
By theRatstm

3K 157 42

My boi Remus deserves so much love and appreciation and I'm here to give it to him. This will be a bunch of o... More

Hugs? (Intruality)
Little breakfast (Intruality)
I can't decide
Just a Bother
Creative Block
Never again
Pronoun HC's
White Camillias
Glass Jar
The Split
Little Breakfast but angsty (Good boy AU)
Red (Pt.1)
You're a mess (Demus)
I'll Stop!! (Dukexiety)
Commands (Good Boy AU)

Finding Out (Good Boy AU)

120 5 0
By theRatstm

I swear I didn't abandon this book!! I've got over twenty one shots that just need to be finished up. (I'm real slow in figuring out how I want them to go.)

I'll also be starting a new book to post all my shitty poetry if anyone's interested in that.


TW: U!Janus, burns, bruises and other injuries, panic attack, French swearing, referenced/implied: mental and physical abuse, shock collar, dehumanization, dissociation

Please, PLEASE! Tell me if i missed any.


Oooh Logan's pov? In a Remus-centric story? Woooow. It's not even first person lol. Just 3rd person following Logan. Still it was kinda weird. Sorry if the writing style changes suddenly, this was written over a long period of time.


Logan would never admit it, but he was getting worried. He hadn't seen Remus in over a week now. It's not unusual for the Duke to disappear for long periods of time before showing up again, but something about the last time he saw him doesn't sit right with him.

Before jumping to conclusions, Logan decides to ask around. He starts with the most logical option. The brother.


The prince looks up from his messy notes piled on his desk with a smile. "What's up, corbata?"

Logan choses to ignore the Spanish nickname (not because he doesn't understand though, obviously), in favour of getting to the point of his visit. "Have you seen Remus lately?"

Romans brows furrow as he thinks. "No, I don't think so. He probably got caught up with fighting the Dragon Witche again." Logan nods, slightly disappointed. "Why? Did he do something?"

"No, he hasn't. That's exactly the problem." Without another word, Logic leaves Romans room.

Next up is Virgil. It wouldn't be unreasonable to think he'd know of the 'dark sides' whereabouts, considering he himself used to be one of them. Logan knocks at the anxious sides door. It opens a bit, letting Logan see just a sliver of Virgils face.

"Logan? What is it?"

"I was wondering if you know where to find Remus?" Virgil groans, clearly annoyed.

"No, and I don't care." He seems to hesitate, a look of guilt of his face before he slams the door shut again.

Great. Patton is the last one here to ask then.

Logan steps up to the childishly decorated door, briskly knocking and taking a step back. It opens and Patton steps through, smiling brightly.

"Oh, Logan! Everything alright, kiddo?" Logan thinks about it. Logically, nothing that he is aware of has gone wrong but.... he can't shake the feeling that something is happening with Remus. He choses to avoid the question altogether.

"I'm looking for Remus."

Patton can't hide the surprise on his face. "Remus? Is he ok?"

"That's what I'm trying to figure out..." Patton's surprise melts into worry.

"Can I do anything to help?"

"No, I don't think so." Logan sighs, quickly adding on when he notices the guilt on Patton's face. "But that's alright! Everything is... most likely ok."

Patton nods sadly, and Logan heads back to his room to think.

Where would Remus be? The two obvious places are of course, the Imagination, and the Dark mindscape. It would be unwise to head to the Imagination without one of the Creativities with him. Roman seemed to be busy and Remus isn't an option for obvious reasons. So the Dark mindscape is the next step.

With a shaky breath, Logan makes his way to the end of the hallway where a cold gray door stands alone. It opens with a creak, hinges rusty from scarcely being used. On the other side, a dark stairway leads down to the commons. The moment Logan takes a step across the border, an uncomfortable chill settles deep in his bones. The air is stale and stuffy, the resonating silence unwelcoming.

Janus must be with Thomas right now.

Logan takes his time walking down the stairs, careful not to step on any potentially broken ones. The living room and kitchen is just as dreadful as the path to get there. A thin layer of dust covers every surface, piles of dirty dishes in the sink and moss that has started growing on the walls. Logan takes note of the unusual lack of spider webs in the dirty room.

He figuratively tears his eyes away from the mess, finally spotting a dark hallway on the other end of the room. He walks over, passing by a boarded up purple door and an intricately decorated golden one.

He stops in front of the last door. It's dark green like the moss surrounding it, an undeniably beautiful carving of a giant octopus taking down a ship upon it.

Did Remus do this?

Logan softly brushed his fingers over one of the octopus' arms. The detail is astounding. Each individual crew member is struck by a look of utter terror as the beast tears apart the vessel. It seems so real. Reluctantly, Logan looks away, remembering why he's here in the first place.

He's about to knock when he stops himself. He can hear something on the other side. It sounds like crying.

"Remus?" He hates to say it but worry started to (figuratively) gnaw at the edges of his mind. "Remus, I'm coming in." With a turn of the rusty door knob, the piece of wood creaks open.

