Amore mio 2

By AnnaMoon138

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Arranged marriage turned out to be all they could ever dream of and more: love, wildly burning passion that k... More



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By AnnaMoon138


2 weeks ticked by so nicely and peacefully. 

Elio and Francesca are very well, we manage just fine with quadruplets and little twins and look after our eldest kids perfectly. I came back to my pre-pregnancy shape quickly, my skin is in great condition. 

Currently it is Wednesday, 4PM, October 19th.

I am interviewing new chef as our last one moved to his hometown - Venice - due to family reason: his wife gave birth to their 4th child, they wanted to live in a bigger house and settle at home permanently and since both of them were born in Venice, they decided to came back. Leonardo and I understood him utterly, letting him go without any problems. 

"I bambini hanno le loro piccole antipatie per quanto riguarda melone, cetrioli e cavolfiori, quindi per favore, non aggiungerli in nessun piatto."- I told chef Ricky politely and he nodded, noting that down. (Kids have their tiny dislikes regarding melon, cucumbers and cauliflower, so please, don't add them into any dishes.)

Chef Ricky is highly liked to be hired: flawless recommendations and resume, good experience, specialisation in all types of cuisine; no bad habits that might influence our bambinos in any way, clear background, no crime records. He will now make lunch to show what he is actually capable of. 

He got to work and I left the kitchen, sighing as twins cried again, worrying me more and more with every second passing by. 

Elio and Francesca have been crying all day, waking me up at 4 in the morning. I cannot calm them down for longer than an hour. They are perfectly healthy, they are not hungry, they do not need changing, they are freshly bathed, it is warm in the house, it is not humid. 

I went to their nursery and rocked their crib again, then held them in my arms, cooed them, rubbed their backs and bellies. 

"Non piangete, mie preziosità, per favore."- I pleaded shakily, unable to control my own tears any longer. (Don't cry, my preciousnesses, please.) 

I kissed their cheeks, rocking them, but in vain. 

I glanced at the clock desperately, needing Leo right now. He was in Rome on exceedingly urgent business for 2 days and he is coming back today in mere minutes, but God, it feels like hours.


I entered the house, smiling as my precious babies hugged me immediately, being thrilled to have me back. 

"Where is your mum, ragazzi?"- I wondered, rolling sleeves of my shirt up. 

"With Eli and Fran. They have been giving mamma very hard time."- said Tini in worry and I nodded, kissing her forehead. 

Kids went to finish watching the movie since dinner will be ready soon and I went to the nursery, worrying about my wife and our babies. I know that they have been hard to calm down today, Cami and I FaceTimed each other twice. 

"Amore mio."- I said in concern, seeing how bloodshot red her gorgeous, glimmering, soft green eyes are. 

Twins are crying, she is clearly beyond exhausted, upset and stressed. 

"Go to our room, la mia bellezza. I will take care of them. I will come to you soon, sì?"- I stated lovingly, kissing her plump, full, luscious, rosy lips gently. 

She nodded and I took twins, laying loving kiss on her forehead. 

"Shh, calmatevi, miei piccoli tesori."- I cooed Elio and Francesca, rocking them, and they slowly calmed down, sobbing less and less. (Shh, calm down, my little treasures.)

I soothed them down in a while and they began getting drowsy. 

"Non c'è bisogno di dare alla tua bella mamma momenti così difficili. Lei si preoccupa molto per te."- I said calmly, gently laying them down in their crib. (There is no need to give your beautiful mum such hard time. She worries about you very much.) 

They made cute, sleepy noises as I rocked their crib, stopping once I was sure they were fast asleep. Then I left their nursery and went to my beloved. 

Cami exited the closet, wearing my white hoodie; she is fresh out of the shower as her gorgeous, lustrous, long, voluminous, light blonde hair is damp. She looks beyond stunning and sweet, but it is clear that twins gave her very tough time, lack of sleep played big part in it too - she clearly is flat out.

