Noah and Elle (Then, Now and...

By KarolCa0

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Six years later, they still love each other, will this continue into the future for them. Will they survive... More

The Beginning (six years later)
The Ride
The Next Day after the ride
Our Love
Our Place
The Wedding Date
The Jack and Jill
Lee and Rachel's Big day
The Reality of Love PT1
The Reality of Love PT 2
After the wedding
Oh the Honeymoon
The Surprise
Christmas Day One Year Later
3 months and counting
Time flying by
Dinner and a surprise visit
Days and counting.
D Day PT 1
D Day PT 2
1 year later and counting

Our Wedding day

586 15 0
By KarolCa0


The last few weeks flew by.  We had so many things going on, Noah accepted the offer, now his Mom is on the hunt for a small office for him.  I went a got a dress.  My Dad paid for it, he didn't have to, but Linda made him, told him this is your daughter, she will only do this once in her life(hopefully).  I didn't go with anything too crazy, we are getting married on the beach, so lite and flowing this was all I wanted.  I knew my dad couldn't afford a lot, considering he was trying his hardest to help pay for half of the wedding.  But Mr and Mrs Flynn kept telling him not to worry, which made my dad do it more.  Yes, they could afford it,  he just didn't feel right about it.  June told him one day, Elle is like a daughter to her, so this is for her and I am doing this for her mom, my best friend.

My Dad called me about a week before the wedding, asked if he could stop by.  "Of course you can." When he arrived he had a box with him.  We sat in the living room, he explains in between tears, that when your mom was sick she had done a few little things for you guys, mostly you because you are the girl and at that her little girl.  He hands me this box and says open it.  I sit there for a minute with this box on my lap not sure what to do, I look down and there is a card on it.  I open it and read

My dearest Elle,

I am sorry I am not here for your big day, but I bet you look beautiful.  I hope (NOAH) treats you the same way your dad treated me.  Your a such a ray of sunshine, do not let anyone cloud that.  I may not be there in person, but I will be there walking down the aisle with you.  

Always remember to smile even through the hard times, because it will make them feel less important and you won't really remember how it all happened.

I have left this for you in hopes that you will love it as much as I did.

Bless my girl

Love Mom


I sat there, tears streaming down my face.  My dad came to sit beside me, I undid the ribbon and pulled open the lid.  OMG, it was my mom's veil.  I use to see it in their wedding pictures and wish I could use the veil one day, but my dad had told me he had no idea where it went to, guess we both found it.  It was perfect, it went all the way to the ground, and sparkles all through it, there was a special comb with crystals on it that go with the veil.  I just cried, it was all I could do, my dad put his arm around me and was crying too.  This is the best gift anyone could have given me.

After my dad left, I just sat there staring at the veil, lightly running it through my fingers.  I was in awe and just didn't know what to do.  Noah came into the room, "was your dad here, just saw his car pass me just before I pulled in."  "Ya, look what he brought me.  It was my mom's veil."  "Oh Shelly, that is beautiful,  and knowing you, you must have cried."  "I did and she even wrote me a letter."  I handed it to Noah for him to read.  After he read he asked me  a question, "Hey Elle, question why did she say hope Noah treats you..."  I sat there with a smile on my face, I guess I can tell you now.  When mom was sick and I'd go to see her, I guess I use to talk about you all the time." "Ummm we weren't even a thing(as he smirks at me with his dimple smile), plus excuse me miss but how long have you been in love with me." He reaches over a tickles me a little.  I look at him with the sweetest smile I could give, "Since probably about 14 that's when I really started to notice you. You had a body."  "Shelly, you're going to make me blush.  But you still didn't answer why she said that especially about your wedding day."  I look down at the floor, kind of turn my head a little and give a little bat of the eyelashes, "cause I told her one day I was going to marry you." Noah reached over to me, gave me a big kiss and laughed. "You what is weird is I even went to see your mom a few times in the hospital, and oddly enough now that makes sense when she would say to be Please take care of her and don't hurt her.  Listen to her with your heart, she will teach you things. I never really understood why she said that to me. mind blowing.   Then I even told my mom the same thing right before I left for college though."

