Pandora's Vault / Box / Jar (...

Por AnExistingExistence

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(A/N: This is a story with reader input in the form of the character (Y/N), who will be given the pronouns th... Más

Author's Note and Trigger Warnings
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
☊⊑⏃⌿⏁⟒⍀ ⎎⟟⎐⟒
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
⋏⍜⎐⟒⋔⏚⟒⍀ ⎎⟟⎎⏁⟒⟒⋏⏁⊑
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Ch⏃pt⟒r T⟒n - ⏁⊑⟒ ☊⊑⟟⌰⎅ ⟟⌇ ⏚⏃☊☍
⊑⟒ ☊⏃⋏ ☊⍜⋔⟒ ⏚⏃☊☍
☊⊑⏃⌿⏁⟒⍀ Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Pandora's Box
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
≿━༺Pandora's Vault༻━≾

Pandora's Jar

61 4 0
Por AnExistingExistence


You are about to read approximately: 2736 words


The night sky was as clear as ever, and even one or two shooting stars made an appearance that (Y/N) could admire as they were leaning on the window still.


"So who is working with you on this? I can't think of anyone that could pull off something as Impressive as this."

"It's Sam!"

"Sam? As in the warden of the prison?"


A sigh left their mouth as they thought about the events of today. (Y/N) thought that they would be questioning their decisions right now, but they weren't. In fact, they were fairly content with themselves and what they had done.


"Yeap, he's also the one I wanted to visit today... Well, not directly him, but you know what I mean."

"I don't, actually. Care to explain?"

The noise of a liquid being poured into a glass could be heard for a moment.

"I wanted to talk to Sam so I could visit Dream."

"Huh? I thought Sam didn't allow any visitors since the incident with Tommy?"

"Exactly, but we're pretty good friends, and I would do both of us a favor."

"Q, you need to stop being so vague with what you're saying, I don't understand a thing."

"Yea, yea, so I why I wanted to go there is, so I could maybe beat this revive book out of him, nothing too bad."


(Y/N) knew they usually acted irrationally and out of greed and desire, but they were fairly content with not doing so for once.

Like they had reminded themselves earlier that day, drinking alcohol when you could be taken advantage of or be forced to make important decisions is never a good idea, and Quackity did either not know of this important piece of advice or had successfully ignored it today.

A soft and content smile crept onto (Y/N)'s dry lips, and they turned around to look at the sleeping man.

(Y/N) had carried him to his bedroom and taken off most of his clothes when he had gotten too drunk to talk to.

(Y/N) was sure that he wouldn't mind, because what sane person would enjoy sleeping in too tight clothing?


(Y/N) took a sip of their ice-cold drink.

"I mean, who wouldn't want the ability to revive people, you know?" Quackity said as he bent backward and stretched. As he did so, (Y/N) quickly spat out the liquid in their mouth over the glass fence.

"I sure wouldn't mind knowing how to do that," they agreed with him.


Working under Quackity.

(Y/N) didn't think that it would benefit their current plan at all and even thought doing so would hinder it. But as it turns out, Quackity just needed to talk a little lot more about his ideas to make (Y/N) realize just how much working for him would help them in the end.

The shady figure now went on to gather all of their belongings and made their way out of the tall building - they had a job to do in the morning, after all.

After dropping into the lower part of the tower, (Y/N) shook off the water on their boots and stepped through the glass door across the room. Once outside, they were greeted by fresh, cold air, which led a shiver down their spine.

With quick steps (Y/N) now made their way down the unfinished road and towards the greater Dream SMP, where they stepped into the purple portal and made their way through the Nether to finally get home.

Once they arrived in the other world, (Y/N) embraced the warmth and let out a content sigh. They were used to the cold of their home, yes, but (Y/N) sure didn't have anything against some warmth sometimes.

They walked over the way too unstable bridge that led them across the seemingly infinitely deep lava below them and towards the portal that would lead them to the snowy biome they called home.

They soon reached the portal they were looking for and quickly stepped through it, clutching the clothes they had been carrying for a little more warmth. A breeze of cold air immediately hit them in the face, just before (Y/N) noticed something rather... weird.

A murder of crows was surrounding the portal, sitting on top of and around it as they started cawing their lungs out when they realized that (Y/N) had come out of it.

(Y/N), way too tired to understand where in the world the huge amount of birds had come from or why they were here, simply threw on the cozy coat some of the black birds had been carrying and handed the clothes (Y/N) themself was carrying to some other birds.

"Is this how the princesses in those fairytales feel?" They asked themselves and let out a long yawn.

