Never Forget (Male Reader X M...

By La_Flame20

60.9K 1.2K 150

what do you do when those you trust let you down? what do you do when those you love get hurt because you did... More

It's Beautiful, Isn't It?
Bring It On, Fate, 'Cause I'm Ready
It's My Turn to Win
Trust Me, It's Not As Bad As It Looks
Not Today. Nice Try Though
And So It Begins
Back To School
Sorry for the delay
I'm sorry, But I Have To Know.
She's Too Good At This
That Was Easy
Not Strong Enough, Sweetie
Round 1, Start
All Good Things...
Reset to Status Quo
And So It Begins

Yay, Dinner With The Enemy

2K 46 1
By La_Flame20

I adjusted my outfit one last time, a jacket with a turtle neck underneath and pants and took a deep breath before I rang the doorbell of the Agreste home. I have to stay calm and watch what I say. If Mr Agreste really is hawkmoth, he'll definitely leave a hint. The door opened and I walked in to see Natalie waiting for me.

"Good evening, Y/n. It's good to see you again." She said with a charming smile.

"Yes. Good to see you too." I smiled back and took off my jacket, hanging it on the coat rack.

"Right this way. Adrian is waiting for you in the dining room. Mr Agreste will be there shortly."

I quietly followed her into the dining room where Adrian was sitting, absentmindedly playing with his spoon. He looked up and smiled when he saw me.

"Hey, you came."

"What's up buddy." I said as we shoulder bumped "You don't look so good."

"I'm fine." He waved off my concern "It's nothing to worry about."

"If you say so." I said as I sat opposite him. "Anyway, how was your day? Anything interesting happen?"

"Nah, same old same old. Oh I heard rumors that there might be a new supervillain in town. It was all over the news and everything."

"Really? It's not just another akumatized person?"

"Uh huh. He doesn't have any superpowers." He said confidently before sheepishly adding "Well at least that's what the news said. I haven't seen him myself."

I smiled to myself at that statement. So that's why he looks so nervous. The fact that someone out there knew his secret identity must be bugging him.

"Well, whoever they are, I'm sure Ladybug and Cat noir would stop them. They're the best."

His eyes widened in surprise before he answered. "I thought you didn't like them, hated them even."

I coughed awkwardly and raised an eyebrow at him "I'm being sarcastic, Adrien."

"Right." His face fell as he went back to playing with his spoon. "My bad."

"Seriously though, what's got you so down?"

"I... Can't tell you. It's just something I have to do on my own."

"Are you sure you can?"


"Are you sure you can do it on your own? If it's got you this worried, wouldn't it be better to ask for help. I'm even right here."

I leaned forward with interest, smiling broadly to put him at ease and it seemed to work because he also smiled and leaned forward.

"If I really can't, then I'll tell you. Gotta fight our own battles, right?"

"Sure, sure." I glanced over to the door where a tall man with nearly combed hair, a white suit and glasses was walking in. I stood up as he made his way to my side of the table and we shook hands.

"Good evening, sir."

"Good evening, Y/n. You look well, how was your week?"

"A bit stressful but things aren't so bad"

"Oh, is that so. Well then, keep your chin up."

"Will do, sir."

He nodded and moved to his seat at the head of the table and Natalie walked in with a trolley with a cloth on it. She whipped it off with a flourish and neatly folded it.

My mouth watered as I stared at the food. I haven't eaten anything since school and was feeling famished. I could just consume some electricity but why do that when you have such an exquisite meal in front of you.

We talked as we ate, the conversation ranging from politics to new research fields and fashion news. Adrian's phone suddenly beeped and he apologized before running out the room to answer it. His plate was empty anyway.

We watched him leave the room before we turned to look at each other and awkwardly laughed.

"Always on his phone. Always so distracted." Mr Agreste commented with a shake of his head.

"That he is." I agreed

A few seconds later Adrian popped back in the room, stuffing his phone into his pocket.

"Umm, Dad, would it be ok if I turned in early?" He affected a yawn while rubbing his eyes. "I'm feeling a bit sleepy. Had a really busy day"

"That's okay. Sleep well, son."

"Thanks, Dad." He said then waved at me "Y/n, I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight."

He dashed out of the room before I could say anything. I'm going to guess he isn't actually sleepy. It probably was a news alert for Cat Noir

And now that it's left with the two of us, a heavy silence settled in the room. It remained even when Natalie cleared the dinner table and brought us tea. Mr Agreste took a sip and savored it before he spoke.