"Il mio amato tesoro, shh, everything is okay."- I spoke warmly, wrapping her small self in my arms, hugging her tightly.

"I am a horrible mum. I couldn't down down our kids, they have been crying nonstop and I failed to control my emotions, Leo."- almost whispered Cami, crying in my chest, as I gently rubbed the back of her pretty head. 

"Look at me, principessa."- I stated collectedly, her innocent, vulnerable gaze meeting mine as she had to tilt her head far backwards. 

I can let her say anything and everything she wants, but I will never let her doubt how good of a mum or wife she is. 

There is nothing to doubt. 

"You are the most incredible mum to our bambinos. I do not know anyone, who would ever be able to do what you do so effortlessly and beautifully with so much love and care. Our kids are the luckiest to have a mum like you, I am the most fortunate man to have you as my wife."- I stated from the bottom of my heart, tenderly glazing my thumb over the back of her pretty head. 

"Today was just a hard moment, it is fine. You have every right to let out your emotions, you were stressed and tired. I would also loose my calmness if I were in your shoes. Twins had their mood swing, it also is fine. Such situations happen, that's normal, but we deal with them like a fantastic team that we are, sì?"- I said warmly, kissing her forehead fondly. 

"Sì."- spoke softly Cami, taking a deep breath. 

"Good. Now, I will make sure dinner is ready and keep an eye on twins and quadruplets while you just relax and do whatever your golden, precious heart wants."- I stated soothingly as she pecked me dotingly, hugging me. 

"Can I have a chocolate bar all to myself?"- asked winsomely Camila, her cheek against my chest, and I smiled, remembering that I have a little something for her. 

"Actually, I think, you will want something I got specifically for you, bambina."- I replied, chuckling at her adorable, excited smile. 

I quickly showered and changed before we went downstairs, wholeheartedly laughing at our little beans, who found something I got for them before my flight back to Florence. 

In Rome there is one particular candy store, which makes everything itself, so all products are actually vegan, ingredients are super clean and organic. The store sells a few things that we really, really, really like - chewy caramels, cheery liquorice, coconut-almond cookies, peppermint meringues and cherry-pistachio nougat. We go there every single time we are in Rome and I decided to surprise my family with a little nice something. 

"You got me my favourite nougat."- said preciously Cami, smiling heavenly at me, and I nodded, chuckling as she hugged me tightly, kissing my cheeks dozen times sweetly. 


That's why I love him with all my heart, soul and every fibre of my being - he always has my back, knows how to cheer me up, how to support me and comfort me when I am at my lowest. Leonardo is my world, I thank heaven for him. 

"Family squeezie-huggie!"- chirped Ari and Angie, making Leo and I full-on grin as our kids squeezed us tightly, all of us laughing and smiling. 

In no time dinner was ready. One glance at the food and one bite was all it took for my husband and I to hire Ricky - our new chef. 

He will officially start working tomorrow and all paper work will be finalised then as well. 

"Papà's chicken cordon bleu is much better, though."- said Lucas surely and bambinos and I eagerly agreed.

Even though this one is great too, it is baked, like I requested because neither our kids nor Leo and I like fried food, Leonardo's chicken cordon bleu is just better. It cannot beat any other recipe, he makes it in ways no-one else can recreate. I am the baker of our family, though, I do cook, just less than Leo. 

Peaceful dinner was followed by relaxing time in the garden. 

Kids are playing and laughing cutely, my husband and I are comfily cuddling on the big swing, quadruplets and twins are napping after fun playtime and feeding, all of us happier than ever. 

"I was thinking about Christmas, amore."- I spoke warmly with a smile, gazing in the pair of my favourite haze eyes. 

"What did you have in mind, principessa?"- wondered Leo, gently tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear. 

"How about going on a big family trip? Us, our parents, my brothers, our pups."- I offered, smiling brightly as charming, dreamy smile adorned his plump lips with ideal cupid-bow. 