The many crows that were still following them when they made their way towards their treehouse sounded as if they were talking, but even if (Y/N) knew how to speak the language of birds as Philza did, they doubted that they would have been able to understand the animals as they were constantly talking over each other.

Usually (Y/N) would have found it annoying, considering their tired and worn out state from walking so much just now and being awake for so long, but they found the birds' conversations kind of funny.

(Y/N) still mostly had no clue what they were talking about, but sometimes they said simple things, like the letter E, which was enough to let (Y/N) know, that the birds were joking around and having fun.

It was just now that they realized that those birds were probably the ones that were always following Phil around. But why would they be here, with (Y/N), instead of at the man's house?

(Y/N) decided not to question it, as they were not only too tired to do so but also knew that those weird crows usually just did whatever they wanted and therefore spent their time wherever they wanted.

(Y/N) soon reached the fence that was surrounding Techno, Phil, and Ranboo's home. There, most of the birds flew off and sat down on the roof of the winged man's house, a few others however stayed and accompanied (Y/N) for the rest of the way to their treehouse.

Once they arrived at their home, (Y/N) gave back the coat the crows had previously given to them and took back their clothes before climbing up the ladder, opening the trapdoor, and climbing into the treehouse.

(Y/N) closed the trapdoor behind them and threw the pile of clothes onto the nearest chest.

They jumped at the sound of a surprised and startled yell that came from the direction (Y/N) had carelessly thrown their clothes into.

They quickly turned around to face what, or who, they had accidentally thrown their things at. They were more than confused when they found none other than the enderman boy that lived with Techno and Phil.

(Y/N) slowly walked over to the boy and grabbed their clothes, almost feeling sorry for just throwing their things at the hybrid. But why was he here anyway? Now that (Y/N) thought about it, this was kind of very weird.

"Are you okay?" They asked the taller one and looked down at him as he just continued to sit there, in front of the chest.

"Hm? Yeah, yeah, just tired," the enderman slurred, having already completely forgotten what had just happened. To (Y/N) it seemed as if he had been asleep, and them throwing clothes at him had woken him up for just a moment.

They were hesitant when they considered waking up the taller boy and sending him over to his own place, and in the end, decided against doing so as they knew how awful it was, having to wake up in the middle of well-needed rest.

So they stepped behind the curtains that separated their quote-on-quote bedroom from the rest of the house, slipped into some comfortable clothing that they decided to sleep in, and let themselves fall into their bed.

They were about to pass out when a somewhat guilty conscience shook them awake. (Y/N) therefore stood back up and grabbed a fluffy blanket from one of their chests to lay over the enderboy that was still sleeping like a rock.

They also took away the accessories he was wearing and placed them on the chest behind him so they wouldn't fall off of him in his sleep.

Now they finally could go to bed and sleep. With a content sigh, they wrapped themselves up in their blanket and fell straight asleep... What is life? A question (Y/N) had asked themselves quite a lot during their time in prison and even more often now that they were out of there.

They sure as hell never had come to an answer, but somehow the questions 'what is life' and 'what is the purpose of life' hadn't been leaving them alone. Probably because they always had something that kept them going and pushed them forward in the past,

but since their imprisonment, there was nothing they were useful or needed for anymore. And now, with everyone gone that ever had a use for them, (Y/N) felt even worse than they ever did before.

Being seen as a villain was one thing, one thing they quite enjoyed but being a useless and dusty villain was another. Maybe this was part of the reason they accepted Quackity's offer.

Not only because it benefitted them but because it meant that there was someone that needed them and could give them a purpose.

(Y/N) knew that their good relationship wouldn't last long, considering what they had planned, but they were content with it for now.


The next morning (Y/N) awoke earlier than usual which probably was due to the excitement in their gut that just wouldn't leave them alone.

With a long yawn and a stretch (Y/N) stepped away from the curtains and jumped at the sight of the tall person, which they had completely forgotten about, standing in front of their stove.

"Good morning to you too," (Y/N) greeted him in a sarcastic manner, making Ranboo jump and swirl around to face them.

"Oh- hi! Good- good morning! Didn't expect you to be awake yet...," Ranboo stuttered from being caught off guard and waved the spatula in his hand around as he talked.

(Y/N) frowned, "What are you doing?" "What am I doing?" Ranboo repeated the question before recollecting his thoughts for a moment, "Yeah, right, I'm making breakfast for us! ... You! I'm making breakfast for you!"

(Y/N) looked at him with a more than moderately confused expression. "Okay, what's going on here? Why are you really here?" They finally asked whilst sitting down at the wooden table next to their small kitchen.