"So, how is Miss Juleka doing? Terrible thing to happen to one so young."

"Yes. It is." I see he's jumping right into it. I'm impressed.

"Ahh. Yes, you two were dating, correct?"

"We are." I corrected him immediately. "I'm still going to be here for her when she wakes up."

"I'm sorry. You must be feeling very devastated. Maybe even blaming your self."

"Blaming myself? What do you mean?"

"I heard you were there during the incident and tried to help. But it's really ladybug who failed. She caused all this."


Our eyes met and stayed but he didn't answer instead he quietly took another sip. He suddenly stood up, straightened his tie then indicated I follow him.

"Come with me, there's something I'll like to talk with you about. It might interest you."

I obediently followed him to his office. He sat at him desk and pulled out a book from a drawer. I walked to stand by him and then he opened the book.

"I have researched the miraculous ever since I first heard about them. There are many of them out there. Not just the Ladybug and Cat miraculous."

He began to flip through the pages, all of them showing illustrations and pictures of the miraculous and their users. He stopped at the hawkmoth miraculous then stood up.

"As you see hawkmoth also uses a miraculous. Throughout history, the wielders of the miraculous have protected humanity with their abilities, have been heroes. The other pieces are all powerful in their own right but the ladybug and Cat miraculous are the most powerful of all."

I glanced at him and he seemed to be waiting for a response. I closed the book and leaned on the desk.

"If the wielders are heroes then why is hawkmoth a villain?"

"He isn't inherently one. His power is to give other's powers of their own. But he corrupted his miraculous, changing it to feed on negative emotions."


"To get more power. He made a mistake that cost him something he loved dearly and wants to fix it. You can relate to that feeling, can't you?"

"... I can." I looked down as I answered.

It was silent for a while as I digested what he told me. I was considering what to say when he walked to stand by me and put his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry to ask you this, but-"

I knocked his hand aside and glared at him with a look of suspicion.

"H-how do you know what hawkmoth wants." I paused for effect then added. "Are you-"

"No. He was a friend of mine. We were both interested in the miraculous. But he betrayed my trust."

"So you know who he is?"

"Yes. But that doesn't help us. I don't know where he is. All that matters is what we can do to stop him."

"How do I know you are telling the truth?"

"You don't. But I do know how to wake up Miss Juleka."

I brightened up and grabbed his arm.

"You do? Tell me. Tell me what you know"

He glanced down at his arm and I reluctantly let go. He straightened his clothes then walked over to his shelf and picked up another book.

"The reason hawkmoth wants the Ladybug and Cat miraculous above all else is because combining both gives you the power to make one wish. But I found a spell that allows someone to reverse any person touched by miraculous energy."

I read the book but it was in an ancient language. I cautiously looked up at him.

Why are you telling me this?

Isn't it obvious? The spell requires  both miraculous to work. We need to get the miraculous from them" I stepped back from him. He sighed and put the book away "I know how it sounds. And I don't blame you for hesitating. But this is the only way I know, that can help you. She's all that matters, is she not?

"I... I don't know what to say."

"I have thought long and hard about this. This is the only way, Y/n. I know you can get the miraculous and we have to hurry. I have reason to believe hawkmoth will get them soon."

"What? How?"

"I don't know for sure, but if that happens we will lose our chance to save your lady love. And I can't just let that happen"

"Why are you telling me this? I don't understand."

"Because I need someone to trust. Someone who is smart, quick, responsible and trustworthy. And that person is you."

He patted my shoulder again. "We all have to do things we don't like for the ones we love. It doesn't make it right but it's the only option we have, Y/n."

"Why don't we ask the heroes for help?"

"Even you, my son's best friend, can't fully trust me. Do you think they would trust us."

"Is that it? I just bring you their miraculous?"

"Yes. I promise I would save Miss Juleka then you can return the miraculous to them. That's all you need to do."

"I need to think about it."

"Of course." He stepped away and went to stand by his window again, arms folded behind him. He looked over his shoulder at me. "Just remember that you're running out of time."

I slowly nodded and dazedly walked to the door. Well that was interesting.

"Oh one last thing, Y/n." I stopped and looked back "Please don't tell anyone about this, especially Adrian. They wouldn't understand."

I nodded again. The door opened to reveal Natalie standing behind it, holding it open. I walked out but turned one last time.

"Have a good night, Mr Agreste."

"Same. have a good night sleep, Y/n. And remember, it's our little secret."

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