"Sounds amazing, il mio amato tesoro."- he responded sincerely and I pecked him dotingly, giggling as he peppered my face with sweet kisses. 

"Now, question that is really bothering me."- I said surely, running my fingers through his silky, voluminous, beyond beautiful, midnight black hair. 

"What do you want for Christmas?"- I asked in genuine curiosity and he smirked devilishly, pulling me on his lap as I straddled him. 

"You completely naked, on your knees, your breathtaking eyes on me as you suck my dick."- he whispered in my ear and I smiled flirtatiously, kissing his temple, trailing my kisses to his ear. 

"I won't be naked, though, I will do all of that and more."- I whispered to him lushly, gently tugging on his velvety hair. 

"Sì, you will be wearing that sexy lingerie of yours, but only for the first 10 seconds by my side, bellezza. Then, it will be nothing, but shreds of fabric on the floor, reminding you, who own every inch of your delectable, erotic body."- whispered huskily Leo, palming my bum, squeezing lightly. 

"I will be too desperate to touch, kiss, caress and mark every inch of your mouth-watering figure to tolerate any fabric in-between us, amore mio. I want to have your delicious body bare and utterly exposed for my greedy eyes, angel."- stated smokily my scrumptious husband and I bit my lip, glancing at his heavenly, hard, perfectly chiselled 8 pack that hides beneath the thin fabric of his white T-shirt. 

"All yours, principessa."- said titillatingly Leo, biting my bottom lip playfully, knowing very well that I find his body perfect. 

I love complimenting my man, I love telling him that he is the sexiest and the most handsome man in the world, I love complimenting his masculinity and muscles, I love letting him know that I find him desirable and imposing. I enjoy complimenting him at random for no reason and I am not ashamed to say all of that because it brings him as much pleasure as me. 

"Cannot wait to mark you."- I whispered to him, giggling as he gently squeezed my bum, kissing me intimately. 

"You have no idea how much I look forward to replaying the image from August, bambina."- stated devilishly Leonardo and I nodded, remembering that marvellous night. 

The very 1st of August was the last time we were intimate before stopping for the time being. Bloody hell, that was a very long, voluptuous, sinfully pleasant, scandalously salacious night. We did everything and all, letting our wildest fantasies out. 

"I love you so much, handsome."- I spoke sweetly and sincerely, kissing his forehead tenderly. 

"I love you very much, bellezza."- said genuinely Leo, hugging me fondly. 

I gently moved a silky strand of his perfect hair off his forehead, smiling at my prepossessing and loving husband, my heart beaming with unconditional love and adoration for him. 

"Mamma, papà."- chirped triplets, dashing to us. 

"What's up, guys?"- we wondered, smiling at our hyper sunshines. 

"Let's play tennis, per favore."- pleaded cutely Sofi as Luc and Emi backed her up. 

"Sure, let's go."- the two of us happily agreed, laughing at their pure thrill and joy. 

We went to the tennis court, which is part of our cosy home because we play tennis extremely often and Sofia, Angelica, Ariana and Maximiliano took it up as serious sport out of immense liking of the sport, therefore, we'd like them to have appropriate and nice training spot. 

We took rackets and began playing in 2 teams, having such a good laugh. All of us played fair and square, ending up with equal points. 


I chuckled as Max eagerly dashed to the ball collector that is twice his small size. I went with him and held the machine on top as his little hands wrapped around it lower and he cheerfully guided where to go, collecting balls, laughing adorably at the process. Sì, he loves playing tennis, but we think, he enjoyed collecting balls around grand court far more, which is the cutest thing. 

"Good job, buddy."- I praised him, gently fixing his messy, velvety, light blonde hair as he smiled brightly. 

I emptied the collector since we are done playing and it is going to be bedtime soon. All of us headed inside, chatting about the amazing game we had. 

"I am a bit hungry."- said Emi as his siblings agreed with him. 