The half-enderman sighed and turned back around to the food he was cooking. "I got... worried about you," he admitted, "let's put it like that."

"You see, that would have sounded believable if you hadn't added that last part," (Y/N) told him, "Now spit out the truth." "I sleepwalk!" Ranboo finally blurted out and threw the spatula into the pan that was sitting on the stove, "And I end up in all kinds of weird places because of it, mostly at places where I usually feel safe, okay?

Is that enough?" (Y/N) looked at him, somehow even more confused than before. They took a breath, preparing themselves to say something, before thinking about it again.

"... I'm assuming that the question 'Why would you go to my place' is one that you can't even answer when you ask it yourself, is that correct?" They asked, to which they received a simple nod.

"Well, that was obvious," (Y/N) stated, more to themselves than the ender-boy in their kitchen, "But why didn't you say that in the first place?"

"Because when I usually say that, people assume it's just a stupid excuse, so I make up stupid excuses to not sound like I'm making up stupid excuses," Ranboo explained,

turned off the stove, and turned around to face (Y/N), "Does that make sense?" "I guess..?" (Y/N) answered, even though they really weren't sure.

"And because I kind of crashed at your place tonight, I'm making you breakfast," Ranboo added and finally put whatever it was that he had been cooking onto a porcelain plate and put it along with a fork and a knife onto the table in front of (Y/N).

The heavy smell of scrambled eggs and a lot of spiciness just now made itself apparent to (Y/N), but they decided to not think about the amount of what must have been pepper Ranboo must have put into the meal and simply started eating.

And to their surprise, the probably excessive amount of pepper made the food somehow taste a lot better.

They wanted to ask how the half-enderman had done this but decided not to, being too scared to find out some weird, ancient family recipe.

"This tastes nice," they simply said before continuing to eat. "That's good, that's good," Ranboo responded and now grabbed the pan and spatula, "I'll just- uh- go and clean that now. I'll be back in a bit!"

Well, that was... odd? If (Y/N) had been more awake at this moment, they might have been able to pinpoint out what was up with Ranboo, but in their current, tired state, all they could tell was that something was wrong but not what it was.

They continued to chew on the eggs before somehow choking on them and therefore ending up spitting them back onto the plate.

"Okay," they thought, now visibly more awake and attentive, "That was karma for something!" They coughed out a few more times before licking over their teeth and suddenly experiencing something similar to a flashback.

The taste of the food Ranboo had made for them instantaneously grew familiar to them, but not necessarily in a good way.

The moment they remembered it, they cursed themselves for forgetting and threw the plate against the wall, where it shattered into hundreds of pieces. "Fucking bastards!" Their thoughts yelled out once another realization hit them.

Now, what had enraged them this much? The answer was simple and seemed like something of no real importance, but to (Y/N) it was. The thing that had made the food spicy wasn't pepper - it was a spice called nutmeg.

They knew this because back when they worked under Schlatt, they had eaten all kinds of fancy things with all kinds of fancy spices, including nutmeg.

It was of bittersweet flavor, which was the irony (Y/N) had forced onto Jschlatt the first time they poisoned him with this exact same dish.

Back in the day of the big Manburg vs. Pogtopia war, (Y/N) was the one that took care of the president and therefore prepared all of his meals. His breakfast had been scrambled eggs, something simple nobody would expect poison from.

Everyone knew that it was (Y/N) that had poisoned the former president, but the people only talked about how they had persuaded him into drinking alcohol and then switching out his drinks for something way stronger, killing him via alcohol poisoning.

But the (Y/N) of the past had wanted to savor that day and make Schlatt miserable because that was kind of their thing back then. So they had started with his breakfast, putting way too much of the bittersweet spice into it, making him end up vomiting and hallucinating in the bathroom.

(Y/N) now clenched their teeth in disgust of the people that called themselves their family. (Y/N) had gotten it all wrong.

They didn't want to rehabilitate them to stop some kind of prophecy, no, they wanted to get rid of them.

And knowing that there was something people called limbo, they wanted to teach (Y/N) a lesson to think about once they were there themselves, by getting rid of them the same way they had gotten rid of someone else.

But (Y/N) was smarter than the former president, they wouldn't let others toy with them like that. So they now stood up and changed into the clothes Quackity had given to them in their bedroom before walking back to their kitchen and grabbing something from one of their shelves.

If they wanted them dead, fine.

(Y/N) knew how to adapt their plans, after all.


2736 words

⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ To be continued ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰

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