Two days before the wedding we had the rehearsal dinner at my dad's.  It was just family so we did a BBQ.  My dad loved that then he could show off his cooking skills on the BBQ.  It was a great night.  Lots of memories floating around, so much love in the room.  Brad even brought his girlfriend, which he got razzed about all night from everyone.  I can't believe in two days Noah and I are getting married, it just blows my mind to think we got here and how we got here.

The next day we went to the beach house did all the decorating, the guys put up the arch on the beach, a lot of choice words were being used.  At one point Rachel and I were going to tell the guys we wanted it in a different place as a joke, then we saw the smoke billowing from their ears and thought yea much funnier in our heads than it would be in reality.  We laid the rug out up to the arch, then we took all the metal pales we had decorated in my colour, there was a candle in the middle and babies breathe surrounding it, we set up the chairs, had splashes of teal all over the place well I guess more then a splash.  We got all the tables set up, put my centrepieces on the tables, it was a little glass bowl, with rocks on the bottom and water in them and a single teal chrysanthemum floating around, that was my moms favorite flower. At the head table we had the wine glasses that Linda had done for us, you know the typical Bride, Groom ones, but again she had it done in my mother's handwriting, that amazes me how she does that. It was finally the end of the night and we headed home, though Noah decided he would stay at Lee and Rachel's, it took a lot to get him out the door but he went.  I mean if I get lonely they don't live that far from us and he could sneak over, I smile at the thought of being naughty like that. I got ready for bed, made sure everything was checked off for tomorrow.  Dress(check), rings(check), veil(check), DJ(check), caterer(check), flowers, cake, decorations all checked.  I feel like I am forgetting something.  Strange it is not like me but anyhow, I shrug it off and get it to bed, then thought I should send Noah a text.

"Good night, love you, miss you, hey sneak out and come play with me.  LMAO"

                "I will be right over"

"Noah I am kidding, we have to do something traditional."

               "I know your right, plus I think Lee has my room wired, he knows us, oh too well."

"Good night my love see you at the alter tomorrow, oh yeah don't forget the flowers, and the cake or your rings."

                "I won't I promise.  Good night Shelly I love you so much." 

Rachel came by in the morning to get me, I had already packed everything I needed, but I still feel like I am forgetting something.  I walk back into my room and look around, what could I be forgetting, I go over the list in my head again, what is it.  I walk into the office thinking you just never know.  As soon as I opened the door, bang it hit, my vows. Holy, I mean I probably know the off heart but I do need them.  We then head to the beach house, the lady that is doing our hair and make up is there, so is Linda and June.  I asked Linda to join us here, she is a part of the family now and I have really grown to like her and thought since my mom can't be here, she can sub in with June.  It is like having two mom's it felt so good. The wedding starts at 6 and dinner at 8 then like Lee said Party time.  

As everyone was finishing getting their hair done, mine was in curlers waiting.  I read over my vows.  They aren't anything crazy, but they were me and Noah and that is all that is important.  

Time was flying by next thing I knew Rachel was in her dress. Man, she is so beautiful, she was in a teal dress that went to the knees, spaghetti straps, a v neckline, and we added a shiny sparkly belt to it.  She just wore flip flops, but it was a simple wedding why more.  Rachel said it is time for me to get ready.  My stomach flipped when she said that, I suddenly got really nervous, I was shaking. I don't know why but it didn't last long.  I picked out a very flowy dress, with spaghetti straps, it had a small train, the back was open to just above my butt, it was perfect.  The Hair dresser went to put my veil on and I stop her, "no there is only one person who can do it and she is not her.  I turn to June can you do the honours." June tried so hard not to cry, "you are going to ruin my makeup, Elle."  I smiled at her, gave her a hug, "June, you have supported me, taught me things, given me advise, made me see me, all the things Mom's do, and because my mom can't be here, can please help me."  "You know 26 years ago I was doing this with your mom, and here I am with you, and I remember exactly how she wore it.  She had said she was going to keep this for her daughter one day and here we are. I wish she was here to see you now, see the woman you have become." "Me too, she is here though." I was holding back tears.  Rachel said to Elle it is time, just as I did for her. 

Rachel and the mom's head out, then I walked up to my dad, he just stood there, jaw on the floor, "baby you look just like your mom, so beautiful."  "Aww dad, don't make me cry." I gave a sweet smile.  "I love you dad" I kissed him on the cheek, took his arm and headed down to Noah.