"I think, I have something just right for you."- spoke winsomely Cami, smiling beautifully. 

We went to the kitchen and bambinos eagerly sat at the island and I helped twins and Max to sit down as they don't reach high-chair just yet. 

I have always know that my wife is a fairy because of how fantastically she looks after our children, gives me so much attention and love, maintains herself and manages complex business, but fuck, today she just exceeded that belief of mine. 

Today was not the smoothest, twins were a little bit hard to calm down, she was on her own with quadruplets too, yet, somehow, she found time to make this incredible tart. 

"White chocolate-cranberry tart with coconut."- said cutely Cami as I wrapped my arms around her slender, delicate waist, kissing her forehead gently.

"It looks marvellous, amore mio. You are brilliant."- I stated from the bottom of my heart, in utmost awe of my woman. 

"It is so pretty, mamma."- chirped merrily Tini, her soft green eyes twinkling with excitement, just like her siblings' precious eyes. 

I helped Cami to cut it and made tea while all of us enjoyed family time and goofed around. 

While bambinos had very nice and polite way to describe how delectable the tart is, I had only one combination of words on my mind, in spite of how rick my vocabulary is. Fucking mind-blowing. Even though I am not hungry at all, there was no trace of tart on my plate in mere minute.

I have a sweet tooth, but I won't eat any baked stuff - tarts, cakes, cupcakes, eclairs whatsoever - unless they were made by Camila. She is the most remarkable baker: she has that ability to make them nicely dulcet with tingles of sourness and freshness. Her strawberry-cherry cheesecake is probably my biggest addiction; cazzo, one can eat the whole cheesecake in some seconds because of how fucking good it is. 


I giggled as Leo hugged me cutely, murmuring how delicious it was, looking like such cuddly puppy. 

"I am glad you liked it, baby."- I replied happily, loving to make such little things for him and our kids. 

I kissed his temple as we relaxedly chatted with our little beans, who finished up drinking tea, having eaten their slices of tart long ago, which only boosted my good mood. 

Shortly we chilled in the playroom, doodling together while "Monster University" played on the huge screen. I cuddled Ariana, Max and Angelica while my husband hugged Martina, Lucas, Sofia and Emilio as all of us are under a fluffy blanket. Quadruplets are laying relaxedly and comfily between us, watching the cartoon with immense interest.

By 8PM everyone was freshly bathed, changed into pjs and cosily settled in bed, falling asleep as soon as their heads hit pillows. 

"Not yet, baby girl."- said Leo warmly, leading me to our bathroom before I could go to the closet to change. 

My heart skipped a beat at the sight. 

Scented candles, gorgeous view of our dimly light up garden, warm bath with lots, lots and lots of bubbles.

Such simple gesture means the world to me. 

I gently cupped his handsome face, melting our lips in a soft, delicate kiss, smiling as he hugged me, smiling dreamily at me. We stripped each other lovingly and I giggled once he scooped me in his strong, muscular, inked arms, getting the large bath with me. 

I laid between his toned legs, sighing contentedly as Leo hugged me, his rugged arms around my waist, his robust and hard front against my back. 

"You are so angelic, amore mio."- spoke adoringly Leonardo, dotingly moving my hair off my shoulder to kiss in so fondly and wholesomely, giving me butterflies. 

My cheeks flushed pink, yet my smile grew thousand times brighter and bigger. I turned my head to the side, my heart soaring in joy as he cutely rubbed our noses together, smiling beautifully at me. 

"You are my world, amore."- I said softly, pecking his plump lips affectionately. 

"You are my heaven, principessa."- stated sweetly my husband, gently pulling me closer, holding me adoringly in his soothing, protective, cosy embrace. 

We relaxed peacefully in comfortable silence, enjoying innocent caresses and tranquility. Our regiments followed, we changed for bed and slipped under crisp white covers, cuddling and snuggling into each other until falling asleep, happy and safe. 

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