both think of a way to get a contraceptive.
I jump up and walk away into the bathroom naked, Loki watching my back and waiting patiently without asking what I'm doing. I search the cabinets sure that Tony must've thought he was very clever to put condoms in here but I'm not finding anything. I walk back out to Loki and his eyes show a question mark.
"Nothing," I tell him. That's when he jumps up and gets in his pants and jumps out the window. Alright, then I lay down on the bed thinking over what has happened since I closed the door of our room.
Loki jumps back in something in his mouth. He closes the window quietly and drops his clothing back on the floor before towering over me on the bed. I sit up and the condom he has in his hand, I open it and gently slide it onto him. He pushes me back down on the bed and climbs onto the bed so he's over me, he spreads my legs and leans down to me, pulling the sheets up to cover our bodies, he slides himself into me, making me gasp.
He leans down to me even more before pumping in and out, going slow at first but his pace speeding up as our desires get a hold of our bodies that are in want of one another. My mouth opens and a moan slips out, Loki moves his hand to gently cover my mouth, I'm starting to get hot and sweaty and I'm starting to be unable to hold back the noises I want to make, Loki's forehead glistens in the light the moonlight coming from out of the window as his hips thrust into my open legs, Loki speeding up and my back arching, even more, when we finish together.
Panting, Loki falls on the bed beside me and he smiles when I turn to him and put my hand over his chest cuddling up to his naked and hot body.
"I've missed you," I whisper. Loki smiles and kisses my forehead replying, "I've missed you too."

I shift to move my face from the sun and hear chattering from outside mine and Loki's bedroom. I feel like I hear my name spoken and then footsteps start to get closer. Loki snuggles up to me and I feel his bare body up against mine.
A knock on the door opens my eyes and when I've scanned the surroundings Tony opens the door stands in the doorframe and then notices the sheets that barely cover me and Loki's unclothed bodies. I pull the sheet higher up and Tony's wide eyes blink and stare for a few seconds before recovering.
Tony clears his throat and Loki sits up, "Wanda has requested you to come to the kitchen as soon as you can." He says and leaves without another word. I sigh and Loki's eyes reveal that he's confused.
"We've been caught," I tell him and he nods, dropping back down on the bed. "Loki we need to get up." He shakes his head and I get up on him hugging him.
"No, I think we should stay in bed."
"Come on." I kiss his shoulder, neck, and finally lips before getting off of him and finding clothes, "Loki get up!" I sit back down on the bed and pull underwear on me. Loki sits up but instead of standing up he pulls me onto him, I chuckle. "Loki we need to go."
"I'd rather be taking these-" He stretches the band of my bra releasing it to return to my shoulder harshly. "-off." He kisses my neck and I try to get free but relaxing for a minute letting me and him enjoy this moment before having to go out to the team.
I sigh and Loki sighs after me allowing me to go, him sitting up, and together we get dressed, Loki complaining about the horrible friends we have that continue to drag us out of bed. I just smile and pull him out of our room into the kitchen.
"Here come the lovers," Bucky says when he spots us walking down the hallway.
I throw my arms in the air, Loki bitterly walking beside me.
"Good morning," Nat says.
Tony looks at us awkwardly but I shrug and he does to us agreeing to forget it.
"We're here," I say mostly for Wanda but I can't see her anywhere. Bucky points to the kitchen and there she pops up.
"Great. Alright everyone gather around."
We do and then she begins. "As you know me and Vision have organized most of this trips outings so today for the last day of the planned days we are going hiking, and if we have time the beach and after that, we're ending the day with going to the club!" Wanda exclaims and we cheer.
"And we're going now so the sleepy heads will get food on the way, I've made everything ready now you have a few minutes while I call taxis then we're out," Wanda says and we split up to make our backpacks ready.
I take my small sports bag and throw some things in it such as a swimsuit, two pairs of shoes, sandals, and sneakers, and a baseball cap I stole from Sam or Bucky I'm not sure who owned it.