As we approached the altar, my heart just flipped, I mouthed to Noah, "WOW", he smiled back.  He looked so put together, so grown up.  Who would have believed we would get here.  Looking back over the past six years there were times I so wanted to find him and lead us back together, but I guess the journey we took was what was planned for us and here we are about to be Man and Wife.

Noah's POV 

This day took too long to get here, but here I am standing at the altar waiting to marry the woman of my dreams, have her by my side for the rest of our lives.  She means everything to me. I must have been dazed by everything because the next thing I knew I felt Lee give me a nudge on the back, and whisper "Look."  I just froze and stared, my lord she is beautiful, such grace and elegance, who is this woman marrying me the rebel.  My heart was pounding so fast as she approached me and right after the minister says "who gives the bride away", I reach my hand out and brought her to me, I wanted to kiss her but I also wanted to wait.

We stood there, and I really don't think either one of us was listening to anything being said, until the Minister said "Your vows?", oh right shit, I go first.

"Elle, we have had quite a journey to get back together. I never thought in a million years this day would come.  I had hoped and prayed but just didn't see it.  We have been part of each other lives forever.  When I finally saw you more than just Lees BFF, that is when the one love changed to true love, you are my soul mate, and I promise you the world.  I loved you then, I love you now and I will love you into our future." 

The Minister turned to Elle " your turn"

"Noah, I have watched you grow from a child to a boy, to teenager, to a rebellious teenager, whom I feel in love with and now into this man standing before me. In the past six years, if you had told me we would be standing here one day, I would never have believed you, but look at us, we have made it through all the obstacles that were placed in our way. There is one thing I want you to know is I love you with every part of my heart. Just remember I loved you then, I love you now and I will love you into our future.

Elle's POV

Now it is time to exchange the rings, the Minister says "place the ring on her finger and repeat after me, With this ring, I thee wed"  Elle looked up at me, her eyes just sparkled, then the minister repeated it to Elle, my heart just exploded and I grabbed her and kissed her, I couldn't contain it any more.  The Minister is behind us laughing "you may kiss the bride."  Everyone was laughing.  As we turn to everyone, our hands holding so tight in fear we may lose one another, the Minister says "I pronounce to you Mr and Mrs Flynn."  We raised our hands up in the air and off we go to get pictures done.

As night went on everyone was enjoying themselves.  We did the first dance to one of our favorite songs, then we did the father daugther, mother son, it was perfect.  I had nothing to complain about.  It was finally time to go, we wanted to go and enjoy our first night has husband and wife.   Lee, Rachel and the parents told us to leave, they would deal with everything.  They gave us a gift to a sweet hotel room over looking the city, we were in the Honeymoon suite.  As we approached the door, Noah scooped my up in his arms, opened the door walked me over the threshold, "This is what your to do, right?"  I snuggled into his neck with my arms wrapped around his shoulders.  He carried me over to the bed and laid me on it.  

I immediately get up and tell Noah to get organized I need to go slip into something more comfortable, but first I need you to help me out my dress.  As he is helping, he runs his fingers tips down my back slowly, "You know Elle you are driving me crazy."  "I know now I will be right back, so get comfy."  I slip into the bathroom, grab the lingerie Rachel and I bought a few weeks back.  It is white, with teal flowers on it, very short, it is almost see throw.  Once ready, I call from the bathroom, do you have the candles lit and lights out.  "I sure do, hurry up."  I peek my head out the door, I see Noah laying on the bed, naked except for the pillow covering himself up.  I open the door, leaving the light on for a second as I pose up against the door frame.  "Shelly, you need to get over here now, you look so damn hot."  I flick out the light crawl on to the bed, Noah was clutching the pillow so hard as I made my way to him.  He reached his hand out and slid it right down my top and grabbed my breast and very gently pulled me to him.  He finally got on his knees, wrapped his arm around my waist laid me back slowly while kissing my neck, and lips and then start to travel down.  The night was so magical, we made love all night, I couldn't believe it.  We ordered room service for breakfast and laid in bed naked eating it. Noah kept dipping is fingers in the whip cream dabbing it on my neck and licking it off.  We had to be out by 11, so once we got the rest of urges out of our system, we finally got ourselves organized and headed home.

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