After School (On Hold/Discont...

By mk_shi

23.6K 515 65

Two childhood friends and their peaceful everyday life spicing up, if only just a bit, when they realized how... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Side Story 1
Side Story 1.5
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Side Story 2
Side Story 3
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 4

1.4K 31 2
By mk_shi

"Alright! Shinomiya-san! Answer this question"

The teacher asked Mayumi to do such a troublesome task which is why she is currently on the verge of dying...

Mayumi looked around her and using her right index finger, she pointed herself. The teacher knew what this meant so he nodded and gestured a welcome sign through the blackboard.

She stood up and headed towards the board, even though the teacher did ask Mayumi to solve this difficult math problem, she didn't answer it and just stood still at the front looking very confused.

Mayumi sighed and told the teacher, "I have no idea what this even means"

Some laughed and Haruhi embarrassed because of this sight and did a face palm.

"Where will we even use this stuff in the future, sir?" Mayumi continued

"Yeah, you go search that on the net. how 'bout you, Mochizuki-kun, could you help out your best friend?" The teacher called Haruhi, she then stood up and headed to the board.

Haruhi put out her palm at Mayumi, Of course Mayumi, well known as an idiot never fails her reputation as an idiot. she placed her hand at Haruhi's palm, Mayumi's hand is currently in cat paw form to look just like a dog shaking hands with its owner.

"I'm asking for the chalk Mayumi, what's with the hand?"

Haruhi told Mayumi off and at last was given the chalk.

"You can now go back to your seat, Shinomiya-san" Mayumi dumbfounded, followed this order and began going back to her seat as Haruhi swiftly answered everything written on the board with incredible speed.

"Well done! Mochizuki-kun, Excellent, all of it is correct!"

Exclaimed the teacher praising Haruhi because of her incredible intellect.

Mayumi still does not get anything stares blankly out of space and into her own world.


After everything else and it's time to go home, Haruhi and Mayumi became ready because they will be having a study session.

"What're you doing? I taught you the basics yesterday, didn't I?"

Asked Haruhi to Mayumi.

Mayumi nodded while smiling and said "Don't underestimate me, Whatever I study, it all goes directly out of my brain after a day passes"

"Why are you proud because of this stupid fact? now let's get serious at studying" Haruhi exclaimed

"You really do love studying, huh?"

Mayumi smiled as she told this to Haruhi

"There's nothing else fun to do, so I study"

Said Haruhi as she opened a book searching for a certain topic.

"Ehhh? Then is hanging out with me not fun?"

Mayumi grumbled making Haruhi change what she just said

"Hanging out with you is definitely fun, what I meant is that if we aren't hanging out I just study or do whatever I think that won't bore me"

"You don't think studying is boring?"

"No I don't, now let's start studying, I found a good topic to start with"

Mayumi just said "Sure~" in her usual behavior.


After studying, On their way home, Haruhi and Mayumi encountered an old
friend, Ayu Tachibana.

Ayu noticed them and went to their direction. "Hey guys! Aren't you Mayumi And Haruhi? anyways, good timing!"

The two wondered what Ayu meant by good timing as she opened her bag and rummaged the things inside, after a few seconds, she seemed to have found what she was looking for and handed it out to Mayumi.

"I can't go here, so you can have it, the two of you could go since I'm gonna be busy at this day and it'll be a waste if I just threw it away, so here you go, see you later then!"

After Mayumi grabbed the small piece of paper, Ayu departed off and now is out of their view.

Mayumi and Haruhi observed what the paper is and much to their surprise, they were given two movie tickets.

Knowing this would happen at the weekends and the show isn't so bad, they both agreed that they should go.

And as to why Ayu suddenly gave them two movie tickets even though it's been a long time since they saw one another and the fact that she had two of them is a huge mystery.

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