Everyone's out of the house and waiting for the taxis that are supposed to come pick us up. Wanda tells us where we're going and that I and Loki can stop at McDonald's to get ourselves some breakfast and then we head off. We get breakfast as Wanda permitted and then the people we're in a cab with we join the others of the team who're already there.
It's a beautiful hill, filled with trees that have a carved trail up the big hill.
"Are we all ready?" Wanda asks.
I pull my backpack on my back and nod and then we start our ascent to the top.
Beautiful scenery greets our eyes while dirt, rocks, moss, and grass greet our feet. The wind dances through our hair and we take deep breaths of the nature-filled air.
Loki joins my side and holds my hand, our palms get sweaty pretty fast and so walking next to each other becomes enough. The trails start to become more and more swerving and after a bit, I know we're getting to the top.
And right I was as we stop to admire the view over the stunning island of Hawaii. Loki stands beside me and I reach for his hands to intertwine our fingers. He looks at me and smiles and I smile back before breaking away first and looking back at the view, leaving Loki's eyes to linger on me for a minute.
Wanda pulls out a blanket with her magic allowing us to sit down and then again with her magic serve us lunch. The picnic seems to go by quickly and before we know it we're heading back down the hill.
We have around an hour left on the beach before we need to go get ready for the club so we head there to enjoy the hour of sunshine we can relish.
I quickly head for the public bathroom that's placed on the pavement before the sand takes over, in the private stall I change clothes and hurry them in my backpack and go out to join the team that has set up towels for us to lay on, however, Loki takes my arm before I can lay down.
"Let's head out in the sea." He says and I nod, he then leading us into the mild-tempered ocean.
When our feet start to get wet from the waves, Loki sweeps me up and carries me, I laugh loudly asking him to put me down and telling him I can walk myself he shakes his head answering no and adjusting my body so I can put my feet around his waist and his hands hold my ass.
I smile while Loki holds me and struggles to stand steadily in the ever-so-moving waves. "How're you holding up?" I ask not genuinely and jokingly referencing his struggle.
"I'm fine." He smiles.
I cuddle into his neck, we stand in the dancing waves in silence and my mind wanders back to the night before especially to the chat where he had changed his mind about having children. A question arises in my head and I spit it out without thinking it through.
"Have you actually changed your mind?" I ask. Okay, it doesn't sound so bad now that I hear myself say it.
"I have," Loki says.
We rest our voices before Loki begins again. "How many do you want?"
"I'd like to have three to four," I answer him. "How about you?"
"If you'd want one I'd be happy if you'd want a thousand I'd be happy."
"What about the gender? Want anything in particular?" I ask.
"Honestly, a mix of me and you as a boy or a girl sounds wonderful and horrible at the same time." He chuckles like he's imagining it.
"I want two boys at first, I think, and then at least one girl that's younger than her brothers, but honestly I don't care just the thought of being a mom and bringing a little you into the world to care for sounds so amazing." I smile.
Loki nods and smiles too. "I agree with you, now." He jokes.
I look at Loki's handsome face, I see the small stumble his face has begun to grow, and his nose that turns at all the right places, his eyes the reveal his soul through green lenses, and his thin lips that are always so soft and nice to touch.
I lean towards him and kiss him, he kisses me back and his hands move from my ass to my lower back, and my fingers running slowly through his hair.
A small noise escapes Loki's mouth and I smile breaking up the kiss. He blushes and finally lets me down.
"I wanna get some soak in some sun before we go so I'm going to get out back to them, what are you going to do?" I tell Loki.
"I'll follow you where ever." He says and we emerge from the water holding hands.
There's free space beside Wanda so we go take it up and lay down on my stomach, resting my head on my arms I have raised over my head. Loki lays on his back and holds my hand that he holds with the hand he has under his head.
I smile and soon after Wanda hops up and claps her hand calling the team out in the ocean and gathering us to take our things to get going home to clean ourselves up for the party that's on for tonight.

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