"Remus?" The crying stops, and someone scrambles around in the dark. There's a loud clang.

"Maudite de-" The voice cuts off and there's some more movement before someone emerges from the shadows.

The sight is almost frightening. He's unnaturally pale, skin red and raw and the white streak in his hair has been messily dyed brown. He looks awfully skinny and weak, legs wobbling as he stands still, leaning against the wall. His eyes are glazed, red and puffy, the ruined makeup doing nothing to hide the bags under them.

"R-Remus?" Logan asks again, frozen in his spot at the doorway.

"Hey, Lo-Lo!" The Dark sides face breaks out in a too wide grin. "Wasn't expecting company today. What's up?"

"Are you... alright?" Remus looks taken aback for a second, before his face contorts into one of despair.

"Of course, Nerdy Wolverine. Never been better!" Logan slowly nods his head, clearly not buying it. He's about to speak again, but he's interrupted by Remus. "Well if that's all, you best be off. Wouldn't want to stay down here with me too long, right?"

Logan frowns as Remus steps forward, shooing him out the door. Without the wall to lean on anymore, Remus' knees buckle and he collapses to the floor with a whimper. The logical side rushes down besides him to make sure he's alright.

Remus scrambles away, panicked. "Ha, uh. Sorry, just lost my balance there." For someone who lives with the embodiment of lies, he sure is a bad liar.

Only then, with a closer look, is Logan able to notice something wrapped around Creativity's neck. "Is that.... a collar?"

Remus freezes.

He tries to laugh it off, wincing as he exclaims. "What can I say? I'm a kinky bitch."

Something clearly isn't right. You don't need to be the embodiment of logical thinking to figure that one out.

"Remus." Logan takes a closer look at Remus, this time noticing multiple figurative red flags.

The skin around and underneath the collar is chafed, red and bleeding. There are what seems to be burn marks too. He has a black eye, sloppily covered with foundation that's mostly disappeared due to the tears. There are multiple bruises wherever a stretch of skin manages to poke out from the terribly baggy and dirty clothing.

Logan takes in a deep breath and repeats. "Remus."

The panicked side looks at him though quickly averts his eyes, defensively crossing his arms over his chest.

"I want you to come with me." Where Logan expected an inappropriate joke, he got a fearful and confused look. "I'm taking you with me. You need medical care."

Remus furiously shakes his head. "N-NO! I can't!"

Logan is startled by the sudden raspy yell.

Remus noticed. His breathing picks up, his nails digging into the palms of his hands as he starts rocking back and forth. He's faintly mumbling, Logan only able to catch a few words. "-I'm sorry im so sorry- merde- please- I'm sorry-"

Logan's concern only grows when Remus escalates into hyperventilating. He tries to get closer but Remus' eyes widen in fear, flinching away. Logan takes a breath.

"Remus, can you hear me?" He receives a small nod. "Ok. I need you to breathe with me ok? In for four seconds, hold it for seven, and release for 8. Good. 1,2,3,4- perfect keep going. 5,6,7-"

Logan continues until Remus stops wheezing for air, now reduced to short sobs.


He shakes his head again. "Please leave."

"Remus, I do not believe that that is wise-" Logan is interrupted by the sound of footsteps approaching.

"Oh, Logan. What are you doing here?" Janus walks into the room, throwing Remus a glare, who in turn cowers with his head down.

Logan stands back up to be face to face with Janus. "I wanted to speak to Remus."

"Oh I'm sorry, has he been bothering you? I'll make sure it doesn't happen again. Remus, come here."

From behind him, Logan can hear Remus' shaky breathing as he struggles to get up. He scrambles to stand to Janus' left, head down and hands folded in front of him. The snake's hand settles itself on the back of Remus' neck.

Logic frowns. "Remus did nothing to cause discomfort. I simply wished to talk with him."

Janus' face is devoid of emotion as he stares back at Logan. "I'm terribly sorry, but I'm going to have to ask you to go. I need to start working on dinner."

Logan looks between the two hesitantly. He nods. "You are both always welcome to come eat with us."

Janus smiles sweetly. "Oh, we wouldn't want to cause any trouble." His grip on Remus' neck tightens and the latter perks up.

His eyes are watery and unfocused, staring at the wall behind Logan. "Y-yeah. N-no trouble." Janus' jaw clenches and his gaze hardens.

Logan blinks slowly. He walks past the two dark sides, brow furrowed. He turns around one last time. "The door is always figuratively open." As he says it, he watches Remus intently. He's completely unresponsive and doesn't seem to be aware of the conversation anymore.

Logan turns, and leaves, returning to the light side. Everyone else is already sitting at the dinning table and eating.

"Logie! You're back!" Patton smiles widely. Logan simply hums in acknowledgment, frowning as he takes his seat at the table. "Logie..?"

He doesn't respond, instead stuck inside his own mind, thinking about what had just happened back in Remus' room.

The others need to know what he saw.

"I believe Remus is in danger."

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